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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Um Hi, I think I mostly need staff to reply to this topic. Basically I made a post about How to get more bids on ebay http://forums.xisto.com/topic/67783-how-to-get-more-bids-on-ebay/ << There. After that there was loads of downtime now today I come back on and I do not have the mycents from it. Please could staff get the mycents I earned Thank-You.
  2. Hi guys, This is kind of an eBay tutorial. I am 14 years old, And doesn't anyone from the age of 10 and above want alot of money yes they do! I decided to go on eBay and sell some products I have now been a member/company on eBay for 1-2 years and have earned around ?10,000 in total from selling 2 products every week. Since I am officially an eBay guru I will share with you trapper how to make the most out of selling something on eBay for instance "How to get more bids on ebay" Careful research! After a careful research and appropriate category listing, a seller has to get his buyers to bid on his item. He should write an item description, in other words a sales copy in such a manner that t tells the bidder why they should go for your item/products and buy/bid for it. If your product description is good, informative & interesting, You could get buyers to get interested in your product Good descriptions!Now I bet your asking How do I write a good description about your eBay item? Your product/item description page should have a headline and a sub-headline. The headline should relate to something a buyer needs so that he realizes the need for your product/item and understands the benefits of using your product/item. The headline itself should be innovative so as to create a curiosity and excitement and an interest to learn/know more about your product. Over view of your product! The headline is followed by an overview of your product. It generally includes the valve of your offer and shows your buyers and your products superiority over the other products The information should be supports by a detailed description of your product/item Detailed Description! In the detailed description you should give all relevant technical information such as the item brand, make and model, warranty, terms and conditions, packaging details and any other important information. This is the place to add any salient or special features of your product/item. Simple as possible! It is better to avoid a lot of technical jargon and keep your language as simple as possible! Make sure your information is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge. Just remember - Providing wrong information could make your buyers give you a negative feedback and this in turn could affect your feedback rating & Future sales of other products/items. Interesting personal details! Some sellers include small intersting personal detials to add spice to their product description. This is not necessary but it could give a personal touch to your sales. For instance you could tell your buyers why you got interesting in selling that product or item, if you have a speical reason, such as support a cause ,ect.. Description Page You should make good use of your description page and leave nothing out of your description. Buy do appreciate maximum amount of information if it is told in a proper manner. You could think from the place of a buyer wihile writing this page. You could think of basic questions one would ask you about your product like a small FAQ. Organize your information This helps to organize your information in a cohesive manner so that all the necessary information is covered in your description page. Adding a photo helps to boost your product image! Clear terms It is important to add clear terms and conditions. Your terms and conditions should include payment options, bidding and shipping, shipping and handling charges, taxes, warranty, refund policy ect. About me page You could backup your information by placing a link to your 'About Me Page' where you could place detials about your background. This increases your credibility in the eyes of a buyer. Ask for a sale By now your buyer would be ready to make up his mind. This is the time to ask for a sale. You have convinced your buyer about your product so that you could ask for his bid. Based on the descriptions and value of your product you are most likely to get that bid! Thank-You for reading my topic.The information above will be part of an eBook I will be making and selling for a cheap price with the eBay secrets and how to make the most money out of one sale on ebay! As this is alot of important information it is copyrighted! Action will be taken if copied ?Ash-Bash @ Xisto.com - Ash
  3. Welcome xmthb to Xisto. I am not sure what you just said there but make sure you post English from now on otherwise you will get a warning. If you are not English and struggle to Type English Use Google Translator I am sure it will help you! I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Enjoy the forum and good luck! - Ash.
  4. Yes here is one I seem to like very much... Name: Just like IPB3 Preview:http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/8418/process/viewshot/size/lgDownload: http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/8418/ Ok I understand about this Large database problem. But a new theme would be super! This does look a nice theme I also found a free one Please look above I think the idea about the Double points monthly or weekly would be great I am sure this would keep old members active and intrested in Xisto. - Ash.
  5. But that is not really making one by yourself that's getting a tool to do it, No skill or knowledge in that at all. No problem for sharing, It can be done in Visual Basic 6 & 2008 however the source codes can be very complicated, My method is a simply way of MAKING your own.
  6. Hi guys, I have been a member at these forums for almost a year and have just seen it go down hill since I signed up and started posting. I have been thinking in my spear time while logged onto Xisto and below are a few idea's/suggestions & Ways you could improve the forum altogether. New Theme, This theme seems to be old and quite dull. Would make a great change! New things to keep old members interested! Less down time, The forum seem to be down alot. Try and keep 'em up! Better Speed, Its always good to have a Fast forum! Well there are a few I am sure you guys will approve and disapprove of some of them please feel free to add your own in the replies! -Ash.
