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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Not sure, But this is why I tipple boot. Windows XP, Windows 7 & Ubuntu (Latest version). Just so I can pretty much any add-on or program I want very easily
  2. Welcome kawai to Xisto. You are not the first to not understand the system in the way you earn money, I will try explaining how to system works briefly in this reply and also provide links later which will help you and explain in greater detail. So its Good your registered here, We love fresh blood . Now the link your provided, Go to it and at the top right Click register Enter your chosen info BUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS MUST BE THE SAME AS YOUR Xisto ACCOUNT (HERE). Once you have done that you can start. Make sure you read the rules and help file if you get stuck etc. Start posting after 5 forum posts you Get some red font and earned at the side. Now every time you post that red will go up the Red numbers are cents once you have 100+ you get 1 dollar sent to your Xisto account where you can buy products and services for the web. The Quality your posts are the more you get this also includes length. Now You cannot keep using the return/enter button all the time to make it super long this will just be deleted and money gets taken away from you. Be sure not to get warned either as this can stop you from Earning Cents/Mycents. Now we will get onto the links, These links are very important for the forum you must: Read the Read me, This includes help & How the Xisto empire all began. The rules obviously needed for a forum such as this. Credit System, Explains in great depth of what I have just been saying. Xisto story, This you do not have to read though it is very interesting to know. Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story These links should explain everything though if you have any questions just post a reply here, Now enjoy this wonderful forum. -Ash .
  3. I have been using Pidgin for a number of years now on Windows, This has been in replacement of Windows Live Messenger 2009. I find Windows Live Messenger is very slow and does not have a good sort of platform if you know what I mean. But then Pidgin is not all great, The theme is just to plane though the features and layout are fantastic and easy to use. I will stick with Pidgin until MSN/Hotmail bring out a better version of Windows Live Messenger that can handle messages without freezing or give you a random error code when trying to login. I also love that Pidgin have a add-ons/extensions website like Mozilla fire-fox enabling users to have more flexibility and fun with there software.
  4. I hate this new messenger, I have tried to avoid using it by downloading other versions though you can't login as you have to update to the latest version. The latest version of Windows Live Messenger 2009 is a complete shambles for MSN. This messenger is slow, Errors like Microsoft OS style! One good point about the messenger is that I like the Look 'n Feel of it. Seems to be light and a smooth texture to the windows of it. Though I may use pidgin as this is way to slow for me. Pidgin is a messenger manly for Linux/Ubuntu. It can be used on Windows XP+ and seems to be a lot better than Windows Live Crap Messenger . I would recommend using this instead of Windows Live Messenger if you have lots of problems which it seems most of you do.
  5. Welcome rmammen to Xisto. Its good to see some fresh blood on these forums once in a while. It would of been great of you if you included more in your introduction such as, Why you are here, What skills you have, Your personal details (Country, age). Maybe reply with these to make the topic more interesting. Now I have provided important links below that will keep you within the guidelines, not break any rules & Explain to you how the post to host system works and how you can earn the most money without annoying a load of members by using the enter button so much Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story Now please enjoy the forum after reading all them things, Trust me its well worth it -Ash .
  6. I very much agree with you on that note, I hate it when you try updating on the addons site and you can't download it because its not your version. I also agree with this, I thought Firefox would of bought a new look to there fans but they haven't. As I said I noticed I will try this out later
  7. I hate Daddy Long Legs, They come into my room when I am playing Counter Strike Source or another game, They fly around my lights then fly onto my screens and **** me off so I eat them, Lol joking . Nah I do kill them they are too big for there own good dam pieces of crap.
  8. I did remember seeing a news article about Firefox doing Beta's a lot more now. I am downloading now to try it out. Though you could of imputed the release notes for this version. Here is the link if you do want the release notes before downloading: http://website-archive.mozilla.org/www.mozilla.org/firefox_releasenotes/en-US/firefox/3.6b1/releasenotes/ Edit: I have now got this downloaded and installed, It seems to run a lot more smooth and faster. Though I will not be keeping it has I do not like Beta's :/
  9. Ash-Bash


