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Everything posted by rob86

  1. The only one I've ever tried is ConvertXtoDVD which worked very well.. I tried it a few times and it converted a full length movie and also a bunch of little videos (like from a camera) and it let you customize the look of the menu screen on the tv..with a background and different fonts.. pretty good software.
  2. Greetings Martian Deb. I am Rob from the planet Earth. Nice to meet you! I'm slowly learning PHP and web design too but I still haven't figured out what kind of web page to use my new knowledge on! I never saw that guide to introductions before.. mine must have been lame! I thought your introduction was fine, sure is better than a lot of them.Anyway..have fun!
  3. Using the mobile version of a page is something I never thought of. I don't think I'd ever use Facebook (not my thing) but it's a good tip. I shouldn't have to do that though -- it still sucks! I don't think a page should be that bloated but that's just my opinion on the matter Times change though, I guess.. the internet is only getting faster all the time so I guess I should get used to the bloated webpages.I've had some good answers in Yahoo Answers actually, it must depend on the section you're asking in. Most of the answers I've read are intelligent and maturely written but I've seen some (not my) questions completed loaded with rude comments.
  4. Homosexuality is abnormal webishqiptar, there's no doubt about that. It's not "the way it should be" by any means for obvious reasons, (male and female of any non-"intelligent" species always go together) but as far as I know, it has been studied and homosexuality does occur in nature. I liken the occurrence of homosexuality to a biological "accident". I know that sounds offensive, but it's not meant to be. To me, it's like being born with two heads. It's not normal, it's not accepted and it's disturbing to the average person, but it happens and a person born like this shouldn't be punished for that as they're still human.Like I was saying in my other post, it gets confusing, because like straight people, all homosexuals are not the same and it's not fair to judge them as a group. Some are natural born homosexuals, and some probably aren't.The thing I find curious is that homosexuals are always associated with degenerate sex. When the idea of a gay guy is mentioned, it's always assumed they're disturbed anal sex addicts. When people think of bisexual girls, I'd bet the most common opinion of them is that they're the porn star type, shagging everything and everyone. I guess it's the weird ones that stand out in the media.I don't know if these opinions are true, because i haven't met too many homosexuals or bisexuals.. but I'll be fair and say they can't all be the same! Some homosexuals must be normal people that a straight man wouldn't mind hanging out with ..right? I don't know! I met one homosexual guy who was a cool person I didn't mind talking to, he dressed normally and acted normally and I knew (not personally) another homosexual man that was the most highly disturbed person you could ever meet. He was charged for raping two of his female friends (who assumed he was 100% gay), he talked like a stereotypical gay, he sexually harrassed men and women alike by rubbing against them against their will, he frequently undressed and pleasured himself in public So yeah... I think you should judge a person by who they are and not the type of person they're attracted to. There are weirdos on "both teams" as they say.
  5. lol. Perhaps I'm just immature, but that pun (not intended?) was funny. I don't think being homosexual is morally wrong. It happens in nature and even animals can be homosexual. The thing is, it's not always natural. You can't tell me every gay person in the world is gay or bisexual because of natural reasons. Some ARE disturbed individuals. You hear about all the priests raping young boys, why? Isn't it strange these men are sexually attracted to young boys? The same gender? They must have developed some unnatural desire for young boys. That's the thing.. you can attack from both sides. Homosexuality can be natural, but homosexuality can (ok, I'm assuming this) also be a result of some psychological problem. Biologically straight people may gay because of loneliness,depression or low self esteem or something..you know. Is homosexuality an acceptable escape for people with psychological problems? I don't know, but I think it's better for people to overcome their problems instead of escaping to a path of least resistance (accepted homosexuality). It's like asking if cutting yourself for stress relief is acceptable, I don't think so, but nobody shoots a person who does this. But in general, I don't think gays should be crucified or anything. It's not sinful (I don't believe in sin) and it's not bothering me any. It's like being left handed and right handed. Assuming the "mold" of how humans SHOULD be is that people should be right handed, it's still cruel and inhuman to ostracize them (or claim they should be shot!) for being born different. Homosexuality can't be NATURALLY CORRECT, because it doesn't make sense. Sex exists in nature almost solely to reproduce (except a few species). While it still happens once in a while, homosexuality would never be common or sensible because the animals wouldn't be able to reproduce and share their genes! As for homosexuality being morally correct, well, it's not hurting anyone, so sure it's fine. As for bisexuality, well I don't know, it's often a result of a persons lifestyle.People who live in large cities around a lot of people and either are the frequent partier type or the depressed type seem to often turn bisexual, especially females. I have no idea why this is, but it sure seems like an accurate observation to me. I don't hate a person for it either way. Anyway, I don't hold anything against you miss sofiaweb for being bi! Doesn't bother me any.
