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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Just ran it on Google and then here on the Trap. Absolutely no practical use, but very fun to watch! I am presuming it will work on any website at all, not just Google.
  2. Wait until the sales after Christmas to get one, as then the console and games will be cheaper. There is a limited range of old XBox games you can play on the 360, and they are listed here. They are still adding to it, but they are going one game at a time, so don't expect everything to work that soon. I don't have an HD TV and you can still tell the graphics are much better, and if you have an HD TV then you will see a lot higher detail etc. Make sure that you get the full system rather than the core one, as the 20GB hard drive is very handy to have, along with wireless controllers.
  3. The banner does look slightly odd. It doesn't fit with the rest of the page design, the lighter blue and orange. I also agree that the Google ads don't need half the width of the page, and perhaps you could find a smaller version of that image at the bottom of the Google ads column, to shrink it further. The striped background could be extended to the left and right hand edges of the page, to cover the white background. The image required wouldn't be too large and could just be repeated over and over. Bkag, KuBi has got his spelling correct. Affiliates has a second 'i' in it. Affilates is not a word.
  4. Once you are hosted with the basic package you are reset to only a few days hosting. If you amass more than 30 days hosting you can trade that for an upgrade to the full package. That will result in you losing 30 days worth of credits, but you would have a better package. Simply apply in the relevant forum: here.
  5. rvalkass

    Video Software

    Well I cna only assume that they use the usual suspects for high-end video editing: Avid, Apple Final Cut Studio Pro, Adobe After Effetcts. These are very expensive pieces of software used by the professionals for movies, TV shows etc. There are free movie editors out there, such as Windows Movie Maker which is included on all Windows systems. As far as I can remember, Linux also has a few video editing apps which are free. Screenshots, along with more information and pricing, are available from the various software companys' websites: Avid, Final Cut Pro and After Effects. Reviews and comparions of all these software titles are also dotted around the web.
  6. I'm quite good at lateral thinking, simply because I always come out with random reasons why things are impossible, or what could happen, although it's about as likely as a herd of elephants on an Intercity train going through my garden. I had a pretty good idea with those problems Pleno, I managed to guess em all
  7. Lets take bets on how many vital updates they will release within a few weeks, despite their months of beta testing and assurance that this is the most secure edition of Windows ever.I reckon that the price of Vista is going to put people off. They have so many versions, but to get the features I need as a student, I would be spending hundreds of pounds on Windows and Office. Linux and OOo are looking more and more like the best option for most people.
  8. You have made the menus using lists and list items. These naturally display as block elements (they have a line break between each element). This makes the list appear vertical. If you set the CSS to display: inline; for the list items then you should get your menu going horizontally across the page. The problem here is that if the browser window is too narrow then your menu goes on to two lines, and wrecks the layout. I can only guess that the reason the text is under the menu on the right is becuase you have removed the menu from the normal folw of the document and applied some odd absolute positioning to it. I tried looking through the code but I couldn't see where it was. If you want to center the banner then you don't need to make it float, there are various ways to center a banner. The best (in my opinion) is to create a DIV the width of the banner, and put the banner in it. Then set the left and right margins of the DIV to auto, and it will center itself no matter what the width of the browser. Copy and paste code is a bad way to build any website. Yes, use it to look at for ideas, snippets and little bits, but never copy the whole lot and bung it in a website. You are guaranteed that it will not work very well, as every website is set up differently. The most likely reason that it wont work with the menu is becuase the CSS for the menus is ridiculous. Find a tutorial for a drop down menu and follow that. Learn the code for it rather than copy and paste, then when something does go wrong you have a chance of fixing it, or at least guessing where the problem is. Your CSS was, by the looks of it, generated by a website. This has made it nigh on impossible to actually read it and make sense of it. It is also not standards compliant and creates wildly different effects between standards browsers and IE. This is what I see: Opera: IE: Even the colours are wrong, which signifies there is something fundamentally wrong with the code, and certain bits are being understood by only select browsers. Perfect in some situations, but for colours?
  9. Taking the drive out will not harm the laptop. Most laptops have drives that slot into holes and connect via a few metal contacts. The drives on laptops resemble more external drives rather than the internal ones from desktops. They are perfectly protected and were originally designed to be removed, so you could put two batteries in, a floppy drive, another HDD.If the BIOS can't detect it, then the problem does not lie with Windows updates or anything. The problem is hardware based, either the drive itself, the motherboard, or a connection between the two. Try opening the cd tray by poking a pin into the small hole near the button you normally push to open it. This should release the drive tray and it will open. If it doesn't open then it has been dropped or something and the components inside the drive have been destroyed. Using a pin to open it requires no power or connections, and doesn't mean that the electronics work, simply that the mechanics are working.If you have two slots for drives, usually one on either side you could try swapping the drives around and seeing what happens. Often the hard drive occupies the other slot. Try swapping them over and see if the computer boots. If it doesn't then it can't access the HDD and its a connection problem. If it can access it then the CD drive is the problem.
  10. rvalkass