    Welcome Wana12 to Xisto. Its good to see some fresh blood on these forums once in a while. It would of been great of you if you included more in your introduction such as, Why you are here, What skills you have, Your personal details (Country, age). Maybe reply with these to make the topic more interesting. Now I have provided important links below that will keep you within the guidelines, not break any rules & Explain to you how the post to host system works and how you can earn the most money without annoying a load of members by using the enter button so much Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story Now please enjoy the forum after reading all them things, Trust me its well worth it -Ash .
  10. Dude, The best way to find out about the system is to make a introduction topic. This host is real and working very well! we are not scam website mate look at all the members signed up and the number of post's. And I will or another member will answer your questions once you make a introduction topic. Its for the best .
  11. A very good topic if I do say so .In a host I look for cPannel, FTP, Good amount of Bandwidth, prices.These are the main things I look for. Xisto/Xisto seem to be doing all this for me at fantastic price's and services will stay with them forever
  12. Welcome patavinatech to Xisto. Please do not use the enter button so much, We class it as spam and one liners here as your post's need to be quality and not quantity like you are doing. This also gets you no respect but does get you hated by other members. Please let this be the last post in doing it. We love members that want there own site with hosting and domains here you can get that easy if you don't use the enter button so much and read all the topics below, Just follow the links. I will come onto them in one minute. Trust me we are not a trap I have been with Xisto now for a year of some what and have found it to be brilliant for my website and learning. Now I have provided important links below that will keep you within the guidelines, not break any rules & Explain to you how the post to host system works and how you can earn the most money without annoying a load of members by using the enter button so much Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story These links should explain everything though if you have any questions just post a reply here, Now enjoy this wonderful forum. -Ash .
  13. I see this topic has been made. Though why not try and do a video and uploaded it on Youtube in HD. GTA IV comes with its own built in Video Recorder and Editing software which I have found to be a awesome piece of kit!
  14. Some nice images/graphics there. Though some of the cars do not look great. But I think a video would also be Awesome. What happened on the last image? Did you get shot at much ?
  15. Hi, Right well the Style of the Dell XPS are very nice I know. They also do look high performance, They maybe. But what about the price. I started looking around on the internet for this topic. I found a PC A LOT and I mean A LOT better than the Dell I had chosen.Dell=?549Other=?384It just shows you Dell do know how to design PC's as well as charge. There have also been a lot of reports on the Dell XPS faulty CPU's etc.Please whatever you do, DO NOT get a Dell.
  16. This is a NO NO!. They already have enough money they get from Xisto etc. I do not mind a few adds, Its just when its over done Loads of images and the very annoying flash adds. I also use ABP which is an addon for firefox where you can block them gay and annoying adds. But adds on this forum will reduce the size, Make it even more slow! and piss more members off...
  17. Very helpful for those that do not know how to format, or have just started on computing. I only ever format my harddrives if I am starting Windows Fresh or doing a Quad Boot! Keep up the good work in making good tutorials. Maybe start adding images to improve the quality.
  18. Well you obvoiusly have a crap Anti-Virus or Don't use one at all. Google Kaspersky and Download there 2010 Yes it is a trial but will get rid of the problem. Now scan you whole PC, Maybe leave it on for one night (Wont hurt). It should then come up with all the virus's you have problems occurring. Now if you Like Kaspersky then I recommend buying it. It has been my best Anti-Virus yet! Any problems just make a reply.
  19. Ash-Bash


    Its alright, Its not problem we love fresh blood on Xisto. That website is also down for me. I am not to sure why, Try again later.
  20. Its not so hard when you are new as you have the motivation to do it. Though once you have been here for a while you are like "Can I be asked to post today" Remember do not do 1 liners and do not keep hitting the enter button like you did above. Your post may be deleted or you may be warned! Post loads on the things that interest you.
  21. This is very old, I would not do this as It doesn't really increase by a lot at all, And you also have a bigger chance of screwing up your bandwidth settings.
  22. Well a lot of people are saying we can't upgrade because of the scripts so if we can't upgrade then why don't we change our look. We have had this skin for 20 years and the banner for 60! we need to change its getting Dull and Boring. Yes we do, When Posting I find the Feel, Texture & Colour of the skin are necessary to a better post and Will give members more flexibility over the forums. Well is that why you employ and hire people to take stress off from you... I find the mods have been keeping active (Well most). Even though you might not a defrag of the Database would be great for faster search results etc. I am currently with TalkTalk, Unqiue times I get around 20mb/s peak times around 10mb/s so still decent speeds. I am also using FireFox (Obviously ) I am saying though a defrag would be good for this size of a forum and will make it run so smooth! But the role of being an admin is not only to be keeping your forum up and partner sites up, Its to intract with the community, Be making regular announcements, Bring new things to the forum etc. Yeah, But I used to be on Virgin Media and got 50mb/s and Xisto was still slow....
  23. Kinda stupid trying to play it, Its obvious a graphics card made in 2006 will not run a 2009 game as big as GTA IV.
  24. Hi guys,Seeing as everyone hates the idea of upgrading to IPB 3.0.X, We could at least make the current forum better.Though the admin's don't seem to be interested in there members. Why can't we get a new skin? We have had this one ages, It would like 1-2 minutes to do the my cent skin edits...We choose one as a community but I very much doubt the admin's will install it because they seem to be very lazy.Why can't we try and make this site faster for people in the UK, Defrag the database etc.It seems as though this forum is dieing slowly as the admin's are not putting any effort in. I have not seen one online for weeks!Yours Pissed off,- Ash
  25. Ash-Bash


    Welcome TommaiLee to Xisto. It greats to hear that your girlfriend is having a great life as well as you. I hope you enjoy this board/forum as much as I did and still do . Its great fun to be on talking to Guru's on the same level and maybe learning something new. (If your lucky everyday ) Below I have provided the most important links you will ever need on this forum these include the Read Me, Forum Rules, Credit System Online & The Xisto story of how this wonderful community started up . Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story I would now just like to say enjoy the board to its full extent Any problems just reply here it won't hurt for a couple of days - Ash.
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