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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I knew I should search for this before I started a similar thread and here we are! So a lot of people do have gaming addiction. I caught it in a strange way. I lived in an environment where kids all around me played games on the latest consoles available according to the time, but I was denied access to all of them owing to my bad luck. To this day I haven't played a console game So you can imagine what I did when I did get to play a computer game - I was hooked onto it! All this time I have been playing games (all on the PC of course) and it's been a really unhealthy addiction, starting with me getting glasses and then getting stressed out and all. I get the urge to play games whenever I have an important exam and stuff like that. Too bad I haven't found a solution to this yet....or maybe, I don't want to! :angel:
  2. @dangerdan: 50gb sounds like an awesome plan! Maybe I'll get to see it in another 20 years over here @HDuffRules: Your plan is almost similar to mine then, but at least you don't have to worry about using up the bandwidth...@Nitin: I use BSNL 2mbps plan with a 2.5gb monthly limit. If I'm not wrong, whatever the plan says, you always get a lesser download speed than that isn't it? I have a friend who has a 6mbps plan and he gets speeds ranging from 1-2.5mbps. BSNL has an unlimited plan for Rs.750 and it has a speed package of 256kbps which means a max downlaod speed of 50-70kbps :angel: In these days speed matters more than the bandwidth (at least for me) so I opted for the 500 plan and still use it grudgingly...Until the ISPs in India get their calculations right and at least increase the bandwidth for the present speeds, there will be a lot of complaining people like me!
  3. If your offer is still open, then I'd like to volunteer - I have some experience on two other forums and I sure love gaming It's entirely up to you - I'm always here ready to help. The concept sounds really interesting. Contact me if you're ready to gimme a chance! :angel:
  4. Thanks a lot for the advice harrison...I've decided to follow it. The PS4 may not come out soon but I'm gonna wait for a while.And btw, I'm saving up my own money that I earned on the net and not my allowance Also, over here people don't have lawns so I can't mow them :angel:I think the major reason I wanted to buy the PS2 in the first place was because the games were cheaper than those on PS3. But I completely overlooked the fact that I can use PS2 dvds in PS3 too...no one reminded me of that!
  5. Wow that sounds so....awesome! :angel:So now we have Linux on PCs, iPhones, Playstations, and pretty soon maybe in our heads! (Crazy) jokes apart, this is a really good start for the iPhone-Linux relationship and the people behind it are doing a fantastic job. Kudos to you all!
  6. Can bots solve maths problems? Some sites have those instead of captcha codes. what is 2+2 and simple things like that...I always wondered if bots can get around this. If no, then I think everyone should dump captchas and use these, because some captchas are ridiculously difficult even for a human being to recognise!
  7. There are exceptions to this. Some sites do have volunteers who are available on skype to help you correct your pronunciation. Others offer this service for a small fee. And if you listen to the audio courses real good, then I don't see why you cant get the pronunciation correct. After all, by trying again and again anything can be learnt by default! I've already come a long distance in learning Japanese online and it's been a great experience so far for me! For anyone with a good connection, streaming helpful videos online is a really good way to get educated as it is the nearest thing to classroom learning.
  8. yes I guess in cases like that it is best to opt for online education. I've got another good example where online education could be the only option for some people-learning foreign languages! The language that you want to learn might not be available in your college so in that situation only online education will help you, isn't it?
  9. We've already meddled with the Earth too much till now...it would be better if we dont do anything else, isn't? it? :(Scientists do get some revolutionary ideas and it is indeed very good but it would be nice if they took all other factors into consideration like what this would do to affect the future...
  10. Online education sure has its fair share of pros and cons. One should definitely not depend entirely on online education unless there is no other choice because you can only learn so much online. Some things need to be learnt "offline" in the real world.I find that whenever you feel that you're not getting enough from your regular classes and are hungry for more then online education gives a good alternative - but if you are very satisfied with your regular education then there's nothing new you can find online.In the end it's all up to the individual - to each his own!
  11. I totally agree that a newbie would find it very confusing in the beginning to go to the forum he wishes - one might say that after sometime he could get accustomed to it. But in some cases this may not happen.I found a very simple solution to this confusion. Since I already know what my favourite fourms are, I press Ctrl+F and type out the name (I'm a fast typist so that's no time matter) and voila! I'm in there in a second. Now isn't that convenient?Being in such a large fourm like this is a good thing coz you feel part of a very large community and I wouldn't want the forum size to decrease at all. If possible, increase it!
  12. This may be old new for some (or) most of you, but I recently found out and was really surprised! The six main voice actors of the show "The Simpsons" are paid $400, 000 for each episode!" If you observe carefully, each actor speaks only for around 3-4 minutes in each episode, and they get paid that much for that! And coming to think about it, the episodes are decreasing with each passing season. But the amount these actors get paid will not decrease at all - it will only go up up and UP!
