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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. The most popular product used to produce Flash files is Adobe Flash CS3 Professional (or it's earlier versions). However, the price is a little too high unless you are a professional, and there are a variety of other tools out there you can use. If you run a search for "create flash" you will get quite a few different pieces of software thrown at you: search:create flash One of my favourites is OpenLaszlo as it outputs Flash files and DHTML, and is based more around coding than designing to create your content. Oh yeah, it's also completely free and open source.
  2. rvalkass


    OpenOffice.org (the standard office suite with most Linux distributions) can open pretty much all proprietary Microsoft Office formats except for Publisher's files. Publisher always was the odd one out and nothing in the world seems to be compatible with it For file formats other than those used in Office you will need to find a compatible application. There are loads out there to replace various Windows applications, and most can open the file formats of their counterparts. OpenOffice and a vast array of other Linux applications can save and export to formats used by popular Windows applications. If all else fails, pretty much every application can export to PDF files, which you can open on any machine. Perhaps you should talk to the IT staff at your school and ask why they feel they have to force people to use Microsoft products. Most people, when told about OpenOffice and open standards are happy to install the required software. The IT staff at my school aren't, which has caused a long running battle, but until they are willing to pay for Windows, Office and a computer to run it, I'm not backing down
  3. The first thing you really need to do is work out if there is a point to users registering. At Xisto the point of registering is to give you an identity, and to link your credits to you. Therefore, it makes sense for people to register and create an account. With my blog, there is no point in registering users. Even if I made it so registered users gained something extra, it would be pointless for me - there is no gain from having registered users in that situation.
  4. I have just accessed gone84.com and I get a Joomla-based website come up. I assume that is your website and therefore the domain is working? As jlhaslip said, domains can take around 72 hours to set themselves up after you buy them and configure them. I then also tried to see if cPanel would work, and just tagging /cpanel to the end of the domain got the login box to appear. Obviously I can't see if logging in actually works, but it would appear your site is working now.
  5. I am sure your device is not completely silent, and I'm sure it is not frictionless. Therefore, you are 'losing' energy in both of these forms as the device rotates. It might go on for quite a while with no assistance, but it will eventually stop (like a Newton's cradle). Plus, what happens when there are 3 points on the left and two on the right? That would force it to rotate anticlockwise, and cancel out the previous effect until it came to rest with one weight at the bottom (effectively, when released it would just flip upside down).
  6. I can recommend Kodak. They're great at traditional cameras and their digital cameras are just as good. PC World are selling the Kodak C613 for about Ł60 (10% off if you are a student). There is also a Praktica DPix5200 for around Ł40. Currys have a Samsung S600 up at around Ł60. Have a look through the specs and see which you like best (they all meet your minimum requirements). The only one I can personally recommend is the Kodak as I have a Kodak LS753 myself, and my sister has a Kodak too. The build quality is great, the pictures are clear, sharp and bright, they're easy to use, and you can customise a lot of options if you want a bit more control. Then again, I have never had a camera by Praktica or Samsung, so I'd suggest you check out some detailed reviews online for those.
  7. No text is likely to mean it can't find the language files. Make sure that you have set a language for the site, and the relative language file exists. I've not used SMF a lot so I can't tell you exactly where they are, sorry.
  8. You took the words right out of my mouth (well, fingertips). I got a mobile when I was 12 or 13 because my parents thought I was responsible and mature enough to not let it distract me or anything. For me it was more of an emergency device - I often cycle around the local area and I could call for help if I was hit or had an accident. People seem to forget that these devices are mobile phones. That is pretty much all I use my phone for, that and the odd text message (just because its cheaper than making a call). I see some people at school who will sit and constantly send text messages to their friend on the other side of school. That is about 180 metres away! Surely it makes more sense for them to walk to each other and have a conversation? Text messages are 10p each, so over a day some of these people are spending up to ?5 chatting to people they could actually yell to! To me, those people just don't have the maturity to use a mobile phone properly, especially if their parents are funding this.
