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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I've seen all of the Mr Bean episodes and he's not too bad (but not the best). lol. Most people hate that character though I know. Rowan was better as Blackadder. I didn't really like Friends but I only saw a few episodes. I was a Seinfeld fan though.Has anyone heard of "Bad news" the fake british heavy metal band? They're like Spinal Tap but I find Bad News much more funny. They only did a couple videos.All Aussie Adventures looks kind of cool from Wikipedia, so does Lano and Woodley.
  2. Certainly seems easy enough to be worth a try, isn't that a lot of salt? 6 tablespoons? It sure seems like a lot!
  3. Can't evolution be a bit random though? I thought the randomness was a big part of evolution. Things are sometimes born different from the "norm", something totally random. Like something growing another arm or leg for no apparent reason. It happens to humans. It could be an important improvement, or possibily it's signing an early death wish for that branch of species. Depending on how much of a change it is, a branched off species may live for many years despite being equal or not being as biologically good as the species it came from. If you could speed up time it might end up dying off, or even taking over, but for the time it existed, it was a random branch of a species before natural selection had time to work out the minor details.
  4. When did the theory of evolution become fact? Don't get me wrong, I believe the theory of evolution makes sense - but it's kind of hard to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. I think that referring to anything that we're merely understanding to the best of our ability as a fact could be a mistake, because even things that seem very factual might not be fact. More than one great and widely supported theories in the world have been disproved or completely remodeled. Evolution is the best theory we currently have on understanding how this aspect of life works, and it's a fine theory, but it and most (all?) theories will never and should never achieve the status of "fact". This closes the door to the possibility that truth and understanding is elsewhere. You rarely hear the word fact being thrown around in the science world. Atomic theory. Big Bang theory. Cell theory. Theory of general relativity. String theory. Quantum theory. What about good 'ol gravity? It's known as Newton's gravitational theory. None of these are referred to as facts, Evolution certainly isn't more accepted than gravity. Anyway, there's a cute little evolution simulation called Darwin Pond freely available for download. It's an interesting yet simple little sim and visually explains and attempts to prove the theory of evolution is right. By the way, I can't find any information on people actually having gills on their neck, other than christian websites which I certainly don't trust. So.. ? I'd like to read about it. The famous finches.. were they de-evolving or continuing to evolve to their changing environment in what only appeared to be a backwards way? If the birds started out with small beaks, then evolved to have larger beaks due to the food/water shortage after which the food became plentiful and there was a boost in population, food becomes harder to find, some could eventually branch out into another species with a smaller beak to get the food that wasn't a typical or desired food source of the big beaked birds. Didn't the birds with the large beaks continue to exist? I don't know if they did or not. If so, the smaller beaked birds would have more food it didn't have to fight over (for a while) and be healthier and become the prominent species and eventually re-evolve again into a big beaked bird. That's not really proof or anything, just an idea I'm throwing out there that probably doesn't answer your question anyway lol.
  5. Hey there sheepdog, do you have any tips on getting rid of fleas on a dog. I've tried flea collars and that liquid stuff you put on an animals neck and it doesn't seem to work, either that or they are jumping back on from somewhere. I miss winter -- there are never any fleas in the winter.
  6. Google's lightweight approach to searching is probably the reason I became such a frequent user of it in it's early days. If I remember correctly, the other big search engines were bloated portals to stuff I never clicked on, then Google came around with just the results I wanted -- not to mention it actually found accurate results.I don't use Facebook or anything like that, but I do have it and a friend added me and not wanting to be rude I signed on and spent an hour trying to load the accept/confirm and then an hour trying (unsuccessfully in the end) to send a quick message to the person. I was so frustrated, it ended the friendship. No I'm just kidding, but it did annoy the heck out of me.I don't know if Facebook has the features to warrant such huge download times, as i don't really use it, but they should atleast make it accessible to everyone, there's no reason for it to keep timing out all the time!Even Google mail gained weight, I used to use the normal version of it and it worked fine, it seemed to cache everything or something because it loaded fast, then they upgraded and I've never been able to load it since (takes forever and finally says error or something) and have had to stick with the basic version of gmail .I don't know why anyone in a continent like North America should still be limited to dial up anyway, it's outrageous our government is so cheap / poor. We don't even have the proper phone lines for maximum dialup speed. They think that $499/mo for 200mb download limit per day for satellite internet slower than $25 broadband is an option. Yeah, okay then....