  13. Bots are really becoming more advanced day-by-day isn't it? Back on another forum which I moderate I have to deal with 2-3 spammers every now and then and it's always annoying to meet them! I noticed that in their profile page under personal information they have their username in 4-5 fields - this is a sure indication that they are spammers....I don't know if that applies to this forum also, but both the sites do use the same software...
  14. The repeat theory is good but it gives rise to another silly question - how many "universes" existed before ours if this rinse repeat theory is true? The religious theory is also good but I prefer not to go into that because we do not want religious debates on this matter coz everyone will have something different to say and that will become heated. Still, it was good to know the various responses.
  15. I think most of you forgot the most important thing that Linux has that Windows doesn't have - freedom from viruses! Of course it's not 100% protected from threats but it's most unlikely that you will get a virus/trojan/malware in Linux because they will simply not be executed without root privilege, which they won't get in any case.Unless you go and ask for trouble in Linux you won't get it
  16. I really should make myself more clear! Yes I meant the keyboards which appear "on the screen" and you should "touch" them to get the letters onto the screen. I guess that should clear up the confusion! :(It's interesting to know that this technology is used in universities....in my college all the instructor does is switch on the projector and go to the regular keyboard everytime he wants to type anything!
  17. As many of the users pointed out above, cable is way better than DSL in terms of speed. But in some cases, DSL can match Cable speeds and in cases like this it is better to opt for the cheaper DSL. Most people these days leave the internet connection ON during the nights, downloading something or the other from torrents. DSL speeds during the night can be slow or fast, depending how many people in your neighbourhood (with connections from the same company) are doing the same thing. On the whole, if you have a heavy pocket, go for Cable, but DSL won't cheat you either.
  18. We haven't seen a single billionaire who isn't afraid of losing his money and sleeps peacefully at night! They have to maintain their "billion" tag and they certainly don't want to go back being a "millionaire" - almost all of them invest in stock and while they love their money so much, they are ready to put all of it at risk just to earn some more.Personally I feel billionaires are like us forum members - Once they get the addiction, they find it hard to leave, and most probably they will never be satisfied
  19. Well in such a large and popular forum like this there are bound to be such problems...it is indeed very difficult to keep these spammer at bay since they always find new methods to get in and trap gullible people. I'm glad we have users like stefan_pavikevik who not only ignore the spammers but also report them too!
  20. Okay, now please don't start all those religious stuff about "no re-births" and all - This is just a casual question that I want you to answer honestly. If you were to die now and are given a choice to be born again as a boy or a girl, what would you choose to be? Be sure to give a valid reason for your choice. No hard feelings and no criticising others please Personally I would like to be born as a boy again because as a boy if you work hard you will surely manage to reach the top without any obstructions. But as a girl even if you work hard obstructions automatically come by themselves. That's the sad truth of our society. Well now it's your turn...
  21. Optimists always say that disaster will strike in the future, but we will be ready to face it. While it is true that we do not know how much our technology will improve by the time disaster strikes, being hopeful will help! We have numerous scientists trying to improve our technology - some of them are trying to foresee any disasters in the near future, while others are perfecting techniques to use in varied situations. Who knows, we could be moving to Mars tomorrow!
  22. I was actually talking about those "touch keyboards" and not the on-screen keyboards Anyway, on-screen keyboards are a little slow too. Who would like to do all those clicking clicking clicking, one-letter at a time!!!
  23. I'm waiting for the day when someone will start the thread titled "Microsoft won't have windows any more" :(Looks like the company is having a tough time and they seem to be running out of excuses for covering up their bad luck. It's about time they try to save their remaining products by reducing the prices and developing the quality. We don't want another expensive Vista-like product, do we?
  24. I wonder which show Matt Groening likes better - Futurama or The Simpsons! :(Anyway it's good to hear that the old crowd is coming back. And talking about the Simpsons, they had just an average run in the last season, isn't it? Good and Bad episodes all in one mixed bag. Let's hope Futurama doesn't do that!
  25. HI there and welcome to the fourms! I'm sure you'll like this place in no time and soon you may catch the addiction that all of us are trying to get rid of Stick by the rules and post some nice quality posts and your myCENT counter will keep on ticking. Once you complete 5 posts, your myCENTs will be shown and they will be updated every 4-5 hours. Remember this golden rule - "quality over quantity" - it's not important how many[/] posts you complete but how good your posts are.So basically you could end up with 100 posts and earning just around $5 while you could earn that same amount by posting 2-3 quality posts! :angel: So I hope you have a good time around here. See you soon.
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