  9. Unfortunately, yes. It is pointed out around the forum but a few people seem to miss it. However, as Saint_Michael said, if you earn 280 you can request a free top level domain (.com, .org, .net or .info). Just click here and read through the information and instructions. That way you will have put your credits to good use, and will still have 30 left to apply for hosting.
  10. rvalkass


    Xisto offers free web hosting. On that hosting you can easily upload whatever forum you like (phpBB, SMF, IPB, AEF). If you don't want to upload it yourself, or find the setup difficult, Xisto has Fantastico installed in cPanel. Fantastico allows you to install loads of scripts with only one or two clicks. This includes a variety of forums for you to choose from. Yes, Xisto is free. However, you do have to post to keep your hosting. It won't cost you anything but it takes a couple of minutes to make a post and earn some credits.
  11. You get a certain number of credits per post, determined by how long the post is and how well it's written. Some areas of the forum don't give out credits (take a look at the main forum page to see which ones) but most of them will give you credits. Once you have got 10 credits you can apply for the basic package. If you wait and earn 30 credits you can apply for the better package. Once you are hosted your credits are reset to around two. From then on your credits represent how many days of hosting you have. You lose one credit each day (0.04 per hour). If you drop below 0 then your hosting is suspended until you get up to 4 again. This means that you need to keep coming back and posting regularly to make sure you keep up your credits. There is more information in the Xisto Readme. Or, if you want the basics quickly, there are some Flash tutorials available to guide you through. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
  12. One of the best places is obviously here at Xisto. You get hosted for free and get a load of features. The reliability is great, and you're part of this community. However, you do have to post to keep your hosting. If that's not for you, you've got two more choices. First you can try Qupis. Its pretty much the same as Xisto but with a small text ad at the bottom. If you are willing to pay for your hosting, try Xisto - Web Hosting.
  13. Hey, Happy Birthday Velma! Have a great day. And now, the customary collection of weird ani-gifs There you go, a cake and a present!
  14. Take a look at my user information on the left. I have a picture of a penguin. Now take a look at my profile - the image on the left is of Weird Al Yankovic. These images are two completely different settings. The penguin is called an avatar. The photo of Weird Al is called your Personal Photo. The one which appears next to your posts, as you can see from my example, is your avatar. To set your avatar: Click on My Controls at the top of the forum. On the left hand side, under Personal Profile, click Edit Avatar Settings. Select one of the defaults from the gallery, upload a picture or provide the path to one. The image you select as your avatar appears next to your posts. The image you select as your Personal Photo only appears in your profile.
  15. I don't see why we don't do this in the UK. At the moment, only a small fraction of the cost of a National Lottery ticket goes to the Government. If the Government set up a lottery solely to benefit the NHS, I'm sure that more people would buy tickets and it would provide some much needed cash for the NHS. They've done something similar for the Olympics, so why not for the NHS? What annoys me is the treatment of people who have knowingly inflicted problems upon themselves i.e. drug and alcohol abusers and smokers. The consequences of each of those is well publicised and is now taught from a very early age. There should be no excuse for people who turn up in an A&E department because they're drunk or can't get hold of their drugs. The example of George Best is perfect. He drank an awful lot, and as a result needed a new liver. He was put to the top of the transplant waiting list, whereas logically he should have been pushed to the bottom. He didn't take care of his liver the first time round, so what says he'll take care of a second one? As we've seen, he didn't.
