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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. So if a small part of the static page is dynamic, i.e. with updates from the site, would that be enough to please the search engines or do we have to remove the static home page altogether?
  2. Wow thanks for letting us know about that vhortex - I always wondered what sort of info the app developer had access to. What you said has only strengthened my resolve not to let any app come near my main networking account, while I can use as many apps I like on my gaming account! Oh, and I see that you quoted my words from the previous words but didn't use the quote tags. If you can still edit this post please do so before a mod notices
  3. Opaque's profile can be found here and yeah he's the admin who created the myCENT script so he'll find out the problem. In the meantime, have you tried posting with your old account? It's still active, right? Maybe you could get the myCENTs through that account faster. It's worth a try...
  4. Wordpress works best for people who don't like to spend too much time over learning how to handle the CMS. Joomla and the likes have got a huge learning curve and this makes them an unattractive option for some. Wordpress is simple but some people underestimate it to be too simple. With the proper modifications, Wordpress, Joomla, PhpNuke can produce almost identical sites, but of course that depends on how they are used.
  5. Gmail is the pick of the lot, yahoo isn't that bad although it does bring in a lot of spam from yahoo groups as well. Hotmail isn't too good and just forget about using rediffmail, which isn't worth using at all. Stick with Gmail if you like a good provider with powerful spam filters.
  6. First - welcome back! Second - Xisto was never shut down; it just got itself a new name Your old account Moolkye is still alive and I've just seen that you found that out too! So you can choose to continue from where you left off as Moolkye, or go on with zanzibarjones, or keep using both accounts - it's your choice
  7. Another late welcome but a welcome anyway I think I've already seen you in a lot of threads, which means you've settled in already - excellent! I hope you're having a good time over here and will help keep the community buzzing with activity.
  8. Welcome babydog123! Only 3 posts so far,eh? I hope you didn't get discouraged or something like that! Take your time to settle in and make some good posts and soon you'll be right in the middle of things and having a good time. So here's wishing you good luck on the forum
  9. Lol that's a very creative way of introducing something Jonnyabc Keep up the good work; and I'm curious - are you a writer in disguise? For virtualbox to run smoothly, I think it's best to have a computer with at least 2GB of RAM. 1GB may be enough for emulating Linux distros but if you're trying to run Windows inside Virtualbox then it's better to have a minimum of 2GB RAM because the host needs to run along with the guest. I once tried running XP inside Ubuntu on my PC with 512MB RAM and the installation process went off smoothly; however the system became very slow once the desktop showed up. And yes, you can see the two OSes on the screen at the same time, and you can choose to run the guest OS (i.e. virtualbox) in full-screen mode so that it would appear as if it's the real thing and not a guest!
  10. This could be a problem of being under attack from a (single or set) IP address. As rvalkass suggested, try finding out which IP addresses caused the most damage in those 48 hours. If everything seems good and legit, then I think the only valid explanation for this is that your site is popular!
  11. This is a late welcome, but a welcome nevertheless It looks like you've settled in nicely over here, which is excellent! Now that we know all about you () let's have some tackles in the forum, shall we?!
  12. I doubt whether it would be effective with large watermarks. A blur on a small watermark may not be noticed but on large ones it will be easily noticeable and it would be better with the watermark in the first place instead of a large ugly blur on the screen! Anyway if anyone has tried this software and finds it effective I would like to hear more about it.
  13. Welcome to the forums pixee You have indeed come to the right place and as long as you have the patience to make good quality posts regularly, you'll enjoy the community and reap the reward in the form of some quality, free hosting! You can buy your domain and hosting from here and you won't regret your decision. So be active in the forums and soon you'll forget that you ever wondered whether joining here was the right thing to do!
  14. I'm interested in getting these too but I think it's too late now. The topic is too old and the original poster is almost certainly inactive so there's little hope of getting these back unless some other active member has a copy of this archive and finds the time to upload the entire collection.....it all seems unlikely while typing all this!
  15. @Maggot: I think that answers your question about hijacking! Compared to all the sigs on the forum, mine is considerably small in size Anyway let's not all get confused and of-topic here. Posting your sig in a different topic will get you more reviews than posting it in someone else's thread.
  16. This news might sound like a continuation to my earlier thread about China becoming the world's second largest economy, but it's not. It's actually a more general sort of news coming from US President Mr.Obama. Like most of the news I post here, I read this in the newspaper too, so I don't remember all of the details, but Obama said that European and Asian countries are trying to overtake the US in many fields and they're even succeeding in a few of them, and the USA doesn't like this one bit (according to the President). So now armed with a new motto of "Made in America", Obama wants to keep the country's top spot safe in all fields concerned. Will he succeed?
  17. People survived without video games in the past and they can do it now, if they want to, which they don't. So let them choose their hobby and enjoy it Most people do know the effects of gaming for long periods of time and even if they don't, they will realise how tired they are the next day and slowly they will learn to stop playing for hours together. Gaming does have a set of disadvantages but the advantages can't be overlooked!
  18. Hey zanzibarjones, I got my myCENT update just now, and I noticed that you haven't been awarded any yet I haven't noticed the myCENT changing for other members so I don't know if they update happened only for a handful of members or something like that. Just wait till the end of the day and after that I suggest that you open a support ticket with the subject "ATTN:Opaque" or just send a PM to Opaque directly explaining your problem. Better wait till other members report that they've been updated as well...
  19. You can login from anywhere except your laptop? Then I'm guessing the fault may be within your laptop's browser. Did you try clearing history+cookies and trying again? That is the first thing I do whenever there is some problem with my domain management and usually it works fine. If that doesn't work, try using another browser and check if it still exists. If it doesn't work even then, I suggest that you wait for a few more suggestions over here! I hope your problem gets resolved soon.
  20. Is it really necessary to take this risk just to remove IE? If we just stop using it and remove it as the default browser that should be enough, as it doesn't take up a lot of space anyway. In Windows 7 there's a feature to remove it but for XP users risking system instability just to remove IE isn't too sensible.
  21. Maybe VLC isn't the perfect media player out there, but in a way it's like Internet Explorer - it's being used by millions of people and a majority of them will stick by it no matter how finely you prove that it's bad. Of course VLC isn't anything like IE in terms of quality - it's very impressive and I've been using it for a long time, and found very few faults with it. Still, it's the fastest player I could find and I'll stick by it no matter what :)esha's Profile
  22. Ha ha cool down....I'm not blaming you or something like that - I'm fine with what people talk about other sites over here and about the advertising part - well, yours would be an unintentional advertisement, i.e, merely speaking about it "enlightens" the other people about that site, so in an indirect way, it is an advertisement Again, I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying, that's all!
  23. It may sound funny to others but it's not at all funny to me. I've had that dream ever since the PS2 first came out and even though the dream is outdated now I'm just glad that at least it got fulfilled, and it means a lot to me. I could have bought something else for the same amount of money but then I would perhaps regret the decision not to buy the PS2. So it's done and I'm happy And you can continue laughing
  24. I see what this is all about and yes, I think we all are born with some basic skills but that's just the way everyone is. Call it evolution or something else, but it's "built-in". But calling those skills Maths may not be totally right. Maths is something which is way more advanced and complex.Then what do you call these basic skills that we're born with? Hmm, need to think about it for a while.
  25. I always get a smile whenever I see people discussing other webhosts over here Zymic may be providing free webhosting but I wouldn't go around advertising it I'm content right here and if the community is buzzing with happy members then that's all I ask for.
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