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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Hostgator is definitely more popular than xisto but certainly not more friendly As anwiii pointed out, there are a lot more advantages of being here and I've already decided that when I'm capable of paying for my hosting, I would definitely support Xisto as it has been so helpful to people like me who want to have a website soon but can't spare the cash for it. I'm a bit surprised as to how Hostgator is offering unlimited plans for so less, but for most people the Logic Pro package we have here is more than sufficient, until their website gets really popular!
  2. I must really be getting blind - I still can't find the thread. If not the location, could you tell us the title of the thread to hunt it out?And all this discussion about Opaque asking for a logo is giving me a doubt - when will we get out of the "upgrade" state at all?!!! Not just the myCENTs but the other tiny bugs seem to be coming up still, and so we aren't really in the regular state yet. I hope things like the logo get finalised soon so that we can all go back to arguing about other things in life!
  3. Wow this was just what I was looking for - thanks a lot! I haven't tried any of them till now and since its getting late I'll try them out first thing in the morning. Wow now I can truly show my appreciation with a wisdom flag
  4. I tried, and I failed, but I'm not let down Mark my words, I'll reach that silly number 51 very soon The introductions forum gets boring after a while since it's basically typing the same stuff over and over again. But it's also important to welcome the members so that they feel encouraged by the reception they get and they might become more active. So if you put aside myCENTs for a while, it's a very useful forum.I stay far away from the religion forum because I'm simply not that smart to argue about such topics But if one knows to say the right things, then its a very rich forum!!!
  5. @rob: thanks for your post - I got a router only today and was about to post this same question. Your idea works best for me since I use Ubuntu most of the time and all that homegroup stuff is a bit confusing to configure in here I'll report back soon if this works for me
  6. hi there NNNOOOOOO and welcome to the forums. You've already got two nicknames in a short time! I don't know which one you like so I'll stick to nnnoooooo for now Be active and make some good posts and you'll be rewarded handsomely once the myCENTs script comes back online. So see you in the forums!
  7. yeah I got that too and it's not a new user but our old members, who are automatically getting logged out and the posts they make get counted under that 'Top Poster' account! It's not a very big deal but let's hope we don't get that same top poster daily
  8. I'm making some small tutorial videos for my college, mostly in Ubuntu and a few in Windows 7. There's a small issue though - in Ubuntu I have created a temporary user bearing the college's name, but my computer name (which appears in the terminal) is still the same, which I don't want to appear in the videos. I think there is an option to change the computer name, but I don't want to do it. Instead, I want to blur out the computer name, just to keep it as a tiny mystery in the videos. Is there any good video-editing tool to do this? Any platform would be fine and I need it only for a short time so a trial of 30 days would be fine too. So, any suggestions please?
  9. When I saw that the first word of this post was Sorry, I thought it would be really bad news Luckily its an update, for which we should be thanking you. It seems you're very good at multitasking! You certainly have a jam-packed schedule. You should especially take care of your house - the workers can get cunning at times; anyway you know that already Your strategy of having less staff members is debatable, but your argument is very convincing indeed. In a way it's a relief to know that only admins have the controlling power now. Not that I have anything against the mods, but it's somewhat reassuring to know that only two people have complete control over the members now Doesn't that contradict your earlier statement that you never fail? Just kidding! It must be really frustrating when something like this disrupts the coding process. I just hope the waiting period won't be too long anymore. Thanks for the update and enjoy your busy life
  10. They have no other option but to work! The excitement that used to surround the iPhone is slowly dying because there are far better smartphones in the market, which is why Apple is working hard to maintain the exclusivity associated with the iPhone. But they'll get worldwide appeal only when the price appeals to the locals in their respective countries.
  11. It's an honest mistake not to find that thread. Hey I haven't found it even now! As for money, even if $20 means $0.01, you could have done something else with it. Anyway, I don't want to question your decisions - - I kind of like the present logo too, although there is definitely something wrong with it; just can't figure out what. Maybe it's the font styling or the blending of colours. Was it OpaQue who made that logo or was it BuffaloHelp? I don't seem to remember exactly....
  12. Hmm I've tried many ways of downloading YT videos and so far the easiest one has been using Internet Download Manager. Those were the days when I used the internet in Windows and IDM was super-fast and bothered me very little. After moving to Ubuntu there wasn't any good enough software to replace IDM, so for a few days I used the site keepvid.com and later on discovered the tool rob mentioned (youtube-dl). Now I just use keepvid and youtube-dl alternatively and I don't watch the videos in YT at all!
  13. is looking for a good screen capture software in Windows. Any suggestions?

    1. Baniboy


      Cam studio is good. You can also try to do it through VLC media player

    2. The Simpleton

      The Simpleton

      thanks for the suggestion :) camstudio looks really good!

