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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Hmm I haven't heard of the option to get the directory in a CD, but that's a very good idea. If only it could be implemented everywhere with ease. At least in some countries the books are going to last for few more years before people get bored of them entirely. I just hope this happens fast so that we can use that paper for some other useful purpose.
  2. I've always liked "C++ The Complete Reference". The "complete reference" series has a great track record in bringing out good books and this one has been superb as well. It starts well with the basics and can go at a blistering speed if you don't watch out. So if you can keep up with the pace then this one is a really good choice. I think there's a preview available at Google Books as well although I'm not sure of that entirely.
  3. Hail Paul does indeed sound better but there are a lot of Germans who want to eat Paul because the prediction psychologically damaged the German team in their game! So Paul better watch out as there are Germans in Wall Street too
  4. Welcome back fermin25 - you've returned at the right time, exactly when the myCENT system has sprung back to life You've already received answers to your questions so I won't answer them again, but I'd just like to add that while nothing big has changed, you may notice that everything is not stable yet and a few bugs creep up now and then. So Xisto hasn't completely changed to KS - the process is still going on and when we finally manage to iron out all bugs, then you can triumphantly say, I'm home!
  5. Phone books (telephone directories) used to be a common sight in every home in almost every part of the world. The thick books were helpful to quickly find someone's number,but nowadays its a tedious process to find a number using that book!Finding a number online or just asking someone else seems to be an easier way. And realizing this, seven cities in Canada have decided that they won't be publishing phone books anymore, unless someone requests for one. They felt that this would save a lot of paper, and they're right. In any case, most phone books remain unused these days and so this is a good idea which other countries should follow as well.Of course there will still be some people who may need them as they can't rely on the internet for everything, but even then it's not hard to make a call to the operator and find out the number, right? So let's hope others follow the example set by these cities and save huge amounts of paper soon.
  6. This was a little interesting news. Google is blaming the recent security breaches in China on the Windows operating system. Now they're suggesting that employees switch to either Linux or Mac OS X for better security. That's a really sensible decision on Google's part, although this hasn't been confirmed officially yet. The employee who revealed this news preferred to remain unnamed. Apparently, now the CIO's permission is required to get a new Windows system! Full article at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think this is a great way to promote Linux - if the world's top company feels Linux is better than Windows, the ordinary folks should think about using it too
  7. Paul the octopus has become a celebrity and it's no surprise that there are others who want to have a share of the fame as well. So now there are a lot of other fortune-telling animals/birds out there and everyone wants to hog the limelight. In any case, Paul will remain at the top and as you may already know, Spain is Paul's favourite to win the world cup now. There have been some other predictions which second Paul's decision, but another 'celebrity' who is a parrot from Singapore has predicted that the Netherlands will win. The parrot's name is Mani, and it has had a perfect prediction record just like Paul. But now their predictions contradict each other and one of them is bound to be wrong.There are still 10 hours for the final match to begin. Who will win? No I'm not asking about Spain or Holland, but about Paul and Mani!
  8. Oh my, you guys have completely diverted away from the topic. No wonder you continued talking about this in the chatroom as well. You should have created a new thread instead of filling this one with advanced mathematical theories I'm a stranger to that so I won't comment on that. All I want to know is if there's been a myCENT update since yesterday or not?
  9. Ah so finally we are back on track Thanks a lot OpaQue for all the hard work you've put in through all these days. It was a sweet surprise to wake up in the morning and see my account suddenly swimming in myCENTs I did a quick calculation and found out that the quality of my posts is around 12 cents per post So I guess it's time to do some real posting from now onwards. So see you all in the forum and I hope the new system comes out of BETA soon enough!
  10. myCENTs are BACK!!! Yippppeeeeeeee

    1. deadmad7


      Yip Yip Horray!

    2. anwiii


      it's HIP HIP not YIP YIP haha

    3. The Simpleton

      The Simpleton

      In this happy mood it doesn't matter what's being said!