  7. I love comedy tv shows or movies. Classic american slapstick, British comedy, what little comedy my country of Canada produces.. even classic cartoons. I also like the comedy from Hong Kong. (being of a fan of Jackie Chan's older films introduced me to some funny HK comedy that was a silly style I liked). I'd like to check out more comedy shows from around the world, but I can't seem to find any. It's interesting and surprising how different humour is in other countries. I like silly, fun comedy, with minimal drama. Since India is all Bollywooding it up to great success in the western world lately I would have though they'd have some popular comedy whether classic or modern, but the best I can find is comedy romance which isn't really what I had in mind. Are there any Indian movies that aren't romantic? Indians sure are a passionate people, judging from the films they show on tv, seems like all they think about is love lol. Ofcourse, I'd need to be able to download something and have english subtitles since I don't have a little Babelfish inserted into my ear. Either that, or a show/movie with no dialogue (like Charlie Chaplin or Mr Bean??)
  8. It's kind of hard to judge an entire country in one blanket rating because it's different everywhere. I've so far only lived in a rural eastern canadian province which (I'll assume) is completely different from the big cities of Vancouver and Toronto.. I love my country though it's a bit boring where I live and culturally it's a bit bland as well. I envy people from other countries because they are so rich in culture and there is so much to be proud of. When I read about local history, it's just so uninteresting compared to other countries. Maybe these are weird reasons to rate a country, but it's really all I know. Crime? What's that? I hardly read about any crime in the news and I've certainly never been a victim of theft or assault or anything like that. People? Well, where I grew up everyone was white, it would have been nice to grow up in a more multi-cultural area but I don't think the entire country is like this..just the area I know well. "Experts" say my province in Canada is from what I hear in the same league as a third world country, so that doesn't sound too good.I guess I'd rate Canada pretty high, I find little to be ashamed of, a little bit to be proud of, and it's got a vibrant red flag. We seem to suck up a little too much with US of A though -- we could do to be known as our own country and not a little sister of the United States. I had one eastern person fervently criticize my country for being so militarily aggressive and blowing up iraq and I'm like, uh, I live in Canada not USA.. and they're like, isn't Canada a part of the US? Duh... Knock off points for my area more boring than spending a lifetime in the pits of hell also knock off points for my area still not having broadband internet (third world country is right..) 8/10
  9. Everyone interested in black holes should check out this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It may (or may not, but someone said it did) have some scientific errors but it's still a pretty nice little visual introduction to black holes. Do you think we'll ever find out the truth of what happens inside a black hole? I have my doubts, if a BH is so powerful it stretches or compressed everything infinitely, how could anything or anybody ever be strong enough to withstand being sucked into it? I don't know, it's mind boggling to think about. To just be sucked in and cease to exist.. where does the stuff that's sucked in go? Another dimension? Huh? I sure don't know. It's hard to even grasp the concept of black holes being reality and not some outrageous fiction.
  10. The media is really a sickening to watch. So soon after his death I already I see tv shows taking advantage of it by advertising some Michael Jackson exposed shows and it's obviously against MJ to make him look bad. I think it's disrespectful to air such negative stuff just because they know people will watch right after someone dies and they can't even defend themselves.
  11. Well I heard about someone in the news a long time ago who was so traumatized by their hair cut they felt compelled to stab the hair dresser with a pair of scissors. Didn't say if they were getting it cut by a trainee or not though.. hmm!I imagine it would be okay, you'd think they'd have someone experienced watching to make sure they don't screw up.
