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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, the idea looks strange a little but i like unique ideas. and working you and your life together is a cool thing i guess, because this site will be like your baby . now, for the overall design, it is good in general but needs more work. in the home page, i can't see the background for the content, i can see only the footer and the header of your design. in the graphic page, i can see it fully but it starts repeating itself in the bottom. the forums page navigates you to an error page, you can add a null page and put in the middle "still under construction". in the request page i can see the same problem in the graphic page. also in the beta page, and in beta page i think centering the content will make it looks better. also you need to center the header, or you could make it in a smaller size and keep it in its place. also in the home page, in the new events, notice that the content are out of the right border edge. and i think that you should add padding between the photos in the beta page and align them, that will make them look better.by the way, i checked your site in two browsers, opera and firefox and it looks the same. and this is a great step, and i like the glow in your site around the header and the boxes. also i like those stars in the menu bar. good work till now, just a little bit of fixing and everything will be fine, good luck.
  2. yes i can see two pages of posts and topics, and it seems that they are the active contents in the last 24 hours!! now i really wonder how you could show all these posts, i always see only the new contents. and i know that i missed some posts when i check the portal page. thanks in advance for your help truefusion . i don't think that i should change my DNS, since i have no problem with navigation in other sites, but i didn't test in another forums in particular. the only forums i visit is Xisto . and i tried what you said about clearing cookies before but didn't work . thank you deadmad, you helped me a lot till now. and now i can see posts like before but still can't see the voting. even i can't see the whole new posts, i know that because when i check the portal page i found many posts that i didn't see before.
  3. This scene's so hypnotic..Smoking mirrors, lights and magic..Paper faces in gold..there's solider boys, beauty queens..Everyone's a mystery..it's got me losing control..Yearning, I'm yearning for the one to steal my eyes..Wanna play in this game of disguise..It's a masquerade, a love parade..So won't you stay and dance with me..All through the night and day..My masquerade, I need you baby..To stay with me tonight...

  4. you are right, but i think it is an extra option that may encourage us to buy an HP laptop. and in general, HP laptops are a good brand, at least this is what i think and i decided long time ago that the next laptop i will buy will be HP, so hearing about this feature in it was only an extra option . and i don't think i will switch to mac even if it is more secure, i am still a faithful user for windows and if i wanted to change the operating system, then it will be linux. and between: if i lost a laptop, i will feel sad about it but i will feel more angry rather than sad when i remember all the information stored in it, that can't be replaced. i hope flamex didn't have some valuable information in it.
  5. you can get ideas for the color that you should mix it from color schema generator, there are many online, just google it.like the following collection of colors. the purple looks fine with the black and pink and the others shades.http://www.colorschemer.com/schemes/ as deadmad said you could pick any color you want and use it with its shades and you will get a great combination.
  6. well, i hope that both of you are my neighbors. so when you get bored, just give me a visit and i will give you a lot of work to do . just kidding, i will give you some ideas, like cooking a cake together, i like making sweets and eat them later with delicious tea, we could have a tea party . or we could go out for a walk or better go for shopping, i know aizee will love it but quatrux?? i don't know . or i could give you some books and magazines and sent you home .
  7. did you make this?? i mean "mario themes!!" i liked it, it reminds me with the early version of play station and it mix so well together. and the second one "Tardus Vicis" is so nice. i like it too it could be a mobile ring tone. you did a good job here. keep on going and posting more, good luck .
  8. great theme soviet, it has its own charm. i really like it . but i think it needs more colors here and there, just a little. especially in the header. because it looks so dark right now. other than that, you did a great job. good luck.
  9. hahaa, this is bad chini, you will make them hate you. kids get crazy when they loose. i love it when, i keep on thinking of a new design, and suddenly a great idea pops up in my head.
  10. great information frazz86 for beginners, i always say that XAMPP is the most powerful server and the easiest and fastest way to get APACHE, MYSQL and PHP. especially the last version, it is the best i used. and you can download it from here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ choose the one suits your operating system and download it.
  11. thanks for the update deadmad, keep me informed please. i still can't see any voting i love competitions good luck for everyone .
  12. thank you for the useful information linekill and deadmad. now i know that the next laptop i should buy is HP . it is a great way to track our computers if they get stolen, and knowing about these tracking programs first will help a lot. now we all know and we will keep that in mind.for me i will do some researches to find out if there are the same for dell laptops or windows. thanks for sharing guys.
  13. oh so you want your dreams come true , ok i wish you all your dreams come true. but between, only the good dreams or you will live a horror movie in real . i love it when, i feel happy for no reason and make everyone around me feel the same .
  14. oh deadmad...you look so charming in your avatar...hmmm...shy blue girl...and all these words about roses are red or blue...!!!

    oh no...being for a long time with girls affected you a lot young man...:D

  15. yeah it is a luxury these days, but we should always still hope so . and you do bump up good topics, most of the time don't worry. i love it when, finish one of my projects and be proud of what i've done .
  16. well you have a good theory in here, but sorry i didn't vote at all not even clicked on the "vote " button. and my topic about the problem is still waiting a moderator approval. and i see posts now but not all of them . any way, thanks for the information deadmad, and keep me informed .
  17. yuck,,,when you feel like everything is yuck around you...then they will turn to be really yuck...even when you know they are not yuck in real...but that's won't stop them from being yuck...yuck...yuck...yuck...ah hate all this craziness...

