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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. I now use IE, I use a custom protection service made by me & To speed webpages up I use Google Frame, Google Frame is basically an addon for IE in which makes it like Google Plumbing of the internet as I would call it. Say if your parents, friends etc like to use IE and will never switch download this for a better browsing expirence. To get it Simply Google "Google Frame"
  2. Yeah, I thought water calling would look nice in the Case & Would also be great for over-clocking as it should NOT overheat O.o I just can't wait for all these parts to arrive :( :D
  3. I play Counter Strike Source, I am very good at it, I play for top clans & Do tournaments for money .
  4. If you want more pictures or a tutorial around cPannel, Why not just use Google Images or Youtube it, I am sure someone has done a tutorial of cPannel so you can preview it.
  5. Shadowx is correct, It is not allowed here (YET) Though I will be making a suggestion personally to Buffalo to see what he says. I am also agreed with Shadowx on the rest that he put. You really do need to improve your posting before you get warned or banned! 1) You need to stop doing your post's like this: Stop using the enter button all the time. I have even quoted that so I don't get charged... 2) Do something with your signature, It makes the forum look very untidy. 3) Good luck in doing them tips and maybe people will start you like you more :/
  6. I think it would be best if you made a introduction topic, We all reply on the important links, The rules etc. Therefore you get a better understand of Xisto.
  7. Easy, All you got to do its PM "BuffaloHelp" and very kindly ask that you would like your username changed. Click the image below to PM him.
  8. Kaspersky sales have rocketed since this new release, I also use it and am very thrilled with it. According to a survey company that test's out the Anti-Virus's Kaspersky is to far the 2nd best, Norton is 9th out of 10.... If I was you just stick on Kaspersky you will NEVER get a virus.
  9. You should never really make a topic about this, The best way I find if the moderator has forgotten about the warning is to PM them and send a nice PM asking can they remove it now?. Though if you keep asking or ask in a rude manor I doubt you will get it removed.
  10. Thanks for that. Not a word I use too often and kinda has a busy day XD. My will be the best though I can't wait to get the parts . I am sure Windows 7 will also be a good fit for the hardware and software used on this computer. . Thanks for your advice though. I will keep you guys updated on how it goes.
  11. I have done all 3 of these mentioned and out of the lot I would go for one OS. If you do Duel or Boot you are using a lot more resources than normal and it is really not necessary. The one OS I would use is Windows 7 seems to do everything you want it to. Though if you are a programmer or something I would do a duel with Windows 7 & Linux. That way you have a good choice to work around the project your are programming .
  12. Yes, Although it is Quad Core, You know you just get that feeling you want the processor to go faster and have a great speed. . I hope so too, I have tried the Beta on my other PC it seems to run fine though I have not tried it with any games, Vista just seems to lag my games not to sure when its a Duel core and 10GB ram but never mind. I don't really have any concern for the case, Though when I get it and I am not pleased with it I will be happy to sell it on Ebay or something and buy another. It does, I contacted Tiger Direct and they said it would fit, I am always one step ahead of most people . Will do, Just a waiting game now . I am not a paintent guy (Sky knows XD) ^^^ Forgot how you spell it XD, Correct me if I am wrong please not a word I use too often.
  13. I think most people like Google Chrome though because of its Looks and Speed & Security such as Firefox. All Though Google Chrome does not currently have an Addon's site like FireFox or IE I think they will be developing such a site once they have finished there OS.The only reason I like the Chrome Browser is the Look and Speed. I like the Tabs at the top no menu bar etc and I sometimes find it is faster than Firefox which is great.
  14. I have now ordered all the products exactly the same ones it should be here within a week I will first try out the Windows 7 OS (Will not download ) XD. Will also give it a good overclock to get it going . I will let you guys know how it goes
  15. But if you look at Google's other software products IE "Google Chrome" It caught up with Firefox. That means it passed Opera, Safari etc in a matter of months. We will just have to wait and see I guess.
  16. I am glad you like it, That screenshot is off Google Images though it is exactly the same version/style as the one Xisto Use. That Domain and IP address do not belong to me just to let everyone know. Good luck with getting your hosting it sounds like you really want it now
  17. The question is though why would you want to use Norton in the first place, On a survey for its protection it came 8th out of 10! that's how much it sucks.The top 2 are Bit-defender & KasperSky Internet Security.
  18. Strange I am not to sure why Xisto have cancelled the hosting for that domain. Anyway I have got an image here for you of what it looks like since I used to have hosting with them. Kinda sexy huh ?
  19. I can't wait for this to come out. It will show who makes better OS's as Microsoft Have Windows 7 Launched now Wait till Google Launch there OS we will look at the Sales :PWhich do you think is better?Google - Specialise in Web products.Microsoft - Specialise in making OS products.
  20. Ash-Bash


    Welcome Buttons, I am also from the UK just like you, Spider-Vice has done a great job of getting your started with earning dollars by posting for a great & cheap hosting package or you can also buy a domain with the money. I hope you enjoy the Xisto website and forums as much as I did and still do.Stick around for a bit Dom eh?
  21. Paint.Net, It is basically like PhotoShop, Same features etc made simpler and made for Vista Really. I used to find in Vista it was great and runs very smooth without using a lot of resources unlike PhotoShop.
  22. I would recommend using JV16 Power Tools to remove this, Simply download the trial version from Google it is the same as the full version no limited error fixing like some software out there. Give it ago this can also speed up your computer as well if you do a full scan, registry clean etc.
  23. Welcome desertfish to Xisto. Thanks for you time in regisering to Xisto forums I am sure you will enjoy yourself here as much as I did when I was new here .Seems you are signed up on a lot of places and now here & Also no I have not heard of Shenzhen sounds a very unique name for such a place as China. I have provided important links below here to stop you getting a warn or ban, Forum rules ect.. Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story Enjoy the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Ash:).
  24. Good news to here lol.This card is a peace of crap, Is it something from the 1980's? Seriously dude you should have looked around the shop for a better card. Anyway good luck with installing the Graphics card I am sure there are tutorials on Youtube if you get stuck but its a simple process.
  25. Also I have just found this link online: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It should narrow down what you want to use a Video/Graphics card for but make sure you get a newish one I mean it will only be another ?5-?10 more but worth it with all the extra things they come with now.
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