  12. Are we humans unique in that we have true free will and total control over our lives? In the words of Appius Claudius, "Every man is the smith of his own fortune". The obvious answer is yes, as we make choices all the time. What to eat, what to wear. We choose our friends, we choose our words. We have the ability to think, rationalize and reason to make decisions that effect our life on every scale....or do we?Perhaps we are living in a pseudo reality, where we only believe we are in control of our bodies and our thoughts. All species adapt to their environment to survive, humans are no exception. We're the most intelligent species on the planet, therefore our adaptation skills must be high, much different than other animals, as we are so incredibly different in other ways. There are so many instances of environment influencing a persons behavior thoughts and opinions. Just the culture in a country where a person lives is enough to cause drastic changes in a persons opinion of almost everything. The home they are raised in, the people they grew up with. We're always adapting to our environment psychologically whether we realize it or not.Let's think for a minute -- imagine a food you really like. Does a person really like the food, or has our brain just evolved to make sense of our taste buds having what our body feels is positive stimuli. There is no doubt our brains are amazing organs -- but that doesn't mean we necessarily have free will. Another very simple example is to think of emotions. How many people get violent and uncontrollable when angry? How many people feel the need for suicide because they're depressed? Lots. Many people know what it's like to 'lose control'. What if being calm, cool and "in control" and making decisions is just the same thing as not being in control, it's just more pleasant so we think it is.Could everything we say, everything we do, or think, believe, like be completely controlled by our brains, just an organ in our body? I think most people would accept the theory that computer artificial intelligence could ever achieve free will and be able to choose things without having some logical reason for choosing things. Imagine - could we just be highly intelligent super computers and not realize it? It's incredible how computer-like our brains turned out to be in research.Animals such as dogs are much more simple creatures than a human being, but we're all living animals on the same planet, and we're all remarkably similar. Anyone who's ever trained a dog knows that their behavior is influenced by food. When a dog obeys a trained command it wants a reward (food) or fears punishment. Assuming the animal understands, when it disobeys the command, its body doesn't desire the food enough. It's calculating in it's brain the probability that the action will result in something good or something bad. Does a dog actually think about this or does it just happen ? It's pretty well accepted that dogs don't actually have intelligent thoughts. I'd love to think my dog understands my emotions, but I don't think this is true. Perhaps humans are te same way.Creativity::: I ask myself and everyone a question, could it be possible that humans could achieve such amazing things, all the inventions and art, and music, if we were just robot-like beings? It's hard to believe that we could do such incredible and creative things if we weren't somehow special and inimitable -- but is it possible? Programmers have made many things where computers can perform surprisingly human like actions. Sure they are pre-programmed to do complex things.. but maybe we are too, we're just exponentially more sophisticated than anything we've designed so far. I don't believe we're pre-programmed at birth, I think it's possible our brain sort of programs itself every day and our experiences influence every aspect of our lives more than we could ever know.There's lots and lots to say on the subject and this post is no where near a complete idea, but I'll leave it here since I don't want to spend hours rambling away. Just think about the possibility that everything in our lives is worked out in our brain and we only think we're making our own decisions. I don't know if we have free will or not, it's just an interesting thing to think about.
  13. I don't know much about anime but I admit I think it's a topic that deserves it's own section even if I'd have nothing to say there.. as for all things asian, well, hm.. I think Asian girls are cute..if you look at the bottom of this page..there seem to be a few anime related topics..but they're ooooold and I don't think the people who posted in them are here anymore.
  14. I haven't looked myself but I've heard talk of 9000HD's being sold for $200US with an 8psk adapter pre-installed and the MAXHD's were always cheaper. $499 is about the price they were the year after they first came out and dropped after that so it's weird that you're seeing them for $500. I don't know much about Dave equipment, being from Canada I've only used starchoice and belltv stuff. I don't think you can get much on dave birds with a fta receiver. http://www.lyngsat.com/ is a helpful website to see what you can pick up. Indou: There are lots of satellites in space broadcasting television channels, maybe more than you'd think. You can aim any old satellite dish at these and pick up free channels all you need is a satellite dish with an LNB (the thing on the end of the pole), a dish, a free-to-air receiver (viewsat is a popular one), and a tv (and the cord to connect the things, but that should be obvious) -- and a little bit of knowing where to point the thing (a compass is handy) I'm not sure what you can get in the UK, but there must be something. You can look on http://www.lyngsat.com/ to see what is available in your part of the world. Your selection of legally free channels might not be so great, it's mostly a hobby to find them, but a lot of people in north america use FTA receivers with 3rd party software to obtain free tv from the big tv companies BellTV (Codename: Bev or BTV) which is on the satellites named "Nimiq" and Dish Network (Codename: Charlie) located on EchoStar satellites and this is why they're extremely popular. This isn't exactly legal but some people do it anyway.
  15. o/` Fly me to Damoon.. let me play among the stars..let me see what spring is on , on jupiter and mars..... blah blah o/`o/` Howling at damooooonnn, sha la la la la .. o/`o/` On the dark side of daMoon o/`o/` Walking on damoon..o/`o/` Seems as though I've lived my life, on the bad side of damooOoOn. o/`
  16. Welcome to the forums, damoon. I have no idea what damoon means, but I'm going to pretend I know what I'm talking about because it's kind of entertaining to confuse a new member.
