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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. I am not sure I have not played around with it for that long , Maybe you can do that yourself make a tutorial or something explaining what it does. I am not rather busy so can only do it on one quick feature the program has to offer.
  2. I really would not do my tutorial above now as the new release of uTorrent has all this and no need to edit anything just download a torrent. To really speed it up you need a good connection and fastish internet speed with patience.
  3. Please make sure you check your settings of it and follow my screen shots exactly maybe try putting a couple of files in. Then let me know how you get on.
  4. Well what if the forums got sql injected or something, The hacker would have full control and do anything until an admin suspects something . So technically you can't say that XD.
  5. I did see this on there website yesterday. I bet the owners and regular up-loaders are very annoyed with this and may think to going to Piratebay or ISO hunt. I want to know why Demonoid is taking so long to get back up. Anyway I am sure Mininova will just create a sister site or something using the same old DB therefore bypassing the Court order to remove the torrents.
  6. iPhone orchestra ready for debut I can't believe how people become this talented and are able to play with just an iPhone or iPod touch with a simple free app that creates such joy and fun for everyone. I have seen a video on Youtube.com where 4 people each on different apps are playing 'Life is greater than the internet'. Post your views on the news above Quote Source from BBC News
  7. I do hope more sites like Swagbucks start up and can be cheaper or have a better search. The only thing that is letting it down is the Search Engine. It says powered by Google & Ask but I can never find anything using the search and have to use Google therefore loosing out points. But hey its free.
  8. Yes its only in these because of postage and its free to sign up. The process does seem to take a long time they say a maximum of 10 business days . I do find it easier to get swagbucks on the search I have also won 20 swagbucks by submitting polls . I very much agree with your points. Same, But its good for a teenager or children even use it and its legal . Thanks for your replies guys keep them coming in.
  9. Thanks this is very nice, Some of these templates I have downloaded as they will be very useful for me & work. Though the template of the site hosting them sucks and has horrible colours and Graphics. Maybe think about making or getting a new one for it to attract more users.
  10. Just to let you know, Your Community site you are trying to build may not be very popular as most of the illegal sites otherwise known as Warez Sites have the most members & they have a community section. Well Good luck though.
  11. On my new computer I have ordered a 'Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5870 Vapor-X 1024MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card' This should over run GTA IV .
  12. Yes you can trust him he has been a member of IPB support for ages and signed up on my Invision Power Board support or Forum sites. I am sure -Sky- Will get this problem fixed for you if you give him the accounts and details he needs.
  13. I do find there search engine to be very useless, It says they use Google and Ask but still seems to be pointless. The only reason I use there search is for the Digital Swagbucks I need for Prizes . I am glad to find this site that works and that's why I shared it with you guys .
  14. Hello, Today I am presenting to you 'Swagbucks'. What is Swagbucks? Swagbucks is a search & win website you can win anything on there its like Lockerz but a lot better, This system is no scam I have been using it and been buying Paypal Gift cards for myself. How do I earn? To earn money on Swagbucks you simply download the toolbar or firefox or IE addon and search as you would on Google or anything. Searching random things will not get you more. The more normal the keyword(s) is or are will get you more. You can earn 5 Swagbucks per day by searching. Another way is gift codes the way in which you can get these is the full toolbar from the website and wait till they release one, Remember you have to be quick before it expires. If you are a creative or have good ideas you can win 10 Swagbucks on a Poll by submitting your own poll to there email address. How much is it to sign up? Well most of these sites have a sign up fee though this is completely free to sign up and use! Where do I sign up? http://www.swagbucks.com/ Enjoy!
  15. Seems a very nice website for a newbie. The colours are nice the font & font size is welcoming and I feel welcome there already on the homepage. Great effrot keep this up I am sure you will get a good job or have fun doing the hobby!
  16. On my case it does not have the 2 game play symbol. This may be though because of SAMP (San Andreas Multi Player) Its rather fun I recommend you download the freeware and play it. There is also another client like SAMP Called MTA.
  17. Well I can't wait for these changes for mods to be fixed and to have new mods, I do hope the admins let you have control and trust you enough to have access to FTP and ACP . Abuse and I kill youz . I think we should have a IPB support section of these forums to experienced IPB users to earn Mycents by helping Noobs or new memebrs out.
  18. Thanks for the heads up for once, We don't seem to be getting much news but I hope you keep this up informing us and letting us know when there will be maintenance or down time. I hope this site runs better after this or these changes.
  19. Just to let you know with all the grammer it is not me it is my friend, He is in charge of the home pages I have seen them myself and will tell him to change it ASAP once he gets his but online...
  20. Sky it is not, The domain & hosting have though nothing has been published on the web page nor effort. Well I will have to give him advice its his choice if he takes it in or not. Well we will see once we get advertising & submitting .
  21. Well Sky, This host has not been around that long, Xisto has been around almost 5 years now and is starting to die because of the inactive members. I am sure we will catch up with Xisto in no time. Watch this space is all I can say to you.
  22. FouGilang, I did say in the topic once we get more active and lots of customers in the FUTURE we will get Post to Host Game servers. Please read the topic carefully next time.
  23. Thanks for the suggestion Nitin, We are on the way of getting a .com & .co.uk domain all leading to litesh.net. We are getting rid of the other pages as we speak as we don't really need them and a topic on Who we are will be posted on the forums. We are not hosting this on Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto - Web Hosting (xisto) are a rip off for reseller accounts which is why we are hosting it on a private host.Thanks for the suggestion & feedback.
  24. Hello member of Xisto,I have started off a web hosting website along with a friend.The name is Litesh, We provide cheap web hosting, along with Post to host web hosting & in the future Post to host game servers.We have started off about 1 week ago we now have all systems up and running our server down time will be minimal. We will not be beaten on prices as we have many sales on at this current time.Litesh.netPlease review honestly. Many thanks,Ash
  25. Yes I do totally love sugar pretty much in any food you name, I have a very sweet tooth and love anything with Sugar. You will never meat anyone with such a sweeter tooth than me.
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