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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I used Lynx for a while too and it was actually fun to use such a thing. It was just like working in a unix shell (well it did execute form the shell) and that's an environment which is always fun to use. But most of today's websites do not support Lynx and thus we can use it only for some of the sites available. That's not such a bad thing, and sometimes Lynx is indeed the safest option available out of the lot.
  2. well there's no real reason to rejoice yet as the rates are unbelievably high Forget 3G - even 2G is still out of reach for a lot of people. Everything related to telecom is on the high now-a-days. iPhones are costing above Rs.30000 while the original price should have been Rs.8000. ISPs charge more and give very less...well the list goes on! So the eternal wait begins - waiting for the price to come down - but we never know when it will end
  3. Yes that's another good point - just putting attractive images in the background doesn't necessarily make it a good search engine! Only people with fast net connections wouldn't notice it, but a lot of people around the world still use slow connections and they would definitely notice the loading times bing takes. They could of course disable images, but google is super-fast with images! And I have to meet the person who thought of the name "Bing!" What's in there?! I mean, at least Google had some meaning, like in Googolplex or something like that, but what does bing signify? Absolutely nothing! Well let's just wait for bing to fail too then we'll talk
  4. Wow you really are an inspiration to us Tramposch You and all the others who pay for their hosting and yet stay here on T17. I hope someday I too will be in a position to support T17 in the same way because I know as more and more members use the hosting the more Xisto has to spend on b/w and other features.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion Spurious. You make a good point. But could you say something about vB too? It will be good to compare both of them at once. Knowing about just one doesn't help a lot does it? But anyway thanks for taking the time to give the info about IPB. Everyone does seem to be using it everywhere....
  6. If I'm not wrong, Netscape came before IE, isn't it? I don't remember exactly - saw it somewhere in a documentary. Anyway, IE was bad from the beginning and I could say that even before Firefox came onto the scene. I was always looking for a good alternative and my prayers were answered when Firefox was released
  7. This may seem scary but there's no real reason to panic yet. This tech isn't widely used and it's really hard to set it up and all. And as Watermonkey said, there's no use worrying about everything new - problems may come and go but if we stay careful that's enough. Staying worried all the time is up to no good.
  8. posts need not be the deciding factor in all the cases so don't get the notion that if you have the highest number of posts on the forum you will be made a mod! It takes a lot more than that - well you've had experience on another forum isn't it? On a forum of this size there are a few more requirements for being chosen....
  9. There used to be this really old game - I don't know whether or not it's still alive, but it was called "Live for Speed" and it seemed to be really smooth. I enjoyed that game a lot but sadly I lost track of it and can't find it now. So I'm now sticking to Need for Speed!
  10. I've always wanted to buy an phone with all those cool features but ever since I found out that advanced phones can get viruses too, I lost interest in them. We have that headache on our PCs - why carry the headache in our pockets? That's why I got a basic phone with really basic features. But I didn't compromise on the look. My phone has got a mirror finish and that gives it a stylish look. It's a virgin mobile handset -vbling.
  11. After a while being active in any forums becomes tedious isn't it? The enthusiasm with which we begin posting slowly wanes off after a while. I'm slowly getting that feeling while posting here and at my other forums too. I'm still interested in them, but for some unknown reason the "zing" is gone!
  12. well I'm glad that there are some members interested in the forums and not just in the money. spammers do get kind of irritating but if there are a lot of active members then they can simply ignore the spammers and proceed with their routine. we've got a good team of mods so there's not much to worry about spamming
  13. well there are some interesting theories about aliens and the stories about the US doing secret experiments on captivated aliens is also interesting, but unless something real happens around here, there will be just speculation and nothing else. so if you have an inkling of belief in aliens, just wait for it. otherwise forget the whole thing and live a cool life!
  14. I'm a member in some networks but till now I have restrained myself from posting anything personal (photos, videos, etc). It's not a bad thing to join the networks - after all meeting friends is a good thing - but getting addicted to them and putting up private stuff isn't such a good idea. The people who spent 24 hours on facebook really need to ask themselves - "Was it worth it?!"
  15. Almost every PTC site that promises money works in the same way - trying to trick people. At least some don't ask people for money but just use them to earn money. But sites like bux.to take people's money and misuses them. That's why it's best not to use these sites.emailpaysu, hits4pay,inboxdollars too have a similar story to tell, each coming to a similar ending - tricking the users. They never give many ads/mails and you just wait on and on for some new mail to arrive. So it's best to leave these sites and look for a better way to earn money.
  16. Wow a lot of people sure are confident about themselves! I may be wrong but the trend usually says that most people would vote "NO" in such a poll. I think it's just plain coincidence that most of the people who voted till now are against the trend - maybe the majority of the people who would vote "NO" haven't seen this poll yet! well I could be wrong. Anyway it's good to see people who can keep away from their phones. I'm not that addicted to my phone (it's just a basic model no camera/browser/music) but I still feel uncomfortable without it at my side!
  17. a better question to ask would be - "which is the safest OS to use with a browser?" I'm not saying all OSes are hack-proof, but the OS will decide how much your browser is exposed to attacks. For example, I once visited a site through Google, using Firefox in Windows. That site had some important info I wanted but it also had some irritating adware, which I had to remove using BitDefender. Later I tried visiting the same site, using Firefox, but this time in Ubuntu (Linux) and this time there wasn't any infection Since then I've always been surfing the net only in Ubuntu and haven't had any problems like crashes, attacks, etc, even though Firefox is known to have some of these.
