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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Well done to everyone for getting this online, especially OpaQue. It's great to see the good ol' shoutbox back, and the new menus should help people find things a bit easier.
  2. I went on Google Maps and did the same, and I suppose it does look a little bit like a seahorse, especially the 'head'. I took a screenshot for those who can't do this: But I still have no idea at all what this has to do with proving evolution. Are you saying that seahorses evolved from some islands off the coast of Ecuador?
  3. There is another option for inserting PHP scripts into a page, especially if you are going to be using the same script on a lot of pages. If you put the script in it's own file (surrounded by the <?PHP and ?>) and give it a logical name, such as shoutbox.php, you can then include that file in any page you want. It also means that if you edit the script you automatically edit it for every page rather than having to go through and change it hundreds of times. To include a file you need 1 line: Rest of your HTML here...<?PHP include('filename.php'); ?>Some more HTML here...
  4. Laptops can be just as fast as desktop PCs, as they can use the same processors, although often they use low power versions or low heat versions specifically designed for laptops. They also have the same RAM capabilities in most cases. As for the Internet, that entirely depends on whether you have other PCs. If you are just connecting your laptop to the Net then most have a telephone jack to connect with, and most also have a 10/100 LAN port too for either connecting to a router or modem depending on the connection. More and more frequently you alos see WiFi built in to connect wirelessly to a router, so your laptop can be truly portable. I recently purchased an Acer 1644 laptop, and I can thoroughly recommend it. It has good build quality and I have had no problems. Acer also do a more gaming orientated line of laptops if gaming is going to be your main priority. You can read my full review here.
  5. It entirely depends on what methods you are using to protect the page. For example, using JavaScript to password a page usually can be beated by disabling JS, or just guessing the URL of the page it'll take you to. Passwords created with .htpasswd files are more secure, but they can be beaten with brute force, which is the main problem with any password. No matter how secure the encryption is (another factor), or how good your code is, any password can be brocken with guesswork, which is why you are advised to use passwords like Xisto!"?rUlEs as they can't be beaten with a dictionary. Where you have a script that passes an ID from the login page, normally called a session, it is possible to fake the session or cookies if they are used. You have to know how the code works, what variables are used etc, but they can be beaten. HTTPS simply uses a non-standard port and adds an extra layer of encryption to the data. It can help with passwords and credit card information, but if you've already guessed a password, it's no more secure at all.
  6. PHP and ASP are both server-side scripting languages. Whenever any web browser, server or anything requests them, they are processed on the server and then the output is sent to the requesting browser or server. The only way you will see the source is if the server where the script is located doesn't have PHP/ASP running, so there is nothing to parse the code, and it is presented directly, or obviously if you are directly accessing the server to read the scripts, and edit them as you would at home.I've also searched in Google, and I can find many pages that show you the HTML output, but not the PHP or ASP scripts "behind the scenes".
  7. It's a long shot, but if you open WMP and click Tools > Options > Performance (Tab) and look at the settings. For me WMP runs fine behind the router, even streaming the music around a few PCs, with these settings: Detect Connection Speed Use Default Buffering Full Video Acceleration Try changing the settings. If they don't work then manually set your connection speed, but leave the other 2. The only other option I can see that involves the Internet would be on the Library tab, try unchecking the Retrieve Aditional Information From The Internet option and see if that helps. Finally, try disabling every firewall and antivirus program you have and see if that helps, as they may be scanning information going to the players, making them slower or lock up. I can't see how this could help, but a friend just recommended it: On the router, unplug the cable going to the phone line or separate modem if you have one, then turn the router on. This should give an idea as to whether it's the router or if it's accessing the Internet.
  8. Your router is a separate piece of hardware to your computer, totally unrelated, and so should have no effect on the RAM or processor of your PC. The only reason could be that you had to install some software onto your PC when you got the router, and when the router comes on the software also springs into life. If you are using Windows XP, there is a way to tell. Close all background programs, except any you need for the router, and then push Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the Task Manager. Switch to the Processes tab, then click on the CPU heading twice. At the top you should have System Idle Process which shows how much free processor power you have. Fire up the router and see if any process leaps to the top of the list and uses a lot of CPU power. Then load WMP and see how much that uses. Another option would be to check the router manufacturers website to see if there are any updates or firmware upgrades available for your router, which may help to solve the problem. Alternatively, check their support section and see if anyone has had a similar problem.
  9. Just to make life difficult, I went back to basics to try and get the colours. At the moment, using a print screen of your site and the all-powerful feature-packed MSPaint I have worked out the colour code to be #181819 (only 1 shade of blue off the code you said) for the navigation menu on the left hand side. The current background of the poll is #201820. They do look quite different, and even if you don't know the colours are different, it's quite easy to spot.
  10. I think I'd feel a bit scared atop that thing, it didn't seem all that stable It seems to be firing those foam Nurf things? What a way to break up a riot, forget the water cannons: bring out a massive sliding robot firing Nurfs! Personally though, this idea was my favourite from the comments: They already have that virtual reality PacMan sort of thing, so why not a real life space invaders? Or I seem to remember a game on the original Playstation called LAPD, that robot looks just like the ones in the game
  11. The one linked to at AirtightInteractive has been made in Macromedia Flash, so to edit it you need the original FLA file and a copy of Flash. You'll also most likely need to learn ActionScript. The one you do want it to look like has been made using frames and basic HTML pages, a lot easier for a beginner! I suggest looking at W3Schools for how to do frames and insert images. The difficulty is getting the images to play automatically like a slideshow, which cannot be done in HTML, and you would need something like JavaScript or Flash again.
