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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I didn't know what all of you were talking about - then I realised I had images turned off. Now I see those balls that you speak of. They're good but I for one wouldn't miss them much if they were gone Oh well, let's stop talking about balls now
  2. Oh yes you always have a lot to say, and thankfully I understand most of it There's no arguing about that. You're the most consistent poster. There's just the matter of the 6000+ difference in the number of posts between you and SM. Once you break that barrier, your reign will be unquestioned She's a good example of the new blood you mentioned. We sure could use a few more members like her. I wish I could pop in more often too - it's a tough call with so many useless things happening in real life that I have to take care of. I don't think the same members posting always isn't such a bad thing as long as they keep bringing in fresh content and keep changing the words they use commonly. New members are always welcome but they shouldn't disrupt the flow of the community. I'll look for the nearest blood bank and inform you
  3. Burning wood and coal are both bad, although the former has a more devastating effect on the environment (no trees = no life in the long term) Instead of using these two, alternative sources of energy should be encouraged more. Coal is called black gold but it is in danger of becoming rarer than gold. Oh, and it appears that our new member hasn't posted the whole article. Here's what copyscape.com had to say:
  4. lol that's funny but a little too funny to consider making it our logo We need more reviewers to comment on the logo so that we can come to know of its fate soon. Soviet is spending good money and more valuable time on it...
  5. The twitter updates are indeed a bit annoying when they show up on the main page. I hope there is some solution to fix this. Some users might post all kinds of nonsensical stuff and that is not good for the image of the forum. I won't be hoping for a fix right now, though. OpaQue is still busy with the myCENTs script and although things like this need to be fixed soon, we'd better let him focus on the more important thing for now. We'll have lots of time to bug him when the script is ready And until then, I think it's best to ignore these unknown users' updates.
  6. Now that's a bit harsh. Maybe I haven't been looking at all the threads but I haven't seen her saying just 'thanks for sharing' and leaving it at that. It's good to have a few active posters like her so that the forum doesn't die completely. Oh, you're welcome to spam every thread/post of mine For another 20 days or so you'll find a lot of my posts and then most probably I'll disappear for a while, which is why I'm on a spamathon for a few days. So far I haven't posted anything which doesn't make sense. The purpose of creating this thread was to confirm whether the mods/admins have any problem if I continue this activity for a few days. As long as I make meaningful posts I think I will be fine. At least that's what I'm hoping. You could say that again SM is in danger of being dethroned soon as the top poster I don't think this thread is juicy, but anyway I'm honoured to get your reply Oh please do - the rest of us can squeeze a few cents out of it too
  7. By Art, one doesn't have to talk just about paintings. There are many varied types of art out there. However, in this thread, when I say 'art', I mean just 'paintings'. We often see reports about how some works of art were sold for millions of dollars, and wonder whether it's really worth to pay that much on a paining. I've seen some famous paintings which sold for a lot of money and frankly speaking I couldn't see why it was worth so much. Does that mean I don't know how to appreciate art? Or am I just blind? I do think paintings like Mona Lisa and even The Scream look good, but some of the modern paintings don't appeal to me at all. And it looks like I'm not alone. Quite a few people around me remain puzzled when they see such astonishing prices on paintings which are made of a few strokes. So is it true that only a few people possess the skill required to really appreciate the talent in these paintings? How is it that the same work of art appears as a gem to some people and a worthless piece of junk to others?!! What's the secret behind this?
  8. Shouldn't this thread belong in the 'Sports' forum?????Sometimes I find football a bit boring, because most of the times the teams are evenly matched in skills, and that means they're good at attacking and defending, which results in few or no goals. I know football's not just about making goals, but impatient people like me like the 'action' more and appreciating the skills of the players takes time to do Anyway this time Argentina is looking very good so I'll be rooting for them. I think Brazil still has a chance but they have to play better than what they're doing now, otherwise they will end up shocking their huge fan base. There have already been quite a few upsets in the tournament and it won't be a surprise to see if teams like Brazil don't even make it to the semi-finals. Let's wait n see....
