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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Paypal India is once again going to enforce a block on its users,starting July 29. Unlike last time, however, it has sent an email to the users warning them about this. Anyway, this time they're not blocking all the features but they're removing the electronic withdrawal system; which means the only way to withdraw money would be to request a cheque, which could take forever to arrive The only saving grace is that they won't charge you $5 for the cheque as before. Like last time, they haven't mentioned the date when things would return to normalcy, but that's Paypal for you!
  2. 250 million people use Facebook everyday, and the average time spent is around 30 minutes; at least that's what FB claims! It has crossed the 500 million user mark and is inching its way closer to 1 billion. It is undoubtedly the leader among social networks, although there are some speculations that it will go downhill soon. What I'm more concerned about is whether we should be happy or scared!
  3. I'm a bit confused about this device, (which is called Saakshaat btw). I read on a news portal that it is just a computing device and needs to be connected to a display device to be used. In a newspaper, however, it is said to have a touch screen of its own. I don't know which report is true, but the price point is definitely interesting. Rs.1500 ($35) is a good selling price and it will be definitely useful to the target market, which is schools and for people who can't afford computers. The rest of the people might not be too interested in it and there is not big reason for them to be interested as well. If they can afford to buy more powerful devices that's good. Saakshaat is meant only for a particular segment of the population and I think it will surely make them happy.
  4. Most of us may not be remembering how our dreams start in the first place, but we remember very well how it ends, i.e, when we wake up. I have a doubt though - is it common to get the feeling that we always wake up when the dream gets exciting? In my dreams, when suddenly something exciting happens, I wake up precisely at that moment, due to some or the other reason (milkman banging the door, me knocking down the alarm, etc). It's as if the timing of the dream was preset to end exactly at that moment!To the best of my memory, I've never had a complete dream. Every single time the dream remains incomplete, even though if it's something silly. So is there any theory for why this happens?
  5. So we have a welcome addition to the forum - great way to introduce yourself Shahrukh You'll feel right at home in here!
  6. That's right. For the past two months we've all been breathing down on Opaque to bring back the script soon and now that it has finally arrived we're pushing it even before it has settled down!
  7. Lol it's not as if I like that idea! It's like asking for a miracle each time we run into trouble and that sort of thing won't work for sure now. What I meant by 'critical emergency' was not like 'a day before the last litre of petrol!' Today's 'bright minds' are able to foresee these events and have the tendency to warn the world. I don't want to speak about other situations, but in the case of fuel, the most promising alternative is fuel cells, upon which research is improving daily. They're so effective that even a regular bus, powered with a fuel cell, can run upto 100kmph (ow was it mph? I saw it in a documentary on NGC so not sure) and it doesn't release any fumes too. Solutions like these are promising and so we can look forward to this more than conserving petrol and other fuels, which cause more harm.
  8. Winamp was a good audio player and I never really saw it as a video player! Likewise, using VLC to play mp3 files also seems weird to me today. So time keeps changing and these little surprises keep coming up! I think VLC is going to keep the top spot for a few more years until someone worthy gets to dethrone it.
  9. It doesn't have anything to do with the cookies! It's a problem with the billing software that the site uses, and it tends to give this problem every now and then. It's just a small issue and gets resolved soon.
  10. Nah it's not too creepy, but yeah it might be an excuse to buy an XBox I'd advice you to wait until some good game comes out for it though. The present line-up of games isn't all too impressive.
  11. I don't think such a lengthy procedure is necessary until it's confirmed that it was a temporary error. If none of the above suggestions work, only then should the admin be disturbed
  12. This feature comes along with the forum package; it wasn't made specifically for us! It may not make much sense over here, where people want to post, but in other forums it could be a useful feature where someone might just want to read something useful and leave quietly.
