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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics (the total energy of the Universe remains constant), energy cannot be created or destroyed. So, the only way perpetual motion could be possible is if a device was 100% efficient. Friction and other forces, no matter how minute, stop this from ever being achieved. Still, laws have been proved wrong, so lets press on. In space there are, on average, 2 molecules per cubic metre. That is an absolutely tiny amount of matter, but it is there and it exists. The spacecraft will hit those molecules and that will cause friction. OK, a microscopic amount of friction, but it is there and will affect the spacecraft. It will eventually (millions of years) slow it down. No, any metal object can have an emf induced in it. This, if connected in a circuit, can lead to a current. This means you need your spacecraft to be made of metal. It must also have some method of transferring and storing the power, which needs to be 100% efficient. Also, the magnetic flux of Earth is so low, the electricity is pretty much useless, and becomes less dense the further you go from the surface. So, out in space it is minimal. The method of storing, transferring and receiving the power would need to be 100% efficient. Also, its path through the atmosphere would need to be completely unobstructed. I think there is research at the moment into transmitting power via 'beams' of some sort or another but it is still in its infancy and we don't really know if it will work yet. Solar energy is the best we have at the moment, The effect of Earth's magnetic flux would be so small that it wouldn't be useful to power anything. You can get a couple of volts of potential difference in a plane at full altitude, and that decreases the higher you get. You might just be able to light an LED on your spacecraft.
  2. I have to agree with Tetraca - the colours you have picked do not have enough contrast to make the site easy to read. Change the colours to ones that contrast against eachother more.Also, on the Portfolio page, I noticed that all of the 'thumbnails' are in fact loading the full sized image. You'll need to make copies of your images at smaller sizes and use them for the thumbnails, otherwise they appear to take ages to load.On the programming page, see if you can get a Javascript or PHP script that will do syntax highlighting for you. It looks great and makes the code so much easier to read if it is syntax highlighted.Finally, on the contact page, try putting a contact form on their rather than your email address. It will avoid you getting spam in your inbox (as spiders won't be able to see your address) and your users won't need to fire up their email program to contact you.
  3. If you know the name of the spyware, or the files it created, then you should be able to look it up on the Internet. You should then be able to get hold of manual removal instructions or specific tools for removing that one virus/spyware. Symantec are usually pretty good if you know the name of the virus/spyware. Deleting the files manually within Windows sometimes isn't possible, even in safe mode. In that case you could get hold of a Linux Live CD and delete the files. This means that no files are in use, so there is nothing to stop them being deleted. Just remember though that if you delete the wrong files you could cause a bit of a problem (such as Windows complaining or even failing to start).
  4. They certainly do, and a lot more often than most people think. However, you need to make sure that you are offering something that people find useful or valuable in some way. Tutorials, e-books and free software and perfect examples. Each of those might be given away free by the creator. If you find it useful then you might choose to donate to the project or person responsible. A key element is trust - if your website looks deceptive or in any way dishonest then people will not donate. You need to make it clear what the money will be used for and why you need it. Paypal is the ever popular one for some reason, but I've never been a big fan. Other popular methods are giving an address for people to send cheques to or posting an email address so people can contact you and discuss a way to donate. If you want examples of what people donate to projects, take a look at KDE's past donations. That shows how much people are willing to donate to a major free software project.
  5. What amazes me is that making the discs in the first place was not only a ridiculous thing to do, but illegal. If I remember correctly it was against the Data Protection Act to have copied all that information to CD. I don't keep a copy of all my own bank details, NI number and all that on a CD - let alone the information for 24,999,999 other people!!!For me this is the final straw for the ID card scheme. If I can't trust the government with 3 or 4 pieces of information then there is no reason why I should trust them with all the information they want to have on ID cards. Still, things just seem to be going from bad to worse with the government at the moment
  6. There are generally 3 ways of storing your photos on a digital photo frame. Internal memory. This is the USB connection you mentioned. You hook it up to your PC, transfer some photos across, and they appear on the photo frame. Generally the memory is fairly limited, and changing the photos requires you to have a PC next to you. Memory cards. Exactly the same as a digital camera's memory cards. Transfer some photos on to the card (or take it directly from a camera) and slot the card into the frame, and it should work. This allows you to effectively have an album on each card, which you can swap in and out when you like, Wi-Fi. Some photo frames now have wi-fi capabilities and can take photos from a certain shared folder you determine. This allows you to control the frame from your PC and change which photos are displayed without messing around with cables or cards. As for which one to buy, make sure you go and look at them before you buy. Quality varies from the downright awful to crystal clear pictures, and it would be very disappointing to spend a large amount of money on one with a blurry screen. Currys, Comet, Dixons, Tesco and PC World all have loads of them on display which you can look at, Compare the image quality and note down the make and models of the ones you like. Then search around for the cheapest price.
