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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. @little asterisk you are right i've got the same problem and i reported it a couple days ago here, and it is really annoying since i use the fast reply a lot. but the "add reply" is working fine. @kira i just tested it , you are right, we can't add a status from the main page even i tested before and it was working properly.
  2. When I look at my life How the pieces fall into place It just wouldn't rhyme without you.... When I see how my path Seem to end up before your face The state of my heart The place where we are Was written in the stars...

  3. any time hope you good luck with the new site, and it's HER not HIM ash that happens to me for the hundred time, what!!! nobody see what is written under my avatar it's not about you ash, it always happened to me here maybe i will pm opaque to make my gender in pink
  4. if you want to change your avatar in forums, from your profile> edit my profile> change avatar. remove the old one and after that add the new avatar. if you don't know where this avatar comes from, check your profile for the sites that you connected them with your profile, for example facebook. now it is synchronizing with the forum profile.
  5. well, k_nithin_r, it suppose to be. from the concept of programming language, you are editing data in the database so it is correct but for the forum and xisto i think you should pm a mod.
  6. you really didn't hear about norton antivirus program! anyway, here is the link https://us.norton.com/downloads/ you can download a free trial version and use it to check errors, it is not very effective for viruses but have a lot of features for fixing errors more than any other antivirus, but be careful when you do that. read the instructions carefully before do anything. it can mess your hard disk, i prefer you buck up your data before use it. good luck.
  7. @fougilang you are right, i noticed that too. before "view new content" tab was giving an accurate result but the last few days is not. in fact the forum in general had troubles in the last couple of days. same as the notification counter, it still showing that i have a new pms even after i opened them. but the tab "recently added topics" is useful and working perfectly.
  8. hi trappers,i was online in my yahoo messenger, and suddenly a request for add a friend window pops up, containing nothing but about a hundred "+" sign and a name "silent death spammer". every time i ignore this request it keeps on going. i searched the net about this and found out that it is a pm spammer send by a program for annoying but it is not harmful and i could get rid of it by removing "svchost.exe" from temp and registry and kill "svchost" process. but i did all this and the spamming pms keep pop up, therefore i decided to ask you for help, thank you in advance.
  9. thanks god i thought it could be unreal but found a lot of websites publish the same thing. i know, it was a joke, because Mr. Bean doesn't speak at all in his movies also, i have relatives who live in London, and i do think that British speak a little different from American, maybe because you live there you can't see the different but for foreigners there is differences in accents.
  10. click here NOW WHAT!!! deleting the letter Z from the English alphabet!!! what a crazy idea is this. i don't know what kind of authority that this ELCC have but it really could take such a huge step. to me, i think it is completely nonsense. i like the letter Z in english, where is the wrong if british english is different from american english ?? just a week ago, i read a topic about this book "The American Spelling Book" by Noah Websterhow and how English brought to America by British and how Americans change it through years to become "American English" not only " English". if they start unifying American English and British English they will never end. and finally, we will get Will Smith talking like Mr. Bean don't get me wrong here, i have nothing against British i do love all kind of languages. i like England and how British talk and i like Mr. Bean movies but i do believe that every language and every accent in a certain language has its special characteristics. and i don't like anyone mess with this. nowadays, in every country we can see there are more than one accent in the same language. in some way it gives uniqueness for a certain people. for example, in France, all french talk french language but the accent different from people who live in pairs to people who live in province. in my country, people who live in cities talk differently from people who live in country side. everyone have its special characteristics. the funny thing they mentioned is that, they will replace every word contains Z with X or S depending on its spelling, and here is what we'll get: - zero becomes xero. - zoo becomes xoo. - visualize becomes visualise. - analyze becomes analyse. sounds funny to me. anyway, this is my opinion, what about yours??
  11. lately i noticed in "fast reply" editor, everything i write is posted without spaces whereas i add spaces when i write for text organization. anyway, it looks really ugly, so i use the edit button to add spaces and it works.
  12. i am not quiet sure, but i suggest you to check your hard disk for errors first. Norton antivirus has a great tool for checking errors. and you mentioned that you reformatted your hard disk, well i don't know about windows 7, but for windows xp, if i want to check if i have a bad sector or not, i don't choose the quick format option, i choose the full format option, it takes longer but check every sector in your hard disk. also if that freeze happened only when you play games, then i suggest you to swap your video card with another one and see what will happen. maybe the problem in your video card. also try checking the fans of your processor, what k_nthin_r said is absolutely right, if your processor heats up, its speed will slow down until it stops causing everything related to it stop either.so check these for the first and post what you get. good luck.
  13. XAMPP is the best local server that i've ever used, it is even better than IIS that is supported by microsoft and should be compatible with your operating system. XAMPP is open source, easy to learn, got a lot of features and free.
  14. i am using firefox right now, and the pull down menu next my picture in the right upper corner doesn't work either. it navigates me directly to my profile. i tried to disable javascript on my end, the user toolbar disappears and i could see the pull down menu near my picture but it doesn't dynamic any more it still showing on the top of everything.