  6. You're right in saying that "Heat" is the amount of energy being transferred but it seems to be quite common to call "Heat" energy by itself even if it's inaccurate. Q in that formula I believe stands for "Quantity of Heat being transferred" but obviously E or anything could be substituted I actually made a mistake in the formula it is Q = m/\T * S with m being the mass of the object also written as q = m(Tf-To) * S in the second formula it's the same thing but you fill in final temperature subtract original temperature. Here's an example question and answer. You have a cup of water (250ml) at room temperature (20C) that you want to warm up to 68C for a cup of tea. How much "Heat" needs to be applied in Kilo Joules to raise the temperature? q = m(Tf-To) * S q = ? m = .250kg (1ml h20 = 1g h20) /\T = (Tf - To) = (68-20) S = Specific Heat Capacity of H20 = 4.18kJ/kg * ?C. q = .250g (68C-20C) * 4.18KJ/kg * C q = 12000g.c * 4.18KJ/kg * C q = 50.16KJ 50.2 KJ of Heat need be applied to raise the temperature. I think that's right........ it's been a while and it's harder to understand typed out.. It might have a more complicated name than "heat transfer formula" because I can't seem to find it anywhere!
  7. It's an interesting read. You should have typed Mass * speed of light^2 with it's commonly known formula - Einstein's theory of general relativity E=m.c^2 and not so scientific people would recognize it better an go "ooh! aah!" .. unless you were saving it for the next chapter as a surprise and I just ruined it? :)You should add a little bit to this thread about uh.. heat transfer I think it's called. It's useful information..tells you how long it takes to cool a drink?I believe the formula is q = /\T * S (I forget what they commonly use as a letter for Specific Heat?)That formula in english means Heat = Delta(Temperature) multiplied by Specific HeatHeat -- as Bani taught us -- is also energy, which is normally measured in Joules. Sound familiar ? -- it's used with electricity and means "watt second". It was named after the English physicist James Joule.Delta(T) means Change in temperature.. simply.. 15C to 30C is 15.. 15 to -15 is -30Specific Heat is the heat (energy!) required to raise the temperature of a substance one degree in Celsius (and Kelvin too if I remember correctly??). This number can be found on table of elements which are available everywhere online.Using this simple formula..you can do some cool calculations.. ofcourse there is more to it..like the energy to melt and freeze something (ice cubes)..but i forget that right now :DIf I'm wrong about something..feel free to correct me as it's been years since I've used this knowledge..Keep up the physics posts Bani..they are cool.
  8. How about we just play Command and Conquer Generals and find out the answer? I've always wondered if it was possible for China to sneak some kind of bomb into all of the products exported. The bombs could be programmed to blow up at a certain time in the future and it'd cause massive destruction. It might be hard to insert a bomb into everything though, unless they could come up with something that american's wouldn't recognize. String (theory) bomb? Oooh. Never know. Then it'd probably kill their economy because nobody would trust them anymore.. unless they suddenly gained a lot of allies.. like Hannibal's method of conquering Rome -- his multiple displays of victory encouraged Roman 'Allies" to break free from the alliance of fear and become enemies...
