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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, i still a faithful user for windows xp even i have a licensed windows vista and heard a lot of features about windows 7. windows xp sp3 is working great to me and compatible with all my programs. i didn't used windows 7 yet so i can't make a comparison but lately i did a favor to a friend who have windows 7 installed on his netbook and tried to install some programs, but i couldn't do that on windows 7 because some of compatibility problems. therefor, i think you should keep your windows xp as long as it works fine for you.
  2. great idea soviet, recently you have brilliant ideas to support this forum, not meaning you didn't have any before and i think that opaque should pay you for that hahaaaa now seriously, i like the idea and support you completely but i think you shouldn't put it in public unless we get more trappers again. i mean after the upgrade of the forum finished and mycent back again and everything back to normal. or your chat will end up including me,you,anwiii,bani and ash for the most, . really i don't want to depressed you but unfortunately this is the truth and i don't want you to be disappointed again. anyway, this is only my opinion so good luck soviet.
  3. hay, and i was reading it, hahaha. good for you, and good luck soviet hope everything will be alright.
  4. well, we are all here have our own websites and absolutely we don't laugh at this. anyway, this is the introduction category and maybe you should talk more about yourself. for all of us we joined this forum for getting a free hosting and domain name at first but latter we realized that this is one of the most unique community i've ever see. we are here help each other and support each other. even now when the forum is under upgrade and a lot of works be done in the background, thank for our admins.first you should sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you signed up here, read the forums rules from "Xisto guidelines" and after that start posting good quality posts to get mycent that let you earn the free hosting or domain name, for now you won't see any change because of the upgrade process but there's a script running to collect mycent of every post you write, so just continue posting and contribute in discussion and you will get your hosting soon, good luck.
  5. "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." - Napoleon Hill.

    1. web_designer


      yeah ..i believe that too..

    2. anwiii


      yea, either that or a need for an asprin!

    3. web_designer


      i usually take panaol...hahaha

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  6. i don't know if this can help you or not, it is a way of tracking sites from cookies in many browsers http://www.ehow.com/info_8452692_computer-cookie.html and these are add on firefox, check it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and this is a useful programs for tracking websites on your local computer https://www.mydigitallife.info/2008/09/23/download-free-iehistoryview-tool-to-track-visited-website/ http://www.staffcop.com/features/websites.php and check this also http://all-spy.com/process/route/1576837425.html?refresh=noscript i really wish you good luck with this, it is very important to keep an eye on your younger brother. teens really can do stupid things sometimes and need a guide in their lives, good luck.
  7. in this topic i want to add an important thing that we didn't talk about.we all know that depression is a slow pain that eat us inside, that maybe ends in a few hours, in a few days or in a few months, depending on who we are and what are we capable of. my new addition here is GOD. GOD is the true power in our life, this power that gives us faith, believe and the ability to continue living no matter how we live. although GOD is the ultimate power that show us the way but not everyone depend on it when be in troubles. if we every time feel depressed, cross our hands and pray from our heart and ask GOD for our interior peace i am sure we will feel more peaceful and relieved. maybe it's not work for everyone but at least it works for me, it kinda depending on the faith we kept inside our soul. i tried that many times before whenever i feel so depressed or lost and no one could help me, i just pray for my god from the bottom of my heart and i always could see my way back and feel much more better, thank you GOD for being always by my side and never let me down, you are the only truth that never change in our life and our only shelter.
  8. the number that appears next chat tab about how many people are now chatting in chat room is not showing the correct number, and after i enter the chat room it shows the right number of people chatting. same thing to the "member active in live chat" in the end of the main page, is also doesn't show the correct members.i don't know if it is only me who can see that or anybody else do?
  9. because you can't ask things don't relate with the topic, especially in introduction category. if you have a question about something just choose its appropriate category and ask whatever you want.
  10. very beautiful,i always kind of picky to poem but i like it a lot, thank you for sharing.
  11. ok so we are three now. hope there's more to give their opinion here, maybe we could convince opaque to do that for us.
  12. well, we are all trying to get knowledge in our lives, either by studying or by experiences in real life and all will lead us to be better persons so we can pass this knowledge to others and help them be inform either. as i said before it is a big circle.
  13. i think what you said here like a poetry. and you are good in determining qualities even as anwiii said you related the harsh qualities to males and soft qualities to females, hahaaa but you are right in a way.
  14. WOW, so anwiii could play piano!!!!! common trappers how many of you want to hear him play? i do, and i am sure half of the members here do either. exactly, opaque just take it easy and she will appear in your life suddenly and you will know that she is the one, no matter if she fits your list or not. i think you will forget everything about your grocery list and fall for her even she was ugly or can't cook.
  15. i love the design and color of the main page but i think it doesn't fit with the forum color. so you can just change the background color of the main page and make it exactly the same color of the forum and i think it will be great since the orange and yellow are fit with the dark blue either. and since we talk about the main page i think you did a great work with the design but i don't know why you let the logo edges appear like that, you can make it blend or fade with the background to look better. you can do that either by make the sparkle logo transparent and add it to the background or by use brushes or blur to fade the edges. anyway, it is up to you after all and this is only my opinion.
  16. well opaque, i agree with anwiii you are acting strange recently but i am happy because you are contributing more in the forum and you always come up with the most strange and useful ideas that we never thought of before and this time meeting the god!!!! i think the only way that you can meet the god is when you are dead. this way you will be in another world who knows what it is and you have the chance of seeing your god. in fact, inside me i believe that if i was in a trouble and pray and ask my god for help from all my heart, then i really feel it inside me and there's someone listening to me, someone bigger than me, more merciful and powerful than any one in the world. this is the moment when you could say that you met your god. but i thought you want to get married and have kids, so put this idea away and pray and ask the god for a good wife.
  17. thanks you a lot little asterisk, very useful links. i am really appreciated.
  18. agree on that, we are now living in a big circle of information. use information, exchange information we even learn children how to use it and this way we pass information. sometimes i think that we are living in matrix full of numbers and algorithms. however, the information is a horrible weapon, because we can either use it correctly and get benefit from it or use it in a bad way and harm or abuse others and this what makes people sometimes limiting themselves from using technology, and stay away from the world of information.
  19. now this is what i call it "great words", well done sheepdog. i agree with you completely. if you find a woman who loves you for what you are, then you will be happy for the rest of your life. no matter if she cooks or dance or uses facebook.
  20. as deadmad said, drugs that are givin by a doctor in a certain situation is useful to heal the people, and make them no harmful for themselves and the others. but drugs like marijuana and cocaine are killer weapons that bring death and misery to the one who use them and the people around them.and i really pitted any one in this situation, it is weak to give up like this and destroy your life just because you don't have the ability to fight anymore.
  21. i feel the same, i prefer it be in the top of everything where we can chat and follow what's going on in the forum. it is much fun this way i think. hope opaque can do it.
  22. i think you are talking about the codes and how the scripts work. if that what you meant then i should forget it, i never worked on forum scripts before only know how in install them. and after what you announce here, if i i want to give a try then never gonna do it .
  23. are you living now in the chat room saint_michael????

  24. well, i do. the only one who post in my blog is me . i get spams from the comments, i don't know why these visitors bother themselves to post such long and useless comments just to annoy me. therefore i need a solution. thank you for your reply truefusion.
  25. hay, young man. love and marriage SHOULD be connected. you can't get married if there's no love. you can love a girl and not marry her, but you can't NEVER marry a girl without loving her. people are different, no matter how much you have the same interests and thoughts. but still there are differences, love is what makes people accept each other as they are, or help them to change. if you are intending to get married for others reasons then you will be living in hell SOONER or LATER .
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