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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. That's a good budget to start off with, I take it you are looking at gaming system for GTA IV, Need for Speed etc. This always happens , It really does not matter both company's make quad core just at different prices there is really no difference. You don't have to get a Quad core processor though I would recommend it if you are doing this for gaming and multi-tasking, don't listen to people that say you wont need it 75% of them are jealous because they don't have Quad Core... You will be able to play lots and lots of games with a Quad core and a decent Graphics card, Again it does not matter nViddia or ATI... (Weird spelling for Nviddia please correct me if I am wrong.) Now do you want to build your own, or are you looking at buying it from a online company where you can customize it? Please answer this hope I helped you a bit more.
  2. I have not had a Dell Inspiron Mini though I will still go with the MacBook, I have had and still have a MacBook pro these pieces of machinery are fantastic, The screens are great (even when you have a small screen) I have found them to be great for travel & As you said they do look great. It is sometimes hard to get Windows Programs running on Mac OSX Leopard (Or whatever OS you have) a bit like Linux Ubuntu. I have installed Windows 7 on mine and it runs fantastic and still looks as good, This then answers your question if you can install a Windows OS on a mac. Please I really do recommend getting a Mac book pro, May cost more but a whole lot better.
  3. I have an iPod Touch 8GB and a iPhone 32gb 3G S, I have found no cons in Apple or iPods nor iPhones. My iPhone broke after me Dropping it (ops ) I said Apple the entire truth (it just broke I never dropped it ) I then get an email saying they will replace it with a brand new one. I think Apple are the best at customer satisfactory and will always buy an MP3 or Phone from them again. Next point, Apps store & iTunes music. I have found the prices on iTunes for music very good and very easy to purchase on a iPhone Touch or iPhone. Though the app store I do find some that are quite expensive for some to entertain you for 10 minutes. iTunes does transfer most of the files so it is compatible on your iPod or iPhone I have found this with mine I have downloaded a piece of music that is another file type once I import it, it will ask me if I want to convert it to a .whatever file (Can't remember) and it works fine. I really do recommend an iPod or even better an iPhone 3G S. - Ash.
  4. I mostly play Counter Strike Source, I have a load of games on my steam account though always prefer to play Counter Strike Source as I am so good at it. I like it that Steam do weekend offers & Free demo's easy to download and quick working.
  5. Ash-Bash

    Bad Drivers

    I am not sure why people do all of these things, They know its wrong or they would not of passed there driving test. I think the UK should make people retake a driving test every 10 years or there driving licence will be suspended.
  6. I would be happy to help out on no pay at all I just want to please people, Either be a moderator or support staff just to make the member happy and have an Easy hosting package. It seems that Nick ***< Don't know the name is the only support staff. I don't see why he doesn't recruit on the net and let people work from home.
  7. Yes Xisto (Xisto - Web Hosting) Do allow this, I cannot think of a host that will not allow such a thing. CHMod is very important in FTP Hosting etc They are obviously a rubbish host where-ever you was hosted.
  8. This seems a very nice monitor, I am currently look at buying a couple new monitors for my new PC which I have just finished building. I think these will look quite nice in my environment. I do thank-you for making this topic now
  9. Welcome to Xisto, I hope you enjoy your time signed up here. I have enjoyed it here so much, I have been signed up here for almost a year and love it! I hope you get the same feelings coming your way!Please make sure you read the rules & Guides to help you understand the system.
  10. Oh my god, So sorry The Simpleton I had a late night needed to post around and completely missed the topic. I do think that the Admins should keep us up to date posting a topic or even mods doing this as the admins say they are so busy....I agree once the Mycents system does stop there is about 10 topics in Xisto answers or whatever saying "Why I don't have mycents" I did put this in a ticket but no reply from them.
  11. The mycents system has been under maitence a lot. They get counted just not update, Just post normally. Once they have done the maintence it will get update with all what you have earned. Trust me Nika or whatever on Xisto - Support told me on this. I am not sure on your license problem thing.