  13. This was a funny news, although it was announced almost a month ago - the developers of Farmville,the most popular game app on Facebook, announced on June 15th that the level cap for players had been raised from 70 to 90. This came after many players complained about no scope for leveling after 70, and they were getting bored. So the cap was raised to 90. Just when players were getting ready for a month of intense leveling, there came another shocking announcement just ten days later, that the level cap was raised to 999!!! Yes, that's not a typo, and it's been confirmed by Zynga - players can go on until level 999! The reaction to this announcement has been mixed - some are happy that they can keep playing for a long time, but the majority of players are outraged, because this virtually means that they can never beat the game!What's more, players will stop receiving 1 FV cash per level when they hit level 100. So there's basically no motivation to play beyond level 100. The average Farmville player takes anything between a week and a month to finish levels beyond 30 (I think that's where the XP required for the next level becomes 10,000). So even for the most enthusiastic gamer, it may take 20-60 years to reach 999, assuming that the player and the company exist till then! I've decided to stop playing at level 100, which I should reach by the end of this year. It's been too hectic and the only reason I'm still playing is due to the intense competition between my friends I don't know how many players know this news, but now that you do, how long will you play?!!!
  14. What you've said is true and that's why I think it's best if people remained silent about this issue. Everyone knows the pros and cons of both lifestyles (veg and non-veg) so let them decide what's best for them and let's not rub it into someone's face to change their eating habits!
  15. The invisible trick works as long as you're just reading/viewing the forums. As soon as you make a post, or chat in the chat room, someone would surely notice that you're active So this feature is best for those people who just like to read the new threads and posts and wouldn't like to take part in any other activity.
  16. <-- Oh wow, look! That's my username!!!

  17. Well there's nothing wrong in not knowing about something and I'm glad you went ahead and explained about the concept too. I had a wrong idea about FAIL and you cleared that up. Thanks a lot!
  18. Not everyone keeps thinking about 'restrictions' and only people who like food very much and want to sample every taste available will think about these 'restrictions'. In the end it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to eat meat and I think it's best if we don't force anyone to modify their eating habits. If people are happy being vegetarian then there's no reason why they shouldn't continue that lifestyle because they're content with what they have. Running after different tastes might seem a good idea for some, but it's not very appealing to some others.
  19. Nowadays people are more open towards new technology so that is why Kinect may have a chance of succeeding, but unless it proves itself to be worthy there is no use no matter how many people are ready to sample the technology it offers. After the Wii ideas like Kinect somehow seem like copycats!
  20. This may not be a bug at all - members have the option to sign in as 'invisible', i.e., they won't be added to the list of active users. This option is available to everyone while signing in - a small check box - so you can go around the forum doing everything as usual, and your name won't be added to the list at the bottom of the forum.
  21. Actually I was quite enjoying the show, even though I couldn't understand it much to give a sensible reply - I was just enjoying it as a spectator, and in the end it was stretching up a bit too much. So it's best if we let the issue die down gradually so that everyone cools down
  22. I agree with SM - let's wait for a while before starting to complain about how late the updates are. The script is still in BETA so naturally it needs to be tested fully before being unleashed onto the forum After all, a late update is much better than no update at all, don't you agree?
  23. Fuel itself shouldn't be too big a factor. Whenever mankind is faced with a critical emergency, it comes up with an ingenious solution; so if we're going to run out of fuel then I'm sure our brightest minds will come up with a solution for it. So let's not worry about how much fuel flying cars will waste Let's just worry when these cars will be accessible to the common man.
  24. You're right - now it's not just about how long your post is. Actually I think V3 also took the 'usefulness' of the thread into consideration, but then if you had a very large post you could get away with earning a huge pile of cents! Now it's all about how useful the post is to the community and how many people like it, etc. All in all, the calculation has become way too complex and that's why I'm focusing on making posts instead of trying to figure out a way to make more myCENTs
  25. This poll is outdated and so is the thread, which has been resurrected The top spot surely goes to VLC and although there are people who loyally use the old Windows Media Player, those who want to enjoy their playback will definitely go for VLC.
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