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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Yes, put your own domain name in instead of the one used there. As Damen said, he copied that from another topic, so the domain name used is obviously going to be different. What you need to change:
  2. Yes, just set the file name to something.html and it will work.You could also get it to write PHP scripts I suppose. A self replicating PHP script...
  3. Download the Full Install package from SMF: http://download.simplemachines.org/ Extract whatever archive you chose to download. Upload all of the files and folders into the forum folder you created. Log in to your cPanel, and find the MySQL Databases link. Click that link and create a new database. Remember that whatever you call the database will actually have cncinfo_ put before it. Go to the installation for SMF Fill in all the information it wants (remembering to put cncinfo_ before whatever database name you created). The installation script creates the tables for you, but you need to have created the database (explained above). Yes, as long as you use the file manager in cPanel, or Net2FTP.
  4. Modulo is what most people know as "child's division". When you are first taught to divide, you are told to give an answer like "6 remainder 2". Modulo returns the remainder. As far as I can tell, you understand this operation, and what is actually outputted when you use modulo? What you don't understand is how it is being used in the counter. Lets go for an example. We'll start with value set to 0 and limit set to 7, OK? Good. Below I'll list what the code does and what output you'll get. Perhaps you'll spot the pattern and why it works: value = (0+1)%7 = 1%7 1/7 = 0 remainder 1 OUTPUT: 1 value = (1+1)%7 = 2%7 2/7 = 0 remainder 2 OUTPUT: 2 value = (2+1)%7 = 3%7 3/7 = 0 remainder 3 OUTPUT: 3 value = (3+1)%7 = 4%7 4/7 = 0 remainder 4 OUTPUT: 4 value = (4+1)%7 = 5%7 5/7 = 0 remainder 5 OUTPUT: 5 value = (5+1)%7 = 6%7 6/7 = 0 remainder 6 OUTPUT: 6 value = (6+1)%7 = 7%7 7/7 = 1 remainder 0 OUTPUT: 0 value = (0+1)%7 = 1%7 8/7 = 0 remainder 1 OUTPUT: 1 Continuing in an infinite loop... As value is increased each time, the number you are dividing by 7 also increases. As this happens, the remainder you get also increases. When you reach a number that is in the 7 times table, there is no remainder (as it divides exactly by 7) so the counter appears to reset to 0. This also resets 'value' to 0, and the sequence begins again. The lower number divided by a large number is shown in my example above. The large number goes into the small number 0 times, leaving a remainder equal to the small number.
  5. Progressive and interlaced are two ways to make the picture appear on your TV. This is easiest to explain with an example. Imagine an HDTV with a resolution of 720 lines. That number is the number of horizontal lines which make up the picture (i.e. the vertical resolution).In an interlaced system, for each frame, all the odd lines are drawn first, then the even ones, then the odds, then the evens... That can create a flickering effect if your eyes are sensitive enough, or if your TV is a bit slow and drawing each frame.A progressive system draws all the lines in order (1,2,3...) for each frame. This means that visible flicker is reduced, the picture appears smoother, and it has a perceptively higher resolution. The problem, however, is that you need to transmit more information faster to get the image to appear. This was therefore not possible until HDMI and component cables came about.
  6. $_GET is used to get information out of the address, which is passed to the PHP script. For example, look at the address for this topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53286-tricks-with-php-variables/ The ? indicates that PHP variables will follow. showtopic is the name of the variable, the = indicates its value is next, and 53286 is the value for that variable. You can access these variables with $_GET['variable_name']. So, in this example, in the PHP script you could use $_GET['showtopic'] to get the ID of a topic to look for. You could then use that value in a MySQL lookup to get the topic information. Yes. If you are not careful and have made glaring security mistakes with your code, then people can start inserting whatever code they like - thus allowing them to run JavaScript or other stuff. Generally, as long as you use the right functions to sanitise any inputs, you will be fine.
  7. An HTML document is just a text document. As long as you worked out all the HTML code beforehand, you could use PHP to put that into a file. You also have the advantage of being able to use loops, which are excellent for doing tables and lists - you only need to write the HTML code for one line, and PHP puts different data in, then repeats it.
  8. I am not sure. I know you can change your subdomain, but in your case you never had a subdomain to start with. Try using the Change Subdomain form at https://support.xisto.com/ and see if that works. If it doesn't then I don't think you can get a subdomain now. I can see your website just fine - so it would appear that this is something to do with your own PC. Make sure you clear your browser cache, and your router cache (if it has one). Make sure your firewall isn't blocking the site. Finally, if all that doesn't work, ring your ISP and ask them to see what is going wrong. You can change to another domain, but I do not think this is the problem. Before spending 15 credits, try the methods I mentioned above.
  9. The Netgear DG834G I have at the moment is probably the best one I have ever used. The wireless doesn't drop out, the signal is consistent across my house and all the features you could want are available in the browser-based admin panel. It was also one of the cheaper ones available at the time I bought it
  10. When you filled out the actual form to create your account (in the Xisto Manage Account pages) what address did you put in the box? You won't have been given a working Xisto subdomain if you filled that form in with the .uni.cc address. I can confirm that the .uni.cc domain shows your website. The Xisto subdomain shows the blue cPanel/WHM page. That leads me to think that when you filled the form out, you put the .uni.cc address in the box. Therefore you were never actually given a Xisto subdomain, and the Xisto subdomain will never work. Even if you make up a subdomain you'll get that success message. That Xisto subdomain does not exist, and therefore doesn't point to your website. There are no problems at all with your account.