  17. I have no idea what the game is, but have you tried looking at some Emulator / ROM websites where old games are available for download? Some times they have little write ups or screen shots which might help you identify the game.
  18. People actually eat non home grown tomatoes? They taste like paper! I would never be so desperate for tomatoes as to use store bought tomatoes in the winter. I would use canned if I needed tomatoes. Almost every vegetable tastes better fresh from a garden, in fact the difference is so extreme I feel sorry for anyone who's never had their own garden. Out of season store bought tomatoes are just blah though, atleast in my part of the world.I look forward to trying sun dried tomatoes though, I always have so many tomatoes they're falling off and rotting on the ground by the dozen so surely i'll have enough to dry.. I can imagine they're quite good as the flavour is probably concentrated more since the water is gone.How long can you store sun dried tomatoes?
  19. How do you make sun dried tomatoes? I usually have lots (enough to start a pasta sauce factory??) of fresh tomatoes. Do you just dry them in the sun or something? I've heard of them but never tried them!
  20. Yahoo Answers Sucks! Facebook sucks! When I say that, I don't mean the concept of the sites are that bad. (I'm just making a controversial title ) I mean their code must be horrible! Each page is like 1 to 1.5mb in size, and on dial-up it takes me 7-10 minutes just to load one page (with images disabled!!). Answers! is bearable , but Facebook is so bulky I can't even use it, it loads and loads and eventually it stops loading and I'm stuck with a half loaded blank page 90% of the time. I've noticed this on a lot of big sites, sites like the big News sites, and most of the social networking sites. Microsoft's site also I think. They take an insane amount of time to load. It's like they pre-load a ton of useless stuff. Maybe this isn't a problem for most people with broadband, but aren't these massive collective file sizes (for websites) inefficient in general? Cost more to host? I don't know. It always seems to be like this with big well known sites (google excluded..it loads results fast).I just don't understand what it is on these webpages that warrants such long download times. For example it takes me atleast 7 minutes to download answers.yahoo.com the main page, while it takes a website such as Xisto's main forum page relatively no time at all (for my connection anyway:P), maybe a minute or less and there's more information to be seen!
  21. I'm pretty sure the MaxHD kept the PVR capability but only lost the OTA tuner, which is a feature in the VS9000 that I personally have never used anyway and I think you have to remove the Over the air tuner and install the 8psk module in it's place anyway. Whichever receiver you choose I think now is when the prices are about their lowest with the N3 drama going on, though its a bit risky spending money on an HD receiver which may never be able to reliably pick up HD channels (or any non fta ones..) I don't think there are any true fta hd channels.. not sure though.
  22. Hey there judyduck. I'll assume you mean CD images and not photos, there are quite a few software that can do this. Sometimes your CD burner comes with an installation cd that has burning software capable of working with images. I use the software called Alcohol 120% which works great for burning cd images.I'm not sure why google led you here to find an image burning program, as this is a discussion forum with little to do with burning software, but I hope you find what you're looking for.
  23. Well I never watched too much T.V. FTA or "Non FTA".. so N3 isn't bothering me too much. The fun for me was in pointing the dishes and the thrill of finding something up in the sky. I had one of those old BUDs: Big Ugly Dishes for true FTA.. but the receiver to control the motor went kaput. I have a VS9000HD and a VS Platinum. I think you'll like the 9000HD, provided there's ever something to watch on it again. It had a great HD picture and a very nice modern looking GUI. There's a newer viewsat alternative to the 9000 as well, called the VS MaxHD, maybe you've heard of it. I've never tried it, I think it's like the 9000 but costs a bit less.
  24. I'm getting a very strong vibe that Curiel41 is a spam bot. Not a very good representative of Vedic Astrology if that's true.. lol. I've never really been a believer in astrology, but I'm not a non believer either, I haven't gave it much thought. It's cool that you (Misanthrope) believe in it though. It reminds me of a funny The Honeymooners episode...
  25. lol. Shameless advertising is right.. the moderators must be kind people to allow you to advertise your forum on their forum I'll check it out.. and maybe register, it looks cozy at least. I had a forum once, spent days setting it up and thinking of great topics to have, I think I spent more time setting it up and perfecting it than using it lol. Hopefully yours lives a bit longer than mine did! What kind of tutorials are you going to have on there anyway? Or should I be asking that question on your forum? Hmm.. PCDynasty isn't a bad name, I had a friend who was (is? I haven't seen him for a while) extremely proud of his chosen name --- Microhard.. believe it or not.
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