  7. Hi guys, Welcome to my tutorial on How to make a Custom Windows Error Box/MessageIn this tutorial I will show you step-by-step how to make your own windows error box. Things you will need in order to complete this fun project! 1.Notepad 2.common sense First what you want to do is go to run Then type "notepad.exe" With no Quotes! Then after notepad pops up type this: After that click on save then do this: Your done.To see your message do this: Enjoy, You could also use this as a prank on your friends! (I will do a tutorial on this later and how to make it start when they login) Please add your comments to this topic! -Ash.
  8. Welcome buhle2007 to Xisto.com, I think with have a few people from South Africa such as yourself, its good to know you started learning how to create websites and things I am sure some of us Web Development pro's would be glad to help you out with anything you may come across, You have also come for the best place for Post-to-host I have been at Xisto almost a Year and it has been a fantastic experience! I am sure you will enjoy it very much! Now as this is a forum and you do earn money there are quite a few complicated rules involved! However to help you understand more in which in link does look to the right of the Dash (-). Important Links: Well all I can say now is enjoy your time at Xisto and if you have any problems just post them here I guess - Ash.
  9. Well when I used to be into Website building I used to use a program called "Blue Voda" I think it is still a popular website builder today. Not only is it Free but it is very easy to use and makes your website/project look professional at the end of it. I would recommend using this program for whatever your going to be doing. However if you want a step up I would get DreamWeaver CS4 However you do have to pay for this unless you download this illegally! -Ash.
  10. Nice tutorial and effect to be using on this piece of work I am working on at the moment.I am sure I could also use this effect with a few more colours and bold font I think It will look great!
  11. No I do not however I did get a letter from Google via Postal Service and Said about how to get access but it seems to of vanished from my desk so I don't have a clue how to get access to it now. However I did contact Google and asked for another but no response.
  12. It means you have not been posting enough or you have been posting enough but they have a lack of quality and length. To get +mycents you will have to make a couple of big post's. Thank-You for your question please ask if you have any others - Ash.
  13. Hi guys,My site that I have made which are forums are starting to die down in activity.I am going to do a relaunch but have never done a relaunch on a site before, What new things could I introduce for members to come and stay active, posting ect..Any idea's would be great.Thanks in advance
  14. Kind of like a PSD file then? I do agree that would make it to easy for people just download a PSD load it up then edit the text and put there own name in.Great tutorial though you should make more like them!
  15. No I have made other signatures before on a one off basics but none like this. No problem, I saw the video in my favourites but never done it so decided to do it today when it was raining and I was bored . Glad you like It I am proud of it myself!
  16. Posts and Topics myCents are judged on quantity and quality. You may post alot in a reply however may not receive the amount of my cents you was expecting to get as the quality is poor. Please feel free to ask any other questions. - Ash.
  17. Well today I was bored... So I decided to follow one of Kyle's tutorials on Youtube on how to make a vista looker-like sig. I feel this went very well as I don't usually make Signatures but wallpapers. Preview: Any comments on what you think of it and How I could improve on it would be fantastic. - Ash.
  18. Welcome LastCause /Ilya to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums! You have come to the right place to do the things you requested. You may find some members here would like your expert knowledge in what you specialise him. I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: I hope you enjoy the forums and much as I did and still do! -Ash .
  19. This way is to complicated & Once you do get your server up to your satisfaction there will be alottttttttttttttt of lag for the other players on your server.I would recomend just buying a server.Sorry for bad spelling/typing on my iPhone.
  20. I would rather have swine flu than aids.This is because most people die from aids however only a few have died from having Swine Flu & Vacsinations are being made as we speak.Sorry for bad typing using iPhone.
  21. Ash-Bash


    Welcome SpiderVV, Sky has done great job of giving you all the information you will need while signed up at Xisto. I wish you the best of luck signed up a t Xisto. Enjoy it,- Ash.
  22. Welcome damoon to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums!, You have come to the best place on the net for help and know how on how to make a forum that you are looking for. Its good your friend is also doing the Xisto post to host as he can help you along the way to successive when making/building your forum. Seeing as you are new I have provided all the important forum links containing rules,guidelines etc... Important Links: I am sure you will enjoy Xisto as much as I did and still do :angel:. -Ash .
  23. Well you should maybe try searching Google before you post... I came across this when Searching where to download Microsoft Azure http://www.pnpguidance.net/Post/DownloadWidComputing.aspx Download link is included on that website/webpage...
  24. Could you explain in more depth in what you mean by this please Dark Archer...
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