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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. The last two are too light, the car looks more pink than the traditional bright red. The text is also hard to read and on the last one the blue of the background appears more purple, so those two are definitely out. The top two have much more vibrant, clear colours. On the first one I like the background, especially the blue, but the Viper still looks slightly washed out, and the text having parts in cyan looks a little odd. The car looks the best on the second, and the text is clear and fits well, but the blue of the BG is a bit too dark in my opinion. If you could just lighten the blue ever so slightly then the second one would be perfect.
  2. Welcome to Trap 17. I have been a member here for over a year and a half and I can honestly say that I have never had a problem keeping the credits up. I use the computer for about and hour and a half each day and just post while I am doing my various bits of homework and web designing for people. It's not as difficult as it seems as each post can earn you one or two credits for a few lines, and if you write a tutorial or review occasionally then you can easily keep the credits up.
  3. Here in the UK, a 1Mbps connection speeds costs anything from around ?12 (R$50) to ?30 (R$122) per month. A plasma TV costs around ?3,000 which is about R$12,250. I can imagine those prices very well, but I am also aware that the average wage in brazil is much less than that in the UK (about ?18,000 per year, R$75,000). I don't think that a lack of TVs and the Internet would prevent a country's growth however. Yes, technology is important, but all technology starts off incredibly pricey for a few years, then starts to drop off until the masses can afford it.
  4. When you say an .htaccess-style login, do you mean you want a popup login box, or you want usernames and passwords stored in a text file? The PHP code for reading a text file and reading a database is very different and requires different logic. A popup login box would just require some JS, or if it doesn't need to popup then a simple HTML form would suffice.
  5. The problem here would be that your current users would need exactly the same account information on both systems. If you wanted one central user system then you would probably have to modify the code of the two systems you want to combine to accept data from your login script. The PHP sessions usually just carry a session ID around the site, allowing you to check who they are and get other temporary information. You would need to make sure that the session variables the data is stored in would match both sites. For example, it's no good storing their username in the variable $username if the other script looks for the variable $userID.As jlhaslip has suggested, many forum scripts, CMSs, blogs etc have scripts written by other people that modify the two scripts to work together. Try looking for these at the two websites for the scripts you are using, or post their names here.
  6. This depends. PHP can generate any image it likes on the fly and create a PNG, GIF or JPG file. The reason a folder called something.png is required is becuase forums do not allow you to put PHP files as an image in your sig, so they can be made to believe that the folder is actually an image and they still see the output of index.php within that folder. Try looking in the tutorials sections here at Xisto, especially the graphics section, and you will see many tutorials on making PHP signatures.
  7. I'm going to vote for truefusion, as it's quite busy, the colours work well and the text matches with the overall style of the sig. Albus, there's still quite a large gap in the bottom right corner of the sig, but other than that it looks great, the render is blended really well. Samma, yours looks a bit too dark and difficult to see the render with that background.
  8. Making an RSS feed using PHP is not really that hard, but you need to understand how RSS feed files are compiled. If you look at an RSS feed file, it has the extension XML, and the information in the file is simply XML data that you put there. I created the feed here for a friend's site using PHP. When they write a new article for the site, or edit an existing one, the RSS file also gets updated. Then anyone with it in their RSS reader will get the new file when they check. Here's the file I wrote to update the RSS file. It's not particularly well coded or commented, but you should be able to understand it. If not, feel free to email or PM me. <?php//Include the database connection fileinclude('dbconn.php.inc');$query = "SELECT * FROM fc_content ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 5";$result = mysql_query($query);$file = fopen("rss.xml", "w");fwrite($file, '<?xml version="1.0"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>Ferret Crossing RSS Feed</title><link>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the latest information from Ferret Crossing delivered direct to your RSS reader.</description><language>en-gb</language>');while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ if($row['short'] == ""){ $description = $row['content']; } if($row['short'] != ""){ $description = $row['short']; } $description = strip_tags($description); $description = substr($description, 0, 100); fwrite($file, '<item>\n<title>'.$row["title"].'</title>\n<link>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, '</channel></rss>');fclose($file);?>
  9. Tesco (the major supermarket here in the UK) has already started selling clothes, electronics, and all sorts of other stuff besides food, for much cheaper prices compared to independent retailers. Now Tesco has plans to launch it's own mini software range including an office suite, backup software, personal finance software, CD/DVD creators, a photo editor and some anti virus software, from as little as Ł10 (about US$20). The software has all been developed by Ability and is just being rebranded. Tesco plans to have it in all stores by the end of the month, and on their PCs by Christmas. Personally, I think it will take off, simply because people will see it. If applications such as OpenOffice had free CDs in Tesco supermakrets then that would have reached a lot more people here in the UK. The problem is people not being aware that free software even exists, so the cheapest cost option will be chosen. Do you think it will be sucessful?
  10. I like the design for the site, the colours work well, nothing is too in-your-face. The only odd things are the large empty space to the left of the main text (not the background, just a solid grey block), and a large blank space above the text, just below the banner. You've matched the forums in well with the design of the main site, but the standard phpBB images do stick out a bit.
  11. Tried them in Excel 2003 and they worked perfectly. If you zoom in on them you can see they have made the whole lot by colouring in the cells, and using the script to "move" the colours when needed, but it must have taken ages to get it to look right.