  16. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution (kind of like a version of Linux). Its an alternative operating system to Microsoft Windows that seems to be packaged with pretty much every PC you can buy. Its free (gratis and libre) and has a whole load of features. For example, when the hard drive died on my old desktop PC, rather than pay over Ł100 for a copy of Windows, I simply put Kubuntu on there. It cost me nothing, kept an old computer running, and added an extra PC to my house. These Wikipedia pages give loads more information on the relevant topics: Free software Linux Ubuntu
  17. The solution is very simple if I recall. Exactly the same happened to my sister's laptop and I eventually found out what was causing the problem. By default, XP uses the Network Workgroup name "MSHOME" or something like that. Microsoft of course thought it would be helpful to change that to something else in Vista. This meant that all Vista PCs appear to be on their own little network. All you need to do is go into Network Settings and change which workgroup you are on (you might need to restart for it to take effect). That fixed it for me.
  18. I'll admit that setting some games up can be a pain. However, there are often detailed instructions out on the web that will help you out. Look through the WINE Application Database to see which Windows applications work on which distributions, and how easy it is to set them up. As for the performance, remember that you still have exactly the same hardware in your computer whether you've got Windows on it or Linux. Running an application through WINE doesn't have any form of performance decrease that I have noticed. My friends also report the same. WINE does not emulate each little request and command from an application so there is no performance drop at all. If anything, some applications actually tun faster with WINE compared to Windows as Linux itself is often using fewer system resources. You could also complement your Windows game collection with some native Linux ones. Warzone 2100 and OpenArena are two of my favourites that leap to mind at the moment, but there are loads of other ones. Many are copies of Windows games but with more penguins thrown in
  19. I was wondering if the voting was ever gonna get under way. Wait and see if S_M finds us. If not we poke him with a pointy stick until he does something
  20. The latest versions of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu and Gobuntu - 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon - have all been released. New features in Ubuntu include: The other versions of Ubuntu contain slightly different features determined by their window manager (KDE, Xfce, &c.) I haven't had a chance to try out Kubuntu 7.10 yet (Adept won't let me upgrade at the moment...) but I'll report back when I have. I suggest you all give it a go. Its the cheapest operating system around
  21. It might sound weird, but the lessons I do and the teachers I have go a long way to making it fun. Physics and chemistry are great because we're doing practical experiments pretty much every lesson, which is always better than sitting down note taking. The teachers I have for those subjects are also pretty cool and fairly laid back.Of course, my mates help a lot as well. Just having the chance to sit down, relax and talk is nice when you've got lessons for the rest of the day. Now though they've started banning MP3 players, card games and all sorts of other things that made our free time fun
  22. You are replying to a topic that is 2 years old! You've already posted that same message elsewhere too. Until there is a valid reason to revive this thread, it is closed.
  23. There are two ways to look at this (always good for a debate ). Firstly there is the energy saving aspect, which is all well and good, as long as this is enforced on businesses as well. Its pointless doing it only in houses if businesses are going to have millions of normal bulbs wasting energy. Secondly, they should save you money. Great, but if you work it out, they will actually save you very little, if anything, over their lifetime. Both. Its political spin because it is something which can be done pretty easily and quickly, and affects everyone. It sends out a signal that they are committed to solving global warming. It will help to slow down climate change, but probably not by much. If they were really committed they would announce they were phasing out petrol and diesel as fuels and seriously funding alternative fuels.
  24. The last time I studied history at school, it was clear that all of the original reports on events were contrived to make whatever country they came from look good. The write up in the textbooks wasn't that much better, but it did at least alert you to the fact that what you were reading was probably unreliable and embellished.There would be arguments about who would write each bit. No country would like professors or experts from another country writing their history for them. This would result in every country writing about themselves and would be no different to the situation now. Plus, there would be quite a few problems with events such as WWI and WWII where Europe was not unified. It would be very difficult to get everyone to agree on exact events, unless it was written by a neutral third party. However, I can't see every nation agreeing to the Swiss writing all of European history.Also, like you say, British major events are pretty much irrelevant in other countries. The same with French events, Spanish events, or any other country. Unifying the history books would only lead to these events being omitted, and eventually we would lose our own history.
  25. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you linked to, there is the following line: If you click the link you are taken straight to the signup page.
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