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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. That is just two video clips with a frame over the top, and you can do that in ImageReady. Flash can be used to make animated GIFs, too. Although that's not what it was designed for, it can do a pretty good job and you've got more control over the animation. As for free programs I don't think you'll get a lot more than a program that can just string a set of images together rather than add effects etc.
  2. Your best option is to probably email or phone Microsoft, and send them a photograph of your sticker to prove the copy is yours. Legally the software is yours and Microsoft has no right to display the messages and annoy you if you legally own the copy. Unfortunately the only way to remove the messages involve using illegal programs. Even in Microsofts billions of obscure windows and options I have found no "Turn off annoying messages that make no sense", as that would make Windows a hell of a lot more user friendly :)Email, phone, write to, storm into their offices and demand they fix it on the spot, just tell them and they should fix it for free. If they try to charge for support then call them and immediately push 0 to get a real person and explain the situation, even if you get someone in the sales department or something.
  3. Nice idea, but I can just imagine people sitting in a library or something, all hitting eachother's laptops. You're trying to write an essay and suddenly some wiseguy decides you're gonna start blaring out Pink Floyd, while playing the nearest available DVD and then locks the computer with a special passknock known only to them... It still seems quite cool though.
  4. I got fed up with Opera's cache, so I have turned it off completely. Remember that even if the Disk Cache is turned off, the Memory Cache can still store the page, which is why it will 'revert' if you refresh immediately. If you visit a few other pages or wait a while then refresh it should be OK. Alternatively, set the memory cache to Off too. Mine is set to Automatic and Disk Cache is Off, and everything works fine.
  5. Do you simply want to mimic the layout or the functionality too? If you want to mimic the layout then copying the source will give you an exact replica, although quite often images will not appear etc. The sites all use CSS to create the page. I think MSN and eBay store it in a separate file, while Yahoo has put a couple of thousand lines of CSS at the start of the HTML! The reason they use CSS is to make pages load faster and to make editing a whole lot easier. With a CSS file you can simply set all text marked as, say, "example", to appear in bright blue with a yellow highlight. If you then decide that you want a green highlight round it you change it once in the CSS and all text marked as "example" will change, which saves a hell of a lot of time if you have 100-odd examples. It is most likely they do use special software to design the page, something like Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver, but this is no more special than software that anyone else uses to design a web site. I don't think there is any software specifically made to design pages in the style of MSN, Yahoo and eBay To make a front page in the style of one of the sites you just need to mimic the layout, but replace their content with your own. There's not really much else I can say to help. Just remember that copying source code directly is technically illegal and can people very annoyed, especially large international-global-mega-corporations like MSN, Yahoo and eBay.
  6. MySQL downtime is sometimes caused by upgrades to the server, MySQL version, PHP version etc, although these usually last only a few minutes and are perfectly acceptable. Unfortunately most of the outages here are by people writing scripts to send spam emails or whatever that seriously overload the server and then cause it to crash. People take advantage of this great free service and wreck it for everyone else There's very little that the admins can do to stop these people before they start their script, simply becuase they don't know they'll do it. Rarely it can also be a mistake in a script, but this is very unlikely and people often know what they are doing. Oddly, the Status Page shows MySQL as being fully working on the Gamma server. This probably means it was a script being run that overloaded the server.
  7. Usually your manual will contain information about how to remove and replace the keyboard. If it isn't in the manual, or you don't have it, then contact the manufacturer and ask how to remove it. Alternatively you can try one of these two methods: Check the bottom of the laptop and see if there is a switch or slider to release the keyboard, just like the ones to remove the battery, CD drive etc. Some laptops just have simple clips next to the keyboard (usually between the F-Keys and the screen) which you just push to take the keyboard out. That's usually on older laptops though.
  8. I have no particular reason to hate water. It tastes good, is refreshing, can be used to clean things... A whole myriad of uses. The only annoying thing is that the water where I live is full of chalk so sometimes tastes a bit weird and looks cloudy, but usually it's OK.
  9. A lot of large corporations, in my experience, seem to think they are higher than the common person. They are fully aware that most people, unlime yourself, wouldn't question a charge simply becuase they either can't be bothered with the hastle the company creates or they know they will lose. One place they seem to fall down though is the courts. Here in the UK various people have sued major multinationals due to fees, incooperability and basically being annoying. Thinking they are above us all they send no representative to the court, so automatically lose, get charged for legal fees all round, have to pay compensation and fines.We simply need more people to "stand up for the little guy", then perhaps these multi-billion-pound corporations will take notice. Small local firms may be more expensive, but at least you can talk to them. A small price to pay for common sense and logic.A lot of large corporations, in my experience, seem to think they are higher than the common person. They are fully aware that most people, unlime yourself, wouldn't question a charge simply becuase they either can't be bothered with the hastle the company creates or they know they will lose. One place they seem to fall down though is the courts. Here in the UK various people have sued major multinationals due to fees, incooperability and basically being annoying. Thinking they are above us all they send no representative to the court, so automatically lose, get charged for legal fees all round, have to pay compensation and fines.We simply need more people to "stand up for the little guy", then perhaps these multi-billion-pound corporations will take notice. Small local firms may be more expensive, but at least you can talk to them. A small price to pay for common sense and logic.
