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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Hmm so now we have this toolbar too? I'm not such a big fan of these toolbar things, although they're supposed to be really useful. But I still think life would be better without these things making everything slow. I'm on broadband so maybe I haven't noticed such a big difference yet but I do access the site through mobile sometimes and I'm sure I will feel the pinch at that time. Is there any way for the users to disable this toolbar? I haven't seen any such facility so far....but it would be nice coz then only those members who feel it's useful would be using it and the rest of the members would have their old site back.
  2. I've posted this news in a creative writing site, and since our forum rules say no copying, I'll re-write the whole thing. I hope that's ok - I'm not writing this news for myCENTs - I just want to know whether I'm right or not. I got the book And Thereby Hangs A Tale by Jeffrey Archer delivered to me today, and I just finished reading the first story, titled, Stuck on You. As I was halfway through the story, I couldn't help noticing that it was strangely similar to another story that I had read long back. Thanks to Google, I found out that the title of that story is The Case of the Sharp-Eyed Jeweler, written by Nicolas Bentle. This story can be found as part of a collection of detective stories titled Six Detective Stories by S.E.Paces. The overall plot of both stories is entirely different, but a particular piece, which involves the stealing of a precious diamond, has clearly been "inspired" from the old story. Now, Stuck on You is marked with an asterisk in Archer's book, indicating that it has been based on real incidents. So is it possible that someone just narrated this old story to Archer, or that someone used the concept of that old story in real life?!! I'm not sure what to think. I haven't read any of Archer's short stories before so I don't know if such a thing is common. What do you people think? I could have given the plot details of both stories here, but as of now I don't think that's needed? I can give the details if needed, though.
  3. Just when I thought Facebook was getting safer with the introduction of custom privacy settings for most of the content, they messed it up again! This seems to have become a hobby for them - to change the rules every month or so Now the latest change is that you have to link all your interests to "Pages", otherwise you don't get to display your interests at all! I think the same rule applies to location, movies, etc. Either accept the pages suggested by Facebook, or leave these fields blank. And these pages are completely public, so no matter what your settings are, people visiting those pages can see that you're a part of it, and there goes your privacy! This is a ridiculous change and I hope it gets fought against. I've erased all those fields as I prefer to keep my privacy, but it'll be irritating to see a blank profile. It's not that big an issue but the old system was just fine and there was really no need to go and change it in such a silly way. If you haven't checked your FB account yet go and take a look - who knows how many pages you're linked to.....
  4. getting ready for sem xams from tmrw

  5. When I was purchasing my netbook, most dealers would point out to brands like Dell, HP, Acer, but out of the 10 shops I enquired in, at least 6 of them seemed to think Acer was the best in the netbook category (I hope by 'mini series' you meant 'netbook' ). If you're looking for a notebook (standard sized laptop) then you'd better stay safe with better-known brands like Dell and HP as they have better after-sales service compared to the remaining brands. If you're looking for just a netbook, then I think there's nothing wrong with the Acer brand as it has a good mix of options you get. I bought the Samsung N128 netbook in spite of a lot of people advising me not to, and so far it hasn't given me any sort of problems. But to stay safe, stick to the well-known brands
  6. Wow thanks for the find anwiii This was a cool game and I took 15 minutes when I first played it way back. But I solved it in under 2 minutes now - looks like my brain works sometimes Well it's an old game and cannibals aren't meant to look cute anyway Besides, this one seems much easier than the frogs one.
  7. All corporations are meant to be EVIL in someway or the other I haven't tried AdBlock but it's no surprise that Google won't block its own ads. It would severely deter its own source of income. I sometimes wonder if Google hasn't earned enough money already; why are they still pestering people with ads?!! And if the aliens came and destroyed Google then I guess ordinary people can say goodbye to their dream sites coz no one will be able to find them without Google
  8. I don't know much about the story behind the parts used in netbooks, but all I can say is that it is their price and performance which draws people in. I'll take myself as an example. I bought my first netbook - the Samsung N128 at the very low price of Rs.13k (around $285. Now, wouldn't you call that a good price for a computer which gives around 4-5 hours of battery backup and can handle most of the everyday applications? I bought this with my own money, which is another reason I preferred a netbook instead of a notebook. The iPad does seem interesting but knowing Apple, it won't let users to do anything fun without shelling out extra money. Also, outside the US, almost all of the Apple products cost double or even triple of their original price. So there's not much of an international market. Netbooks on the other hand, remain sensibly priced in almost all countries. Before the parts used in them show their true colours, the users will most probably dump them. For example, students don't need to use netbooks after they complete their education; they buy powerful notebooks instead. So very few people are actually thinking about using netbooks for a longer period of time, and that's fine, because at the low prices, no one expects them to be long-lasting anyway.
  9. Lol yeah there might be a chance for that, especially when MS and Yahoo are desperately trying to eat into Google's market share. They might eventually realize that they can't get any decent share, and the sensible thing to do would be to shake hands with google and integrate their search engines together, so that they can eat the profits together Hmm that seems to the thing which is most likely to happen in the coming days. No surprises there!
