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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. now Bikerman you really like to argue with everyone. and if you think you could involve me in this argument then you are wrong. i was only stating my opinion. one last word, i respect others beliefs and opinions even if i disagree with them. but i respect the reasonable beliefs and ideas, like religions. not the opinion of a killer or a paedophile. why? because it is against the law and the mind. and from the same source i said that even i respect islam but i am against killing in its all kind. and for your information, when you shout for the freedom of speech , then you should shout for the freedom of religion and the freedom of thoughts. as long as it is a personal thing that doesn't affect other's freedom or hurt them in any way. this is all i have to say in this topic. farewell.
  2. hahaaa, mahesh this is the funniest thing i've ever heard. now you gonna set that poor guy with a third girl .
  3. it is really a good one zanzibarjones, i like your way of imagining things and designing. here i like that blue ribbon the most waiting for more of your works.
  4. now i think i have an obligation to say something. i live in middle east all my life, and Islam is the main religion in here. therefore i must say NOT ALL MUSLIMS AGREE ON KILLING OR STARTING A WAR, just if someone insult their god or their prophet. why? because it is a personal choice, that a human take, to commit a certain religion or not. either others do the same or not, it is their choice too. and islam absolutely encourages the freedom of speech and anyone say it is not then please read more. the sad truth about islam here, is nowadays, there are many doctrines and directions, each one of them have their own rules. and some of them, are really go out of the right way, they kill, they lie by the name of god. and this is a completely wrong.and i really agree with anwiii with a lot of points here, this topic is full of disrespecting to each other believes. we are all friends here, we should respect and admire each other beliefs. and more, we shouldn't try to convince others with our beliefs or religion. it is completely wrong and don't lead to anywhere, in fact it is the short way to lose friends and people's respect. therefor i never reply to topics like this. it is always a worthless argument that only brings hate and disrespect. and try to talk about the real world biggest problems in here.
  5. hahaa, very typical from you anwiii, now after all that arguing in here this is the funnest thing i read in this topic . good work anwiii, now i will reply and say the opposite. men are the biggest problem in the world, you can't live with them or without them hahaaa.
  6. can't agree more with you anwiii, you just said the right thing. Confusedd, you are really confused. you should take a space for yourself and clear your head and relax to know what you truly feel. what you are talking about is everything BUT absolutely not LOVE. it could be respect, admiration, friendship and deep friendship but absolutely not love. and your desire of being close to two women proves that. you can't love two women in one time right!!! this is not reasonable at all.now i can say that you are a sensitive person and those girls are same as you in so many ways, like three of you have the same qualities, love the same things or even different but in the same way. maybe what i am saying is not making any sense, but it is to me. i remember when i was in college i was so close to three of my best friends. when i was in the last year, i had a really bad time thinking that i am gonna be apart from them. i lived in depression for many months but i survived and each one of us now has his own life to live. sometimes when we feel that we found the right friend, and we share a lot with him/her, we start misjudging our thinking of him/her. or we get confused with our feelings, we may even feel so sad to stay away from him/her or thinking we may be apart from them. but the reality is, we should take our space and let him/her to take his or her. or we may lose that friend or mess his/her life. when eventually you will find out that it is not love and you ruined a deep friendship and both of your lives. therefore we should always think carefully before taking any steps that we may regret in the future. and we should always remember that friendship is the other side of love that never stainless.
  7. it is funny when i call you in the chat room and you answered "WHAT!"...it is like i am calling you from out door and you appear from the window, saying what!...haha..just make sure don't pour water on me please hahaaa...next time i will bring chini to call you with me...i wonder what you gonna do!! :)

