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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. it is really a big big footer and it doesn't fit my idea about footer . it doesn't have any personal touch, and full of information and links more than the site itself . but still that proves my opinion, and how much footer is important to the site even footers like that.
  2. hi CalebFTW,welcome here in Xisto, and welcome of soviet's friends . this forum is so helpful and supportive, you can get a lot of knowledge and new information, discuss and share your ideas and thoughts and have fun. in return, you will earn your mycent, the virtual money that allows you to get a free hosting or a free domain name. so just start posting good quality posts and have fun, good luck.
  3. well i don't know about co.jp domain but you could check it from your xisto account. and top level domain are available, my domain is .com. and for the mycent you should focus of posting good quality posts. and not in " no post count" category and avoid spam posts, like post less than 25 words or something, check the rules of the forums please. and your mycent will appear with the update of mycent, so wait for it. maybe the next time or after that, that depend on your posts. good luck and enjoy.
  4. hi Liquidized,welcome to Xisto community. we are always glade to have new members here. and if you want a free hosting or a domain name then you are in the right forums. all you have to do is posting good quality posts that suit the rules of the forums. and after a while your mycent will appear and then you can buy your free hosting or domain name according to how much you earned from mycent.by the way mycent is a virtual money that is given to you when you post in the forums. and you should sign up in xisto.com with exactly the same email you use for the forum.so start posting, share your ideas and opinions or contribute in discussions and have fun, good luck.
  5. scruppy your mycent will appear soon as i hope. you need to post more and a good quality posts. i checked your 12 posts you made till now, most of them are a one line or two lines posts, and even less sometimes which considered here as a spam posts. please check the rules of the forums from here this will give you a good information on how things are going on here. also, your mycent will appear with any update of mycent in the forums which is not instantly right now but it be done every 2-3 days. so be patient please. and by the way, if you talking about your topic "mycents" then it is not deleted but maybe moved by a mode and here is the link for it http://forums.xisto.com/topic/73065-mycents/ good luck.
  6. you can use this code to change the color of your background as you wish, just pick the desired color and press enter <FORM name="back"><SELECT name="g" onChange="change()"> <OPTION VALUE="aqua"> aqua <OPTION VALUE="green">green <OPTION VALUE="orange">orange <OPTION VALUE="yellow">yellow <OPTION VALUE="purple">purple <OPTION VALUE="gray">gray <OPTION VALUE="pink">pink <OPTION VALUE="lavender">lavender <OPTION VALUE="khaki">khaki <OPTION VALUE="skyblue">skyblue <OPTION VALUE="white" SELECTED>white</SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="choose color"></FORM> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- function change() {document.bgColor = document.back.g.options[document.back.g.selectedIndex].value}//--></script> put this code between body tag, and notice that you can change the color of the background from the value attribute to whatever you want by using hexadecimal like adding the black color like this (#000000). and by the way i tested the code and it worked fine,good luck.
  7. wow...reached 20,100 hits in my blog...join my trappers we gonna have a big party...:)

    1. deadmad7


      sure! and that reminds me that chini owes me a BIG party :)

    2. web_designer


      oh..then lets join them and make a big big party...:)