  15. well simpleton, i never noticed anything different in my twitter page. i still have the same flowers and following number, and i am sure of that because i post in my blog once a week and check my site in general everyday. or maybe they give me an exception because i live in turkey, just kidding. anyway nothing unusual about my tweeter.??@truefusion, in tweeter we don't force people to follow us, we just post our topics in public and who read your post and like it, will follow you.
  16. hi ash, i take a quick tour in your website and here is my opinion: - the layout in general is good. simple and paying attention. but you should use more attraction effects. for example, add a flash logo to advertise your services and hosting plan. - the logo in the header looks good but not suitable to the site. you can do little changing and it will looks great. for example, make it 3D with smooth edges and change the letter of "itneed" to "ITneed". - in "hosting plan" tab separate the hosting plan in a table or div with different background color to pay more attention for your hosting plan. - in "special offer" tab you should use the min-height property in css to make your footer still in the bottom and don't jump up when you don't have offers. - on "order" tab, your tabs don't appear you should add it to make it easy to navigate through your site. - in "about us", "contact us" and "support" i think you should add a div or table with a light background color to make it looks better. that's all, good luck
  17. @buffelohelp, so you want more, ok i will try to make another one, once i get a new idea.
  18. ok, more bugs to be reported, but don't shoot me admins - notifications don't synchronize with the new pms, that means when i received a new message i got number 1 in each of notification and near my avatar in the right upper corner of the form, when i opened the pm, the 1 near my avatar disappears but the 1 near notifications still until open it. - can't add more than one comment to other member's status, i tried that both in "recent status updates" in the main page and from the member profile but every time i've been navigated to the top of the forum. - the editor for fast reply didn't work, i can't use any quotes or emotions .
  19. well kira, i agree with you things getting bad here. but it is all a matter of time as you said before. also, completing the upgrade is so difficult process to be done. especially for a forum like Xisto with a huge database, and more than 64.ooo members. therefore, upgrading needs a lot of work since the forum already had been optimized many times before, that means a lot of scripts had been added by the admins to gave a special look for the forums. therefore, absolutely it will take time to make everything work as usual. and to get everything work and compatible with the new theme. add to all that the new scripts are being added to the forum.
  20. another important error, this is the first time i am suffering of posting something here. the words in "fast reply" editor keep disappeared every time i click outside the page or open a new tab. it even disappeared when i clicked inside the editor, this is a serious problem please fix as soon as you can.
  21. OK, things getting WORSE the last few days, i don't know why but it is. most of the members are not active, and if they enter the forums they just passing by or complaining about the problems here, can't navigate, no shoutbox, mycent not update, annoying toolbar... i wonder why? what's happened the last few days? everything was great just a week ago, and the forums revived again. is it you tired of waiting and can't be patient any more? or WHAT? it's something like the magic that companion the new theme disappeared suddenly, therefore now,i have to words to say. ONE @ADMINS: i know you are doing your best, and you are really dong a great job here i can see things fixed or updated every time i enter the forum. but i hope you can speed up the process more. at least fix the things that have the first priority to the members like the SHOUTBOX, most of the members come to here to get rid from the stress of life or study and to post, read interesting topics and talk to their friends in shoutbox. also, it will be so useful to have a shoutbox or live chat working again right now, to let the members sharing ideas and letting them asking each others about what they want to know in the new theme. another important thing that mycent, if the update of mycent will be late more, a lot of members especially the new members who don't have enough mycent and they joined the forum for the free hosting will get their account suspended, and that will make them loosing the trust in system here. i think these are the most important things to be fixed, i hope you can do something as soon as you can. SECOND @MEMBERS: please be more PATIENT, it's a hard time for everyone, for admins and members. so we should help as much as we can, and in any way we can. complaining won't take us to any where but supporting, posting will help everyone to pass this mess. i know it is hard to deal with the forum right now but after all we are all TRAPPERS and we can do it. we can navigate through the forums, continue posting in spite of the errors and bugs here, after all it's just a matter of time and everything will be fixed soon. if we can't do that, then who can??
  22. i agree with you, i found it as a handy tool and gives a new look to the forum. but in the other hand, i think it causes some problems like the drop down list of the notification and member setting and lately, i noticed a kind of mess when i signing in the forum. like, before signing in i can see my avatar in the right upper side of the forum with the "sign in" words. and after i signed in my avatar disappeared. so, i sign out and resign in again and everything work great. i don't know if this problem caused by the tool bar or not but it happened three times the last few days.
  23. thank you stvenwesley for these information. i found it very useful, since i am one of those who wants to read ebooks on my phone if i have a time. and the application you mentioned will make things easier to me, thank you for sharing.
  24. maybe you should talk a little about yourself first. anyway, welcome in Xisto community, we are all here helping each other, talk, have fun and get mycent to buy a free hosting or a free domain name. i suggest you to read the rules of the forum first, which you find it in the right upper side of the forum "Xisto guidelines". i know you think things are messed up here, but it is not the forum is under upgrading now and everything will be great in a very short time.also, be sure to sign up in Xisto - Support using the same email you signed up for the forum to earn mycent, after that start posting good quality topics or choose a category that suits your interests and contribute the discussions. good luck.
  25. WOW...FINALLY got 5000 hits on my blog...PROUD of myself...

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