  9. This one looks much better than the older one and the choice of emoticons is good too As I said earlier, this is not a bad idea, but its not the best one as well. If majority of the members like it, there's no harm in using this one. If there were a better idea to show that this is a fun and serious forum at the same time, I think that would be a suitable logo for us. Anyway let us see what the others have to say about this modified logo...
  10. Welcome cris2per It appears that you haven't made any new posts in a while - feel free to roam in the forums and pick a category of your liking. You'll love it, and each post you make now will fetch you virtual money as soon as the script behind it starts functioning again. Hi celia - welcome to the forum. The members will be able to welcome you better if you created a thread of your own in the Introductions forum. If you post your intro in another member's thread it may be frowned upon, and many people might not even notice your post. So start a new thread to let us welcome you properly!
  11. Lol I joined exactly one year back in June 09 and at that time there were many days when I made 40 or more posts per day. So you could say I was one of the top posters then. Then another member called Nameless_ took away that position by making posts rapidly. Now you're in a similar position. So there's no Top Poster consistently. Someone's got to replace the old ruler June happens to be the time I'm most active so sorry I can't help it It's not any competition to see who makes the most posts - in the end its not about how many posts have been made but how good they are (and more importantly, how many myCENTs they fetch ) . I remember one of my threads where I asked how the members would feel if all their posts vanished suddenly, and surprisingly, a lot of members said they wouldn't care too much. It's the feeling of community and of course the myCENTs which keep us posting. So if you still think of it as a competition, then you're free to do so, but I just hope your posting quality doesn't dip down in an effort to win the race
  12. It's always better to stay on the safe side so PHP is a good option as you can fix any problems easily with the help of the large community. To be honest I don't know much about PHP and ASP, but PHP has managed to reach out more to "common" people like me while ASP still remains a mystery. I'm not saying that if I don't know PHP no one else will () , but the general idea is that PHP has reached out farther than ASP, and you would feel more comfortable with it.
  13. It's $100 per year ($97.8 actually), which is almost $9 per month. Not a bad figure as its only $3 more than the logic pro package and removes all limitations. How did you manage to get confused by the 'per year' tag? Compared to other leading hosts the plans here offer more features, if not always the lowest price.
  14. I'm only human so I won't be making all 50 posts at the same time! This limitation you mention.....it sounds strange. Has anyone else reported it? In any case, it's a good thing in a way because you get an excuse to take a break. Too bad we don't have the shoutbox yet or you could have given your solution to that member through the box. Well anyway we won't lose members in this way - most of the people are patient
  15. It's truly a tragic situation but compared to the situation in the past hundred years, the picture is improving. The crimes still happen and women in some parts of India are still ill-treated, but all hope is not lost. The young generation is realising how barbaric such deeds are. So I guess this is the last generation which will suffer such parental pressures. In another 10-20 years, the present youth will become parents and they will have the capacity to think clearly, so hopefully these crimes will come down as well.
  16. The post limit for each member has been increased from 25 to 51 (I dunno if there's any limit for the mods/admins ) The myCENT script is still down and most members are still hesitant whether or not to post at their usual pace. Well I'm getting bored in my holidays and I recently cleared off the myCENT debt, so I want to try using the limit to the max, i.e. 51 posts daily, until I get bored of posting. Will this be a problem, especially to the mods? I won't make any useless posts or spam (unless you count this thread ) and there's a 95% chance that I won't go on for more than 2 days So is it fine if I attempt to go on a posting spree?