  12. I very nice system, This is a bit like Compare the Market (UK) Where they compare car prices. This is a lot better use to me though. I am sure this website will get very huge soon.
  13. Lol a very greedy and checky trick there though I always buy backrow seets to throw popcorn and best view obvoiusly.
  14. It must be your computer, I am running windows 7 it has never frozen or crashed for me yet. What is your CPU & How much RAM do you have?, Also get the desktop cpu thing and adverage your ram and CPU. It must be your computer as it has never crashed on BETA nor Ultimate which I am running now.
  15. I was around 10 when I wanted to learn or build my own website using HTML. I had found out from a older friend of how to make a website. Back in the day when I was 10 I used Ask Jeeves a lot of the time and Searched 'Learn HTML' and came up with a 12 page tutorial that was very useful and easy to follow. I printed this off for feature reference and still have it today . I then took off from there learning from tutorials on these sort of sites and Youtube was a big part of it.
  16. I have both, A Mac for Media editing etc. Any my PC's for gaming as Macs are crap for that . Lets see the results of everyone else.
  17. Well I would image if such a thing did happen as Robots taking over our jobs the world would come to a full end or we would all be on government benefits which would last about 2 days before they had no money left . So we will all be in the crap XD. I also think a lot of viruses of some sort would go around.
  18. I don't think there is no script, Though you can make a Power point or Word document using a PDF Creator Printer to convert it to PDF. Upload it to your FTP host & Make the domain redirect to dsdsds.pdf or something. Please let me know if you understand or need more help.
  19. Welcome Amyk to Xisto. Thanks for you time in regisering to Xisto forums I am sure you will enjoy yourself here as much as I did when I was new here . I am sure you will get to understand things more once you stick around for a bit, We love fresh blood on this forum as we are all getting old and OAPS . Now then I have provided important links below here to stop you getting a warn or ban, Forum rules ect.. Important Links: Xisto Read Me Forum Rules Credit System V3.0 Online The Xisto Story Enjoy the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I am very glad you now feel welcome koolazngy94, It sounds like you do understand they way things work here & The rules and so on... Any problems you may have just nip a reply in here.
  21. -Sky- You have to remember if someone does not know where to view mycents they are not going to know your way or have a clue what you are talking about. Lol sorry but its the facts.
  22. No, You can only view my cents on Xisto Either on your profile or a reply or topic you have made. Just post well, Stick to the rules and make useful but quality posts. This will help you get on with the members and earn respect and more mycents!
  23. cPannel is the best for web hosting etc. Xisto are not going to change it after paying for a very big bill for a license to use it on there services. Everyone loves cPannel, Fast, Good looking & Easy to use. If you don't like it then sorry bud go to another crappy host.
  24. Yes, They have been working on the mycents system and will now start to update. Just be patient and wait for yours, Remember that's a lot of members is updating!
  25. I have worked on Loads of Operating Systems in my time Windows XP to Windows 7 to Mac OSX Leopard and so on. Windows Vista well just no comment but "Microsoft totally failed at it". Windows 7 however is fantastic, They have lowered the amount of resources used in Windows 7. They have made it feel easy and fun to use with the new Task bar and popular aero look 'n Feel. I find its great for media with the Windows Media Center built in along with Gaming, All my games seem to run fine as they would in XP where as Windows Vista used to make them Lag like hell!Windows 7 is now up but will it stay up, C net and others have rated Snow leopard to be better though before upgrading to Snow leopard you have to buy Leopard and the Upgrade for Snow leopard is around $40. Apple do know how to charge remember. But what will happen to Windows 7 once Google OS comes out & Will it be as popular as Google Chrome? I Am pretty much sure it will. So far Google are only building their OS for Net books and Notebooks though they say in time they will move it on to Desktops & Maybe Servers.
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