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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, i think that submitting a ticket and pm opaque are the same things, as i know opaque checks both of them daily, if not then others do, i mean checking the xisto emails. maybe they delay of responding but they read them any way. also doing the both things is good to get a quick reply. and after all everything about mycent is related to the hosting i guess.
  2. this is strange, because most of us received an email telling us that we earned about 0$ dollars which is kind of a bug as rpgsearcherz said but it is a sign that the system is back to work. and when i check my xisto account and i found the new amount of mycents are added to it. so, if you want submit a ticket about that and wait till they reply.
  3. ok, i am going to give you a headache about this issue, how to calculate the average of different data inputs? the whole subject started when opaque announced that i earned 46 USD from 443 posts, and anwiii calculate the average of my ALL POSTS that they will be equal 10 cents for each post. then i disagreed with him, because he can't assume that all my posts ARE EQUAL so he can't get the same average for all of them. i mean i may write a post or a topic about 2-3 lines and get 10 cents but definitely i will earn more if i wrote a post about 10-20 lines, regardless others factors that affect mycent system, because i am talking about mathematic in here. and i am considering only the long of the posts. i think getting the same average for all posts is wrong because according to anwiii's way i got 10 cents of ALL MY POSTS, either they are two lines long or twenty lines long. now i have another way to calculate average for all posts but according th their value, by dividing them to groups ACCORDING TO THEIR AMOUNT OF LINES, multiply a certain ratio to each posts in a group like (0.5, 1, 2, 4) then use the new number to calculate the average of each post. so i will assume that i have four groups: group A: for post from 2-5 lines. group B: for post from 5-10 lines. group C: for post from 10-20 lines. group D: for post from 20-40 lines. And I will also assume that I have 400 posts and got 40$ dollars, I will distribute these 400 posts to each group as following: Group A 70 posts Group B 200 posts Group C 100 posts Group D 30 posts I will assume that the value of each post depending on its amount of lines so I will give each group a certain ratio to get the average of each post according its value, it will be like this: Group A each post will be multiply by 0.5 Group B each post will be multiply by 1 Group C each post will be multiply by 2 Group D each post will be multiply by 4 So now I will multiply the number of each posts in a group with its ratio to get a new number that represent the value of posts in that group. 70*0.5 =35 200*1 =200 100*2 =200 30*4 =120 I will get the summation of all of them and divide it by the amount of money I got (40$). 35+200+200+120 = 555 40/555 = 0.072 This number (0.072) is the value of each post according to its value. Now to make sure that my math is correct then I should get something approximately to the amount of 40$, if I multiply this number with the number of posts in each group. 0.072 *35 = 2.52 the amount of $ for group A 0.072 *200 = 14.4 the amount of $ for group B 0.072 * 200 = 14.4 the amount of $ for group C 0.072 *120 = 8.64 the amount of $ for group D And the summation of all these amounts should be approximating to 40$ 2.52+14.4+14.4+8.64 = 39.96 ≈ 40$ Now I think that this math make sense because (70 posts) earned (2.52) because they contain only 2-3 lines, whereas (30 posts) earned (8.64) because they contain from 20-40 lines. Same thing for (200 posts) and the (100 posts) they earned the same because writing 200 posts from 5-10 lines should be equal writing 100 posts from 10-20 lines. I hope you get me here, and this proved my point. it is something like calculating the students degrees in university, p mean the GPA, in the end of the year or the semester, each subject will be multiplying by the number of its hours a week to get a new number which mostly called points, then calculate the summation of the points of all the subjects, and divide the total of these points by the (the number of weekly hours of all subjects*100). again please it is all about math and how to get the average of different data inputs, not about mycent. so correct me if i am wrong please.
  4. well i thought the problem is java is not installed in your computer, and the chat room needs java to works fine. you can download it from this link https://www.java.com/en/download/ and try it in firefox first, then internet explorer. in fact i suggest you to use the browser opera for the chat room, because i have firefox, opera and internet explorer, and the chat room works the best in opera, in others it is lagging. so download java and test the chat room in all these browsers and use the best that works for you.