    3. deadmad7


      try camtasia, its better

  14. Hi there ElMiento. Welcome to the forums. We're currently going through an upgrade in the forum, which is why the myCENTs script is temporarily down. Our admin OpaQue is working as fast as he can to bring back the script on track. Until then, you and the rest of us won't be getting any cents That doesn't mean that all the posts we make will be useless - every post that you make will be accounted for and you'll be rewarded with myCENTs for every one of them, so keep up the posting As for your XIsto account, it shows zero now as you haven't started earning myCENTs yet, but if you're urgently in need of a website, you can add funds to your Xisto account through Paypal/Credit Card and then purchase hosting/register a domain. The prices are competitive and the features offered are really top-notch. If you feel you can't add funds for now, then you just have to wait until the myCENTs script is back. Have a good time at the forums
  15. You couldn't stop yourself from replying? Now that's a good sign for an addictive poster So I can be sure that almost every topic I make will get at least one reply - guaranteed Hmm it's true that a lot of members are still shying away from posting because of the myCENT problem. Maybe we should put up a notice on the front page itself that all posts made now will indeed be calculated for myCENTs. Perhaps that would help a little in bringing up the activity. Anyway, till then I'll do my part in helping to increase the activity
  16. It's been happening all the time?! I'm sure someone must have mentioned it somewhere - I think I missed it. Then from now on I have to keep an eye out for the header to see whether or not I'm logged in each time!! If I'm not wrong, that top poster got 21 posts? Of those 2-4 were mine and the rest belonged to some other member(s). I don't think it was any single member. That would be a serious loss!! I use Firefox too. I have Opera installed so I think I'd better try out that one for a while. I think the 'remember me' worked well for me here. Usually I post throughout the day, with gaps of 2-3 hours and I find myself logged in all the time. This problem happened just last night - so I'm guessing it happens randomly to random users I wasn't in the chat room when this incident happened. This further fuels my theory that it's happening randomly......Anyway, as kobra said, we just have to put up with it for a while.
  17. I got this strange bug just now. I was viewing the new content and opened a thread in a new tab. I replied to that thread and then I was away from the computer for a while. On my return, I opened another thread from the new content page, and was surprised to see that there was a notice above 'Fast Reply' stating that the reply needed modetator approval. I was puzzled but didn't think much and posted the reply. Then I chose another thread in a different section and was once again surprised to see the notice. I always disable images so I didn't notice that I had been logged out automatically and was browsing as a guest! That is why every reply wanted a 'moderator approval'. I don't understand how I got logged out automatically. Has this happened to anyone else today? I'm guessing it has, because today's top poster doesn't have a profile or even a name. So I'm guessing a few members had this same problem and their posts weren't counted under their names. Could someone please clarify this? I'm not worried about losing a post or two, but if this bug exists for other users as well, there's going to be a lot of complaining!!!
  18. Lol I never said you make useless posts. It was a general comment which wasn't directed at any particular member. It was just a casual statement through which I meant that everyone should take care that their posts make good sense all the time. Anyway, thanks for sharing (i.e, sharing your anger ) On another note, it looks like I've failed to keep up even 20 posts per day! It's good for the forum, I guess!
  19. It's good to know about what's going on with the regular members, but it seems there are far too many annoying updates from these twitter members who never show up on the forum. That's why I suggested closing the updates panel. I said that myself but I still do look at the updates when I log in - can't resist
  20. Well there are always a few members who notice things like this. That's a good thing I hardly look into minute details like these and for me if the forum works well enough to take my posts I don't care much about how it looks
  21. I know Bani mentioned the Ubuntu CD just to test your system configuration, but if you could switch to using Ubuntu that would be a much better option. Ubuntu never gets slow (it didn't for me in 2 years) and I've become so used to Ubuntu's speed that whenever I need to boot into Windows 7 I can hardly wait for the 30 seconds it takes for it to respond to commands (Ubuntu takes 2-3 seconds). Have you used/are you using Ubuntu (or Linux) before? If not, take a look in there when you're examining your system config. You won't regret it
  22. Farmville is actually not hard to play. It's designed sensibly so that people don't spend too much time playing. Imagine how it would have been if there wasn't so much waiting time for the crops to get ready. The fanatics would be playing 24X7 just to level up faster! Even now, with all the waiting time, there are people who spend hours decorating their farms and doing other useless stuff. So actually it's not hard to play but requires a lot of patience and self-control. But I'll agree that the developers are now concentrating on milking more money out of the players. They keep introducing new items that can only be bought by cash and the fanatics spend real money to buy these silly items. Now there is another feature introduced which is the instant harvesting of crops, done by a bi-plane. The twist is that you can't use fuel for the plane, but have to pay FV cash to fly it (first flight is free). So people who want to level up real soon will keep buying cash and spending it to fly the plane so that they can get XP much faster than their neighbours. The addiction never stops!
  23. Is there any hint of sarcasm in there? That's too bad. I hope posting at the forums relaxes you a little bit. It's a good way to forget all other pains and troubles....
  24. Not all rich people are art lovers, and not all see it as an investment. There are many people who buy art just to show off how much money they have. When they have guests they proudly display their collections, even if they really know or don't, about its original value.
  25. Until we get a more sensible solution, we could just turn off these annoying updates from our screens by clicking the " -- " button next to the title Recent Status Updates Is that calling collapsing? I don't remember For now I think it's a good way to keep the annoying updates away.
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