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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I have a secret to confess to you dear Xisto members. I'm a man who likes to smell like fruit. I love food, so smelling like food always appealed to me even if some would consider it feminine. That's not to say I'd want to be a woman. I really don't think that sounds like fun. Pregnancy? PMS?
  2. Microsoft never ceases to amaze me because it has so much money yet their products are often crap. Windows XP has been OKAY for me, but Windows ME? Holy mackeral, as they say. Im trying to forget the painful memories of the constant BSOD's..
  3. lol. I take it you don't try to reach enlightment like the monks, then? I had never heard of Pranayama, it's kind of interesting. It reminds me of breathing into a paper bag.
  4. I'm a n00b here and I just would like to say some of my opinions on Xisto. It was quite overwhelming at first and personally I was looking for a way to change how things looked but that doesn't seem to be an option. I just removed the shoutbox, and it looks much better without it, less bulky, but I'm wondering if i'll miss something now. I'll have to check it through the shoutbox page once in a while.I also think the similar topics thing at the bottom is usually much too big. It wouldn't be so bad if the topics were all new, but some of them are 5 years old and I'm not sure it's even worthwhile or proper etiquette to revive them from the dead. Never mind, I just figured out it stays contracted if you click the -. Atleast I HOPE it stays put.I do like the simple colour layout of the forum though. It's easy on the eyes and that means I don't mind looking at it often. Another thing I noticed is -- I have to log in to Xisto multiple times per day! I'm a member on other forums and I can't even remember the last time I actually logged in to those sites. I don't know, this could be my browser or something, but it's annoying to click on New Posts and get an error all the time from not being logged in. Is this a forum setting or is it something I'm doing wrong?All in all, you do get used to it once you find your way around. The View New Posts is what I usually use on this forum and others anyway. The funny thing is while writing this post, I solved almost all the things that were bugging me (shoutbox, similar topics). lol
  5. Is meditation/yoga really beneficial ? I tried it for a couple days but I didn't stick with it, I might try meditation again. Does it really make you feel better, or whatever it's supposed to do? Any tips for a beginner?PS: What's Pranayam?
  6. Did you figure it out? I don't understand the question. What kind of an exe file are you trying to make? It's been a long time since I've used 95.
  7. Happy birthday to Xisto. Looks like I joined just in time for some cake! Where's the cake? WHERE'S THE CAKE?!
  8. Where I come from we eat potatoes ALL the time, strangely enough I've never made potato soup. What else do you put in a potato soup?
  9. Congratulations on a successful repair! I didn't know Net Zero was still around, I remember using the free internet as a backup as the isp here was pretty unreliable in those days. I can't help with your Vista question though, I've never used it yet. I'm scared of it...... I've heard so many bad things about it, it's one of the reasons I haven't upgraded to a faster computer.
  10. I would be interested in any animal related things you would like to post. Do you have any dog grooming tips?
  11. Here\'s a kind-of review of the BR-600 Digital 8 Track recorder, one of my favourite \"toys\". Here is a brief overview from Roland US. I bought the BR-600 mostly for practicing my guitar playing but also to record a few tunes when I\'m in the mood. It has a surprising amount of features. It would be hard to name them all. I\'ll start with the features of the rhythm section. This is a very adequate machine in the rhythm department. It comes with quite a few built in drum arrangements and most of the common ones. It\'s got your blues drums, heavy metal, light rock, hard rock and it\'s got a couple world beats, such as a reggae beat. If you need something more with your drums, you can build your own patterns with the Touch Sensitive buttons. These do the job, but you\'ll most likely find it easier to adjust the velocity/loudness of your drums manually after the initial \"cool\" factor wearsoff. It comes with about 7 different DrumKit sounds, STD1, STD2, HARD, JAZZ, REGGAE, HIP HOP, 808 which are quite usable. Everything is pre-panned left/right for a little bit more realistic sounding drums. You can download the BOSS-br900 rhythm editor online which is compatible with the 600. You can edit the drum arrangements on your PC, and another useful feature is the ability to import MIDI\'s and it will extract the drums and make them compatible with the boss-br 600. Onto the COSM effects. Well, they\'re pretty good in my opinion. It is a BOSS after all. There are quite a few. Many Elec. Guitar FX, such as 90\'s Metal, Blues Lead, TEXASSRV. There are acoustic simulators, which sound quite good. There are BASS simulators to simulate a bass guitar, which to be honest, are disappointingly bad, but they are usable if you are very careful (the tones warp). It\'s got some BASS Fx for plugging a Bass into which I haven\'t tried, and some Vocal FX which sound pretty good but I haven\'t done much singing. Obviously if you\'re a tone junky with high end gear you\'ll probably rather hook up your $5000 amp, and you\'d probably have a huge home recording studio, but for the average person, the FX are good. There\'s a Guitar Trainer, which slows down audio from your mp3 player or other audio source. This works much