  7. Yes. $_GET['variablename'] is used for pulling information out of URLs and passing them to variables. So, if in the URL you have index.php?name=rob&os=linux then two variables are automatically created: $_GET['name'] which has the value "rob" $_GET['os'] which has the value "linux" Most people reassign those variables to others with more logical names and without the GET part, like this: $name = $_GET['name'];$operatingSystem = $_GET['os'];
  8. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  9. To get a variable out of the URL, you need to refer to it as $_GET['variablename'] not just as $variablename. For example, the first line of your code should read: <?php$default = "blah.html"; if ($_GET['id'] == ""){ $id = $default;}elseif (isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = $_GET['id'];}?> That should fix it.
  10. I like the colours, they work well together. However, there are a few issues with the layout. Firstly, I would move the content to the right of the navigation, rather than placing one on top of the other. I'd also add some spacing between the heading (designify.org in white at the top) and the navigation, as the two overlap at the moment. Finally, you have a Valid XHTML link at the bottom, but the page is not valid Either fix it or remove the link.
  11. On desktop and laptop machines, yes, Windows is a lot more popular. People always seem to forget all those servers running billions of websites, and the backend systems being used by major corporations. Apache on Linux is far more popular for web servers than Apache on Windows and IIS on Windows combined. Attempts are therefore often made to cause problems with Linux-based systems and they very rarely succeed. Most often, the problems are with the websites or Apache, so would appear on Windows and Linux. Open source, if anything, is more secure. Before code is released to the public, everyone can read it. This means that bugs and problems are found way before the software is ever used on production machines. With closed source software, the public and hackers start equal, and quite often the software vendors make people pay for updates or the latest version to fix problems that they caused. Since when did that make sense? Like I said earlier, they are already looking at Linux, and not getting very far. You can't assume Linux is ultimately secure on its own (firewalls, both hardware and software, are vital) but it is infinitely more secure than Windows. On Windows, everyone has access to every file - so a virus or even the growing number of malicious companies (Sony, EA, etc.) have control over every file. They can pt what they like where they like, and delete files too. On Linux, they can't. Simple as that. Linux has far better permissions and access control, and that is what makes the difference. If security is what you want, you can't really choose anything other than Linux/UNIX.
  12. You are not in the hosted member group, which means that when you created your account something went wrong. Did you get any errors when you created your hosting account (the first link on the process page)? If so, can you remember what they were? I get the feeling that you never actually created a hosting account, but went straight for the last link (checking things worked). After you are approved, you need to go through the actual process to set up your account. These instructions should help you out.
  13. Push factors are reasons to leave a town, city or country. For example: no jobs, poor healthcare, high taxes. They normally go hand in hand will pull factors, reasons to move into somewhere else, such as lots of local shops, good schools, jobs, good healthcare.Simple as that.
  14. Froogle just points you to other shops. As long as you visit the version of Froogle specific to your country, then all the items that appear should be from shops either in your country or willing to ship there. The Australian Froogle appears to be here: https://www.google.com.au/shopping . Have a look and see whether it works or not.
  15. Uploading files is, yes. Look for the File Manager link and you will be presented with all the files and folders in your hosting account. If, like me, you don't like using that, then either download an FTP application or use an online FTP client to upload the files. Same sort of thing, but I am sure the paths to the files are different, so they would need to go in different places. Of course, the mods are written completely differently too, so often the instructions are a little different as well.
  16. See if the same function is being declared twice (once at each line). As SMF is written in PHP, you'll need to look for a line like this: function addlinenumbers($a_variable) { If function addlinenumbers appears twice then the function is being created twice, which won't work. So there is either an error in the mod code itself, or in the way it was installed. Have you contacted the creator of the mod and asked why this error might occur, or if it has occurred before? It is likely to be a bug in the mod's code then, or the way it installed itself. Most mods, even if they can be automatically installed, usually come with manual instructions for exactly this situation. Look through all the documentation that came with the mod and see if there are any manual instructions for installing it. If there are, follow them in reverse and you should be able to uninstall the mod.
