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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I think what you are looking for is an addon domain. This is where a domain points to a specific folder on your account. There are a few hoops you've got to jump through, and they must be done in this order: Go to the domain registrar's website and log in to the domain control panel. Find the section related to nameservers. Change the nameservers to: ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com Log out of the domain control panel. Wait for a while. This could be anything from a few seconds to a few hours. Just keep trying the next few steps until it works. Log in to your Xisto cPanel. Under Domains click Addon Domains. In the New Domain Name: box type binaland.com In the Subdomain/FTP Username: enter the FTP username you want them to have (it gets created for you). In the Document Root home: box enter /public_html/binaland Give the FTP account a secure password. Hit the Add Domain! button. If there is any part there you don't understand or gives you an error message, or anything at all which stops it working, I'll do my best to help out.
  2. Perhaps some reasoning for why you think it doesn't work as a home OS would be nice?
  3. The @googlemail.com email addresses were provided after Google was informed that they had no right to the GMail name in the UK - another company was already using it and had rights to it. They tried to negotiate and failed, so introduced a different domain for UK users as of mid-October 2005. The domain was only available to people in the UK who registered for GMail after 19/10/2005. However, it is just a redirect to the @gmail.com addresses. Both will work and get delivered fine - Google just aren't allowed to use the GMail name in the UK.If you want a @googlemail.com address then you'll need to move to the UK However, try it with a @gmail.com address. As they redirect to one another, it might be possible to use it anyway. Give it a go and find out.
  4. Bluetooth has a rough maximum of 2.1 Mbit/s (0.26 Mbyte/s). The Wi-Fi varies depending on what sort of protocol each computer supports. 802.11b has a typical transfer rate of 4.5 Mbit/s (0.56 Mbyte/s) while 802.11g has a typical speed of 19 Mbit/s (2.38 Mbyte/s). The draft 802.11n specifications support speeds of up to an average of 74 Mbit/s (9.25 Mbyte/s). You'll be limited by who has the slowest hardware.
  5. This is generally a bad idea. There are reasons why the number of fonts are limited on the web: they are good for screen reading, you can pretty much guarantee that your visitors will have them (or a very similar alternative) and you have the right to use them. I would therefore strongly recommend you do not embed fonts! It is possible, but requires the conversion of the font to a weird format and it is not particularly well supported at the moment. However, there was talk of the next versions of HTML and CSS having support for custom fonts.
  6. If you log in to the cPanel for your hosting here at Xisto you can create a subdomain. Go for that and create the 'news' subdomain that you want to use. This will create the subdomain, and give it a folder in your hosting ( public_html/news ). If you want that to redirect to your externally hosted blog, you could then use a redirect page to point people in the right direction. One way to do this is to create an index.html file in the subdomain's folder, and put the following into that file: <html><head><title>Redirecting...</title><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1; url=http://computerkindness.wordpress.com/"></head><body><h1>Redirecting...</h1></body></html> You might be able to change the 1 in the 'meta' line to a 0 to get an instant redirect. There are loads of other ways to do this, so if you don't like this method of redirecting the visitors then run a web search for other methods - you'll get thousands of different methods come up.
  7. Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to everyone out there! I know it's a little late, but better late than never. I hope you all get to see or speak to your family and friends.
  8. This was posted 2 years ago, and it looks like the decision was already made.Closed.
  9. Your second script never actually reads any POST data. You run the MySQL query looking for a hard coded ID value (id2). If you want to get the information from the previous form, you need to use this code: $id = $_POST['userID']; That sets $id equal to whatever ID is passed through by the form. Then you need to adjust your MySQL query so that it looks for that ID in the database: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $id");
  10. You can still be a member on the forums - remember, you weren't hosted to start with so there are no problems with being a non-hosted member. As I seem to remember there is a bug in the script when you terminate that results in you getting -14000 credits or something, but if you are no longer hosted that really isn't an issue
  11. I would guess so. Getting a script to run every minute, depending on what it is doing, would use a lot of CPU power compared to just serving web pages. MySQL is normally also fairly intensive to the server, so combining the two was probably not such a good idea. Perhaps you could run the script every hour or half hour? If not, look into making optimisations - reduce the number of MySQL connections and requests, speed up the script, etc.
  12. Hidden fields are used for passing information in the same way as a non-hidden field. The difference with a hidden field is that the user never sees it. This means it always gets submitted with the default value, or a value set with some JavaScript.The main use for these is to confirm that a form was submitted using your form. A hidden field with a set value can be detected when a form is submitted with your script, but not if someone tried to inject values. They are also used to hold values set with JavaScript in some forms, and then to pass this data to PHP. For example, if you had a calendar in JavaScript and the user clicks a date, you could set the value of the hidden field to that date and therefore pass it to a PHP script.