    You may also have your browser set to cache pages to save your Internet connection bandwidth if you are limited, and to make pages load quickly. The page is stored when you first visit it, then if you visit it again the browser loads it from the PC rather than the Internet. After you post your are sent back to the previous page, and if it has been cached then your post won't be visible to you, but it is there. Try hitting F5 a few times and refreshing the page. If it's a constant annoyance then turn page caching off.
  11. Well here in the UK, Sky Satellite allow you to build a package from collections of channels for a few quid extra on the base price. So, for example, if you're a sports fan you can sign up to the sports package on top of the regular package. Movies are separate, kids shows, etc. It works quite well, because, as you say not everyone wants everything. Pensioners probably don't watch the CBBC channel, and a young guy may not want too many documentaries. Unfortunately we don't have the option of buying per channel, but it's better than nothing. Personally I think the whole lot is way overpriced no matter how you pay for it, so I have Freeview.
  12. I thought the owner of a domain had 45 days after it's expiration to repurchase it? A sort of "first refusal" thing. If the domain was bought by someone else within that 45 day period then you may be able to complain and get it back. If it is the content you are worried about, then try the Web Archive. They have billions of mirrors of websites throughout their history, since 1996. See if your site was archived, and if it was then you should be able to copy off your images and reviews, and can set up your own site if you want. Even my site which only gets a few hits a month has been archived a few times.
  13. I don't think you will get any pre-written scripts for things like this. The GMail ones worked becuase the emails always followed the same format, so they knew where to pick the registration link from. As far as I know, IconBuffet don't email you to say you have a free icon set, the only way to get it is by logging in and downloading it. You would have to write a pretty complex script that could login, find the link, see if you already have that set, and if you don't, download it. I suppose I should warn you of IconBuffet's terms of service:
  14. Well both my parents smoked for about 30 years and stopped only a couple of years ago. Within a few days your heart rate doesn't get so fast, and a few weeks you should notice much better breathing and less coughing. I think it takes around 3 or 4 months to get it all back to normal though, and well done on stopping smoking, its a very difficult thing to do.
  15. The servers are both either mail.USERNAME.trap17.com or if you have bought a domain, such as yourself, mail.domain.tld. The port numbers are 110 for incoming POP and 25 for outgoing SMTP. There is no authentication for SMTP, but for POP use Auto (Plaintext) authentication and input your username and password.
  16. Making backups does not make your site more secure, but provides a safety net in the event that something does happen to your site, not only hacking but a corrupt database, an error in some code, anything. I strongly recommend making at least weekly backups, if not daily. After an entire hard drive failure I know how important they really are :lol:Deleting install files is also vital. Install directories and files such as those with forum software contain absolutely no security what so ever. Anyone can visit that page and run the installation process over again. The worst that can happen is that you lose all your data in a database and completely lose control of your site. Delete any installation files and CHMOD all files appropriately.Changing passwords regularly is also important, and using weird usernames can sometimes help. If you have written a script yourself and to access the admin panel you use the username "admin" that is far to obvious, and any hacker is already half way there. Passwords should be changed regularly and contain random strings of letters, numbers and symbols. NEVER store a raw password in a file. Always encrypt it, and remember that simple passwords can still be read from encrypted strings by a determined hacker.
  17. OK, heres my entry. A little basic but I thought I'd give it a shot. At the moment I haven't got an animation, but I can work on it.
  18. I do exactly the same thing, although less often in the middle of the night. Personally, the most relaxing thing for me is watching the fish in my pond. I don't know why, it just makes me relaxed. If thats not possible (rain, wind, dark...) then I listen to either classical music or one of those easy listening calming CDs, and they work amazingly well. You can find them in almost any music store, normally for about 50p! Also I learned somewhere that yellow is meant to be a calming colour, and thinking of something yellow can relax you, especially before something like an exam.
  19. rvalkass

