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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. The design looks good, everything is clear and well laid out. As S_M has said, either tell people to push enter when they use the search box, or fill that space to the right of it with a Go! button or something. The parse errors people are mentioning appear to have been caused by a missing " or ' so give the code a quick scan and see if you can fix that. Using black for the links seems like a bad idea to me. Generally, links are a different colour to default text, and even though your text is white, it still isn't obvious that black text signifies a link. See if you can find another colour that might fit in, or give links a dashed underline. Finally, the RSS, Atom and OPML images could be changed to fit in more with your blue colour scheme, as they look out of place at the moment.
  2. After spending over an hour on the phone listening to 80s and 90s power ballads whenever the guy put me on hold, finally the new hard drive has everything loaded onto it and we're up and running. The case has got a lot of room inside and it is relatively cool, around 55 degrees C normally. Now it's just a matter of loading all my software and files back on...
  3. I'd hazard a guess at /home/user/etc as you have suggested. However, I'm not sure that a script could actually access that folder, I've never tried.
  4. I've been trying the UBCD and a few of the utilities on it have given me the response of Disposition Code = 0x72, which I'm investigating. NEC are sending an engineer over tomorrow morning to do what they have called an in-depth troubleshoot. I'm not really sure what it entails but I have been assured that they will do everything they can to get it working again. I suppose it is really cheaper for them to try and fix the drive than replace a 400GB drive. kdr_98, I don't have a spare HDD lying around to try and recover from, and I'm not sure where the recovery console is stored on the disk to copy it. I'm still burning backups of everything I can access onto anything in sight. Update: The guy from NEC turned up and just replaced the hard drive with a nice shiny new one. I'd never opened the case on this PC before (it's rented, long story) and it was weird to see how everything was laid out in this PC. Completely different to anything I'd seen before. The hard drive he replaced, for example was mounted vertically at the back of the case, rather than in the logical place in a drive bay, even though there is one free. Now I just have to wait a few days for some CDs to be shipped over from France to reload their OEM version of Windows back onto it.
  5. OK, thanks for the replies guys. NEC haven't replied yet, but I have managed to get SimplyMepis to mount the hard drive and I'm burning backups of everything now. Windows still refuses to boot up though, and the recovery console still wont load. At least now I know my data is safe. I've tried using some of the stuff in the link you suggested S_M but the problem still hasn't been fixed. I'll keep you posted.
  6. Well I doubt a virus caused the problem, as I have up to date firewalls and scan my PC regularly. When I try and mount the drive from a live CD I am told that it can't be mounted, so the partition table has probably gone. I am asking around to see if anyone has an XP CD, or seeing if I can borrow one from somewhere, along with asking NEC to either send me a CD or send an engineer out to do it.Is it possible to repartition the drive with a live CD, even if I partitioned the whole thing as one big partition, without losing any data?I guessed Microsoft wouldn't like it, but as they offered bootable floppies for XP I thought there may have been an outside chance that a bootable CD was also available for download. For the time being I'll sit here playing Planet Penguin Racer and Tuxkart
  7. About half an hour ago I got a blue screen of death again when I tried to reboot this machine and got this error once again. I'm not sure it's really a BSOD, but the screen was blue and the death of the HDD is quite major. XP tends not to use blue screens though, it just crashes nonchalantly in the background and displays that error report thing.
  8. My life has not been going too well recently and Windows has to top it off by corrupting the hard drive. When I boot up I get the blue STOP error screen with the message UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. I have tried rebooting into safe mode and I get the same error. Linux off a live CD is my only option for using that PC now. Unfortunately I can't even install Linux on it as it can't mount the HDD or load any data onto it.The PC is (was...) running Windows XP Home SP2 and no software or hardware changes have occured for a while, so I have ruled out that causing the problem. The PC is a NEC PowerMate I-Select Multimedia and I have emailed NEC support for advice. As far as I can remember, it is possible to boot into the Recovery Console and run either FIXBOOT or CHKDSK to fix the problem. NEC, in their infinite wisdom, have put a copy of the Recovery Console on the damn hard drive!Like many PC suppliers, NEC failed to give me an XP CD, so I can't use it to get into the Recovery Console, but I am sure that by doing that I would not lose any data or settings, and it might actually work again. My question is, is it possible to run something like FIXBOOT or CHKDSK from Linux on an unmountable drive, or is it legal for me to download an XP CD to try and fix the problem? With the PC having an OEM edition of Windows though, I am still not sure that would work.Thank you in advance for any guidance or information you can provide to avoid me having to take the PC down to a repair shop when I should be able to solve the problem myself.