  8. thanks for the encouragement guys i know i can pass it. but i am worry if i can't get the scores i want which it should be not less than 440, or i will be wasting my time and i should repeat the exam again. 440 is the minimum scores required from any college or university for computer science department. and i want to take an extra courses in computer science and i can't do that if i don't get 440 scores in TOFEL exam. this is my whole problem in here .
  9. yeah zanzibarjones, please do. maybe your one will encourage opaque to change the current logo. and when deadmad said, he got sick of it, between me and myself, i said OH, GOD, i really get sick sick of it. it should be replaced with any logo presented here. they are all better than the current one, in my point of view. or at least, any graphic designer could fix it to be more suitable to the forums. i hope opaque will have the time to replace it or fix the current one as soon as possible. i am here most of the time, even if i was away from keyboard. i open the site and go to do works but keep an eye on the laptop. and always the first thing i see is this logo. it chasing me now everywhere hope it will be changed soon.
  10. first, i wish you luck with your project. about what services you should offer, i think"Web design and development" and "Web Hosting" should be the main services to offer your clients a full services. about "Web Support and Maintenance" should be an extra services i think, as well as "Graphics Logo design" because not much want these services. about "Newsletter online marketing" i am not quiet sure if it will be useful or not, i don't have enough information about that.about the web design training for high school students. i think it needs a lot of work and a new plan. since you want to give them certifications then it should be a popular one and well known in the web design field. and since there is a certification then it should be an exam online, which means more effort and more work and more planning. i think the easiest way is to get the permission of those big companies that offer courses and certifications for those who want to pass their exams. like MICROSOFT EXAM (MCTS or MCPD...ect) or CCNA or CISCO. these are big companies that offer a worthy certifications, maybe some of what i mentioned are not for wen design but i give you an example. if you think it is a huge project to start with, try to create your own blog and post tutorials to high school student and this only needs an experienced writer who knows how to design, and of course it won't be any certification.
  11. i like what you wrote anwiii. deep and strong meanings. keep on writing my friend and post them here to share us your thoughts.
  12. GREATE, so we finally got another SOTW. i think i will participate this week. i hope a lot will do either. good luck for everyone, and thanks tramposch.
  13. congratulations zanzibarjones, so you finally got your mycent, i am happy for you . from now on your mycent will be updated regularly like ours. i told you it is just a matter of time and finally you will earn all you deserve for your posting in here. i hope the system be out of beta as soon as possible and returns work like before, then you and every new member will feel relax when your mycent will be updated instantly every time it reaches 1$.
  14. no, there is a schedule for TOFEL exam in the whole world. the questions are unified for each exam. when i want to take it i should choose a date, that suits me and register for the exam before minimum two weeks. all that is done on line, in the TOFEL official site. and thank you for your nice wishes .
  15. oh no Shahrukh, it is your right since you have enough mycent to get your free domain name. don't give up, i am sure there is a mistake. just submit a ticket and wait for their response. all this mess because of the changes in the forums and the whole company since opaque is transferring to a new office. be patient please and you will get yours.
  16. i agree with you zanzibarjones, we should accept death and not make it a big deal or it will ruin our life. we should live our life like we will live forever and focus on being successful persons, in the same time not forgetting that there is a god watching us and looking for us. however, the whole meaning of my topic was not fearing from death, but how death may change our life or direct it to a different ways.
  17. well simpleton, not yet. i finished studying for the exam. i have two books, and they helped me a lot. i finished them three months ago, and i think i am ready for the exam but i have a reason not to take it now, so i am delaying things to the last moment . now i keep on learning new vocabularies that may help me in topics. and when i take the exam i will make sure to tell you guys. thank you all for your responses.
  18. you are right zanzibarjones, i always make sure that my work will be unique and not repeated. seeing a lot of similar designs not giving uniqueness and make things look repeated even if they are not. so i always make sure to add my personal touch of my works to make sure i am the one in this field not another amateur. @maggot, when me and others told you to post your signature in another thread, we did that to avoid you from getting those notices. when you post in a thread of yours, you will get all the feedback for you and everyone will focus on your work. adding to that it is part of the rules i think.
  19. good question simpleton, i want to know the answer too. for me, here is what i am going to do. my domain where my blog is right now is(http://meinterest.com/), now i will keep the same path but it will lead to the home page. in the home page there will be links for my blog and for my portfolio. and i will add the recent posts of my blog in the home page and the recent design of my portfolio. the path of my blog will be (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and the path for my portfolio will be (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). i will put each one in a separate folder in the cpanal. and the home page will be absolutely dynamic, index.php. so what do you think guys??
  20. yeah thank you vhortex for those information. it is really useful, from now on i won't use any new application. i already deleted a lot and kept only few who i use them long time ago. also i deleted my personal photos and set more privacy setting. hope that will work and not seeing another links posted on my wall's friend again.
  21. yeah zanzibarjones, i agree with the simpleton. keep on posting and wait for the next update of mycent system. if not, and still not seeing your mycent then try to pm opaque about the problem, and i am sure he will fix things. good luck.
  22. "?"...sheeeesh...hmmmm...re.....they are all mine now...MY WORDS...:) :) :):)

    1. web_designer


      don't ever think of it...

    2. deadmad7
    3. web_designer


      be careful trappers..i will make you pay about 5$ for anyone using my words without my permission...and i can make a discount if you asked me first...:)

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  23. you are absolutely in the right place pixee, if you want to create your own blog and don't know a lot, you can only post your question here, in the right category and you will find a lot who are willing to help you. besides, posting and discussing with others and sharing opinions will make you earn mycent that allows you to get a free hosting or a free domain name. so welcome here, do you best in posting good quality posts and have fun.
  24. welcome in Xisto community. there are a lot of science and technology around here. and people like to chat, exchange knowledge and thoughts. so you are in the right place i guess. have fun and good luck.
  25. you did the right thing zanzibarjones. and it is always refreshing to hear such stories because this means that there are some people care about others these days. away from religion, because all religions support such actions and ask for it. we as humans, we should take care of each others. when i walk in the street and see an old man or woman who is begging for food and i have a money, even a little, then i should give some to him or her. because simply this money i have may save that one's life or buy him or her food for that day. therefore, my answer is yes, i will always give money to beggars, because i am a human before being religious and i believe in helping others and believe in paying forward. i experienced that personally, if i helped a beggar with anything i can, it will be repayed for me later, in a way or another. it is something like following the goodness in our heart will bring more happiness in the long run.
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