  10. The clue here is: This error only occurs after the server has basically banned the user from accessing the database, usually because it presumes you are a hacker. It happens when a load of max_connect_errors occur, and then they get abruptly halted for an unknown reason. This probably means an error in the code, perhaps a loop running way too many times or something. Unfortunately the only way to get access again is for a command to be run on the shell of the server. If it isn't your server, you're gonna have to ask the admin very nicely to run the command: CONSOLE mysqladmin flush-hosts Which will allow you access again. Just don't run any scripts again until you have checked what is causing the error.
  11. It's not necessarily a program that is causing that to be loaded. Check in the registry keys to see if that program is being run on startup. If you don't know where it might be in the registry then click Edit > Find... and search for the program name (KesenjanganSosial.exe). If you find anything related to it, delete it (but back the registry up first ). The alternative is that is is being loaded as a startup process. Check by going to Start > Run... typing in "msconfig". Check the Services tab to see if it is listed there and set to start on boot or something. Ten check the Startup tab, and look down the Command column. This basically lists the files being run at startup. Just look for C:\Windows\KesenjanganSosial.exe (it may get abbreviated to something like Kesenj~1.exe) and delete it. It will also give you the registry key to delete to. I can't think of any free antivirus software better than the ones you've already used, but Symantec offer removal tools for a lot of viruses that are free. They basically go through the process I explained, but automatically for you. See if the virus is listed in their free removal tools here.
  12. Well Chatz, the exact same information is available here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which is a website, not a book, and can easily be copied...Personally I agree with Cots. Dragons probably did exist, but not in the way we imagine; as massive fire-breathing winged monsters. Dragons were most likely lizards or other creatures that simply got embelished by travellers and story-tellers. The stories have been passed on, steadily getting more and more extravagant and evolving to the images we have today.
  13. Personally I believe that there is no afterlife or soul, but I'm not exactly a spiritual or religious kinda guy. I just find it very hard to believe that such a thing a soul exists, when it hasn't been seen or detected. The same goes for the afterlife, there is no conclusive proof of it's existence. People claim to have had NDEs (near death experiences) but often they are explained easily. For example they can be caused by drugs used during operations etc.
  14. With that much stuff to backup you're gonna get though a lot of DVDs each time. I'd advise an external HDD, which you can pick up relatively cheaply now. Get one larger than the current capacity you need so you've got room for new stuff in the future. Alternatively if you've got a home network you could get a network attached storage device (NAS). These normally come with software to automatically generate, save and organize backups. You can also often expand them with new HDDs like a PC.
  15. The reason that mail() is so resource-hogging is that each time it loops to send a message it opens a new connection, collects the message information, sends the message, clears the information and closes the connection. If you use sockets you use 1 connection for all the messages, so you severly reduce the load on the server, and it works much faster for sending a lot of messages, especially if they are mostly the same content. There is an example script here in the comment by josephcmiller2 at gmail dot com. I don't have a huge amount of experience sending mail with sockets, but some research on the Internet should help.
  16. rvalkass

    Noob Talk

    I get really annoyed when people abbreviate words and you don't have the foggiest idea as to what on Earth they were trying to say. I can understand in an online game where time is of the essence, not spending ages typing your messages in full grammatical correctness, but in an instant message program you are not really under that pressure and there is no reason to type in leet or whatever else people come up with.On most bulletin boards and forums, not just here, the rules state that you can't abbreviate things or use leet etc. People blatantly ignore these rules and they lose people's respect by typing ridiculously and being ignorant to the rules.
  17. I wouldn't like the idea of having a TV in my eye, it seems kinda creepy . How would you hear it too? It would either have to have a wireless connection to a speaker in your pocket or some headphones or something, but then it could get very loud somewhere like Oxford Street with people all listening to different TV channels. How would it be powered? I wouldn't like the idea of occasional brain surgery to stick a couple of AA batteries in my skull
  18. Babelfish give you the option to add translation to your site using their code if you want. The instructions are here. Google, as far as I am aware, doesn't allow you this service, and neither of them release the code that they use to translate. Just remember that most of these translation things aren't that good. For example, one kid in my German class used a translator for his coursework, and managed to change "It was boring" to "Es hat gebohrt", meaning that it drilled (or bored), a dead giveaway.
  19. The new interface looks pretty good for something designed for Microsoft, a far cry from Publisher 97 with the massive childlike icons. The only problem with downloading the beta suite is that it will stop working at the beginning of 2007, as Microsoft would never let you have anything for free.The list of new features and functions they have put in is quite impressive and they do seem to have thought seriously about what Office is actually used for and how different people use it. Unfortunately, there are umpteen thousands of different versions, but to do my A-Levels, I'm gonna need one of the top versions.