  9. Something that's most likely been around since Man began to think about Life, The Universe and Everything (RIP D.A.!) has been the the concept of Good and Evil. The examples of humans and the belief that there is a Good and Evil are endless. Wars, Superhero comics, Movies, Religion. The concept of Good vs Evil has been ingrained in our brains for as long as we can remember. Even in our daily lives, we often use phrases like, "'my ol buddy Joe is a great guy" and "Adolf Hitler is an evil, horrible man". It's so embedded into our subconscious that most people don't even stop to question what Good & Evil even mean. By semantic analysis the common definition seems to be quite simple at first glance: Good: Moral excellence, moral admirability Evil: Morally objectionable Well that's simple enough, a bad guy is something you don't agree with. I don't believe the slaughter of innocent people is acceptable, so Hitler must be evil, right? That makes sense only if you believe an opinion is the definition of fact. Unfortunately, to someone that actually stops and thinks for a few seconds, it doesn't matter if one person believes Red is the best colour or one million, it's only an opinion. It's the same with the concept of Good and Evil. Being neither American nor Middle Eastern Muslim (the "Jihadists" specifically) I've payed attention to the War in Iraq with a neutral and unbiased perspective. It's common opinion that islamic terrorists are evil. I've talked to a few pro-war Americans who truly believe this war is an epic battle of Good (America) vs Pure Evil (Islamic Terrorists). I have a close friend who runs a large American Republican chatroom. I've seen news of modern jets dropping bombs from above mass killing Iraqis, the "enemy" soldiers and civilians. An event such as this is celebrated in said forum with comments as literal as "that's one for the good guys". I also have witnessed the reaction towards the terrorist suicide bombing killing nato soldiers. This news is received with comments such as "Cowardly terrorists, heartless sick b@stards, drop a nuke on the whole damn country, they aren't even human". I've asked them if they truly believe in the concept that they are good and the enemy is evil and must be destroyed, and they say of course. I ask myself, what the hell is going on here? Dropping bombs and mass killing, some civilians included, is heroic and sacrificing your life in a suicide attack for your cause is cowardly? This is the commonly accepted as common sense? I've talked to people from the eastern side of the world who think America is the most evil country in the modern world. Isn't there some kind of discrepancy going on here? So there are obviously some highly different beliefs as to what good and evil is. A man who kills for reasons that aren't commonly accepted is a murderer, a man that kills for reasons that are commonly accepted is a hero. Am I the only one that sees something wrong here? Despite Adolf Hitler's notoriety -- being one of the most evil people in history -- there were people that actually supported him. His idea for a pure race and that mass extermination was the best thing for the human race. Does that makes him evil? It can't! Many people actually thought he was the good guy! "Huh?" What makes myself and most people ( genocide disagree-ers!) more human than Hitler and his followers? What makes our opinions right and theirs wrong? This isn't necessarily a current political discussion on war either. The concept of Evil is common in other areas. Rape is evil. Child molesters are evil. Racists are evil. Many people even feel homosexuality is evil and sinful. Now don't get me wrong, I definitely don't think racism, rape or child molesting is an acceptable thing, but to call anything evil will only ever be an opinion. Rape was common and accepted back in the day. Black Slavery was legal not very long ago. A child molester in America might be a highly esteemed person in another country (where there are no laws that say a 60 year old man can't marry a 10 year old girl). I would never even think for a second that my opinion alone could determine the morality of any thing. Just because I don't like the colour pink, does that mean it's morally wrong to like pink? What if 99% of the population thought the colour pink was bad, is it morally wrong? An absurd thought isn't it, that a colour could evil. Well that's how it works with other controversial things. The concept of good and evil, is in my opinion, very flawed. I'm not here to define what Good is and what Evil is, who's good and who's bad, I don't even believe there is thing as simple as Good and Evil, I believe there exists only people with varying beliefs. (I believe these beliefs also come from many psychological and possibly biological factors meaning I don't think humans are ever 100% responsible for their actions.) In the words of, uh, me I guess - "Everyone's a little bit crazy". There's an obvious problem with the world. We all can't get along. We'll probably never get along. That's just the way the world is. There will always be someone who thinks abortion is acceptable, and there will always be people who think people who think of abortion should be locked in prison or hung for murder. It's probably impossible to even run a society where there is no punishment for doing "wrong". While the fact is there is no right or wrong, good or evil and never will be. there still must be a way to manage this chaotic situation is the way we've been doing it, democracy I suppose is what we've got. Will there ever be anything better than democracy in dealing with the chaos of society? What do you think? Is there a clear cut good and evil? And there ends another unorganized ramble session......
  10. The first clue should be that 98% of people apparently can't solve a simple little puzzle involving 15 facts (although I doubt there were any real statistics). Come on.. there are geniuses out there! It took a bit more than filling in an array of information and a bit of trial and error but the answer seemingly turns out to be the German who is lacking a pet. It's very unlogical to assume unknown pet is a fish so I think there can be no true answer and is more of a test of thinking and questioning the obvious instead of hastily assuming you're smarter than 98% of the world.
