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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I'm not sure exactly what you need. If you want to change your voice for comedy value more than anything then try something like Funny Voice which is a free pitch changer for recorded voice samples. If you want to be a bit more professional, and still free, then the best option is probably Audacity with a plugin or two to adapt voices.
  2. It looks like a good little modelling program, and various friends have said that it is very easy to work with. However, not being able to export designs as image files is a big problem if you want to use your work for anything. Plus the heightened level of simplicity means that some advanced features have disappeared.
  3. Great work to everyone working to keep the Trap alive and well done for reaching this milestone. I can only hope that the members keep flooding in and this excellent forum and service stays alive I joined around the 7,500 members mark and the Trap has grown phenomenally since then.Congratulations, and celebrations...
  4. I'm not sure if a version was released for Linux, but you could always run it user Wine to emulate Windows. This page tells you which distros work and how well, and also any problems they have encountered running it. If you want to download it this page lists downloads for most Linux distros.
  5. You will want something like this: SmartJoy Dual. It allows you to connect 2 PSX, PS1 or PS2 controllers into the USB port of your PC and all the buttons, analogue sticks and even the vibration works perfectly (supposedly). I have never tried this product, but the reviews seem to put it in high regard.
  6. Get rid of bumper stickers? What would we be left to do when stuck in a 4 hour traffic jam going round the M25 if we can't read the feeble attempts at humour dangling off the back bumpers of the cars in front? And what about the classic "I've been to the shop that sells bumper stickers" sticker?!?
  7. ShoutCast does use a lot of bandwidth, and so far I have only found one site that offers the service of a totally free ShoutCast server. This site, called Listen2MyRadio is ad-supported but offers the ability to stream live radio from ShoutCast, something which uses collossal bandwidth and server power. One note, however. You cannot play music by any artist without their prior permission and without a radio licence, whether you are online or broadcasting the traditional way.
  8. Your best bet for a tutorial site would be a MySQL database holding information such as the software the tutorial is for, the author, contact information, the title of the tutorial, and a URL for the tutorial. You would also want to have a comments system where people can post comments for each tutorial, if part of it is wrong etc. You would then probably use PHP to get the information out of the database and display it however you want.I don't know of any pre-made scripts that will do this for you, but I have never had to look for one. If you do try and make it yourself it may take a while, and you will need good knowledge of PHP and MySQL.
  9. A quick search of the Internet reveals that there are various virusus and scripts people are using to do this to sites. Most likely by guessing your password to either cPanel or your FTP account. Your best bet is to change all your passwords to something completely and utterly random, incorporating numbers, letters (upper and lower case) and symbols.If you were using PHP or MySQL on your site then they may have used a MySQL injection or some vulnerability in the site to run malicious code. If you weren't running scripts then just reupload the site from a backup and then change all the passwords. If you were using scripts of your own, don't use them and try and figure out what could have happened. Once you think you've fixed it then you ca try the scripts again. If you were using scripts designed by someone else, make sure you had the latest updates. If not, let them know about it.Good luck in getting your site back online and not getting hacked again.
  10. I seem to remember some game on the Colour Gameboy that involved a Lego guy delivering pizza around an island. Surely that was designed in a coffee break in Starbucks? No plot whatsoever and rather repetitive...
  11. I have a feeling that the Charset is not defined simply with CHARSET= but has to be done this way: SET CHARACTER SET charset_nameThe rest of it looks OK as you say. If you used it in other places then it's probably a different MySQL version to the one here at Trap.
  12. Were you given any response as to what section of the SQL file was causing the error? Normally it will say something along the lines of "Check your code near..." which would be quite useful.
  13. Hi, welcome to Trap 17! Getting credits is not all that hard and as soon as you have 10 you can apply for your web space. Or, if you want more space and bandwidth you can wait until you have 30 credits and get the better hosting package.I hope to see you around the forums some time
  14. I have a similar 4 drives appear on my PC, although they are permanent. They are for a 4-in-one card reader mounted on the front of the PC. It seems that your CD drive is loading the wrong or corrupt drivers. If you go into Device Manager have a look and see if a card reader or something appears there, if it does try the Rollback Drivers option and see if that works. If you can find your CD and DVD drives in there, then try and reinstall the drivers, which you can normally download from the manufacturer's website.usbcrft.sys stands for USB Card Reader Filter, so this is related to the problem. I would make a random guess that the drivers for your CD and DVD drives have been lost or corrupted, and Microsoft has programmed WIndows to make a not-so-clever guess that they are card readers.