  5. i think you should wait more, as rpgsearcherz and opaque said the mycents system is still in beta, so it is naturally there will be many bugs in it. even some didn't get affected but i think that this is from your bad luck . so cheer up, wait for more days and see what will happen, if it stills the same then submit a ticket in your xisito account and if you not get any response then pm opaque and i am sure he will fix things, good luck.
  6. now i read this topic for the first time and couldn't understand anything till i googled "Paul the octopus" and understood. now what is this all about??what is the relation between animals and the world's cup?and do people really believe in that?please anyone explain to me.
  7. yeah, so spin won, and i thought it will be brazil this year, but unfortunately it was not. but i am kind of satisfied because i love spin as a country and we always say it is a game and let's the best wins. and even i didn't follow the whole matches, but i was following the results through the net after all it is interesting to see all the players do their best and competing like that, the fans getting crazy, ...ect, i love the world cup . so i will say congratulation to spin and seeya till the next world cup.
  8. well, this is even more weird i think, because you have a profile in here and you are still a guest??? maybe there is some error in the system here, or there's another explanation i am not quite sure how much it is right. since this profile is been created four years ago so maybe it is all about the email. sometimes when emails are expired or needed activation especially in yahoo mail, they are been deleted for that user and not accessible any more, and that account could be taken by any other new user when sign up in yahoo mail for example. if i remember right in yahoo mail old users have three months to activate their emails if not it will be expired. so maybe if you created your email through these four years, and it was belong for an old member in this forums before, then this is why you are now getting emails from the forum.
  9. i found this script for banner rotator, it is simple and works fine, i tested it myself. so i though it may help. this code will be in a separate php file, for example banner.php. <?php$Img1 ="path image1 ";$Img2 ="path image2 ";$Img3 ="path image3 ";$num = rand (1,3);$Image = ${'Img'.$num};Print "<img src=\"".$Image."\" >"; ?> and you must use the include function to call banner.php <?php include("banner.php");?>
  10. i always think that these little small gifts are the true key to heal our lonely soul. we can heal anything physical but it is too hard to heal the wounded soul, the pain inside us may eat us slowly if we couldn't control it. but in the middle of all that, suddenly, a smile, a blooming flower, a sun rise or watching a child or a pet plays, will bring peace to our soul and draw a smile on our face. it is really a shame to waste these gifts or ignore them, they are free and exist everywhere around us just we should pay attention to them and seek for them when we need to relax or feeling peaceful.
  11. you get my point in here, even i personally don't like fights but i am fond of discussions this is one of my sins that was driving my father crazy and even my friends were drag me away from any discussion because i can't stop till i convince the other part or get convinced, it is kind of crazy i know but it is kind of fun and interesting since these discussions are reasonable and covered with respect. i missed this part in my life for a long time and now when i discus and get angry i smile and remember i miss all that . but still always thinking that all these things should never affect friendship but it should make it stronger and tighter but really some didn't understand that.
  12. in general, i hate both of them but sometimes when i should choose between them then i choose pepsi, why? because i think it tastes better than coke and for some reason we are as a family mostly drink pepsi, maybe it is a tradition, i don't know. and when they bring some, i don't drink from it at all if it is coke, but i could drink a little if it is pepsi.
  13. i feel that i should add something to this topic, i think there is another interesting side of being part of a big community. here you can discuss, share ideas compete or even fight with others it is something like being in a family or between close friends. sometimes you may feel bad or angry or annoyed but you will always know that those people were next by you in a way or another, and you will be appreciated to them and feel better because you will always be part of this community no matter what.
  14. sorry really for being out of the main topic. i will start a new topic about that, again sorry for confusing you here and full the topic of math and formulas.
  15. why???....always hate still wondering...

