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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. It is impossible for PHP to detect the size of the browser window. PHP is run on the web server and outputs the results of the functions you tell it to run as HTML code, no PHP ever reaches the client browser. You will need a client-side scripting language, one run on the viewer's browser, so that it can detect what is happening on their PC. All client side scripts can be disabled though, so you won't avoid that problem.Why do you need to detect the browser size anyway? If it's for a layout surely you can use some CSS tricks to achieve the same? It may not look that pretty but people can't disable it and they very rarely read through your CSS.
  2. On my main PC I am going to install Norton Internet Security '06 in a few days. We've got a few days left on the updates for '04 and we're getting every penny out of them On my laptop I have AVG and a mixture of anti-spyware software. I also use Linux on there which seems to work quite well as an anti-virus program on it's own!
  3. I thought this was why we had profiles Besides posting here and managing my site, I cycle around the local area (great scenery), play table tennis, badminton, tennis and a tiny bit of golf. I read a lot and listen to music occasionally, normally to drown out my brother and sister! I also quite like photography, after I got myself a half decent camera.
  4. This is thanks to those spekaers they put up in shopping centres here in the UK, playing a really high pitched whine to deter anybody under around 25 from the shopping centre. Where they trialled it, the shops complained, the residents complained, and the shoppers complained, so obviously the council rolled it out across all shopping areas. A few people at my school use this as their ringtone, and luckily most of the teachers can't hear it, or if they can hear it faintly they presume it's one of the computers and ignore it!
  5. With 64MB of RAM you are going to find it difficult to get XP running, let alone open any applications. Linux is more of a possibility, but adding a GUI to a distribution tends to mean it needs a lot more RAM (for example, Ubuntu linux requires 256MB of RAM and 3GB of HDD). GUIs such as Gnome and KDE can be made to act very much like Windows and are easy to migrate to, but hog resources you just don't have.
  6. Make sure that you have a database set up, and you know the username and password required to access and connect to the database. The database name is always prefixed with your cPanel login name, so if you called the database FORUM then the actual name to tell SMF is CPANELNAME_FORUM. You should already know your password needed to connect to the database. If you haven't changed it, it'll be the same as your cPanel login password. If you need any more help, get me on MSN, email me or PM me and I will gladly help you.
  7. Wow, you just read off the specs of my laptop. In that case I'll recommend my Acer Aspire 1640 series laptop, I wrote a review here somewhere. The brand of wireless card isn't that important, they're all much the same, unless you intend to use Linux later on, in which case you will have to do some research. Integrated graphics and 1GB of RAM should be fine, I can run Blender, Open Office, Opera and loads of other stuff at once with that, so it should be OK. Hard drive speed, go for the fastest you can, but if it's going to bump the price up a lot then don't bother. A 100GB HDD doesn't take that long to search through, so somewhere around 5,400RPM is fine.Try and get the screen with a gloss black coating (Acer call it CrystalBrite I think), which makes all the colours stand out better and improves the viewing angle. Sometimes the Sun reflects slightly, but if you are sat in front of the laptop, it isn't a problem.
  8. The key to a good website is definitely not rounded boxes! I agree with all the points you have made, FirefoxRocks, and they will be very useful to people setting up a site for the first time. One thing to mention, however, is not to go overboard with features. Just because you can get a script free, it doesn't mean you have to add it to your site! Try and keep it as uncluttered as possible and use a simple layout and colour scheme. Being unique also helps a great deal. If you can provide something that no other site can provide, people will come to you.
  9. I am running MediaWiki fine on Xisto hosting, so there should be no reason for it to say the PHP version is too low. As mxweb has suggested, you can look in cPanel at the preinstalled scripts, or check out this search for a few others. I have never used them however, so can't comment on if they are any good or will work.
  10. It seems pointless, becuase if you have a 56K modem, just changing a value on the PC isn't going to magically change the hardware of the modem. It may look good, but that's all it does.
  11. FTP usually runs on port 21, so make sure that is open and you haven't put it into stealth mode or something. Most firewalls (hardware and software) have preset settings, such as an FTP one, an HTTP one etc, to set it up to allow these various services. I know that Norton does, Netgear and Linksys routers do, and a whole host of others.
  12. I have a laptop with a widescreen display, and it has some good and bad points. I use my laptop to watch TV and DVDs, which are in widescreen, and so work well on my laptop without letterbox bars or blurring. It also keeps the laptop slightly smaller than the 4:3 equivalent, as 16:9 is more keyboard shaped. Unfortunately, some applications don't play nice with widescreen, and as I want to get Linux on my laptop, some people seem to be having prolems getting widescreen resolutions to work right.