  13. I can log in fine using both the quick login bar and the login form, so I can only presume it is your computer. Make sure that your browser has cookies enabled, and is not caching the Xisto forums. As you say it is both IE and FF, that makes me think it could be something system-wide, like anti-virus software or even a virus. Make sure your firewall and anti-virus aren't interfering, and check for viruses and malware.
  14. Getting money from a bank is usually difficult, but there is no reason not to try. The worst that happens is that you lose half an hour of time. The best is that they give you a loan and you get your business off the ground. If you have a profitable idea, no matter how much it will cost initially, then most banks will be willing to invest in you or provide you with a loan. Remember, it's also an opportunity for them to potentially get a new business customer if you manage to start your business, so they benefit too.If not, try sponsorship. You're presumably going to need a lot of hardware and equipment, right? Directly contact the manufacturers for some of the stuff you need and explain what you are doing, and how much stuff you need. Then explain that you are willing to place advertising around your premises or even sell their stuff. Most companies love this sort of thing and are very willing to participate in these schemes. To take graphics cards as an example: contact nVidia and ATi. Explain that you are setting up a new business (give details) and that you need 25 (or however many) graphics cards to make that work. State that you would be willing to display nVidia/ATi logos and advertising prominently in your premises, and ask if they would they be interested in helping you out by providing the cards cheap/free. See what they say. The worst they will do is say no, they might just offer a bulk buy discount, or they could give you the lot in return for the advertising. Do that for each and every piece of hardware and equipment you need to buy and see what each company says.
  15. The phpBB forums have a section dedicated to converting from other forum systems to phpBB. If you want to convert to the old version of phpBB (v2) then there are quite a few scripts out there to help you. However, converting to phpBB3 could be more of a problem as no scripts seem to have been written yet, and a converted phpBB2 installation won't always upgrade smoothly.
  16. To get hosting you need to post good quality posts. These earn you Hosting Credits. When you have 10 credits you can make an application in the forum at the bottom of the forum list. You need to make sure you follow the rules and the readme, and use BBCodes correctly. If that is all a bit much to read these tutorials give a good idea of the basics and what you have to do to get hosted.
  17. I've pretty much done exactly the same since I started here at Xisto and my credits have gradually built up over that time. I check the forums quickly in the morning and then again in the evening, but for longer. Each time I have a look through the new posts. In the morning I'll post in anything that interests me or any questions/advice I can give. In the evening I'm able to spend a bit more time writing replies to those I didn't have time for in the morning. Then I'll take a wander round the forums and look for anything interesting to post about.I suppose I don't really make a conscious effort to post to keep my credits up - I post because I enjoy it. When I started I waited a while before I got hosting, and once I was hosted, gradually my credits built up.
  18. This is the cache. The browser saves pages you visit a lot so that they load quicker. Of course, this means it is loading its saved version rather than the version on the Internet, which it will only check every so often.Often you can force the browser to fetch the latest version of the page by clicking the Refresh button. If not, disable the cache. In Firefox this is done by clicking Edit > Preferences > Advanced button at the top > Network tab > Enter 0 as the size of the cache and click Clear Now.
  19. Looking into it quickly (and asking someone with a Mac ) it would appear that XNJB is the software you want. It is a native Mac application (written in Cocoa) that gets MTP up and running so you can communicate with the Zen. It supports all the devices that libmtp supports, and the Zen Vision:M is listed. I actually use libmtp in Linux to get my Zen working.
  20. I've got the Zen Vision:M and have had for around a year now (got it last Christmas ). I have also used a variety of iPods belonging to friends. I prefer the Zen, and I know plenty of people whose iPods have broken and they've replaced it with a Zen. I'll answer all your questions with respect to my Zen Vision:M 30GB. Officially, Creative only list Windows operating systems as being compatible. I use Linux and it worked perfectly well in Amarok. I am sure there are third party tools out there that will work with the Mac, but I've never had cause to look for them. For audio, the Zen supports MP3s, WAVs and WMA files (including the evil DRM protected ones). For video you can use DivX, XviD, MPEGs 1, 2 and 4SP, WMV and even motion JPG. You can of course convert videos between one format and another if you want to get them onto the Zen. You can pick up a load of accessories from Creative and there are a few generic bits and pieces out there. As for a docking station, try this. 30GB or 60GB. I've got the 30GB and space has never been an issue, despite the fact I have filled it with hours of music and video at the highest possible quality. Just look at the size of your music collection on your PC and you should be able to see whether its worth going for the 60GB or not. I consistently get at least 14 hours out of it for audio. Of course it depends on how much you muck around with it while its playing, but thats what I get under "normal" use. What constitutes normal, I don't know But thats around average across the last year. For video you are looking at around 4 hours on average. Unfortunately not, but Creative's batteries are considerably better than Apple's. My brother has a Creative Zen Micro and the battery is still working fine after 4 years. Compare that to my freinds' iPod batteries lasting to just outside the warranty and being charged ridiculous amounts to have them replaced. Creative give you a nice bag to keep it in and protect it. It also already has a protective plastic layer on the screen which you can keep there to protect it from scratches. I have the gloss black Vision:M and after a year there are no scratches or scuffs or anything. The most noticeable thing is a few finger marks on the plastic covering the screen, but that is cheap and easy to replace. I've held a variety of iPods and the Zen seems to be better built than all of them. Yes, it's slightly heavier, but it is certainly a lot more durable. If you have any more questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them.
