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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. Xisto Board hi trappers... this time i came up with new, fun and interesting idea. and i hope you will join me and support me to make it successes. the whole idea based on making a BOARD for Xisto members, something like school board. it is an image i made in shape of a board, and member's avatars and their names will be added to it.BUT according to these rules: - i won't add any member unless he asked me for, i mean he/she should post here and ask me to add his/her avatar or profile photo to the board. - if that member wants to stay on Xisto board, he/she should be active. at least posting from time to time, or joining others in chat room or do any activity in the forums. so, members who come and go, will be deleted from the board. - members who are in risk of being deleted from the board, i will put a stamp on them with the word "WANTED" to be alerted that they are not active and should be around. - every time i will edit the board, either add, delete or put a "WANTED" stamp on someone, i will post the board again. - and this board will be posted on Xisto facebook page, so guys you will be popular . so as you can see, it is like a board that appreciates active members in the forums. and even everyone are allowed to be added but to still on Xisto board, they should do a better job in here. so what do you think? WANNA JOIN ME...and be on the board?? now, this is the board till now, and i already added a stamp on someone to show you how it will look like...
  2. drinking now my first cup of coffee in a month or more...and it tastes really awesome...anybody wanna a cup??

    1. web_designer


      oh you sing for me to get a cup of coffee..hmmm..i will send you two now...:)

    2. anwiii


      yey wd! i am glad you get to enjoy your coffee again!

    3. web_designer


      yeah once in a month is ok...and it is good for flue i guess..so i took it as an excuse hahahaa..

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  3. for me, i didn't use any CMS before. but when i wanted to start with a one, i made a quick search and decided that wordpress is the best to start with. and now i really feel it is the best, at least for me. it has a lot of features that make our job easier and proficient. and i think it is suitable for beginner and professional developer. therefor i know i will stick with it forever i guess .p.sthanks for this useful topic little asterisk, you always come up with good ones
  4. i just tested mine,and i did entered in a second. so it seems that it is just happening with you. and i remember this happened for another member but when he was trying to enter the forums notxisto. now, did you register there with exactly the same email you used for the forums?? and did you check your email? you may received any email from xisto. please make sure of those two and reply to find out the problem.
  5. yeah it is a real nightmare. and i am sure that many people when they see that they will stop dreaming at all . because truly it is scary when you overload yourself to get a better life but finally you found out that you fall in a huge debts. this was interesting deadmad, thank you for sharing.
  6. web_designer


    welcome here NinBuu, Xisto community is welcoming the future graphic digital artist. and happy to have a member like you between us. please enjoy your being here with us. post, contribute in discussions, and enjoy getting knowledge and getting to know talented people here. we have many of them in this forums and they are always ready to help and share. and please if you have any question, feel free to ask, good luck.
  7. WOW, are you serious?? i thought people like you are not exist any more . but you know what? i think that this is really a gift. i usually still awake in bed for at least an hour before i fall asleep. even when i was so tired. i just still silent and let thoughts come and go in my mind till i can sleep. and mostly, if i was worry or thinking of annoying thoughts, then i will be even more awake . therefor, i said it is a real gift, enjoy it my dear .
  8. yeah it is sad and beautiful anwiii, because it is the reality.and reality holds a lot of sadness sometimes. thanks for your comment and glade you like it.
  9. happy birthday fermin...wish your next year holds more surprises and happiness than ever...and all your dreams come true...

