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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I'd seriously advise reading into this a bit more rather than just following the instructions above. For example, various modifications are needed if you want to actually make the server secure and cover up the security holes it leaves. Also, if you are behind a router you will need to set up incoming traffic on port 80 to be forwarded to the PC acting as a web server. Also, a bit more work is needed if you want to get PHP or MySQL running too, and to get a web server that can hold forums and scripts etc. Also, be careful as some ISPs do not allow you to host a web server using their service.
  2. My first PC was the IBM Personal Desktop Computer MkII, complete with a 14" greyscale monitor and an original HP Deskjet dot-matrix. Ah, happy days. Windows 3.1 never crashed once on me, and all the apps were a lot faster to load too. Castle of the Winds and Kidpix are my main memories of it (me being 5 or 6 at the time). I learned to use everything, amazingly, by going through the help documents! No Internet, and no other people to ask about computers kinda limited the available support. I seem to remember we tried to get Microsoft Bob running at one point. It was a complete flop, but the legacy lives on.
  3. There are a few Elements brushes here, but you'll have to pay, and check the brushes were either made in Elements 2.0, or are compatible with it. You could also try this page and download the brushes listed at the top, under Photoshop 6 or older and see if they work. Brushes for Elements are nowhere near as popular as those for Photoshop.
  4. Does this section of the forums fulfil what you are looking for? It covers movies, although you will not increase your post count or earn credits.
  5. This is where those PSHE lessons may actually have a use Basically, alcohol destroys your brain cells, and as your brain is still developing it isn't a good idea to go killing your brain before its even had a chance. I know that in countries like France it is socially acceptable for children to drink, and even here in the UK some parents allow kids to drink with their meals (legally you can drink from 3 years old). If you drink witha meal then the effect of the alcohol is less that drinking when you have an empty stomach, so try and eat when you drink. To avoid the effects of dehydration, drink a pint of water per pint of alcohol you consume (generally, depending on the % vol). As long as it is in moderation then the effects are very short term, and can even be beneficially according to some people.
  6. I have to agree with AeonLan, the text is very hard to read as you've put bright red on a bright red background. Try adding a stroke around the text in black, or a glow like the one on your sig, to see if you can bring the edges of the text out a bit. The devil cartoon has a very rough edge to it, so try feathering it, or blending it in slightly with the background. A border would also work quite well, just to finish it off, even something simple like a 1px black stroke.
  7. I saw this a little while ago, and mentioned it to one of my friends who plays their 360 almost constantly. Now that we're back at school, he wants something to do while he has no lessons, and the idea of a laptop version was brilliant. He was a little disappointed when I said it wasn't in production. Its great to see people actually doing things for themselves and making things to fit their needs.
  8. I have a hardware firewall guarding my network, which regularly emails me to tell me it has foiled another attack! However, some attacks still seem to get through, as I have just installed Norton Internet Security 2006 and it picks up the odd one or two threats, but nothing on the scale as when we didn't have a network and Norton 04 was the only line of defense.
  9. Well reformatting the drive isn't really an option as I don't have the Windows CD, the UK manufacturers are nice like that I have 1GB of RAM, so I was going to create a swap of maybe 2.5GB. I thought you could cut space off the end of a partition, without losing the data on it?
  10. On my laptop I have a 100GB hard drive, which came partitioned 50/50 into two partitions. Windows, in its infinite wisdom has piled DLLs and other files onto the D: partition (as it had the most free space), which I tried to leave empty. Now I'm finally getting around to installing Linux on my laptop, and obviously I need to change the partitions. Ideally I want one partition with Windows on, one for most Linux files, a /home partition and a swap partition. The problem is clearing my current second partition, as obviously I don't want to delete a load of DLLs and other app folders, only for the whole lot to go. One suggestion was to just resize it so that it effectivly is filled with the files currently on it, and use the created free space for Linux, but this just seems a bit clumsy. Any suggestions?
  11. The songs good, great background music. Without touching my speaker volume control or the volcume control on your site I thought it was fine.
  12. I use loads of different email accounts for all sorts of different things. Google has had an IM program for GMail accounts out for ages, called Google Talk, and in my opinion it works much better than MSN Messenger, YIM and especially AIM. You can also get video conversations for it too. I use Hotmail for newsletters and things rather than personal communication, and I tried Yahoo for about a week, hated it and scrapped it. I have 5 ISP email accounts, and a GMail account, which I use for personal emails.
  13. At least they've gone for something a little more logical now and people will find it easier to transition over and use the new system. Motion sensing sounds like a good idea but I'm sure that it won't work as well as people say it will. Game designers will also find lots of weird ways to use it, so we might see some interesting new games.
  14. Teaching the readers assembly code isn't really practical, so I'd go with the appendix explaining what base 12 is and why you have to use it in the book. Not mentioning numbers higher than 12 isn't an option either, that would just get too confusing both for yourself and readers, so go either for an introduction or an appendix explaining what base 12 is.