  11. I've noticed that it seems to be rather buggy as well. On my computer it seems to crash once in a while and the number of "bots" can be very taxing on a computer. Even at a relatively small 200+ bots moving around on the screen makes it very sluggish, and when I left it on overnight there were at least 3000 the next day making the game slow to a crawl and I couldn't do much but exit out of it. There may be a way to limit the number of bots on the screen but I'm not sure yet. I registered on the darwinbots forum and might ask some questions there. The programming doesn't seem to be much like regular programming. It uses something called reverse polish notation (whatever that is) that works like cond 2 1 > start DoSomething stop which means "if 2 is greater than 1" in normal programming it'd be if (2 > 1) so it seems to be simple and confusing at the same time. simple because it's only a few little words and confusing because it's not the common way to do things. A quick look at their webpage and forum shows a somewhat incomplete and disorganized wiki page with some dead links (not a good impression) and a forum with less than 300 members. Doesn't seem like a very popular sim if the forum is so small unless it's a new forum. The function/variable reference seems to be complete though which a definition of what all the weird words do. I haven't given up on it yet, it still looks interesting and it seems to have a few dedicated fans so I'll have to ask around on the forum to see if there's any way to make the game run less slowly. It's been around since 2003 so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that it's a pretty decent sim. It also got a 5/5 review on some scienceboard website so somebody likes it. There's some info and a screen shot of it on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you find this simulation isn't your thing, there's another older evolution simulation called DarwinPond which is much much simpler and is graphically more interesting as the creatures ("swimmers") have limbs and use these limbs to swim through the environment and can mutate into something new and become the dominant species. You don't have to do much but start the sim and let evolution unfold before your eyes (or while you sleep). It's interesting to watch or leave it on over night but you can't really do too much but watch and "Zap" things to make them randomly grow a new leg or something.. kind of weird! I guess they call it a virtual petri dish. You almost feel bad when you see a little "swimmer' be born with a mutated limb and it can hardly move well enough to find food.. lol
  12. If you do happen to try Diatomaceuous Earth I'd be interested in the results, not only that but the cost of it. I don't even know where you can get the stuff. As for rubbing alcohol to kill fleas, what do you do with it? It seems like you'd need large quantities (ie: a bath) in alcohol and to me that sounds really unhealthy for a small animal to absorb that much rubbing alcohol. I don't know too much about medicine, so I have no idea just the thought of using such a strong chemical for flea control makes me question it's safety but if you read about it and it sounds safe then I guess I just worry too much! At the very least, you think it'd dry out the natural oils in their fur and skin which is important to them though.
  13. It's kind of hard for me to review it at the moment as I'm barely understanding how to use it. Graphically, it's not overly impressive because it's not meant to be, in fact I often find myself disabling video output to speed up the game which is a button. The "robots" are basically circles of different colour moving around growing and shrinking depending on how much energy (food) they have. From what i know, you can download or create text files with DNA information for your robots. It's a bit tricky to create this dna and I'm still learning, but an example is this: ' Simplebot 1' Gene1. Simple search pattern.cond *.eye3 *.eye5 >start -25 .aimdx storestop' Gene2. Simple search pattern part 2cond *.eye7 *.eye5 >start 25 .aimdx storestop' Gene 3. Move forwardcondstart 5 .up storestop' Gene 4. Shoot the foodcond *.eye5 40 >start -1 .shoot storestop' Gene 5. Reproducecond *.nrg 5000 >start 50 .repro storestop' Gene 6. Avoid conspecificscond*.refeye 6 =*.eye5 0 >start180 .aimdx storestopend It looks kind of difficult, but it is understandable once you spend a half an hour reading the little tutorial on writing dna files and there seems to be a wiki page with details on all the "variables" and 'functions' you can use. It's like a mini programming language. Other than that, I'm not sure how the game works. It seems to be more complicated than just species eating eachother as you can make viruses etc which I haven't really done much with. There's a lot of stuff I've never even tried and it definitely takes a bit of effort. Whether it's a rewarding experience to mess with this sim I'm not sure yet, as my only bot is "Simple Bot" but i'm going to keep playing with it.
  14. I tried getting into C++ progamming a half a year ago and I was completely overwhelmed and had no idea where to look for information. I finished a few beginner books and in the end I still didn't know how to actually make windows applications and was stuck doing a bunch of mathematical functions in a console. I can't help you, but just wanted to say that I am (well I was before I got discouraged) interested in developing applications in C++ too. If you happen to find anything useful..share the info! I'd love to discuss newbie level C++ because it seems like everyone out there is already an expert . I'm completely lost when it comes to developing windows apps. I didn't even know what I was supposed to be learning!