    1. web_designer


      sorry guys for the yuck status ...i will change it soon...

    2. anwiii


      just remember to wear gloves

    3. web_designer


      yeah...but now i am out of gloves...and unfortunately even using them not helping a lot...:(

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  18. for some reason i can't see the voting, i only see "null voting" and this is a sad fact. so i hope somebody be nice and write the result in here , good luck for all.
  19. well maybe others know a way, for me i think there is not. i can only hope that you did tell the police about the robbery and you have luck that they will find it and return it back. good luck and sorry for your lost.
  20. hmmm, i should say that i didn't feel boring in the meaning of boring of emptiness and have nothing to do since six years ago . the fact that i feel bored from the activities in my life, i always have a lot to do and my schedule is always full. so i get bored of all that and need something new to do. even in Xisto, i think what i do here is kind of a job to do. studying and get knowledge, dealing with new people and get experience, and of course have some friends who are keeping me even more busy, because you know friendship is a big responsibility too .from all that i could say that making a schedule to your life and having a lot of activities to do, keeping on studying and reading to learn will keep you busy enough and get rid of boredom. but when you have nothing to do, or a little things to do, then you will get bored. so just fill your life with new things to do that interest you and you will be fine .
  21. hi trappers,i have a real problem with my browsers i guess, therefor i post this topic in here. but i don't know what it is? i hope you could help me in here.i noticed recently, about a week ago or more that i can't see all new posts and topics, i usually use "view new contents", but now i either see some of the posts or see nothing at all, i keep on getting this message "Sorry, no new content found.".and two days ago, i noticed that i can't see voting in Sotw. even when there are voting but i still see null voting. i tried switch browsers, clearing cache and restarting browsers but nothing changed. i know it is a problem in my browsers ( i use opera and firefox). because i checked, everyone else could see new posts and the voting. and i could see them if i entered the forums as a guest!!!so maybe it is a problem in java script in my browsers, or something i really don't know . it is so annoying, because these days i have to check others posts from entering their profiles. i really hope someone could give me a solution or anything could help. thank you in advance.
  22. hey welcome mate where have you been?i am really happy because you come back again just two days ago i saw one of your threads and wondered where did this guy disappear??i know you are active all the time but you weren't the last months, so i thought you have some real things to to or a lot of study glade you are here again, welcome back mate.
  23. here's a hero..If you look inside your heart..You don't have to be afraid of what you are..There's an answer..If you reach into your soul..And the sorrow that you know will melt away.. And then a hero comes along..With the strenght to carry on..And you cast your fears aside..and you know you can survive..So when you feel like hope is gone..Look inside you and be strong..And you'll finally see the truth..that a hero lies in you...

    1. chini13


      song from wd:)

    2. deadmad7


      eww.. song from mariah carey...

    3. anwiii


      very interesting words though. i really like them

  24. your script should be like this <?php$dbhost = 'your server name';$dbuser = 'your user name';$dbpass = 'your password';$con = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ("couldn't connect to database");$db= mysql_select_db ("your database name", $con);if ($query1= mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM tophits WHERE closedate= '2010-08-13' AND song= 'Goodbye'")) {$row1= mysql_fetch_array ($query1);$num1= mysql_num_rows ($query1);echo "$row1[song]"," ","$row1[artist]"," ",$num1, " ","<br/>";}if ($query2= mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM tophits WHERE closedate= '2010-08-13' and song= 'Whats Up'")) {$row2= mysql_fetch_array ($query2);$num2= mysql_num_rows ($query2);echo "$row2[song]"," ","$row2[artist]"," ",$num2, "<br/>";}if ($query3= mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM tophits WHERE closedate= '2010-08-13' and song= 'Hello'")) {$row3= mysql_fetch_array ($query3);$num3= mysql_num_rows ($query3);echo "$row3[song]"," ","$row3[artist]"," ",$num3, "<br/>";}mysql_close ($con);?> i test it and it worked perfectly, so if you have any questions feel free to ask me. good luck.
  25. hey guys, well done. all of you did a great job in here. i like all the entries till now. things gonna be cool this Sotw, YES. this is what i was looking for.@tramposch, it is a very good one, i like it. i love green in general and you did a good work in the background.@trufusion, nice to see you here, you are always come up with a unique thing. i like your special touch.@simpleton, come on try your best mate and we all support you. i hope you will have a time to enter this Sotw. i would like to see your work. but if you didn't have enough time. it is ok, we will wait for you next Sotw.good luck for all .
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