  8. well, you should post first to earn your mycent. after posting about 10-15 (or more sometimes) good quality posts, your mycent will appear in your profile and under your avatar and in your xisto account. you know you should sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you use it for the forums, right?
  9. hi scruppy,welcome here to Xisto community. i hope you could find a lot of topics that interest you, and discussions to participate in. also you could post your own interests, ideas and opinions and exchange knowledge with others. so start posting, discuss and show your opinions and have fun. i hope you luck and feel free to ask anything you want, enjoy.
  10. you could control the internet speed from a certain browser, like firefox. this could be done by downloading an add-on that give you control on that. check this link please http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you should do, is downloading firefox on that laptop, make it the default browser or better delete all other browsers download this add-on and put the download speed you want.and i remember that there is another way but forgot how. when i will remember it, i will post it here.
  11. it is a hard question, because i usually say "sorry i can't answer this question... " but sometimes i can say, " do you really want to hear my answer?" what's your favorite way to apologize and say you are sorry??
  12. yeah, and unfortunately i am impatient person. i can't wait any more to see the new logo . whatever the logo will be it will be better than the current one.
  13. yeah i am and it is bad that i can't see anything but it is ok since i can get all the information i want from you deadmad, you are doing a great job here good luck young man .
  14. well i remember that i didn't change much from his original logo. only made it 3D and added some shadows and colors here and there, even the fun look it was his. i didn't change much because i don't know him to know how he wants things to look like. therefore i sticked with his design and colors just edited it a little and added some touches. even the "cheap web hosting" is what he wrote in his old logo, if i remember right .
  15. thank you ash and anwiii, i am full of myself now . glade you like it . only if i can see the voting i will be happier. but still nothing changed, i think my browser doesn't like my entry so it decided to drive me crazy .
  16. i don't think so, for me. i always find exactly the same programs that are running when the windows starts in the startup list in msconfig window. and i think there are some programs are found in the registry too. because sometimes when i remove a program, and i couldn't till i remove it from the startup list and the registry.
  17. i competed with myself in the chat room to refersh in exactly 1 min...and i won...:)

  18. good answer maggot, and i will add, from the command tab notice the path of programs. i always prefer not to uncheck anything with the path of (c:\windows\system...). to avoid anything that may affect the operating system. except "ctfmon" because this file is related to microsoft office so if you unchecked it, it will be fine. also make sure not unchecking the folowing: stsystra, because it is for the audio device, and the one for bluetouth and your antivirus. good luck.
  19. wow, it looks perfect now soviet :)i like it so much. it looks so different now and you will be popular soon good work soviet. waiting for more from you, good luck.
  20. oh seems i missed your post deamad i think we were writing a post in the same time but you posted it before me 5 minutes earlier. sorry i will take care next time . and yeah deadmad, i love it when rich billionaire do that especially for poor people. and i think they should to, because helping others brings the ultimate joy to our souls . i love it when, i help a friend and succeed to draw a smile on his face .
  21. well, maybe i can't remember fully, it was long time ago. but i remember hearing this melody before. and either ways i like your choices and your music. keep on making new things and you your skills will advanced so fast.
  22. welcome here in Xisto community Mr.Ron Price, i am very glade to have a person like you in the forum. i've been impressed with your poems, i just checked some of them right now. and i liked what i read. i hope you will have a good time in here between us, and if you have any question, please feel free to ask.
  23. yeah agree with anwiii, you wasn't away that much to post in the introduction category, 70% of the members here remember you but i know why you did that?? you wanted to introduce yourself to the new members in a cool way . MEN... and it seems you succeeded so again welcome back.
  24. this is a funny thing to say . and i really think what you've been through all those years is normal, because personally i know some people just like you. who thought of new inventions but after a while they saw them in the market . and i really think it is very normal, why? because simply, the one who invented that thing to a certain company is a normal human like me and you, and if he could think of that invention then why we couldn't? the only difference that they had the opportunity to put their ideas in implementation and you have not, and also they may get enough knowledge to know how to do things and you are still studying. so i think you should harry and grow up to reach more inventions before been invented .
  25. i always love to make friends with others, especially in work field. but in the same time i am so cautious in the beginning. as mahesh said, i believe you should take your time before telling others details about your life or share them your email or facebook account. you should be careful to whom you put your trust in and not treating everyone like your friends. usually, i always be nice with everyone, help them and ask them for help. and step by step, i could make an overall image about everyone around me. and when i feel that i am close to someone i wait till i know he/she is interested in me too and we should go on from this point and test things to be friends or not. building a strong friendship needs a lot of work and giving, and only time could show you if your choice is right or not. in my last job, i worked for four years with about 10 or 12 persons in one department. and i can only call two of them are my close friends. so it is a hard thing to do, to get a true friend, that could be there for you when you need him/her. and remember, easy come easy go .
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