  12. All of the 3D programs are much of a muchness and it's all down to personal preference and how easy you think they are to work with. Most allow you to download a free trial to find out if you like them, or obviously you can download full versions of free ones like Blender. Personally I use Blender simply becuase I don't do that much 3D work, so didn't feel the need to shell out on something like Cinema4D.
  13. If you do what Plenoptic has suggested (start in Safe Mode) and click the Administrator user on the login screen, there is no password. From here you can defrag the PC and also access the User Accounts part of the control panel, where you can either delete the old admin user and create another, or just change the password. You don't need to know the old password, as the whole idea was that an admin could change someone's password if they forgot it. If F11 won't get you into safe mode, boot up as normal, then go Start > Run and type "msconfig". Then click the BOOT.INI tab, and tick the checkbox next to /SAFEBOOT, which will also boot you into safe mode. Just remember to change it back when in safe mode, or you'll always boot into it.
  14. The most important part of any site is the content, as that is unique. Any site can get a shoutbox or lottery etc, but only your site has your content, ideas and services, so make sure they are the main feature and not overshadowed by anything. To solve the problem of thousands of modules down the side, why not have a "Hide" link which uses javascript to hide modules, leaving just the title and a "Show" link. Then, if a user doesn't use a module, they don't have to see it.Panzer also has the right idea, by simply asking your members. Do some market research and simply ask members what they would like to see happen to the site. You can either leave it completely open and just say "What do you want?" and welcome any comments, or run polls on specific features.
  15. It looks quite good, and seems to work quite well. I like what they did with the photos, it will make using a computer a lot easier for people who either find it difficult to type or use a mouse, or in a tablet PC, where you normally haven't got a table to use a mouse with. The only disadvantage I can see at the moment is that the screen is going to get really dirty over time if people keep using it.
  16. Try holidng down the AltGr button on the keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel, and the text size should change. I can't remember which way to roll the wheel though, so you'll just have to try it.
  17. I use Opera (the web browser) to send emails, and it has the functionality of blind carbon copies (BCC) where the same message can be sent to loads of people, but they cannot see any of the addresses it was sent to. Unfortunately I don't use any other email software, so thats as far as I can help you, but I definitely recommend it.
  18. When a requestis sent for a site, you receieve an IP address back, to tell you where the site is. When you flush the cache of a DNS server it's like clearing your browser cache, the server is forced to go out and find the IP address, whether it has changed or not. Clearing the cache means it has no record of the site's IP address and has to re-request it, and update itself.
  19. Overall the site looks good, but there are just a few niggling little problems. The main text down the centre of the page doesn't actually fit to the width of the box. The text overflows on the left hand side by a few pixels. There's also an odd space under the navigation links before the blue background image reappears, and I have no idea whats causing it. Other than those two problems your site looks OK, and you could also design a custom banner for the forums, to make it look more 'personal' to your site.
  20. Using cPanel, add a subdomain to your account. It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you can understand it, but no-one will ever use this address. Then go to the Addon Domains link. Type i-am-stoned.com in the top box, the subdomain you used in the second box and give it a password. After a couple of days it'll work perfectly. If you specifically want all the I Am Stoned files in the directory called i-am-stoned then use that for the subdomain. You can then upload files into that directory and it should all work.
  21. Hi, and welcome to Xisto! Simply post around the forums in the topics that interest you. You earn credits for your posts; the longer it is, the more credits you get. Once you have earned 10 credits you can apply for hosting (at the bottom of the forum index), or you can wait until you have amassed 30 credits and get more space and bandwidth etc. If you need any more help then feel free to PM or email me and I will gladly help you get up and running.
  22. As far as I am aware, that file does not exist as part of PhpBB. Why do you need that file, as if it was part of PhpBB then you would have already received an error about it not being there.
  23. Rank images go into /templates/TEMPLATE NAME/images/ranks/. In the admin panel unser Styles there is a Header and Footer option to add a custom header and footer (this is using PhpBBFM, so it may not be on a default PhpBB install). That's the best way to edit it rather than in the code, as there is less chance of wrecking something
  24. The best way is probably going to be to make a test page and put that somewhere, to make sure that you know where to put the files. Open Notepad and copy and paste this into it: <html><head><title>Test Page</title></head><body><p>This should appear when it is in the right place, and the default page will go.</p></body></html> Save that as index.html (make sure Notepad doesn't put a .txt extension on). Then go into cPanel and load up the file manager. Open the public_html directory. There should be 1 file inside it (index.htm). Delete that file by clicking the file name then clicking Delete on the right hand side. Then click the link to upload a file, and upload the new index.html you just made. Go to your web address now and you should see that page rather than the T17 default one. To make more interesting pages, I suggest you look at the links Albus has provided, especially W3Schools. Just remember that the first page anyone will see of your website is the file called index.html inside the directory called public_html/b]. Visitors cannot see any other directories, only what is inside the public_html folder. If you need any more help then feel free to PM or email me and I wil help you as best I can.
  25. Basically I have this code: header("Content-type: image/png");$bgimg = "bg.png";$im = imagecreatefrompng($bgimg);$number = rand(10,99);$textcolour = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);$font = "arial.ttf";imagettftext($im, 65, 0, 5, 95, $textcolour, $font, $number);imagepng($im);imagedestroy($im); Unfortunately all I get is the blank placeholder for an image (or the red X if you still use IE) rather than my actual image. I have honed the problem down to the imagettftext line, as I have tried replacing it with imagestring and it works OK. I think the problem is with the font, but I just can't work it out. I know that for this to work you need the GD and FreeType libraries. Last time I checked (ages ago ) Xisto had both these installed. Were the libraries removed, so we are just missing the libraries or have I done something wrong with my code? Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
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