  11. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  12. The style and design you have gone for is excellent. Like t3jem said, the positions of the photos needs a bit of fine tweaking to get them all looking their best. The panoramic picture could definitely be shown off a bit more. You could rotate the cityscape just a bit back towards horizontal, then move it into the empty space in the top left (under the text). The picture in the top right, of the mountain, has its central focus (the mountain) mostly covered up. You could rotate the waterfall the other way to reveal more of the mountain. Who knows - they're just my suggestions and I can't tell what they would look like.Most people would consider what you have done as finished, but as you say, you want perfection times a million, so I'd spend a bit of time repositioning the photos just to see if there is a better way to organise them. Depending on how easy it is, you could move all the photos off the canvas, and drag them back on. I've found that sometimes I work better with a 'clean canvas' than tweaking the design, and it can bring out ideas you never thought of.Again, absolutely brilliant work
  13. On a UNIX or Linux system the /tmp folder can be used to store anything, and is usually cleared when the system is rebooted, or when the directory gets full. On a server, you don't reboot too often, and if you let the directory fill up, it will just take up more and more of your hosting account. As Mich has quite rightly said, it seems to mainly be the statistics applications that are storing data there. There shouldn't really be a problem deleting the contents of that folder (as all applications should expect the contents of the /tmp directory to disappear at any moment) but your statistics might take a long time to load next time you look at them, and you might lose some older statistics. I still can't find the topic where we got an answer, but I'll keep looking.
  14. Your cPanel username is arkan, so the database name will be arkan_wordpress and not arkanu_wordpress.
  15. Yes, you do get 10GB of bandwidth per month, it's not an error :)The second package used to have, I think, 3GB of bandwidth, but that was increased. You've looked at an out-of-date page. If you let us know where that was, we'll get it changed.The MySQL disk usage, as far as I know, comes out of your overall space usage. So, for example, you're using 14.25MB, of which, 0.82MB is taken up by your MySQL database. Therefore the theoretical limit to the size of the databases is whatever free space you have left on your account.
  16. You need to log into cPanel and scroll down to the MySQL Databases section. In there create a new database with a name something like wordpress or blog. Then, go back to your configuration, and fill in the details. The DB_NAME is arkan_wordpress or arkan_blog, or basically arkan_whatever you called the database. The other three values you have set are correct. Let us know if that works.
  17. Yes, phpBB3 will run just fine on Xisto's hosting. I tried it out myself a while ago and it installed perfectly. Before you start, make sure you set up a database the forum can create all the tables in.
  18. From the Acronym Finder, it looks like you have 4 choices: Take your pick.
  19. Assuming it is a standard 2.5" laptop drive, and that there is nothing wrong with the drive, you should be able to take it out and put it in an external caddy. Then you can connect it to another computer via USB or IEEE1394 and read and write to it like a pen drive. Scan.co.uk sell loads of them - they're all pretty much the same. They're a box you can slot the drive into, with a USB/IEEE1394 cable coming out the back. Some also have a power pack. As for the cost of having it removed and placed in the caddy - you should be able to do it yourself. Have a look in the manual for your laptop, or a support website, for how to get the hard drive out. If you can't figure it out, take a photo of the bottom of your laptop, and I'll see if I can spot it. You should just need to unscrew the cover and remove the drive. Then you put it into the caddy and hook it up to another PC to backup all your files safely.
  20. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  21. No. You are free to post links to anything appropriate, legal and non-offensive. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the rules of the forum. It is up to the moderator what action should be taken - whether to post a note in your post, PM you, email you, give you a warning, remove the post, etc. As your post broke the rules of the forum, it was simply removed. If I had encountered your posts, I also would have moved them to the Spam section due to your excessive use of bad language. You have to understand that this forum is available to everyone on the Internet, and there are many younger members on this forum. I've already provided a link to the rules, but I'll highlight two for you: Your post broke those rules, and was therefore removed. If you read the rules, they actually say you are likely to get a warning for bad English, so you have in effect gotten off lightly here. If you continue to use bad language on the forums, you will receive a warning.
  22. As far as I know, the X is the Greek letter Chi (X or χ) and is often used as shorthand for Christ, especially in ancient official documents. They were signed with a capital Chi (X), to represent Christ, and then kissed. This is why X also stands for a kiss, and χ is often used as a signature, or to mark where a signature should be written. By using X-mas you are not omitting Christ, just abbreviating. It has been shortened throughout history anyway - it was originally called "Christ's mass" then "Christ-mass" then "Christmas".
  23. The two topics you posted regarding Meshbox were moved to the Spam section of the forum, and therefore disappeared from public view. I was not the one who moved those topics, so I can't give you exact reasons why they were moved. However, the most likely reason is that you breached a rule in the Readme or Board Rules.
  24. Aside from the obvious (Linux hosting runs a Linux-based OS (often Debian), while a Windows host usually runs a Windows Server version), there are differences in the features you get too. Both should offer PHP, MySQL and all that stuff, and you will usually find they both run Apache as their web server. However, if you want to use ASP, you will need to go for Windows hosting. There are Linux 'ports' of it that claim to work, but as far as I know they are not really that good at the moment.The advantage of a Linux server is that you get better security and reliability compared to a Windows server. You will also find a lot more of the advanced features on Linux hosting, that aren't available on Windows hosting.
  25. You need to add this line to the top of your PHP file, to tell the browser to treat the output as an image: header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); You can also change jpeg to another image type, if you generate a different image type.
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