  15. I took a walk along the canal near RAF Halton a couple of days ago, and I was amazed to find that a public footpath ran right through the middle of part of the camp. Plus, along all the roads there are large signs telling you exactly how to get in, where all the entrances are etc. It is signposted from miles away on main roads and the photos on Multimap are far too detailed for my liking.Actually thinking about it, I did see a sign saying that the OSA applied to the area, so any photographs or even sketches of the camp and surrounding are were not permitted. Who fancies reporting Multimap to MI5
  16. I reckon, due to that blue underline on the code (the same sort of thing you get for spelling mistakes in Word etc) that form doesn't actually exist. You have named the file AboutBox1, however the form's name is probably still something like Form2 and it is this that you need to put in the code. Go into the design view of AboutBox1 and click anywhere on the main form area and look at the properties. Make sure the form name is also set to AboutBox1 rather than Form2 or something.
  17. I have just created an app with a menu bar and a spearate form with a label. The following code worked perfectly to load Form2 when the Help > About button was clicked on the menu strip. Public Class Form1 Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click Form2.Show() End SubEnd Class I also just tried this using a specific about box (rather than just a standard form) and that also worked fine. The correct accepted code to load a form, with the current form you are viewing as its parent form, is FORMNAME.Show() so that should work for you. Are you sure that your about box is not getting loaded somewhere else in the code or is being loaded at the startup and just being hidden?
  18. Even if it did eventually spark designs for inflatable space hotels, I certainly wouldn't feel safe in the massive empty void of space in nothing more protective than a beach ball A space craft made from metal and other generally strong materials seems a lot safer to me. Then again, if people went up and survived there with no problems then I'd gain more confidence.Also, I have a feeling it would be a lot harder to switch hotels if you weren't satisfied with your room
  19. I'd say the choice was down to personal preference really. IPB you've got to pay for, so I'd only really go for that if you have an instant membership (e.g. a website for a group or club) or are prepared to pay yearly for it. phpBB has thousands of mods, themes and customizations, and support is provided completely free by the forums, and also people are willing to help out here <_<If you really want to go over the top with the feature-rich element then try phpBB-FM, which is a pre-modified version of phpBB, with hundreds of the most popular and stable modifications already installed and set up. A fried of mine is running a copy and has had no problems at all with it.Things like Mambo and Joomla are different, as they generally provide more ways to post content, articles, images etc, rather than being based around a forum. However, there are ways to get a CMS (content management system) to work in conjunction with a forum such as phpBB or IPB. More information about this can be found on the website of your chosen CMS.Your best option is to try out demos of these CMS's and forums, normally there are demos on their sites of both the admin panel and of the front-end (what visitors see). See which you like and which seems to fit best with what you want to use it for.
  20. There isn't a script like PHP or JavaScript that can change the screen resolution of the PC that is viewing the page. The only option you have if you must have a window at an exact size is to use JavaScript to set it to to that size, although then it may be blocked by popup blockers and firewalls. Your other option, and probably the best is simply to centre your site design in the page so that no matter what the resolution is it will still show fine, just with white bars down the sides of the page on larger resolutions (unless you set a background image/colour).
  21. Both IPB and phpBB can be installed no problem here at Xisto. The only thing to warn you about is to make sure you have a legal version of IPB, or you are likely to have your hosting terminated. As long as you buy a copy from the IPB site then that should be fine. phpBB is fine as it is free anyway, both version 2 and 3, although remember v3 is a Beta and not exactly secure and operational.As for which to choose, they both work, so it is down to personal preference and whether you want to pay for IPB or go free with phpBB.
  22. The whole point of MD5 is one way encryption, for things like passwords, and as Opaque says, it is impossible to get back the original information becuase it is either cut or increased to a set length. When people say they can decrypt them back they basically have a massive list of every word in the dictionary and it's corresponding MD5 key and it just searches for that key and gives you a word that will also create the say key, but this doesn't mean it's the original data. This is one reason you should have passwords that are not words, as they can be "decrypted" relatively easily.
  23. You just click the Quote button again after you have finished typing. Alternatively, type the closing tag yourself. This works for any tag that you open: Any tag can be closed if you type the tag again, but with a forward slash before the tag name (the word in the square brackets).
  24. Radio astronomy is actually the study of the electromagnetic waves emitted, which allows the Universe to be studdied without actually seeing the whole thing literally. This is partly how we know of other galaxies and universes without having to send telescopes out into the vast expanse of space to go and photograph them.
  25. This is most likely to appear if you haven't followed the instructions correctly. The most likely thing is if you haven't CHMOD'd the correct files and directories. Check the instructions again and make sure this is correct. It would also help if you could tell us what line 24 of index.php actually says. Also, the 4 error lines there should be in quote tags.
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