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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. I am keeping my 12GB and that is final , I have never had a PC with 12 and really want to try it out. The maximum I have had is 10GB which is what I got in the PC at the minute. I think 12GB will be great .Anyone want to suggest a good OS that you think would be good for gaming & Not freeze/crash all the time?
  2. Well I am going for such a "Exaggerating" build because I want to stand out from the crowd and not just have a boring 6GB. Though you think I may not need it, You do not know half of the things I do with my pcs and I am sure the 12GB will come in to use so point.
  3. That's quite an old Graphics card you want to buy there, I have seen some new Nvidia online for about that price or less. Why go for such an old card when you can get a newer one for less? It doesn't make much sense.
  4. Welcome FouGilang to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums!, Although spider vice posted the same links you may find mine more simple its up to new just make sure you read the rules etc to not get banned for a start. We are all over Google with all the awesome topics we make daily no wonder you found us but at least you did! The website you have also given seems to be down O.o Would of love to check that out. I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story If you have any problems just PM me or make a topic for another member to help you -Ash .
  5. I think it would be great to install this. Though we do all hate typing in weird words in a box its better than getting your PM box spammed every 3 days with PM's about some girl from Africa that would like to give you $50,000.Which do you prefer?Thought so the mod it is .
  6. When I had my Dell I found the Dell support very Good. Spoke Good english, Very Quick & They seemed to know what they was doing unlike some places. It has improved over the years I am sure it will improve even more as it is Dell any they are now the worlds largest computer making company in the US and UK.
  7. A very simple tutorial there it seems for us who are very familiar in how to do this. Though this will get Crawled by bots and I am sure someone who doesn't know very much about computers will Google "How to take a screenshot" and I am sure this will come up for Him or Her and will be of great use to them.
  8. I haven't been around here recently so why is every one saying that there my cents has or has not updated yet? They usually update every 4 hours so what is the big deal?
  9. I am sure with a few tweeks he can get it working perfect IPB 3.0 I just think it would give the forum a better feel and start from fresh sort of feel.
  10. Hello,Its just a bit strange why we have not upgraded to the newest version of Invision Power Board. It looks a lot better, A lot more features as well.Why don't we upgrade I mean what the forums will be down for 1-2 days while the upgrade is fully completed.Also if we do upgrade get a skin called "Clean-Cut" its a great skin and I am sure all the community will love it.
  11. Ash-Bash


    Welcome to the forum Shiin, I hope you enjoy your time signed up and Xisto as much as possible. I Hope you understand the system Ok so that you can get started right away earning money to buy you hosting or a domain .Any problems you may come across please PM me or reply here.Enjoy,- Ash.
  12. Lmao rvalkass, Nice work there in putting in a banana I hope I can eat it after .
  13. I cannot even get on your website for some reason. Please can you get it back up so I can see why they wont accept you. Thanks.
  14. That is very correct, 'The Back up Guy' Does not have an up-to-date backup of Demonoid for some weird reason. I think they will open up sign ups for a month for all the lost accounts etc. I think that would be fair . I think my account is not included as I have been signed up for ages.
  15. You should always try Googling things before making a post. I was Googling and came across this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am also a very active member of this site and I hope it gets up soon!
  16. Well, all sites apart from this one load super fast like as soon as I click they are up no white screen in waiting or anything. This one takes like 3-5 seconds to load... Still we should prune the inactive 3 year old members like someone said.
  17. My internet connection? Mate I probably have one if not the fastest internet speeds on the forums. It is not my internet connection. I know the forums are not super slow though for IPB 2.3.6 it is slow. They should prune the inactive members or cut down on CPU Usage.
  18. This is a drivers issue I have had this before. In windows XP Go to > Start > Control Panel > Administrative tools > Computer Management > At the site press Device Manager.Unfold - DVD/CD-ROM drives.Unfold - Other Devices.Now with the DVD Check if it has a "!" icon. This means the drivers are not up to date or corrupt. If your DVD drives are not there they will be in Other Devices this where you will need Drivers or they will never work.Hope I helped .
  19. Not a bad job. Though try edging the corners so they are rounded this will make the piece of work look a lot better. Then you should add a border of some sort to make it pop out the screen almost. Anyway not a bad job overall .
  20. Welcome to Xisto, I am sure you will enjoy your time here signed up. I am sure we have a handful of Romanian's. If you are bad at spellings then Get Google Chrome (It has a spell checker built in) Or get Firefox and download an addon. Hope this helps enjoy your time signed up here at Xisto!
  21. Hello,This forum has now become very slow to what it was. I am guessing this is because of the huge database.Well why can't we prune inactive members and get them deleted.I have see sites much bigger with a lot more members are super fast. Do you think you can improve this speed as it is getting really annoying to post and navigate around on these forums.
  22. Very nice tutorial, I learned so much through this. Thanks for making a topic about this. I have been using mysql a lot because of my new forum this has really helped me out thanks I hope to see you making more like this.
  23. I have started using the web browser "Google Chrome" I think this is the best browser for me. I have seen talks on other forums that they maybe making it like Firefox with there addon's custom mods etc & Skins. This would be awesome if Google done this. I hope it goes ahead.
  24. Agreed name less I do like the "Top Sites" interface on Safari I think Apple done a great job on that. Though it would be great if they could make it more customizable like Mozilla Firefox. Have an Addon website type thing.
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