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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Nice, It really depends on your internet speed I would just leave it running it took me 10 minutes as I have 50mb/s download speed. Find out your speeds at Speedtest.net
  2. Yes its here. Microsoft Office 2010 BETA. No there is not a virus. More information below... https://products.office.com/en-us/products you select language and put in your windows live email and then they give you and send you the product key! This is great as it's not a Technical preview either and it's a lot faster than 2007 yet it has more tools. IT expires 31st October 2010 (1 year till) I think Microsoft are being very generous
  3. Welcome aboard at Xisto Kevin. Its great to here that you love to be apart of this community I am sure you will enjoy it very much. I know a couple of people from Canada here. Merry Christmas to you. Please enjoy the forum and read the rules and stick to them like glue .
  4. The warning level will go once your time has expired or you show out standing work with posting or keeping active. You should never ask for your warning level to go away as in that case it never will...
  5. Well it is now very clear that Rapidshare are cutting down on Free users etc. Everytime I go to download it says the number of Free user slots is used up. Well what a load of Bullsh** that is... Well good bye rapidshare!
  6. I did get something similar to this through the post with a ?50 Voucher to spend on Adscence I have still not used it and its in date still. Only problem is I can not find it. But what you have got does sound more like a scam, Are you sure this was official.
  7. Just a topic I thought I would start off 'ScreenShot your Browser' Simply really start up your browser, Hit print screen and make your post also include why you use what browser software. Here is mine: Get posting
  8. Voting now, Good work SM on organising all this.And good luck to everyone .
  9. I agree with you Echo, I have downloaded a few facebook apps and have found them out to be Virus's or Adware. I have made constant complaints to facebook and that they need to check over the apps fully before making them public. They have still not replied.
  10. Ok will do mahesh2k thanks for that great list, I have checked some of them out they seem great.
  11. I do agree with you on this topic, Tough the one thing I think is letting Xisto and Xisto down is the support they seem to take ages to reply and maybe could set up some sort of live support to stop all these support tickets.
  12. Welcome to the Xisto Forums.It would of been nice and very useful as Haslip said if you included you skills, why you are here and stuff to get to know you more and make this topic more interesting.Enjoy your time here, Read the rules and get posting .
  13. Well there are quite a few out there one of the popular free ones is Microsoft Movie Maker that is totally rubbish though many people use it. I would recommend trying Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects or Camtasia Studio. All of these can be used for anything say you want to make a DVD to making a Decent High Quality Youtube video. Also check Youtube.com out for some reviews.
  14. Well good bye rapidshare after that, This company is getting rubbish by the minute, I keep getting the problem of no free download lots available and now there doing this. I personally will be moving to MegaUpload and Hotfile. Please post your views on this...
  15. I love gmail so simple to use, Lots of options and space. It has a good feel, fast and very reliable. I use Gmail for my business email which I use a lot, I also have one with Hotmail, GMX & Yahoo. I suggest you check out GMX they are a fantastic company.
  16. Well SM today is the 15th and this topic should be closed and the awards counted I hope I get one and good luck to the rest of you. Don't worry if you don't get one there is always next year to prove yourself.
  17. I did say something like the Digg System, Maybe The admins could add a Rep system where you are 10 Cents for every rep given and -5 for every minus rep. I thinks that's very fair as long as the system is not abused.
  18. The speed seems to be ok taking into account the size of the database though maybe accounts with 0 posts could be deleted at some stage to stop us active members suffering? This would definitely increase the speed as most of them are probabley them PM spam bots. A script like Digg would be great on here and maybe you could earn 10myCents for every dig or something? I do think there should be more ways to earn mycents such as the Dig way above or something to keep old users interested in posting.
  19. Lol I remember playing this on a 200 year old computer, Apparently there have been improvements to the graphics as they did suck be honest.. I have not been on it since because I got so bored of it, I had grown out of it and just overall hated it in the end.
  20. Tesco To Offer Iphone Contracts I think Tesco will become the second top sellers for this the price of ?222 for an iPhone is incredible when the retailer that made it is doing for nearly ?100 more! It just shows you how much of a rip off Apple can be at times. If I ever break my iPhone and need a new one I will get my next one from apple to save that money. 14th is 2 days away I think Tesco have done a good job in getting it about before Christmas so people can buy it as a gift. Though I am not sure how they are going to make a profit out of this item O.o it surely must come to a loss at some stage. Tesco do a lot of Sales in January to show people they have been ripped off in the Christmas holidays , I wonder what the iPhone price will be on it then. Please post your views on the article above.
  21. Yes I have done this loads of time. Yes ok the school rules say not too but don't you think the teacher that wrote them skipped a few classes? I say rules are there are made the be broken. I usually skip Maths and French as I find the subjects so boring and dull. Though I have not skipped one class......... This year .
  22. Damn this topic is to late for me lol. I spilt coke over my laptop 4 times and now its screwed lol. I have a new one and am being a lot more careful trying to stop myself from drinking and eating around my PC now so I don't keep having to buy a new one .
  23. Wow kind of a useless thread you made there as haslip said. Anyway moving on I voted for vBulletin, Although it is very expensive it a one time payment, very professional and advance to use making it less likely someone can hack your forum.
  24. It takes time Ridwan sammer, As it is still part of the mycents system updating.
  25. Wow looks like they have done a grand job on that, I am not surprised it cost $40,000. But I really would go for something a little faster and modern should I say. I very unique post there I must say.
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