  13. The answer will entirely depend on which distribution of Linux you are using. For example, Ubuntu and Kubuntu are very user friendly in the setup. They both have GUI partitioning programs in the installer to make life easy, and you can keep your Windows installaltion. Other distros have a text based installer, which makes life a little harder, but I think if you get the Knoppix Live CD that has a GUI partitioner on it you can use, then take that disk out and put in the CD for your distro of choice.As for the SATA problem it again depends on the distro. Certain ones will support more drives than others, and just because one distro will let you partition a drive, doesn't mean that others will install to it. Check which distros support your drive and the relevant chipset.
  14. What Ghostzilla does is take the current open application, choose an area where text is normally displayed and change that into a mini web browser. Have a look at the screenshots here to get the idea. It's quite a good idea if you want to have a mini web browser in whatever application you are using, and to help people who want to hide what they're doing you can set the whole thing to appear in greyscale, and images to only appear when you mouseover. It's quite clever, but not something I'll be downloading, as I have no need for it really.
  15. This is one advantage of Opera over every other browser, the custom stylesheets. I have one that basically emulates a text browser, and it does a pretty good job of it too. I can turn the stylesheets on and off as and when I need them.
  16. Desktops will always be around, as they are cheaper for the same specification. For example, my notebook cost me around ?650, but a desktop PC with the same hardware would have cost ?500, but I need the portability. Tower PCs are also more useful as there is a lot more room for expansion. Due to the physical size of a notebook, it's difficult to add a load of HDDs, whereas with a desktop you can add drives to your heart's content.
  17. I am sorry that you have lost your site, but the terms and conditions you agreed whn you took on your hosting stated that you are responsible for everything on your hosting, including the databases. If you provide a way for random people to add content to your site (forums, a comments system, etc) then you are directly held responsible, as if you had posted that information. This highlights the importance of taking regular backups and also keeping a tight check on things. If you ask nicely enough, the admins may give you a copy of your site.Good luck in getting the site back online, and just remember than no matter how many rules you have, they are useless unless the people enforcing them are doing a reliable and fast job of it.
  18. When you say you don't want them visible, do you mean in a directory listing? If so, just add a blank index.htm file into the directory so a listing can't appear. This does mean that if people know the file name they can still open the file, but all they'll get is the HTML output, not the PHP code. As for using an .htaccess file, I'm not sure if PHP will still be able to access the files, as I tend not to use .htaccess much now.
  19. OK, thanks for your ideas, I'll put thm into my essay. And I'll send you a copy, bhavesh, as soon as it's done. It has to be submitted on the 6th or 7th of September.
  20. There are various PHP scripts out there that can be used to manage newsletters, including people being able to add and remove themselves easily. However, they put considerable load on the server and if you intend to host it here at Xisto, you might want to look into one that delays sending each message (e.g. there is a 10 second gap between each one) which helps to lower the load somewhat. People have caused problems with these scripts before, however, so you need to be careful, and not send a newsletter out every day or something.
  21. To get the starter package you need to get 10 credits, and to get the default package you need to earn 30 credits. Before you are hosted the credits will not drop unless your posts are deleted or a moderator/admin removes them. Once you are approved for hosting, your credits are reset to 0. From the moment you are approved and your hosting activated you will lose 1 credit each day, regardless of your hosting package. This prevents people posting to get hosting and this disappearing into the mist over the moorlands You have to keep positive credits for your hosting to be active, and if you drop to -30 your hosting is permanently deleted.
  22. Many people do share their knowledge by answering various questions. Most of the sections of the forum have a support area or an area to ask questions. If there isn't one, there is nothing to stop you asking a question in the relevant forums.There is a large problem with the idea of the best answers being awarded more credits. The moderators here at the Trap spend an awful lot of their time going through posts, moving them, correcting them etc. Adding the burden of having to go through every post with a question and manually edit the credits of users who post the best answers, i fear, would just be too much work.Simply, if you see posts which do not comply to the TOS and rules, use the report button to inform the moderators. The admins ultimately decide whether someone is eligible for hosting, and people who write useless posts just don't receive their hosting.
  23. How you create a database depends on who you have your hosting from. I can see you are not hosted here at Xisto.com, so it would be useful if you could tell us where you are hosted, or what system they use to add databases.
  24. Your best option will be to write a select query for all rows featuring the current logged-in user's name. The use mysql_fetch_array to get an array of data. If you use a while loop to cycle through the array you can print out the character number or whatever, or use the data as variables to look up an image or other information. I can help as well if you want, either via PM, email or IM (check my profile). I use MySQL a lot and have a few examples of how to use mysql_fetch_array.
  25. OK, here it is. I prefer doing battles when I know what I'm up against Anyway, shall we say first to get 3 votes wins?
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