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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Hi guys, Well this is something I don't think anyone really knows that a Google OS is in the process of being made, It is up against the Famous Microsoft Windows editions. This will not be used for main PC's as yet however will be available for notbooks in 2010 Now Google is expanding is it expanding to much for there good? Although there web browser Google chrome was a great successes advertising and popularity wise, Are they over stepping the point of what Google is made for? Well I think its great that they are expanding they should earn more money and make more cool and great projects like this. Full article below. - Ash.
  2. This is great new to know, I will hang onto a few in life just in-case I ever need any extra money. Thanks for letting us all know this important news.
  3. Yes I did hear talks about a new PSP coming out, It should be awesome I am also hoping to buy it. However I would like some guys if some people get it before me on here to make a review on it that would be awesome !
  4. That is no true... However you do need high performance for video or photo editing...
  5. ermmmmm, Just a question Kel am I still in TeamCSS because without my I am sure you will lose. + How many are in TeamCSS?
  6. Well you should do it is explained in great detial... There is really no need to double post on these forums everything gets read... And Glad to hear...
  7. Ash-Bash


    Welcome The one to Xisto. It glad to see you had made an introduction topic on these forums however it would of been even better if you could of provided more information about yourself like why you have signed up here, What are you interest's and What you want to do in the feature ect... Moving on.. I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Enjoy the forum! -Ash .
  8. Yes this is also happening for me. I think that Xisto should put there old skin back up while they fix the new one from all the bugs and glitches that are contained in it...
  9. Glad to hear!, They say you learn something new everyday :angel:. Yes you can, However that is not as safe as the following way I provided. Yes if you put it that way... However it is not very safe and if you do not know what you are doing at all can muck up your boot properties so be careful! Seems that you liked my tutorial - Ash.
  10. Well what can I say just a fantastic welcome back to the Xisto forums I am sure you will enjoy it more than you used to with some cool things going on !
  11. This skin on Xisto now is crap half the things on it are not working.... Please can we go back to the old one while you fix all the errors and glitches on the new one....
  12. Hello, I have tried today to view my old support tickets but can't..... I get the following error: But I am logged in.... Is this happening for anyone else Please let me know how to fix it thanks. - Ash.
  13. Welcome Back Tim! I don't know you but hey welcome back !
  14. I was also just about to post a topic on where to find the balance of the money you have on your Xisto account.The new skin is ok just have to get used to finding everything and thanks for the Link haslip
  15. I do agree that megaupload is better than Rapid-share however more people have premium accounts on Rapid share therefore more people use it to upload files.But I am sure this will all change very soon as the government as pending on whether to shutdown Rapdishare due to all there illegal file hosting.But then again the download speed on megaupload is terrible.
  16. Hmmm I bet this doesn't even work, Like the App store I tried getting similar to this however it took 30 minutes for them to get a text, If I was you I would just Get an iPhone like I have getting the new one now the iPhone 3G s, Since my iPhone 3G went for a wash, As Sky knows .
  17. Welcome Kartikmsm to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums!, I am very sure you will be able to learn many things while signed up at Trap you should go through the sections we have everything here! I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Enjoy the forum & Trap 17 and all the best -Ash .
  18. Welcome sianjava to Xisto. You have come to the right place for what you are aiming to build your business on and learn coding languages! Here on Xisto we have Experts that will help you for free or money depends if you give them a cookie . I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Enjoy the forum and good luck! - Ash.
  19. I was watching the news last night and heard that when paramedics got to his house he was not breathing... It is a shame that he died however the crime he committed during his life was horrible and I will never forgive him for that.However he can Rest in Piece .
  20. Welcome damoon to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums!, I am very sure you will be able to learn many things while signed up at Trap you should go through the sections we have everything here! I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Enjoy! -Ash .
  21. Trap17 website some times goes down due to there servers being restarted maybe even dossed however just wait at least an hour or so for them to get sorted and back to normal.
  22. Welcome joseanderson to Xisto. Its great to see some fresh blood around on these forums!, I am very sure you will be able to learn many things while signed up at Trap you should go through the sections we have everything here! I have provided important links below in which you must read to fit into the Trap community Important Links: Once you have read all these get posting :angel: -Ash .
  23. Welcome onesickpup to Xisto. Its nice to see some nice fresh blood around these forums that post an introduction about themselves!. I have provided some links below which you will be required to read to not get a warning from a member of staff or get a ban from an administrator. Important Links: Enjoy the forum! -Ash:).
  24. Hello Trappers, This is another tutorial on How to Speed up XP however different and more effective ways so I suggest you read this one than my old one. So in this tutorial I will show you: 7 ways to speed up Windows XP 1. The ?Disk Cleanup? utility. 2. Remove Cached Web pages. 3. Defragment the Hard drive. 4. Disable indexing on the C: drive. 5. Disable Windows Visual Styles. 6. Edit Windows Start-up items. 7. Defragment the registry. That?s allot to do so let?s get started! Step 1: Run Disk Cleanup You can do this by going to Start > Programs > Accessories >System Tools > Disk Cleanup. Select the Drive you want to clean up click ok and then will remove any unnecessary files. Step 2: Remove Cached Web Pages Open up Internet explorer > Tools > Delete Browsing History. Then click Delete all then click yes. Keep in mind the does delete passwords. Step 3: Defragment the Hard Drive. To do this go to... Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. You may want to save this one for last as it takes a while to complete the task(s) If you want to know if you hard drive even needs to be defragmented click Analyze, However I recommended just clicking Defragment. Defragment just complies all the files on your hard drive so they are easy to access. Step 4: Disable Indexing on the C: Drive. While we are on this subject just go to Start > My Computer. To make my computer open faster go to Tools > Folder Options > View (Tab) > Automatically search for network folders and printers just uncheck that. Ok Now with that bonus tip out the way go to your C: Drive, Right click > Properties and Uncheck the Box that says Allow Indexing Service to Index this disk for fast file searching > Apply > Ok.... Step 5: Disable Windows Visual Styles. Start > Right click My Computer > Properties > Advance (Tab) >(Performance) Settings > Adjust for Best performance And this will disable all the Windows XP fancy visual stuff. Step 6: Edit Windows Start-up Items. Start > Run > ?msconfig? > Start-up (Tab) This then shows everything that starts up with your computer and allot of these programs are not even used or necessary. To find out what they are you can kinda stretch out the middle Command column or Google.com it! But just go through the list and uncheck anything that?s not necessary and this will help your computer to boot faster. Then just click Apply when you are through with it. Then since we are here click on the Services Tab, At the very bottom check the box saying ?Hide All Microsoft Services? Then scan through what is ever left and uncheck anything you know you don?t use. Once you done that click close and restart your computer. Step 7: Defragment the Registry Now since windows does not have a program/application to do this we are going to download some useful FREEWARE, Now go to ?http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? And Download RegSeeker. Once downloaded extract it to your desktop and run the .exe Down the left side click ?Clean the Registry? and then select auto clean. This is going to pull up all unnecessary registry files. It should delete them by itself once done. That?s it now after all that restart your computer and you should have a 1337 Computer speed If you know of any other good tips or tricks please post them below to help other members out :angel:. -Ash. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. I am glad this helped you however just a tip Kingston ram has come down in price alot now and I think you should consider buying some.
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