  17. Having the files on your desktop is no good - you need to upload them to your web hosting. I don't use SMF so I'm not exactly sure where they go, but there should be a README file with whatever mod you have downloaded. In that file you will be told where to put the files you have downloaded. Sometimes you need to edit or replace already existing files, so make sure you take a backup first.
  18. That error is saying that the script is trying to create two functions with the same name. Have you actually opened the file mentioned (Subs.php) and looked at the lines the error suggests (3671 and 3721)?If you have been installing any modifications to the forum, check you installed them correctly, and check what file changes they made. If any edited Subs.php then uninstall the mods and see if the problem goes away.
  19. First you need to make a backup of all the files that make up your website. Most hosts provide a facility to do this if you log in to your control panel. If not, then you'll need to connect to your site with FTP and download all the files onto your computer and keep them safe. If you use a database or anything else like that then you will also need to download a backup of that. Then you will need to earn enough credits to apply for hosting here at Xisto. You earn credits by posting, and you need a minimum of 10 to apply for an account. You also need to make sure your posts are good quality, well written, and you follow the rules. Check out the readme for all the information you need. When you make your application you need to say that you intend to use the domain helpnowonline.co.uk If you are approved for an account then you will need to log in to your domain's control panel (this is completely separate from Xisto) and change the name servers to point to Xisto. The name servers need to be changed to: ns1.trap17.com ns2.trap17.com Once you have done all that, you should be able to use your domain with your hosting. Just upload your files again and your website should be working.
  20. Why would you need to? FFMPEG is a tool used for converting videos between formats, and has very little, if anything at all, to do with web hosting. Perhaps if you explain exactly why you need it, we might be able to help more or provide an alternative.
  21. You need to have Apache running, and you need to view the file through Apache ( i.e by going to LOCALHOST/ ). You have added all the code in correctly and from the sound of it have renamed everything correctly too. The code you use is picked up by Apache as a special command it follows before it serves up the HTML. Of course if you directly open the file up in a web browser (the path will be something like file:///path/to/file/index.shtml ) then it hasn't been through Apache, so the command never gets run. If you upload it to your web hosting or use Apache on your local machine then you will be able to see the effect. No .htaccess file is needed for this one - it works out of the box You can do some very powerful and useful stuff with these commands. One of my favourites is using it to issue different style sheets to different browsers. It avoids all the messy hacks to get IE to work right and keep the code much cleaner and easier to manage. It also allows you to send witty insults to people still using IE
  22. You can avoid PHP if you want. Using some clever Apache knowledge, you can get another file included in a document. All you need to do is put this line in where you want to load the external document, then rename the file with the extension .shtml <!--#include virtual="INCLUDE.html" --> I use it on this site to get the menu to appear on the left (ignore the poor CSS ). I have a file called menu.html which I include in every other page using the code above (with INCLUDE replaced with menu, obviously). Then I renamed all the files that include the menu to have the .shtml extension.
  23. I've looked around the 'net and I cannot find a reliable and free service to tell you how long your page takes to download at various speeds. I'm not sure you can emulate a slower speed, but you should be able to calculate how long it takes. An old 56K modem has an average connection speed of around 4kb/s. So, get the size of all your content in KB and divide by 4 to get the number of seconds that site will take to load. I'm sure there is a far more technical way to do it, but that'll at least give you an estimate. Definitely something to look into. It shouldn't be too tricky to do it with calculations.
  24. This is often due to ISPs using misleading marketing, advertising and sales. The key phrase here is up to. If you live right next to their Internet backbone and use the best hardware in the business, you'll get 8mbps. However, most people are not in that situation. For example, I live around 2.5 miles from the nearest telephone exchange, which physically limits my connection to 1.2mbps due to deterioration in the quality of the signal over the distance. Check how far away from the nearest exchange you are, and you should be able to roughly work out what speed you'll get. Check for interference. Any wireless device (DECT phones, mobile phones, radios, anything) could theoretically have an effect on the signal. Mobile phones check for new messages etc. every few minutes (depending on model and network). If you've got a mobile, try turning it off and see if the wireless connection is more reliable. The same goes for other wireless devices. Eventually you should be able to isolate which one is giving you grief. Alternatively check each wireless device for the frequencies it uses and make sure you have nothing using the same frequency as the wireless router.
  25. rvalkass

    Retrieve 1

    The reason is the last line: you echo out the result! Echo is used to output something to the browser, and is often used to output raw HTML code. If you want to store it as a variable, use the following code, in place of your current last line: $charity = $row['charity'];
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