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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I used to LOVE Starcraft. My all time favourite game. My first big computer game was Warcraft 2 (I had played other games like doom before that, but none that were as good as Warcraft) which has nothing to do with post but it makes me nostalgic! I played all the Starcraft "species". I think protoss were my favourite, mostly because of their slick futuristic look. Terran and Zerg were just as fun to play though. I couldn't choose a favourite. Starcraft really was an incredible game, it's one of the few games imo that actually have hugely different units and they all seem to fit together into one awesome game. And Starcraft II?!?!?! I had no idea there was a Starcraft II coming! Sweet Overlord! I waited for years for it and eventually just gave up caring. I'm excited now though, i'm going to need a new computer to run it on high quality / high res graphics!
  2. Hey Aditya welcome Xisto. I am also new here and am liking it so far, so I think you will too. Myelf, I'm wondering if I should try the Logic package with my already earned credits or wait and go for the Logic Pro..hmm.. decisions! Have fun!
  3. Well I figured it out somewhat after a while. Kind of cool, I didn't know there was such a big community of virtual railroad fanatics.
  4. You think someone in the world would just translate that Mackoy's website to english for him, instead of having 100 english tutorials elsewhere that you have to google. I'm still trying to get it working, thinking I may be using old trains with new Bve..I have no idea..I can't get a train loaded even when I download that Blueridge1.2 I thought came with a train! I even tried editing the .csv and installing a new train, can't get it working.
  5. Can someone tell me how to use that BVE? I downloaded some route, but it won't run without a train. So I downloaded a train, the first one I found, GM Class 59 BVE 4 Version 07.08 simulating hauling heavy stone train, and it was an EXE that installed into what I thought was the right directory.?It just keeps saying it can't find the train.
  6. Nice pet care tips, I'm surprised nobody commented on them.?
  7. Well, when is a word a word? If I say some random bunch of letters and use it to describe something. An Omahibajoba (noun): A really cool person. Let's say people here like my new word, and it catches on. It might even be added to a big dictionary. That'd make it a word, right?What if nobody likes my word, and it fades away as quickly as it was created? Was it still a word, or just a bunch of random letters made up by me? What if you nobody cares about my word, but in 50 years, it's still stuck in your brains even if you don't consciously remember it. Does that mean it's gone? What if scientists come up with a way to extract information from a brain? What if I make a tpyo ? I just made a spelling mistake. You knew what I meant though, didn't you? Tpyo has a meaning, a search on google reveals those letters have been used before and mean the same thing: Is it a word?Anyway, assuming vocabulary isn't passed on through genes and we don't know it, I think words can become extinct. Words have to be maintained, kept alive, as does almost everything. If it isn't then it will be forgotten and become extinct and cease to exist. Does speaking a word make it exist, or does merely knowing it make it exist, though? Let's say there's an all powerful being who hates the word "blah". Anyone who speaks or writes the word blah will be zapped and killed. Everyone therefore never speaks that word, even if they know it. After that generation dies , assuming nobody has used it, then within a generation the world will be extinct since nobody will have heard of it. I think it won't be extinct until then because people knowing the word and avoiding using it means it exists.What if Earth blows up and we're all exterminated. Then, on a planet in a galaxy far, far away, a new species not so unlike ours is growing. Because we're similar, they eventually words similar to ours, not just english, but any human language. Eventually, by complete chance, some words might be the same and even have the same definition. Does that mean the word has become non extinct? No, it means there's a new word that happens to be the same, nobody would know though. I think the difference between words and everything else is that just having the words in your brain, thinking them, keeps them alive. What a rambling nonsense post this (mine) was.. lol
  8. There's no doubt about it, I love dogs most of all. They intrigue me and they're all so different. I like cats too, but they're kind of boring, and in the case of my cat, quite aggressive. It's cute when they sleep though, it should be, that's about all they do. My cat sleeps for like 20 hours a day, naturally the hours she doesn't sleep are when I'm sleeping. She'll jump around and knock things over, really annoys me.In response to "dogs are more like slaves" - well they sure are slaves to food. You could almost make a dog jump off a cliff for a piece of steak. I don't think they're slaves to people, if anything, Humans are slaves to dogs. We prepare their food, walk them, escort them places, pick up their poo, clean up after they mess up the house, we groom them, we play with them when they're bored, provide them with everything they need. Yep, I think we're the slaves
  9. Dogs for sure but I like all animals. I'm the proud owner of a great Border Collie. I'd like to own a horse some day, I think that'd be cool.
  10. I always got the impression Bush was an okay guy but for some reason it really seemed like he wasn't very intelligent. He did some embarrassing that made me laugh more than any comedian could and he just laughs most of it off which is kind of cool. The biggest thing I dislike about him, is he seemed to think the world was America and America was the world, and every other country were just secondary things. His disrespect for other countries, how he condones bombing in allied countries without permission and acts like civilians in third world countries aren't important. He didn't know the name of our Canadian Prime Minister. That is just incredibly dumb and kind of offensive being a president and not knowing the name of one of your closest allies. I wonder sometimes why countries rarely have great leaders. There are lots of great, highly intelligent people in the world but they rarely become politicians and usually we just get some average joes for presidents/prime ministers.