like the famous Amazing Slow Downer, but it seems kind of gimicky and I don\'t use it too much as it\'s not as good as Amazing Slow Downer available online. It\'s got Auto Pitch Correction for Vocals, which works pretty good at making a not so great vocalist sound better. Be warned though, if you suck REALLY bad, your pitch will be warped in completely unrealistic ways. These work well with the two built in microphones, which sound very good considering their extreme portability. Well, onto the recording features. Despite it being advertised as an 8 track, it really only has 6 tracks. The last two tracks are Stereo 5/6, and Stereo 7/8. Sure you can bounce tracks and get 8 tracks playing at once, but it\'s not so easy. So it\'s really a 6 track. It\'s got a surprisingly good recording interface, you can punch in and out and loop and UNDO/REDO and each track has Virtual Tracks, which are \"Takes\", this let\'s you record the same thing multiple times so you can pick the best, without losing a previous one. You can Aux out the back into a mixing board or home audio receiver to use for speakers. Oh, and there\'s no built in speaker, you need to insert headphones. I wouldn\'t have minded some kind of a speaker, but headphones are better anyway if you\'ve got them around. There is one HUGE problem though! 256mb CompactFlashCard with a 1GB limit! They include a 256mb card which is absolutely tiny and I often find myself completely frustrated with it being constantly full. I haven\'t purchased a 1GB yet, but I plan to. Flash Cards this small are extremely hard to find but you might find some on EBAY. There were some when I wanted them but that was months ago I never got around to getting one. BOSS is apparently selling them in music stores as I contacted the local one. Their cards are jacked up in price ($50 as opposed to $10 on some online computer stores) but I guess it\'s an option. Anyway, there are tons of features on this little thing it\'s hard to review them all and the bottom line is I\'d highly recommend it to anyone. For the guitarist who wants to practice, this is an exceptional tool. It\'s improved my guitar playing technique and creativity immensely. Pick a drum rhythm. Record a few bars of some chords. Loop. Solo over it. For the acoustic singer songwriter, it works excellent. They have a guide on the official website for Acoustic recording tips. For the home recording newbie, it works excelelnt. No latency problems a la low budget PC recording, and terrific sound quality. It\'s got a built in mastering kit (more FX like De-Esser\'s and stuff) I didn\'t mention, which is definitely useful. For the person who wants to record live sessions, the mics are excellent. Even if you\'re not a guitarist, it makes a great tool for recording anything. I sometimes hook it up to my Sirius Radio and record some tunes, obviously this is hindered by the 256mb card, but still. For the price I can\'t say enough good things about this thing. I use it ALL the time. I even use it for jamming with friends when I don\'t feel like lugging an amp around, I just hook up to some speakers! Notice from rvalkass: Quote tags added around the copied text.
  12. I think it's really just hard to say without actually trying a triangular on screen keyboard. It's cool though, I'd try it.
  13. My opinion is the same as above. Indifference. I have no idea what it means, well okay I did read the history of the site, but still. It's just a name to me, it's short, memorable and easy to type. It doesn't bother me at all. It seems almost like a private club to a person at first though. I wasn't sure what to think when I first saw the name.
  14. Welcome to Xisto Sakhawat Elahi Shiblee. Have a good time posting.
  15. Happy Philippine Independence day. I bet there will be a lot of that erm, duck embryo? Balut? eaten. I remember meeting a filipino girl who raved about it lol.
  16. Are links allowed here? I'll PM you a link just incase they aren't allowed.
  17. I don't know but I think some kind of a larger music section with it's own subforums and a post count would be a good idea. Or even if the existing music section just had a post count. I just feel like I could do a lot of posting in a music forum and i could benefit from the MyCents
  18. I'm a musician. I play guitar mostly, I've not played the drums much, but I would love to. I can play some basic stuff but once the Kick gets involved, well I'd need a bit more practice. I've done some electronic music with Fruity Loops and other tools also. I play a bit of piano, but I never practiced in more than 2 or 3 week spurts. I did manage to learn "Linus and Lucy" though, a real fun (and quite difficult for a newbie!) song to play and most people recognize it which is good. I listen to a wide range of music and my interests seem to change often. I started out liking punk rock and classic rock like any good little guitarist, then heavy metal, than I mellowed out with some rootsy reggae and jazz, then I recently realized that I'd been missing out on some great Blues guitar playin'. 've always liked a good rhythm and often experiment with using "world rhythms" for my little practice sessions. Frank T, that is a nice little bit of knowledge. I don't know if there are any classical indian music percussionists out there, but there is an excellent software called SwarShala and helps with the learning of indian instruments like the tabla. Course, you have to own them first *sigh*. I have some great ebooks on music, and I know where to find some on drumming if anyones interested, which I didn't download myself, because let's face it, I'll never get around to reading all 10000000 of the ebooks on guitar playing and that's my primary thing lol.