  17. Yup I'm very late but there are still some great (old) games available for the PS2 which aren't there for the PC so I'm not at all disappointed. If anything, this is a good way to keep me satisfied till I can afford to buy PS3 games regularly. It's the first non-cartridge based console in my house And yup its cheaper than a blackberry although it is just a gaming machine and nothing more There are still a lot of new Japanese games being released for the PS2. You could check for these at sites like play-asia.com You could always use a walkthrough/guide if you're stuck in the game. Search at sites like gamespot, IGN and you'll surely get a good walkthrough for all sorts of games It's fun to figure out everything on our own but certain games have irritating levels and the irritation blocks the brain from thinking of a solution That's why after trying for 20-30 times I give up and take a peek at the walkthrough After looking at the slim, who would still want to go for the fat?!
  18. The best thing to do would be to take it to a service center. If you're good at repairing such stuff yourself you could try ordering a replacement part. I just searched for "PS2 Switch Ribbon" in google and Amazon returned a result which costs $0.99. I dunno if it's the same thing you're talking about, though. I got a PS2 only recently so I'm not so experienced about it. You'd better wait for a better reply here if you want to do it on your own, but the easiest thing to do would be to get it repaired at a service center.
  19. There are a lot of people who still stick to IE. I'm not too friendly with IE-supporters Just kidding - anyway this website is still far away and HTML5 support is getting stronger by the day. And if the site is really good then people won't mind using alternate browsers to view it. It's happened many times with IT-only sites - some people use IE only to view such sites.
  20. These games die and come back to life depending on your friends list! I stopped playing for a whlie because I was too bored, and luckily most of my friends stopped too. Then some idiot discovered some sort of new feature and started pulling in others too and eventually I started getting all sorts of silly requests as well. After constant pestering by my friends I added the Farmville application again, and I was annoyed to see that it had remembered all my data from the previous time. While this meant I didn't have to start from level 1 again, it also meant that even if I delete the application now, it will still have access to all of my data it had collected
  21. It does sound great and is sure to sell well, no matter how the reviews turn out to be. What about the pricing? I always get confused about the pricing of the iPhone. On the Apple site it says starting from $199 - is that the old 2G iPhone or the 3G one? And how is the cost of the iPhone4 going to be? Pricing in my country is really over the top. 2G iPhones are now selling for Rs.15000+ ($326+) while 3G phones are selling as high as Rs.41000 ($890). Is it really so highly priced in the US/UK too? I don't think so! iPhone4 is certain to cost even more over here. I still don't know why Apple doesn't have a regulated price for all countries. It's a good offering for a handful of countries while others are left staring at the carrot on a stick.
  22. The concept is really good, although I wish the pictures could be changed to something else. Emoticons are not a bad idea, but not the best idea too. I'm not creative enough to suggest any ideas for the logo, but we've got lots of creative people over here and you are very creative yourself I'd say this one's a good effort, and there's just no harm in hoping for a much better one. Keep up the great work!
  23. @StvenWesley: So you use the iPad only to read Ebooks? That's a really costly ebook reader! There are other tablets in the making, which are all set to give tough competition to the iPad. I think it would be better for us to compare these new models with the iPad before deciding to purchase any of them. Since you've already purchased the iPad, I hope you're enjoying its (limited) features. How about giving us all a quick review?
  24. Hey there mcknight - welcome to the forums. You love the forums but haven't made a post since the day you joined? Hmm you must have been busy. Oh well, keep up the posting and as soon as the myCENT script is back, you'll be earning virtual dollars for every post you make in the forums (except for the 'No Post Count' forums). With that you'll be able to buy quality hosting from the Xisto corporation If you haven't already done it, go to this link (don't worry it's not a referral ) and sign up with the same email id you used to sign up here. That will be your myCENT account which will soon start to overflow with virtual money once you start making posts here So have a good time and see you around.
  25. I'm not too happy about the proposal to give more power to the mods, but I think we can trust OpaQue's decision to believe in the mods. We've got a good team already although I haven't seen some of the people in the "Moderating Team" list in a long time. In any case, if the members notice any irregularity in the award of myCENTs they can always bring it to the notice of the admins. If I'm not wrong, every move made by the members and mods is recorded for the admins to see? So in a way we are safe from the rage of the mods!
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