  10. i will never forget you Every time your face passes in my mind I feel you arms around me Hold me tight and whisper nice words in my ear You were always there for me Comfort me when I was in pain Smile at me when I feel happy Share my secrets when I need to talk And support me every step of the way But when that moment came The moment you left my life Was unforgettable moment You took everything good in my life with you Nothing is the same after you'd gone Not the same house Not the same faces Even not the same air Everything changed I lost your touchand lost you in the same day I remember clearly when I sat in front of your grave I wanted to see you for the last time Touch you and hold you tight for the last time But I couldn't And all I could do is holding your grave and cry my heart I will never forget that moment When they took you away Away of my sight Away of my life Why we always should be apart Even when you diedI wasn't near you I was far away But I know with your last breaths you were praying for me And I know you do now I was far away from you And I will be even more now But you will always be living deep in my heart Now and forever Because this is your place That you built in me Day after day And there where you will always be
  11. thanks chini for replying that...and unfortunately it is sad words againand Guest_lihuahellen_*thank for your sweet words, and you are right. we could never say good byes to people we love if we keep on thinking of them and they still living in our hearts. thanks again i appreciate your reply guest .
  12. yeah linekill, you reached my point here. if there is no pain, then we can't feel the happiness. if there is no sadness, we can't feel the joy. if there is no darkness, we can't enjoy the light. if there is no evil, we can't appreciate the goodness. it is like a double face for everything, so ignoring one of them is a completely idiot and like we are deceiving ourselves if we believed in that. but we should live each of them in this life, each in its own time. and i do like your philosophy here linekill, about you way of drinking from the cup of life . hmmm, you have a deep meaning in here adell. but i hope you explain more please, what exactly do you mean?
  13. welcome back God-Of-Earth. even i am kinda new, i registered nine months ago, and you may never heard about me before but now i am an active member and i become happy when i hear an old member is coming back again. so again welcome and have fun.
  14. me too, i hope you could explain a little bit. so we can agree or disagree with you. also i hope you could explain what is RPing?well, this is my first time in any forums so i don't know a lot about others forums system so please bear with me . thank you in advance.
  15. as deadmad said, you should wait for the next update in mycent and see. i checked your posts, and you are posting in a good way. so just keep on posting and in any minute your mycent will appear. good luck and have fun.
  16. hello Adell,welcome to the forums. and thanks for the detailed introduction, really very unique. never saw like it before . as showing you share a lot of interests with many members here, and that means you will get along so fast and will have a lot of friends. so good luck, keep on posting and have fun.
  17. there is no absolute happiness in this world i was thinking of something happened in my life recently, and i ended to this fact. that there is no absolute happiness in our life.even what we could see the best for us and what we hoped to get for a long time ago. and maybe waited for it months and years, it could have its other side of sorrow, if we looked at it carefully. but i think, usually, when a happy event happens in our life, we always take only the happiness and drop the other side. even when we know that it may be exists or we have worries. but still we let ourselves to enjoy the moment and ignore everything else. and in fact it is what we should do or we will be a depressed people all the time or this could drive us crazy . besides, i think it is in human nature to believe in the absolute happiness in the world, and do the best we can to reach it. and if we couldn't we may get depressed or lose our faith in the whole concept of happiness. but BALANCING things is the best we can do, and balancing here means to believe that happiness exists in life, but not forever, of course because life is changing around us every second and makes people change too, even us. and happiness is not absolute, it should have its own sadness and that sadness could be something we could bear it or not. it is like paying for our happiness, and in general we should enjoy every second of this happiness, keep it and work hard for it to make it lasts as much as we can. and not worry about the other side of it until it starts to show up. and i really believe it is the right way to live, even it is hard to be done sometimes. but still it is the right way to live in reality and happily ever after. so anyone agree or disagree with me?
  18. the fact of happiness...is there is not an absolute happiness...every happiness has its own sorrow...but it depends on us...to see it...care for it...or just ignore itand enjoy the moment...

  19. oh congratulation CalebFTW for finally getting your mycent shows up. and i have to add something to make things more clear. as opaque stated in one of his posts, but i can't remember where, almost in the alerts and notices category, is the new mycent system been affected by many other things like, the topic rates, the member rates, the wisdom flag and the activity in the forums. but as i think, the main two parts are still the quality of the post and the length of it. so do your best, and keep on posting and you will on the right way, good luck.
  20. What's on your mind?ched a movie called "FREEDOM WRITERS"...it was the best i saw for a long time i really like it...and it remindes me of what we should always do and believe...i truly spent a great time watching it...:)

    1. chini13


      hey interesting thing..u got to watch the movie..i wish i could have good time

    2. web_designer


      hi chini...hope you could watch it too..it was so interesting..

    3. deadmad7
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  21. hi CalebFTW welcome to the forums, and feel free to ask anything you want. we all were newbies and had a lot of questions . about how posts are judged, i think the main two things are quality and length, also as i stated before you should follow the rules with your writing type. like your post shouldn't be less that 25 words or about, no swearing and using a decent way of writing, i mean writing in grammars, using quotes tags and code tags when it needed...ect. so be sure to read the rules first and you will be on the right way. also try to post in tutorials category, posting some useful information will make you earn a good amount of mycent. about the maximum amount of mycent you could earned, well i don't think anyone knows, it depends on the mycent system i think. just keep on posting and good luck.
  22. Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine..I'm leaving my life in your hands..People say I'm crazy and that I am blind..Risking it all in a glance..And how you got me blind is still a mystery..I can't get you out of my head..Don't care what is written in your history..As long as you're here with me..I don't care who you are..Where you're from..What you did..As long as you love me..Who you are..Where you're from..Don't care what you did..As long a...

  23. good so you know the answer now i checked that site and contains a lot of good advices. i spent half of my life or even more can't sleep what i usually do is, i read a book, i open the net working or reading something interesting and now i open the Xisto and post here and there and listen to some soft music till i get tired. or sometimes i have a better idea, i drink coffee and eat apples to wake me up completely and still without sleeping till the next day . and between, don't take this advice it will make you feel horrible .
  24. hi k_nitin_r,i checked your site and i think it is simple and need more work if you want it to be a unconventional web designs. like you can add a cool header, well a site without a header could be a unconventional web designs but i think it needs a fancy one. elegant and attractive. also you could made the earth image in flash and make it roll, or you can do some tricks in your menu bar to make it more attractive. about the templates you have, i think the first and second ones are a little different than the usual we see in the net. but the others are not, they are so plain. and you can fix them by adding some avatars and shadows, or adding images here and there in the background. the over all designs are good but needs more work, and i know you can fix them. good luck.
  25. music...could heal a lot...and do magic in body and soul...it even could stop the mind thinking and the deep pain...it could bring tears and smiles at the same time...what a powerful wepon...what a magical tool...thanks to music for being around !!!

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