  15. I just came across this game or simulation called DarwinBots available here. http://wiki.darwinbots.com/w/Main_Page I'm still trying to figure it out, and from first glance it isn't your typical point and click game and it seems to take some thinking and knowledge of basic programming (there are some conditional statements from what i can see, you know, if (something < something) dothis ) and evolution to understand. I haven't really figured out what to do with it, I'm still browsing the manual to see if it I'll be able to grasp it (understanding genes and dna has never been something I've studied at all) but it looks like a some what rewarding little simulation for people interested in artificial intelligence. I've always had an interest in Artificial Intelligence so I hope I can learn enough biology from wikipedia to understand this sim. I think it'd be cool to exchange Bots with other Trappers or whatever it is you do with the sim, maybe discuss our creations (assuming I'll ever figure out how to create life!) Check it out.. if you're having trouble getting it installed.. I can help _a little_ as it can be a bit confusing (You need to install the old version, 2.1 and then the new version on top of it -- confusing!) then the link to download robots (as per tutorial instructions) is dead..i think you have to register at the forum. I guess they assume that if you're coding artificial DNA you're intelligent enough to do all that lol. The instructions should help a bit and if you happen to be gifted in biology..well you can help me figure out what I'm supposed to be doing..
  16. I know how it feels, there was a movie I searched long and hard to identify but failed. It wasn't an important movie but the thought of not being able to figure out what it was bothered me immensely! I hope you find it. As a last resort, you could always get one of those Men In Black things that erase your memory, then it wouldn't bother you anymore. Maybe there's a MIB in the "Michael Jackson is an Alien" thread....?
  17. That's what I like about physical comedy, the words aren't so important. Don't get me wrong, I like witty dialogue as well. There's a French silent comedy actor who had a somewhat popular movie, I'm not sure if I liked it, but the point is I did notice there was an obvious different type of humor going on in it, very slow, not overly physical, just kind of humor about people behaving oddly.I have a friend who moved from India to Canada only a few years ago, and my joking always insulted her and I couldn't figure out why she was so sensitive. There's a movie (that's not overly great or funny imo) called Comedy in the muslim world and it's about this comedian traveling to the east, India, and trying to figure out what people find funny. I don't know if the movie was supposed to be a exaggerated movie or it has some truth, but in the movie Indians didn't understand "sarcasm". I then realized that all the times I was saying sarcastic jokes to my Indian friend, she thought I was being serious and insulting her which was strange to me because people are very sarcastic where I come from and nobody takes each other seriously. There's a canadian comedy series filmed around my area called Trailer Park Boys, it's very vulgar and low-budget and might not appeal to everyone but seeing how I think it's the only tv show thats ever been filmed in locations that are near me, with characters that, from what I hear, speak with my accent (which i didn't know I had), I try to support it lol.I'll watch those movies if I can find them.. they look fun to watch.Very impressive that you speak four languages.. I only speak two.. which isn't too bad I suppose since a lot of north americans seem to only learn English. I watched a Hindi show once and I was quite proud that I could at least filter out the frequent Namastes.. and there was another word or phrase that was repeated frequently though I can't remember it! I've never seen a Japanese comedy
  18. Like some others I'm interested in the paranormal, not sure if I do believe in ghosts, as i've never personally seen one, but I'm interested anyway. This MJ ghost was quite disappointing as I was pretty sure as soon as I saw it it was a shadow of a person.
  19. I just want to add that I tried the home-made flea trap with the night light and a bowl of soapy water and it does indeed work. I captured (and drowned!) 16 fleas in one area in the past 9 hours. Whether that's a good amount or not I don't know, it's 16 fleas that aren't biting my feet at least. I don't know if it would lure fleas off of a pet but it does seem to get them off of carpet.I'm not sure if I'd want to leave a pet or child around it but it's relatively safe I guess. I'd be worried my pets would drink the soapy water..yuck! I've got the nightlight hanging from a sturdy miniature wooden chair. I attached it to an extension cord and gently wrapped the cord around a part of the chair so it's unlikely it would fall in the water.Edit: Since my last post three hours ago, I've exterminated another 22 fleas in the same area. I didn't even know there were that many. There's no doubt about it, that cheap flea killing method works.
  20. There's another solution that I've never tried is called uh.. diatomaceuous earth.. I can't remember how to spell it at all and I know nothing about it. It's a powder you sprinkle on your pets and it kills insects and apparently is harmless to pets. It's supposed to work good, but how would I know.. I don't even know how to spell it Something to look into though.. I have no idea if it's cheap as dirt (well it is dirt isn't it?) or costs a fortune.