  18. The great firewall of China is indeed a sad thing because the government shouldn't interfere with people's personal tastes. There are effective ways to block what a child does on the internet today. Treating the whole country like kids is a joke!I don't think the Chinese have got a proxy to get past this great wall? I'm not sure about it.
  19. As of now I'm using SMF to power my fledgling forum. With the hope that it will grow soon, I'm planning to purchase a paid forum package as it gives more control and optimizations. I don't know how many paid forum packages are there but I know that the two biggies are vBulletin(vB) and Invision Power Board(IPB). There seems to be equal praise for both of them and so I'm a bit confused as to which one to take. I've got a year to decide but there's nothing wrong in planning from now ;)I've seen IPB on Xisto and on another forum which I frequent and it seems impresssive, though after all these years I've gotten bored of the look and all! The price of a license is $150, which I may be able to afford next year. Then there's vB which I haven't seen a lot but it seems equally good but costs $180. This is where I'm stuck and need some advice from the experienced users. I don't need all those fancy stuff like galleries and blogs - just a plain forum which is in my control! The free forum packages are good - agreed. But each one of them has a set of cons which is unsatisfactory. Out of the lot I picked SMF for now but given the money I would switch to a paid package at once Anyway I'll bide the time till I get the money so till then I hope to get some good advice here.
  20. I read in a paper today some people have given bing a name: BING (But It's Not Google!) This shows that once you have got used to something, it's hard to let go. We've been using google for so long, that if something new, and especially something new by Microsoft comes along, we just don't feel like switching to it. I may be an inconsiderate speck but I'm sure there are a lot of other people like me who believe that anything that comes out of Microsoft isn't 100% useful and there's surely a better alternative somewhere according to reports bing is effective in some cases but that applies only to the US version. For all other countries it's just the same old boring thing! so for now, we're better off sticking with google
  21. I'd cast my vote for BitDefender too.It may not look cool or anything, but it gets the job done neatly. It's not really perfect, but no other AV is perfect, is it? BitDefender has worked like a charm for me so far. My primary OS is Ubuntu so I dont need any AV for that, but whenever I go into Windows for some gaming, I check on how BitDefender's doing and the results are satisfactory Kaspersky's good, but why settle for the good when you're getting the best?
  22. Bux.to is a strange site - can't really say whether or not to trust it! There are a lot of complaints that they do not make payments in time or completely skip payments. But there are also some members who claim they were paid the promised amount, although it took a year to do so! I've been reading some of the posts made in the forums and there are some people claiming to have received payments ranging from $20-$40,000! Well of course they could be doing all that - posting fake success stories and all. But the fact is undeniable that most people get 'bux.to ' as one of the top results while searching for PTC sites. So there must be something good about it hidden somewhere. The general result, though, is that bux will take an extremely long time to pay you, even if the amount you have requested is very small. The email that Nameless_ quoted might have been received by each and every member on that site, for all we know! So we'll know in about a year whether Nameless_ has been paid or not like cicala has pointed out, it is pointless to waste so much time for something like this. It is better to look for some alternative jobs, which may not pay well, but at least give you money when you want it. There are some legitimate jobs available on the net, but its hard to trace these out. So the best thing would be to keep a look out for a job outside the internet, i.e., in the real world! I used to write to magazines and newspapers and earned a decent amount every month till I got bored and quit! But i did get something out of it. Likewise, there are good opportunities available for people who look out for them. Okay, to cut the long story short, avoid bux.to - it may or may not be legit, but it's definitely a waste of time. So you're advised to look for some other way to earn some moolah!
  23. I think you can sell it because it's up to you what you want to do with your domain. I'm not sure of the procedure, but I think if you open a support ticket they will be able to assist you professionally "Selling" a domain basically means transferring control of the domain from the seller to the buyer, right? So the registrar (in this case Xisto) needs to change the WHOIS record of the domain and so on, so you need to contact Xisto regarding this. Sorry if I'm confusing you or giving any wrong info, but I think this is the basic procedure of re-selling a domain. After the control is transferred the buyer can do what he wishes with the domain, including selling it again!
  24. Hi there Spurious! Any friend of OpaQue is a friend of all welcome to the forums. It's great to see that you're already getting into the thick of things and have begun posting - your myCENTs counter is showing already and that's a great sign to show that you're active I suppose you've already read it, but it's some kind of a tradition to point a newcomer to this document. There are more threads to be read, but I'm sure this one document will let you know everything you need... Readme! If you have any kind of doubt then feel free to open a thread in the relevant section and a member will get to it ASAP. So see you at the forums
  25. Hi there Maude how're you doing? Did you say video games? When can I come in? Keep up the good work. It's good to have people like you around. So anyway, welcome to the Xisto forums. You're saying now that you don't know anything about web hosting but a few days here and you'll eat your words! It's a fun place to be and you'll never repent joining here. Should you have any doubts you can always open a thread in the relevant forums and someone will attend to it right away. I hope you read the following document because it will tell you everything you need to know about the forum! Readme! I write some fiction too, and if you're interested I can suggest a site where there are people like us, giving feedback to each other and helping them improve. Do let me know well have a good time at the forums and see you around!
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