  9. Which exam board are you with? And also which country are you in? If you're in the UK it's a little more difficult to give help, as AQA just changed their entire Science GCSE structure, and OCR did something similar. This site is excellent for the chemistry parts of courses. It's designed for the UK and contains loads of useful information. Biology and physics are a little harder to get information on, and revision guides are a little thin on the ground after course changes.
  10. It's amazing how rapidly this technology has advanced. The first "invisibility" cloaks they developed required cameras and projectors, which was virtually useless and blindingly obvious that something was there. Now they are moving light around objects so that you just can't tell anything is there. I think one article compared it to a rock in a stream. The water goes round it and joins up just past it, and you can not tell it has passed a rock. This technology can be used for otehr things besides hiding too! Keeping out radiowaves and sound has been suggested for sensitive equipment or recording studios. Rather than soundproofing, just make it seem that the studio doesn't exist to sound waves.If this technology got into the hands of the general publich though there would be catastrophic effects. Crimes could be committed with no identity of the criminal, people would be bumped into or run over without them being seen. Apart from the military and law enforcement, I see no need to start making people invisible.
  11. Login pages are usually the most vulnerable area. A hacker will go there first becuase if they succeed then they can virtually do anything they want. Open source scripts, despite what people say, are actually very secure simply due to the number of people using them and reporting any flaws they find. If you write a script yourself, make sure to include as many checks as possible. For example, make sure a form has been submitted from your site and nowhere else, and make sure that fields contain alpha numeric characters. The safest way is, before you do anything with the submitted information, strip it of any ', ", <, > or their ASCII code equivalents. This will stop 99.9% of problems, but you have to advise people not to use them in their usernames or passwords.
  12. A link to your site would make reviewing it a lot easier. I'm guessing that your address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but that shows the standard Welcome To Your Account message, signifying that you haven't yet uploaded your site. Are you sure you put it inside the public_html folder?
  13. You can share the directory the website is stored in, or the entire Apache directory if you want, across your network so you can drag and drop files like you would into shared documents or something. To do that, right click on the folder you want to share (this is presuming you have Windows XP), select Properties, then the Sharing tab. In the lower half of the dialog tick the box to share the folder, and give it a logical name.Your other choice is to install an FTP server onto Laptop 1. This would allow you to upload and download from anywhere in the world, or just your network depending on how you set it up. This is a lot more difficult to set up that folder sharing, but it does make it possible to have access from anywhere if you need it.
  14. Corrupt files can sometimes cause it, or if the drive has not been used for a while. Flash memory requires power to store the data, so if a pen drive is left for quite a while then the data may become corrupt or disappear. Depending on the manufacturer it can vary from a few months to many years before that happens.
  15. I think you've got most things covered there, but I do have one suggestion. How about an award for welcoming people and helping the new members find their feet. It's a kinda vague description and it may well fit into the Most Helpful Members one, but it's just an idea.
  16. This depends how quickly they can roll out HD TV coverage. At the moment, most people can't see a reason to get a flat screen TV to replace their CRT box. Slowly as more channels start broadcasting HD, and for a much lower price compared to what it is at the moment then people might see a reason to switch. The design element of flat screens is also diminished by the fact that to plug anything in you have to have wires trailing down a wall and to various boxes in a cabinet. After the obsession with painting everything in sight beige or magnolia, black electronics cables show up.
  17. Happy Birthday S_M! I'd send you a check, but here in the UK we only have cheques There are uses to the spelling differences after all!
  18. There is a "code" on how it all works. The two numbers within the brackets represent the paragraphs and sentences you want. The first number dictates the number of separate paragraphs of text you want, and the second is the number of sentences in each paragraph. The maximums are 200 and 99, so they are always used when describing what Microsoft loosely term a "feature" (isn't that always the way with bugs?). I've used it for a while when I can't be bothered to go and generate some Lipsum I start putting the rand function in.