  12. rvalkass

    Call Centres

    Of course BT are going to keep people hanging on, it's in their vested interest! Most of the call centres will actually ring you back if you ask the person on the other end, so try that next time you actually get through, which should lop a bit off the cost of a call.
  13. I have installed that on a friend's forum before and it is actually very simple. The mod comes with instructions on how to modify your forum so it works. Obviously you need phpBB up and running first, and for that you need your hosting account, but when you have your account feel free to PM, email or IM me and I can help you get phpBB and the Cash Mod up and running. Both phpBB and the Cash Mod do have full, detailed and easy to follow instructions on how to install them and troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. I would also advise against installing with the cPanel auto-installer as it can go wrong and the version is out of date.
  14. Repartitioning is possible, but just remember to back everything up, especially stuff on your D and E drives, onto separate DVDs or an external HDD just to make sure no data can possibly be lost. I read somewhere that defragmenting your hard drive first helps to reduce the chance of data loss, as bits of a file tend to be together, but there are still often fragments of files scattered around, so be careful.
  15. Congratulations on the acquisition, and it's good to see Xisto is ever growing and explanding across the Internet.
  16. At the moment, fusion uses a lot more energy to carry out than we get at the end of it, so it isn't viable to use as a source of power or electricity. The Sun uses fusion and releases more energy than was used to start the reaction because the heat generated is so great it causes new reactions to start. This is the sort of technological breakthrough we need where we can fuse things like hydrogen or nitrogen atoms together and end up with harmless, or perhaps even useful, products. It's good to see China exploring other energy producing possibilities as their economy is growing so rapidly they can't keep up.
  17. The end of the Internet. I see Xisto disappearing into a small white dot in the middle of the screen, just like an old TV The mind boggles at why they would put something like that in, but I suppose it provides a laugh.
  18. The design is great, very professional, and I would like to congratulate you. Just a few little niggling annoyances. Firstly, the black and green bar going across the middle of the screen starts to flicker and look really weird when I scroll. My monitor has quite a high refresh rate, but I think it could really annoy people visiting your site. On the "Latest News" block, the image providing the bottom curves is wider than the rest of the block, and sticks out to the right. I tested the site in Opera, so it may not occur in other browsers, but still worth a look.
  19. 16K of RAM?!? It's a revolution, now I can open all of... half a PHP script at once! Ah the good old days of simple computing where everything was black and white, literally, and things either worked or didn't. None of this mucking around with illegal operations and error codes. Repairing them with a toothbrush also worked quite well, the tools were a lot simpler back then!
  20. Well, there are free forum scripts already created, such as phpBB, SMF and a host of others. Writing your own forum script is a big challenge, and often you are better off using a premade one and just adding on or editing where necessary.
  21. OK, to go through the features of each: Mail forwarding means that any email sent to something@domain-u-buy.com will get forwarded to the email address you choose. This lets you have more professional looking email addresses without having to pay for a domain. Domain forwarding means that anyone that visits http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will get automatically sent to the domain you choose. However, this doesn't give you the email address ending. A managed DNS service allows you to change the bare bones features of a domain you alreadyown, and basically gives you more technical control over what you are doing. For example, you can change how mail is handled etc. However, you need to be quite clued up on what you are doing. Paypal is a service provided by the creators of eBay, that allows you to add money to your account using a credit card, then transfer this money to people via the Internet. Companies use it to avoid paying credit card processing fees and as people around the world can use it. You have to be careful however as your money is far less secure online than in a piggy bank at home! You can get a Paypal account from https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/home. I hope that answers your questions, but if not there is information to contact the Xisto staff here.
  22. If everyone was speaking one language it would probably be one of three: English, as a lot of people already speak it, Chinese, as the Chinese population grows it will become the most spoken language on the planet, or Esperanto, being a neutral language. Having one language would make worldwide communications easier and tourists would find asking for directions, buying things etc, a lot easier. But isn't part of the fun of going on holiday trying to speak the language? Also, you would get people who simply don't want to lose their traditional language, or they just never get taught it. Changing the language of an entire nation takes some time. It's like going metric here in the UK. All the school teachers know feet and inches better than millimetres and metres. All the parents know imperial better too. Therefore kids come out of school still speaking in feet and inches, which they pass on to their kids. The same would happen with a language change, but on a bigger scale. Parents and teachers can't change their language overnight, and some people just find it very difficult to learn a second language, so a language change would take hundreds of years in a country with a substantial education system, what about those without good schooling? The idea and concept is a good one, but I think that it will simply never happen. Then again, it would avoid problems like this sign: (The Welsh reads: bladder inflammation upset. That's what signwriters get for using Babelfish!)
  23. The text needs to be anti-aliased, as jlhaslip said, which will remove the slightly jagged edges and make it look smoother against the background. The border is very wide and way too dark, which makes it very hard to tell that it is mean to have that 3D effect. The background could also do with something to make it more than a gradient. Try brushing on a new layer over the top of it, then set that layer to "overlay", and you should get quite a good effect.
  24. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds grab the latest content from a site and then display that to the user without them needing to actually open up the site. It also allows people to get items as they happen, rather than checking every few hours. For this reason, people often use them to get breaking news stories. For example, here are the feeds I have in my web browser: When new information is posted on any of the sites, it appears here within a few minutes, along with links to the site and specific item the news relates to.
  25. I get a site appearing at the address you gave, a black and green Wprdpress site. It seems that whatever the problem was it has fixed itself.
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