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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i would say "dumb illusion" can't see anything scary about it. it is a normal dirty unpainted fence. if you are scared of this fence deadmad because it is high, then i saw much more higher and scarier fences in my life. and if you are really can't sleep and the fence might kill you, then i could understand why you are falling from the stares a lot
  2. this shoutbox looks good. i hope opaque do something about ours. well, i thought it doesn't work because of some bugs or something like this, but if it is as you said then it should be replace. OH my god, we can't be live without shoutbox yeah i agree, i love posting or reading topics and posts and watching what 's going on on shoutbox. i would like the shoutbox to be included in every page.
  3. hahaha...that's the funniest thing i've ever heard...so you fall a lot..now i knew why you named yourself as DEADMAD..haha

  4. i think we should test it first then we decide or opaque decide but we can help him i think we should wait till it works and see. the old one was full of errors too and maybe not compatible with the new theme. i know you miss the shoutbox sky, we all do especially me, i was spamming at myself and talking to myself the whole night
  5. wow,very beautiful and scary . i like it, good work tramposch. i want to participate but i kinda busy this week. so i will wait the next one i think. good luck guys.
  6. yeah, i think that too. four months is more than enough to learn PHP. but if you have a background on programming languages and its structure then you can take a direct way. get a free script for social network, study it to know how it works, after you fully understand it, write your own code. this way you can have a plan on what you should do and how you do it and you can even choose what kind of features you want to add to your code . good luck.
  7. tell me deadmad...who is falling from the stars in your avatar???

    don't tell me it's you..hahahaaa

  8. i can't edit my "about me" tab without getting an html code shown with the writing, especially when i tried adding color. the best thing i got is writing my "about me" in black, and it shows in black with missing words and "[/" in the end of the writing. anyone get the same?
  9. yeah, funny idea deadmad. and ZOZO becom XOXO or SOSO. if there's a chance that this will happen then i will have a lot of fun calling everyone have a Z lettet in his name with S or X. HAHAHAAA
  10. hi nick, welcome here with us in Xisto community. seems you have a lot to share and this is the goal of this forum, "sharing knowledge". we are here help each other and support each other so you are in the right place nick. you can start by reading the rules of the forum from "knowledgesuta guidelines" the rules here are strict and we have a tough moderators of course that what make this forums so special. anyway, read the rules and sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you used it for the forum, and start posting good quality posts or contribute in discussions. this way you will share knowledge, have fun and earn mycent to get a free hosting or a domain name. but these days you won't see a progress in your "mycent" because forums are under upgrade, but that's ok continue posting, the admin here generate a script for counting mycent and it will show up when they finished of the upgrade process. welcome again and good luck.
  11. i don't know if that what you want but i use yahoo messenger to hear whatever i want. and you can choose from many options, newest, oldest, hits of the day, rock, country, classics, jazz, blues, pop....ect. and even each one of them contains more genders to choose from.and it is free, you can only install yahoo messenger, scroll to the bottom and click on "add plugin-ins", choose "yahoo music", then the process installed and you got a lot of stations to listen to.
  12. to me, it is absolutely unacceptable or in fact forbidden. letting teens and young people addict to either alcohol or drugs is a crime that parents should be punished first for not being there for their children. the majority of teens who used these things because they feel insecure, unloved and unaccepted from their family and friends, and this definitely their parents fault . they should watch their children, take good care of them and always make them feel secure and beloved. the others addicted on alcohol or drugs because they have nothing to do and need to try new things of feel cool. and this is also the parents fault, teens should be busy all the time, in study and having fun. parents should let them experience new things, join them to many activities to be useful for themselves and others. all these will built trust between teens and their parents, so even if they do something wrong, they know that they have someone who will understand them and help them.i really think that depending on others or on school to guide children is a horrible mistake. parents should keep an eye on their children even if they getting older and marry, we all make mistakes and we all need someone to help, and the first one we should ask for help are our parents, because they are the ones who should love us unconditionally.
  13. the portal tab is not working, it shows a blank page. i wonder if this is only on my end !! anyway, you are doing a good job guys, keep on working.
  14. WHO KNOWS!!! there are always a new theories and rules appear everyday, we never could guess what will happen and why. i won't surprise if someday they will announce that we live in a simulation world and we are computer programs characters, hahahaaa.
  15. if you want to loose weight, you shouldn't play any sport that may build muscles, building muscles will make you gain weight and eat more. so it is normally to gain weight than loose it. try to run, walk, play aerobics is the best. these kind of light sports with a healthy diet make you shape your body and loose weight.
  16. OH,REALLY, pluto wiped from the solar system!!! i always know that we have nine planets and now became eight?? what is this? i think i read an article about that. they considered Pluto as one of Neptune moons because Pluto is the only planet that move in an oval orbit not circular that makes it crosses with Neptune orbit for a certain period of time " i can't remember it " maybe for months. is this the reason or they found another one?
  17. ok, i will explain something for you, adding feedback to one of your posts in your website is different from from adding a discussion page. for example, if you want visitors to reply and add a feedback to your posts you can do this by adding a comment form but you won't get the ability to make them upload files like pdf files. if you want them to start a discussion and others reply to it, then you should use one of the forums scripts. something like vbulletin or phpbb...ect. and all these can't be done by only javascript or html. because it requires a database for your visitors and interactive script and that needs a programming language like php. so you should start from here, choose what do you want to add and search for the best script that fits your site, if you have any further questions feel free to ask. good luck.
  18. you should give us more details, what you want can be done in many languages. and since you post this in java section, should i assume that you want the script in java or javascript?and are you using a certain CMS like wordpress, joomla, blogger....ect.
  19. But if your heart's not in it for real... Please don't try to fake what you don't feel... If love's already gone... It's not fair to lead me on... Cause I would give the whole world for you... Anything you ask of me I'd do... But I won't ask you to stay...I'd rather walk away... If your heart's not in it ...