  19. Why have you posted this in the Action Games subforum? Please read the readme or you will get in trouble with the mods. When you say he doesn't have the ability to make privileges, do you mean he can't create users and give them access to certain databases? If so you can still install Wordpress on the one database with the username and password he uses to login to PHPMyAdmin. During the Wordpress installation, give it a table prefix so it doesn't interfere with anything else in the database (something like blog_ or wordress_) and the username and password used to login to PHPMyAdmin. If he can't create databases then just use the one he already has with the table prefixes explained above. You can have loads of different things operating out of one database as long as they all have different table names.
  20. Try pushing Ctrl+P to get the Export Movie Wizard. Select the My Computer or For Web option and go through the steps. It seems to choose what file type to use randomly, but whatever you get out of it will be more useful than the project file. Once you get the movie file then there are many freeware converters from almost any format to almost any other.
  21. This really depends on personal preference, as each one has it's own strengths and weaknesses. I suggest you go to the relevant site for each of the CMSs listed there and look around at the features list, available themes, mods etc. and see which you like the look of best. Try it for a while and if it isn't for you, scrap it and try another. Personally I have tried at various stages for different people: Joomla, Mambo, PHPNuke, Xoops, early version of Drupal. I honestly can't say to you that you should use one over the others, it entirely depends on what you want to do with it.
  22. By pushing the stop button the server has sort of half created your account. Your best bet will be to either PM an admin or wait for a reply from one of them here. And remember for next time, no matter how long it takes to appear, don't stop it or refresh it!I just visited the URL you wanted and the site appears, and a login to cPanel is possible. Have you tried logging in to cPanel and uploading a file or two to see what happens?
  23. Thanks, that's a useful little piece of JavaScript there. I have noticed more and more people using Flash on sections of their sites, and I have have also started doing Flash for people, and it is really annoying to have certain browsers require you to click first.
  24. Taking your questions in order:The best way to accomodate various sizes of screen is to use DIVs and some CSS hacks and tricks. It doesn't make for very pretty code but the site will work, and until all the browsers agree on how to interpret the standards its the only method we have. You would need to make IE use certain parts of the CSS, and other browsers use other bits, and it can all become a bit complicated. You can also set a minimum width so the layout does not get destroyed on smaller screens, but forces the browser to scroll.Fonts should be sans-serif as they are easier to read on screen. Verdana is the "classic" font to use. It was designed for the web, has good letter spacing and punch width, and still has very clear letter shapes. Trebuchet MS is also a good choice, slightly different but still very clear and easy on the eye. Helvetica and Arial are usually the next choices for font, for similar reasons. Text colour is usually easier as dark on light, rather than light on dark. Take the main colour scheme for your site, choose the darkest colour you use and make it as dark as possible so it is still distinguishable as a colour. If you want, go all the way to black for extreme clarity, but it can be a little bland.You can write a few CSS sheets and let users switch between them with JavaScript or PHP. Quite a few sites now offer block colour choices, such as a blue, green, orange, yellow, or greyscale stylesheet to choose from.The design makes sense to me and is entirely possible using only CSS if you want. Presumably by the frame effect, you mean the title block or heading would remain static? Using DIVs you can push the text down by the height of the title block and when a user scrolls, the text will slide under the title, as long as you make the title DIV stay static. It is used quite well on many sites, but if you do use that effect, try not to make the title area too high, or it can look very weird and out of proportion.One final comment: don't use tables for the layout. Tables were designed for data and can seriously go wrong between browsers. DIVs are a much better choice and, using CSS, are easier to change, and far more customisable, than tables are.
  25. This depends how far away the two are and whether you intend to move them about. It also depends on what sort of modem you have. For example, if you have a USB broadband modem then you can connect the two PCs directly without the need for a router. If you have an ethernet modem or a router anyway then I'd advise conecting each computer via a wire to a router. Wired networking is much faster, much more secure and more reliable. Wireless is OK for a laptop or if it would be difficult to wire the other PC in, but I'd avoid it if possible, especially if you live in a built up area.
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