  11. I didn't like Civ4 at first but I came to like it quite a bit after giving it a chance. I liked CivIII more but still. Civ 4 was still quite fun.Didn't they come out with a new Civ game that wasn't for PC? I wish they'd spend their resources on a PC Civ5. IMO, Civilization is a game better played on a PC. Hey, have you downloaded any, erm, , third party "addons" for Civ4? I downloaded a few I can't rememer the name of, but it really really enhanced the experience. They don't change the game completely, they just add things that make it better. I don't play Civ4 much anymore, but if I did, I'd be sure to install those things. I don't know what they're called though, sorry but if you browse com civ 4 sites you'll find some great stuff.
  12. Oh man I was addicted to Civilization 3. I liked Civ4 and played it quite a bit but I missed the plain old-school look of the older Civ which ran fast. Civ 4 was pretty slow on my computer.I would play for almost 48 hours at a time barely stopping to sleep, eat or use the bathroom. When the game was over, there was this huge feeling of relief. I enjoyed it, but I was some glad the game was over so I could be free from the bonds of Civ. Most addictive game ever. It really is. I've been addicted to some games, mostly ones with an intriguing plot, but none that would make me skip an entire nights sleep just to play like Civ.
  13. Hey there saspar, I'm Rob. I'm also learning about web design.?
  14. Looks pretty good to me. Red has always been my favourite colour. It's not too busy with images and stuff either, which is good, but I'm wondering if it could use atleast one red-ish not overly flamboyant (don't want to overpower the top logo) graphic somewhere amongst the text though, maybe in the upper corner. Maybe some transparent red thing with a font-greyish shadow around it. It looks fine the way it is though, my suggestion might be stupid, just wanted to make myself useful and suggest something
  15. Well there are (well, there recently was and may be in the future) non-legal ways to get all Dishnetwork channels for free but I don't want to condone anything illegal <gasp>.
  16. Are there any games out there that are like this? Strategic/Tactical War games that are kind of slow and realistically paced and just realistic in general as opposed to Starcraft/EmpireEarth type RTS where you pump out units and attack en masse. I believe the term used is RTT Real Time Tactical.?That game Sid Meier's Gettysburg is kind of like the gameplay style i'm looking for, but something a little bit more modern in look. I don't mind older games, but Gettysburg is a bit too out dated for me and doesn't run too well on XP.
  17. I sure remember growing zucchini the first time (last year actually). It kept on growing, and growing and growing and growing. I didn't know what to do with all the of it. Maybe someone will give us some recipes!
  18. I enjoy gardening. One thing I want to plant some time are those bhut jolakia peppers. I've grown jalepenos that turned out good, so maybe hotter kinds will too but you have to order the seeds online. I'm one of those people who 'enjoy' killing their mouth with spicy foods.
  19. Papillions are cool dogs. I don't own one, but yeah, all dogs are pretty cool! You should post some Papillion pictures to spice the thread up a bit!
  20. rob86

    Hello Everyone

    Thanks for the welcoming. I registered on Xisto - Support a while ago now I'll check out the rules. I'm surprised at how much is going on in the forums, shouldn't be hard to get some myCents with all the cool discussions to join in.
  21. This thread is pretty depressing! I download at 2.5kb/s ALL the time (except when I'm downloading/browsing two things at once, then it halves!).
  22. In all of my years using windows, I never knew that Win+Pause/break brought up the system properties tab. I might not have used your RAM boost tip, but that little key shortcut was interesting, thanks!
  23. I can read and type properly about 130 or 140 wpm last time I checked and I think 147 typing my guts out trying to get faster on the typing test but it depends what I'm typing. If it's something tricky with a lot of caps and accents it slows me down to like 110wpm. If I'm just typing my whats on my mind (ie: chatting) and ignoring capitalization it seems like i'd type faster but it's kind of hard to test that. I'm surprised the record is only 172wpm. That's not as high as I would have thought it'd be.
  24. I used to play Empire Earth quite a bit but I don't play games much anymore. I used to annoy the people I played with because I'm the type of person that likes to make a game as long as possible, so we'd play for hours and I'd be way ahead but just advancing through the tech tree making my empire bigger, attacking the enemy a tiny bit just to keep them behind but not kill them, then when I hit the future era I'd wipe out every one of my opponents in a few minutes and they'd be all mad because they played for hours just to realize they never stood a chance and I just let them turtle away while I had fun building an army but I didn't let them know that.
  25. I hate IE very, very much. Not only is it insanely slow it has always been very buggy on my computers. I guess because it's all connected with Windows and my computer is very packed with junk. I could blame myself for causing IE to be buggy, or I could just forget IE, use Opera and be better off!
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