  10. I just read in today's paper that over 50,000 websites have started using the Facebook widget in their sites. On trustworthy sites like ours it may be a good thing as it makes things easier, but on some sites it may be dangerous to login using these widgets as we do not know if our accounts will be safe or not. Thus as a precaution I'm staying away from such widgets.
  11. I think a lot of members are directly posting their replies to this thread without reading what the others have said - at least four members have repeated the "25 posts per day" thing Hmm I guess not many people have the time or patience (or both) to go through 8 pages of reports before posting theirs! I'm looking forward to the day when the default settings are changed and we get a fully customized forum!@-Sky-: I heard somewhere that even the stable versions of V3 are full of bugs? I dunno how far this is true though. So far except for minor hiccups nothing seems to be going on wrong over here.
  12. Sorry to confuse you - my PC has 512MB RAM and I mentioned it only to compare it with the netbook. My netbook has the usual 1GB RAM and that is why I wanted to know which OS would be better for it. Yes this happened because of that flood control thingy - first it told me I wasn't allowed to post, and when I tried to post again after 10 minutes it registered both posts.
  13. The "Bord Message" flood control error is still rampant I opened a thread sometime ago and it gave me an error and told me to wait for a while. I waited, and tried to post the thread again, and it ended up in a double-posting of the same thread!
  14. Don't get confused by the title; I'm not asking you to pick three operating system and rank them I just want to know your opinion as to which OS performs best on standard netbooks. I'm talking about the general config - 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD, etc. I currently have a Samsung N128 and it's running Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows XP. From the former I get a battery backup of around 4 hours on average load and on XP I get a little lesser, but almost the same. But then my friend who bought the same netbook but just a month later (and model number N148) had Windows 7 pre-installed and he's getting an hour more! So I was wondering if Windows 7 is actually a better OS than the two I already have. I know it's not resource-hungry like Vista, and it's running just about fine on my 512MB RAM PC. So will it be better to remove XP and put in 7 on my netbook? Or is good ol' XP still considered the best for netbooks?
  15. still unable to think of crazy status messages

  16. You're right - we've become addicted to freebies. In theory you might say people will stop encouraging piracy when prices come down, but thanks to this addiction they might actually not be able to give up the habit. Old habits die hard, and this is perhaps the most addictive habit of them all
  17. Was Iron Man a huge hit as the other marvel characters? I guess not. But still the producers want to milk out everything possible out of the superhero brands. I didn't watch Iron Man until I watched Sherlock Holmes and I watched IM to see Robert Downey Jr. But the first movie wasn't too impressive and I'm not getting any hopes up either. Like many people I'll wait for a good review before watching this one
  18. Lol that's really interesting to imagine Just a few hours ago I opened a thread about how google buys all domain names related to its brand; it's fiercely protective of itself, not allowing anyone else to come close. I don't think that's the quality of a good religion!
  19. Another small suggestion - is it possible to change the font of the word 'sutra', and make it more clear? We already have a lot of members misunderstanding the meaning of the word and the last thing we need is someone reading it wrong. Of course, after visiting the site one may not have doubts about the word, but still it would be more appropriate if the font was more clear.
  20. One post every fifteen minutes? I believe that was a random problem faced by some members (including me) at some parts of the day. There were times when I couldn't post for half-an-hour, but usually I was able to make 2-3 posts within 15 minutes. Anyway, that is the thing of the past - I can see that the new system is much more efficient and encouraging. I gave myself a gap of two hours and once again the counter has reset to 25 posts So when we take a break, the counter does too
  21. Thanks - I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one facing the problem; first I thought it happened due to the suspension of the account. Well anyway I'll be looking forward to using the auto-installer soon because I can't figure out the database step in the manual install!
  22. yes i did try fantastico and it gave a similar error. and i hope "no more upgrades" doesn't mean no more access at all! I wouldn't mind the old version either because most of the CMS allow automatic upgrades so all I need is the one-click install facility. Anyway, here is the error I get for fantastico:
  23. Actually between petabyte and zettabyte there is the exabyte but it wasn't publicised as much as the zettabyte! G.O.K. what units we will see in the future and how much data each person will begin to carry around.
  24. Does anyone else has this problem or is this only my woe? My hosting account was suspended for nearly a month and as soon as I paid off the debt I got it back, and the first thing I wanted to do was to install Joomla. But when I tried to open Softaculous, I got this error: I opened a ticket and got a reply this evening that everything was fine from the admin's side. I replied by attaching a snapshot of the page I get whenever I open Softaculous or Fantastico (just to prove I wasn't bluffing ) - but by that time I guess their day was over and I have to wait till tomorrow for their reply. In the meanwhile can someone help me out? Is there anything I can do in this situation or do I just have to wait for the server admin to do something?
  25. @kira423: I guess that's a new feature in this version to fight spam. I'm not sure how exactly it works though. Before I gave a reply to a thread just now, it said I could make 25 posts today. After replying to the thread, it said I could make 20 posts today, till another hour! Well it'll take at least 20-40 minutes to make 20 posts so I think that's a safe limit to control spam. This applies to creating new threads also. On another note, I have another small issue to report - external links are not opening in a new tab/window as in the old version. It's a small issue, but would be neat if resolved soon
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