  19. I couldn't help but notice that the music area is a tiny little sub forum and it says no post count. Why no post count? I'd sure like to discuss music, but it seems to be a tiny part of the site and I can't understand why it doesn't deserve a post count. Not too many music lovers here, I guess?
  20. Hello there Mark. I just signed up here also there's some interesting discussions going on around the place. Hope you enjoy yourself. What are your interests? There seems to be a forum for almost everything.
  21. I don't think Atheism is a religion. For example when I think of some cult like the Mansons or something, I don't consider myself a Non-Mansonist because I don't agree with what they believed in. Regarding Kris Kringle, I don't consider myself a Non-Santa-ist. I also don't consider myself a Non-AmonRa-ist. Does anyone? So I don't consider myself a "Non-religionist" or Atheist. I just consider myself a human being living on this world! I PERSONALLY have no reason to believe that I'm wrong about the lack of existence of a God, because if I knew I was wrong, then I'd convert pretty quick!It's not that I'm comparing the big religions to violent cults and santa claus in an offensive way, and I don't mean for that to offend anyone, they are just big name things that most people don't believe in I can use for an example. From my personal experiences, I find it hard to believe in Christianity or Islam or Hinduism etc more than I believe in things such as Zeus or Amon Ra, or whoever. I respect those who strongly believe in God, and I'm completely open to the possibility that there is one, but I'm not getting much proof. Most of my friends and some of my elder family are strongly religious, and not even the same religion. Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Catholics, whatever, I've talked to them all with an open mind and tried to understand why they believe so strongly in something and it never makes any sense to me and I don't feel what they say I should be feeling.And with this explanation I'm not talking about semantics and blah blah blah. I could whip out a dictionary and say Atheism is a system of beliefs regarding the in-existence of a God therefore it is a religion. I'm talking about how I FEEL about the word Atheism and what it should mean. More accurately, to an Atheist who does not believe in any supernatural or religious stuff, I don't think Atheism and Religion should even be words, they should be "Extinct" -- like the other thread on word extinction on here! We should all just be human beings, believing in the common denominator , our selves!, and stop labeling everyone. But yeah I know religion is a sensitive topic and I sure don't mean to offend anyone with my lack of belief, my beliefs just come from my life experiences and I could be completely wrong and going to hell, which would suck!
  22. I didn't like Warcraft III as much as Warcraft II, not that it was a bad game, it was just going in a direction I didn't like (Heros for example). Regardless of that, Warcraft is one of my favourite franchises and I look forward to a Warcraft 4. I've (very) sadly never had the chance to play WoW because my internet is too slow to run it enjoyably and it's all multiplayer, so I sure hope it doesn't continue any story in that. Blizzard has always been one of my favourite game companies, they were the first one that really stood out to me and I've supported them by buying their games ever since. I REALLY need a new computer, I haven't played any new games for years
  23. Interesting little bit of historical knowledge there. It must have been horrible to live back in the day when people it was that common to kill innocent people out of ignorance. I guess it still happens today in some parts of the world, in fact just the other day I read about a cult that claims to sacrifice babies to satan or something. Weird stuff going on in the world, past and present.
  24. That was a disturbing image. It's completely weird that somthing could be born like that. I think it could be a natural genetic deformity but I don't know much about that but deformities often happen just not quite that drastic and horrific all the time. It's like it has Spider genes, it has 8 hooves doesn't it? I don't know, I'm not looking again!
  25. It's been a long while since I've played Red Alert 2. Did anyone ever use the strategy where you load those guys that phase/chrono things out of existence into the Humvee type things? I can't remember the names but while it wasn't the BEST strategy, it was pretty darn good. Have a dozen of those babies driving around and the enemy won't know what hit em!And the Prism tanks.. Red Alert is really a fast paced game isn't it. Every unit is like superpowered, even the weak units can wipe out an entire base in a few seconds lol.
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