  11. Astahost is working fine, but you have to admit - the purely technical stuff does get kind of boring after a while. I've been on and off both forums to balance my myCENT situation and it's been good so far. It's a lot more fun to post here though, so it's wise to be more active here than in there. It's up to the individuals, though.
  12. I hope to change some of that as I'm now back from my break. I didn't expect that the forum would change so much in so little time. So removing the quick reply box has solved the missing posts issue? That's good to know and I hope there's some good solution for bringing back the box as well. So rpg, if you're going to keep up your posting then you'll surely be seeing a handful of replies each time you login - I'll be doing my best to fill up the forum. We desperately need some normal activity around here, instead of all the sparring that's been going on in a few threads!!!
  13. Oh, then i certainly hope that it is back soon. It feels kind of weird to have to wait for the reply page to load before typing in my reply. Anyway, if it solves the missing posts problem then I guess it's a good thing for now.EDIT: Oh good I was able to edit this - saved the trouble of a double post. Another bug to report -- the "Overall Top posters" link is taking me to my conversations page instead of showing the top posters page. The "Today's top 20" links is fine though.
  14. just returned from a short break and is shocked to see that the forum looks like its taking a break too :(

    1. anwiii


      well, you left....rpg came in to fill the slack. now he's dwindling down.....and you're back. is this a tag team effort? :)

    2. OpaQue
    3. web_designer


      yeah the forum took a break with me ...

  15. 20 attempts to get into chat? Only the true fans of chat will want to get in that bad!! On another note, Where is the fast reply box? I was away for a few days and the first thing I noticed was that the fast reply box has mysteriously disappeared That was my primary tool for quick posting (what do you call it - spam?) The lack of it is indeed disturbing and I hope it's back soon.
  16. This is a good change keeping the guests in view - it's important to convert those guests into members so this is a good strategy. And since the regular members always have an option to go back to the normal view, it is convenient for all. So thanks for this quick update Opaque
  17. I'm jumping in a little late in this topic but anyway here goes - yes the forum could do with a bit of cleaning up and some measures to attract new members and retaining the existing members. However, I think for now the focus should just be on bringing back the myCENTs script, because that's the thing which keeps most members sticking to the forum! After the script is back then we can focus on pestering Opaque to take care of these issues
  18. Oh, so there was an option to turn this option on and off all the time? I guess it never occurred to me (and some other members) to try those options In any case, now it'll make our members happy and the guests won't be confused also, so it's a good thing.
  19. That was a nice and quick explanation. Thanks I've been watching more and more videos about Photoshop and am beginning to understand a few concepts in detail now. I found the use of the word render a little strange too. And I'm sure I've heard of "stock image" earlier as well. Aren't there entire sites dedicated to it? Well there are lots of site claiming to resize images without quality loss too, but when I tried them they never worked well. Maybe for very small images there is no proper way to do it on a computer?
  20. Thanks for the tip SM. I found some useful videos over there. The upgrade itself costs $600? No wonder people are still using old versions without complaining about it! If this trend goes on then Adobe won't have many takers for its future versions at all. They'd better watch out and do something about their pricing soon.
  21. I think the footer, although not important for all sites, gives a completed look to the site. So I would definitely include a footer in my site, even if it doesn't have much in it and contains just a single line. And even if no one looks at it I would still be satisfied that it adds a finishing touch to my site
  22. That's strange. How can someone send mails using the Xisto domain? Anyway it's a good thing you alerted us, Opaque. I'm sure no one will fall for silly phishing attempts like this, but it's good to be alerted all the same. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've received any mail from Xisto whenever I made any changes to my account, so if receive one suddenly, it'll be highly suspicious!
  23. Ah it's good to see that the thread structure has been changed so that the first post appears on every page. I was hoping that this would happen from a long time. In fact, I had started a thread in the suggestions forum a year ago but it didn't get much response. Now I'm happy that indirectly my dream has come true
  24. Thanks for the advice wd - I've been making schedules/timetables all my life and they've always been a spectacular failure! I've hoped to make amends every time but keep failing. I guess there's nothing wrong with trying once more. I'll see what I can come up with - maybe this idea of doing things for a short period of time just might work.
  25. It is a little irritating to have to copy the matter each time before posting and I'm a lazy guy! Looks like I don't have much of an option though. Either I do that or end up typing the same thing 3-4 times. I'm also confused whether that's a good update or a bad update - but what's important that we got an update! Here's hoping we get some good news soon (some more if this one is already good) And finally, I'm sure the others are getting this "cannot find the page you specified" error too? It comes up randomly after I click on some link to a thread or even the home page. If I refresh it usually brings back the original page, but this one's a little irritating too....
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