  20. knowledgesutra...best forums EVER...

  21. yeah, i can see that the pulldown menu working very good and we can add status from the main page. it seems the toolbar is the one causing all these errors. thank you guys for your hard work. hi, i test the twitter connection, and here's the result: connection to twitter and log in forum working great. updating my profile picture is working. updating my twitter status with my forum status (export) is working. update my forum status with my twitter status (import) is working. update my "about me" with twitter "about me" is not working, i test it many times but no change in my "about me". disconnecting with twitter is working. again i didn't test my avatar, sorry good luck. well, now i checked my "about me" page in forum after i signed in again. and it updated with the "about me" page in twitter.so "about me" page is working too.
  22. well, webishqiptar, you said just what i already said before but in a direct way he must decide what he wants to do, and finish all this. anyway, he didn't reply till now, so i wonder what he did. but i am not very optimist it seems he is hesitant just like her,
  23. well k_nithin_r, these are a lot of interesting options. but i wanted only a newsletter plugin for wordpress, that is not for widgets. anyway what you mentioned seem very interesting. i will put it in my mind. for now i added "NEWSLETTER" plugin, it seems good, and everything work fine but when i tried to update or edit anything in my wordpress dashboard, i got this error. even the change take effect. so, any help will be appreciated.
  24. in "members" tab, i found these: the names of members not showing, only the images and the information, i noticed the names are not showing for the "ALL" tab but they are showing in the alphabetically order, post count, join date the drop down list for "pages" not working. "use advanced filters" is not working. hay guys GOOD WORK, the fast reply editor returns working properly, the pulldown list return to work for just a while and returned not working. and it seems you are working on the live chat either. i will cross my fingers for you, good luck.
  25. thank you anwiii for the advice, i cleared my cache and that solves the notification problem, it returned to zero again. but still can't see the drop down list near my avatar and the drop down list of notification, but better than nothing.
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