  15. Hey William, welcome to the Trap! You cetainly won't be disappointed with the hosting and you should find it quite easy to get it. Just make sure you read the TOS and Readme and you can't go wrong
  16. Yeah, this is a great idea SM, and I would certainly like to be a part of it. I like mucking around with PHP scripts and seeing if they will ever work, as most don't install exactly right first time. At the moment I know nothing about CuteNews, so I can't help you there, but good luck with the site.
  17. If it boots in safe mode but not into the standard mode, the the problem most likely lies with the programs and software loaded with the standard mode. Boot into safe mode and then go Start, Run, "msconfig" . Go through the list of startup software (on the Startup tab) and disable any that don't look important. You can untick most of them. Then boot back into standard mode and see what happens. If you get in OK then it is a startup program causing the problems. The problem may lie in the fact that too many apps may try to start at once, and the PC just doesn't have the RAM to cope, so Windows is pushed to the back of the pile and you get the Insufficient Memory error. If that is the case then you will have to uninstall or disable software that runs at startup. If however, you don't get in, then the problem lies with something more fundamental in the Windows system.
  18. OK, this has been fixed now via MSN and the forum is up and running. Simply the wrong database information so it couldn't connect.
  19. If you get a tablet that is conected via a USB cable to the PC then as long as the PC is on, it will work. Depending on if the stylus has extra buttons, like mouse buttons, on it that may need batteries, but they don't need replacing very often at all, perhaps once every 2 or 3 months. For the tablet I suggested, it isn't wireless so only the stylus needs a battery, a single AAA battery. That should last for ages and isn't really that expensive, especially if you use a rechargeable battery. The tablet I have is a P-Active Xp-Pen XP-5550A. It's about 9" by 8.5", but the actual 'writing' area is nearer 6"x5". It has menu buttons around the side, which are programmable, a mouse and the pen has two buttons which act as mouse buttons. You also get a collection of software for drawing in, including one to write into MS applications. There is one AAA battery in the mouse and one in the pen, and both last me on average, around 6 months.
  20. The tablet I have is about 9" square, with a stylus shaped like a conventional pen, so you can clip it on your shirt, rather than lose it in a bag. This is the smallest I have seen anywhere, much smaller and they are quite difficult to draw on.
  21. Well MySQL and the rest of the server statuses show a green light, so the problem lies with your forum. What is the address of the forum, what forum is it (PhpBB, IPB etc) and do any specific errors come up. We need some actual information to be able to help you.
  22. Well, using one of the clip-on style digital pens used with a pad of paper will mean that you can see what you are drawing on paper but not on screen until you connect the clip-on part to your PC and download the images. Then you have to cut out the bit you want and add it to your notes. If you use something called a graphics tablet then what you draw will appear on screen instantly, and Microsoft has pretty good support for them. They work with a pressure pad and a stylus rather than pen and paper, and you write or draw on a touch sensitive pad which can detect pressure etc, and the drawing appears on screen. They are normally a bit cheaper than pen and paper ones, but it can be a bit of learning curve getting drawings accurate when you can't see them apart from on screen. Most PC shops have them available to try, so give it a go and see if it's something you could use, and remember that you can learn! Amazon has quite a good selection to choose from, in all different styles and sizes. Some come with a mouse you can use on the tablet too, but I'm not sure you really need it for note taking. Depending on what size of drawings you need to make and also the amount of space you have when taking notes, try and get the largest you practically can.
  23. Well, being 15 I would be able to start lessons soon and get my provisional licence. If they do put the age limit up, a lot of people are going to be very irate if they have got insurance, a car, fuel and everything else, only to be told that they can't drive for a few years. This'll just lead to more illegal drivers with no insurance or MOT certificate. Personally I don't think they should up the age limit. The problem is lack of experience, not the age. Unless the age is raised to 40-odd then the perception will be that young drivers speed. We should all be made to take the course from the IAM, which also drops the insurance cost quite dramatically! Drivers will be more aware of their actions and limitations.They will also realise quite rapidly that it is very difficult to do 90mph on the M1 during rush hour
  24. They should be illegal, except if they are prescribed by a GP. They only cause problems when people have uncontrolled access to drugs and regardless of what laws are in place, unless someone tells the police where a drug dealer is, they will never get found. Smoking tobacco also causes problems, but also to the people around you and they have no say in what you are doing to them. The government here in the UK is finally banning smoking in public places next summer, but only after so many people have quit anyway that the impact in lost tax is minimal. Drugs, if taxed, would be the same. The government wouldn't care about the health risks because they are earning money from it.
  25. First run an if statement to check for the existance of the image. If it doesn't exist, output to the user that they made a mistake and the address to the image is incorrect. Make sure that you kill the script after you output your nicer error, or it will still try and get the image size.
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