    Share Internet

    I will explain my current setup and hopefully that will give you an idea of what you need. I have 2 desktop PCs, a laptop and a games console all connected to the Internet at once. This is done through one box, the router. Personally, I chose the Netgear DG834G as it was cheap, has 4 wired ports, wireless access, and an inbuilt firewall and modem. This cost me roughly ?60 (US$110). My two desktops are connected with cables to the router, as one is right next to the router, and the other in the next room. The games console is also connected via a cable, being next to one of the desktops. My laptop, however, is connected wirelessly, as I like the freedom of being able to use the Internet anywhere in my house or garden. When I turn my laptop on and login, it finds my wireless network and asks for the password to connect.Personally I would advise using wired connections where possible as they are much faster than wireless and you can't lose the signal from a fixed cable! Wireless can be a little temperamental sometimes and it is annoying downloading things and then the connection goes, but it only does that out in the garden. As for the speed, I have a 1Mb broadband connection, and there is no noticable slowing when using all 3 computers and the games console at once on the Internet. The maximum we can get is 2 PCs or a PC and the console playing an online game at once before a 3rd game slows down. The connection speed is split between the people who need it. Large downloads are given less priority than web browsing, as browsing is more "urgent".If you want I can send over some photos explaining my network, as I was originally confused when people started trying to explain all this to me for the first time. Once you hav the right kit then it's easy. I managed to get the whole lot working in under quarter of an hour, including running a network cable through into the next room.
  20. A quick search brings up a list of pages and instructions on how to calibrate your monitor. They may all be slightly different, but you should end up with the same results.
  21. High Definition is just a television picture with a higher resolution. Whether your monitor can display HD depends on the resolution your monitor is set to. Full high definition television is broadcast at a resolution of 1920x1080, compared to the 768x576 of your normal broadcast. The vibancy of the colour is all to do with the contrast settings on your monitor and television. My LCD monitor on my PC has much more vibrant colours than my CRT TV in my living room, but if I turn the contrast up and down I can make them look the same.Try searching the Internet for a downloadable DVD, or buy a professional one from somewhere like Currys or Comet, which you can use to calibrate your TV and monitor to display colours as they were intended to be shown. Ultimately it is down to personal preference.
  22. 1 more year and you can a letter from the Queen, just like some cat did... As for his real age, its either 42 or pi, I can never remember which :lol:Have a great day.
  23. Well done, the background is pretty good. People always say this when you design sigs, and that is that you need to do something with the render but not too much, and it can be a delicate balance to get. At the moment you've just slapped the render over the background, but you could try blending it with the background or applying a subtle effect, but try and stay away from using too many filters on the render. There are plenty of tutorials here at the Trap, and elsewhere on the web (Pixel2Life springs to mind) that can help you with the render. The text is clear, but is a little bland. Again it can be a difficult balance to get text readable and yet also slightly different and interesting. For the time being I would concentate on the render, and perhaps experiment with different text styles and effects on each sig, and see what works well. The best way to learn is to get your sig, save a master copy, experiment, then reload your master and try again and start developing ideas and effects that you like. Anyway, that's just my opinion, I am sure one of the more regular sig makers will come along with some more useful comments and advice.
  24. The most likely cause is forgetting to close something, whether it be brackets, curly braces, quotes, anything. As the error is on line 6 it shouldn't be too difficult to look through the first few lines and see if you've missed something out. I can do the same as ghostrider, email or PM me (info in my profile) the code and I'll take a look.
  25. Like Plenoptic, it is very difficult to decide between them. I think my two favourites were evion and bkag. To me they just seemed the most polished and the backgrounds used work very well with the renders. My vote goes to evion though for the text, it just looks slightly better than bkag's, but it was very difficult to decide.
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