  21. A nameserver converts between domain names and IP addresses. For example, when you type https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl into your browser, a nameserver will give you the IP address of the server where you can find Google ( Without nameservers you would have to remember IP addresses rather than catchy domain names You will have to go to the site you registered the domain with and log in to your domain control panel. From there you will need to change the nameservers to: ns1.computinghost.com ns2.computinghost.com After a few hours your domain will be pointing to Xisto - Web Hosting rather than Xisto. You will also need to either delete the domain from your Xisto account, or terminate your Xisto account completely.
  22. I think phpBB has actually gone Gold finally, and a stable release of phpBB3 has been released. The forum itself is fairly easy to set up, and mods are quite easy to install too. Especially if you use EasyMOD, most modifications to the forum simply require uploading and clicking a link. There are a few pre-modded versions of phpBB out there, but generally they have been created fairly badly and have a whole host of extra bugs introduced by all the modifications. Feel free to use them, but use caution and thoroughly test them out before deploying one and using it.
  23. Yes, as 120 divided by 24 is exactly 5. If you used 50 and 7 then the output would be 1. If you used 99 and 4 then the output would be 3.
  24. I'm hoping this will be the first of a few Linux tutorials I write. I have been asked by a few people recently about how to get software for Linux. They are used to going down to PC World and picking up a CD, putting that in the PC and installing. With Linux that is not how new software is obtained, and this is my attempt to explain how to get new software onto your Linux machine. I use KDE, so this is based around Adept, but it is fairly similar if you use Synaptic or something else. OK, open up Adept. There are a variety of ways to do that, but the easiest is to open the system menu and find Adept. In KDE, its under System: As my system is Ubuntu based, I get asked for my password. You will need to be root to install software, and how you go about that is different between distros. On Ubuntu and its derivatives, you will be asked for your password, like this: You will then be presented with Adept's main screen. This lists all of the software available to you, shows what you have installed already, and if anything needs upgrading. All you need to do now is find the software you want. I find the best way to do that is to use the Search box at the top: If you know the name of the software you want, you can type that in. Alternatively, you can put in a related keyword. For example, the audio player Amarok can be found by searching for "amarok" or "audio", among many other things. If you want more information about a package (a piece of software) then click the arrow to the left of its name. This will give you a lot more information about that package. If you want to install that package then click the Request Install button. This will add that package to the list of things to download. To review the list of what is going to be installed, hit the Preview Changes button at the top of the screen. Quite often the list will contain packages you did not select. Why? Well, each package you download has a series of dependencies. These are other packages which the one you are trying to install needs to work correctly. For example, I selected gimp-print in the list above, and Adept worked out that needed libgutenprintui2-1. I would never have known that, so its quite a helpful feature. When you are happy with your new software choices, hit the Apply Changes button. Adept will then download and install your new software. You can get more information on what is happening during the installation by clicking the Show Details button. When it's done, Adept will take you back to the software list so you can install more stuff if you want. If not, just close Adept. Your new software is ready to use. No restarting, no online registration, no complicated setups, no worrying about losing or breaking the CD. Personally I much prefer this to the Windows method of getting hold of software. Any questions, comments or ideas for another tutorial are welcome. Just post below, PM me or contact me in any other way you can
  25. If you have deleted all the folders like public_html, public_ftp and all the other files and folders that were there to start with then I am afraid your hosting is not going to work. Those files and folders are vital to making your hosting account work correctly. Anything you want to appear on the web should go in the public_html folder, and not in the root of your account. As far as I know, the only way to fix this is to terminate your hosting and reapply, but I'd wait for a second opinion before going ahead with that, just in case I got that wrong.
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