  21. I haven't actually watched T.V. for a long time, but I was watching The Honeymooners last night. One of my favourite "shows".. very funny and great characters. Jackie Gleason was a comedic genius! (Art Carney was pretty darn funny too!!)Art Carney I think came up with a lot of sayings that are still popular today.. atleast I think he did. I'm not old enough to know for sure.. ! Stuff like "Va va vooom!" and some other stuff.. I can't remember lol
  22. Exclusive Xisto News: Slartibartfast - Better known on earth as Michael Jackson is an alien of incredible ability. In an exclusive interview two years ago at Area51 he revealed to investigators that he was Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton men who changed our world forever with his awesome alien skills and exceptional IQ. He was a shape-shifter, with the ability to change his human appearance. From his years as these famous scientists he learned about entertainment from Elvis Presley and how entertainers are even more powerful than Genius Scientists like his Einstein character so he applied this knowledge and became his character of Michael Jackson. Slartibartfast's race has a maximum lifespan of ~500 years and as a result of his aging, his ability to shape shift was growing weaker every year. He had to resort to primitive human methods of changing his appearance which did not work up to his expectations. Slartibartfast, from Magrethea, was an incredible man not only on our planet but in the universe, as his previous career was designing planets explaining his extraordinary skill in designing his human bodies. When asked if he designed Earth, he laughed and said, "well yes, but other than the fjords in Norway, Earth is a mistake I don't care to admit to."
  23. I just asked a question about fleas around here the other day not sure if there was any replies yet. What I did read is you can build a little home made flea trap and it's as simple as hooking up a nightlight bulb to an extension cord and tying it up over a shallow bowl of dish-soapy water. Apparently the fleas jump to the heat and drown in the soapy water. I have no idea if this works but I'm going to try it myself. The instructions are pretty simple, you just dangle a small nightlight lightbulb about a foot or less (im not sure about the height) above the bowl of water and make sure the lightbulb doesnt fall in the water (zapp!) but if you need more instructions there are some if you search on googe..which is where i found it. You can buy flea traps too,, they aren't too expensive..never tried them either.
  24. Piracy isn't ALL bad. I know it's easy to compare it to stealing, and maybe it is just plain theft, but there is some good in it. I admit I've downloaded some (okay, probably a lot) of stuff without paying. When I'm really satisfied with something, whether it's software, a musician or a favourite film or tv series, I don't mind paying for it and in fact I want to pay for it as I feel the author/creator deserves to be paid.Musicians and film makers aren't necessarily just losing money either. There have been many albums I've downloaded whilst mass downloading that introduced me to a world of music that I never would have experienced had it been necessary to buy the cds. Not only did I buy these artists entire discography of albums, I spread the word of them to people I know. The other stuff I downloaded is sitting on a hard drive, never or rarely listened to. I think Piracy also educates the world in general. There is so much information out there to learn from that would cost much money for a poor person to learn who would never have the money for education. What happens when people get educated? They get jobs.. they make money.. what do they do with money? They spend money! Good for the economy. Once again, books I've been impressed with are now purchased. There are a lot of questions. When should a person pay for a product? When does the creator deserve to be paid? Should a person use a product they wouldn't or couldn't have paid for? I think a person should pay for a product when they can afford to pay for it and when they feel satisfied with the product or if they're rolling in cash they can be a little more easily satisfied. I would have absolutely no problem letting someone have my software or music album for free if they could barely afford food, I don't see why Microsoft or Metallica should have a fit over it. Should a person possess or use something they didn't pay for? Maybe I'm just kind-hearted, but I think so. Sure, some people are just plain cheap and wouldn't pay even if they had Bill Gates' wealth, but some people genuinely couldn't afford it anyway. I especially find it hard to feel bad for people who are millionaires talking about their lost millions. I know it's not all big companies like that losing money.I can understand the arguments against piracy though, it does seem like stealing and mostly it's the little individual people working hard to produce something losing out on money earned. I certainly wouldn't want them homeless on the streets due to piracy. There are decent arguments either way. In a perfect world, everyone would pay for things not because they have to, but because they can and want to, but I guess in reality it's hard to have faith in the whole human race that they'll pay for things when they don't have to, all I know is I would so nobody's losing money off me and some are gaining! Shiver me timbers, Arg!
  25. Ah I thought you ate the salt lol... didn't read the instructions good enough I guess! Makes sense now.. will try it tomorrow.
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