  20. When you say you want your own site, you don't necessarily have to have a separate hosting account to use a .com domain. For example, on my hosting area I am currently hosting quite a bit for me, with my blog accessible via http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The domain of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also goes to my hosting account, but directly to a subdomain (here), so people visiting have no way to access the rest of my site if they type in the domain name, and it appears as a totally separate entity, although hosted under my account. If all you want is your own .com domain and you have enough space you can just use a subdomain on the same hosting. You can even set up separate FTP accounts, mail accounts etc. If you are desparate for an entirely separate hosting account then unfortunately Trap 17 does not allow users more than 1 account. As Gyad has said, Xisto.Net is a possibility, but it is ad supported and not as feature-packed as the hosting from Xisto.Com. Other choice? Buy hosting from Xisto - Web Hosting another sister site of Xisto.
  21. In Opera all the text is aligned to the centre of whatever is containing it, so you may want to look at what truefusion has suggested. The reason that headings 3 and 6 are black is becuase your CSS sheet sets the color to black: h3.main { color:#000000; text-transform:capitalize; font-weight:900} h6.main {color:#000000; text-transform:capitalize; font-style:underline}If you change the colour code from #000000 to #FFFFFF then they will be white. Also, that capitalize thing has no effect whatsoever, using Opera. On your main site banner, there is very little difference between the letters 'c' and 'e', as the 'e' is missing the crossbar. Also, the apostrope (') before the 's' looks like a comma. You might want to see if you can fix that, otherwise it looks like Boozkcr,s Placc Your mouseover effect on the Home and Downloads buttons is clean and simple, and very easy to see which button is selected. The lime green mouseove you've got for the link though looks a bit odd, and would probably look better in a dark blue to match the site. For your first time making a site 'solo' so to speak, you've done a great job, better than the first time I tried to make a site design.
  22. I managed to sort of self teach myself HTML, with no books or online tutorials apart from looking things up in W3Schools when I was first learning. No offence or anything, but if you are a slow learner, your best option would be to get a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. If you have Microsoft Office then you probably have FrontPage which is a WYSIWYG editor, or you could look through the Freebies section of this forum and on the Internet for one. I wouldn't advise going and buying a copy of Dreamweaver at this stage. Then start with the basics. These programs work a lot like word processing software, so go ahead and type some text. Then switch to the Code or HTML view of the program and look at how it has been done. Probably something like this: <p>Some random text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p> Go back to the Design or WYSIWYG view and try to change the font on your text, then look at the Code and see what has happened. Try changing size, colour, bold, italic, underline etc. Take it one step at a time, and take notes if you want. When you work out that, for example, to make something bold you do this: <b>Bold</b> Not bold. You can also do this: <strong>Bold</strong> Not bold. They are exactly the same.You could note that down in a format you understand, on cue cards or something. Then you have your own reference of what you think is useful, organized in a way you understand. Then move on to more difficult things such as trying to make some text a link, or inserting an image. Tables are probably one of the hardest things you will come across, and your best bet if you ever need tables in a page would be to use your WYSIWYG editor in Design mode to draw the tables as this simplifies the whole process. These are some links to freeware WYSIWYG editors, but I have not tried any of them, so they may not be to your taste. They all do pretty much the same thing, so it's a matter of what looks best for you and fits how you want to work. There's no harm in downloading a load, seeing which you like best and removing the rest. WYSIWYG Web Builder List from DirFile Nvu WYSIWYG Editor If you need any help with HTML then feel free to PM me, email me or get me on MSN Messenger.
  23. It entirely depends on whether you just want to host your website or offer hosting to a lot of different people. The basic steps are, in this order: Set up Apache Set up PHP Set up MySQL They are the complete basics, although you don't even need PHP or MySQL, they are just common elements. If you also want to use your PC for other stuff while also hosting a site, I would suggest not installing MySQL and using the version of SQLite included with PHP, as this conserves RAM. You can also download installers which contain all 3 and set them up for you, simplifying the process. However, you are then not really used to anything but a GUI installer, so when it comes to changing something it's a bit more difficult. Setting these up and configuring them will differ greatly depending on what you want to do with the web server, what OS you are running and whether you want the whole thing available to the outside world or just certain sections. I cna direct you to the relevant websites however, which offer more help for all sorts of different situations. Apache Web Server Php.net MySQL.com
  24. The design looks great, well thought out and simple to get around and see what you want, yet still interesting. The little 'New' icon you have in the scrolling box doesn't fit with this design and looks a little out of place, so perhaps you could design or find something more fitting.By the way, your Valid XHTML link takes you to a nice page advertising the 134 errors on your site This also then means that it won't even bother trying to validate the CSS with invalid XHTML. You might wanna fix that...
  25. Here in the UK, fuel currently costs around 97p per litre for unleaded and about 98/99p for diesel. That works out at roughly $6.80 (US) per gallon or $2.40 (AU) per litre. We seem to have some of the most expensive fuel in the world, even though we had huge oil reserves in the North Sea. I think we're getting to the point when once again the strikes will start up, and blockades on the fuel depots will appear.
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