    1. web_designer


      no i am not chini...sometimes i keep on thinking till my head explode...

    2. anwiii


      do you need some tape to piece your head back together?

    3. web_designer


      yeah please do...

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  16. i absolutely agree with them, i doubt anyone now using phone books anymore, i could get whatever i want through the internet, or by calling anyone to ask him for anything i want or calling the customer servces to get any number i want, so it is a waste of papers and effort. but in the same time i think till now there are some people who using phone books especially those who don't know how to use computers and the internet, so i think they should continue publishing it for five or ten years more. so it is all depend on the country and the level of technology used in that country.
  17. no i don't have to anwiii, because i already did fix it in the first page of this thread, but opaque picked the wrong logo to use in his last post, check it please.
  18. thank you guys for these informations.@rpgsearcherz, i do reformat every 4-6 months, my operating system won't survive more . @truefusion, i will keep that program in mind in case my operating system starts slowly but till now it works fine.@asad1, it seems like that, all the problem with my windows cd.@deadmad, i already did all what you said, disabled programs from msconfig and cleaned the registry using ccleaner.@abazi16, i am thinking of switching to linux but i can't right now, thank you for your suggestion.@mahesh, i will keep your advices in mind thank you.
  19. thank you deadmad i will try and see, but i think it will look fade a little, well maybe i will try it if opaque replied that he wants that too, i don't want to change it again if he didn't like it so i will wait and see. @rvalkass, good work your logo is simple and elegant i like it.
  20. well, this is not the first time i hear that google giving up windows and microsoft, but i don't think that they promote linux or any other company or product, they are only use what benefits them. and unfortunately, windows shows a lot of flaws and less security lately therefor they have the right to replace it with a better operating system like MAC or LINUX even if that's mean they are promoting for them, and showing that they are not trusted in windows anymore, after all it's all about business.
  21. well, first welcome back again. and for your questions, yes Xisto is Xisto, the administrator changed the name a few months ago. and after that he changed the theme and added some more features, and as you can see they are all for the best and a step forward. but still the forums in core is the same, posting to get a free hosting or a domain name, he even added some new packages for hosting if you want check them from here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28-alerts-and-notices/ and mycent system is returned to work just two days ago, it was stopping because of the forums upgrade but everything was counted through another script. and opaque add some other features to it you could check his announcement. good luck again in here.
  22. @little asterisk@anwiiiagain you both of you are wrong, anwiii you almost understood me there but you stopped till you reached the group average. ok seems this topic will be a math course hahaa.when you get an average for many groups different in the their percentage rate for example the average of group1 (the average here has been taken as 100%)is (88), the average of group2 (the average here has been taken as 50%) is (30), and the average of group3 (the average here has been taken as 25%) is (20). then simply you can get the whole averages of them all, by unification all the averages to be from 100%, then you can get the final average by dividing it by 3. the easiest way to unify the averages of(50% and 25%) by converting them according this formula to convert the average of 50% to 100%:30/50=x/100x*50=30*100x=30*100/50=60to convert the average of 25% to 100%:20/25=x/100x*25=20*100x=20*100/25=80the total average will be= 88+60+80=228/3=76according to your calculation anwiii the result will be= 88+30+20=138/3=46in fact, this is how i was calculating students average degrees in collage, because the degree of the class maybe calculated as 50% and the lab as 50%. according to your way of calculation all my students must be failed .so, what do you think now???who is bad in math
  23. i recommend you "C++ for dummies", and don't be offended please i don't mean you are a dummy or something like that, but i do like these series of books for dummies i use it myself if i want to learn anything from scratch. because the author always assume you don't know anything about the subject and start explaining everything from scratch even the small details. if you check it you will understand what i am talking about. it is about 432 pages, the last edition was in may 2009,even its price is reasonable about i think.here is the link of the book, check it if you want. http://www.dummies.com/store/product/C-For-Dummies-6th-Edition.productCd-0470317264,navId-322467,descCd-description.html and this is the table of contents.
  24. sorry but both of you are wrong, you can't calculate the average of different data inputs, if you want the real average then you should separate each post according the amount of lines it contain in groups and calculate the average of each group. this is how you calculate the average, for example we calculate the average of a student degrees which all of them between 0-100, we get the summation and divide it on the number of the courses he took. but we can't do the same if he has one or two courses between 0-50 then we should get their average separately. same like posts in here, hope you get me in here. seems like both of you are bad in math .
  25. it is a good one deadmad, i really like it i love the way you choose the orange with the white, they are so suitable with the background. and i love that little fire , good job.
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