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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  2. Well, it is and it isn't the Content Include section. //----------------------------------// Content Include//----------------------------------$default = "news";if($cont == "") {$cont = $default;}elseif(isset($cont)) {$cont = $cont;} The first if statement will always return true as you never make $cont equal to anything. I assume you want to pull the variable $cont out of the URL. Therefore, before that section, you need the following line: $cont = $_GET['cont'];
  3. Stepping through the code, I think this line is your problem: if(!isset($page)) If $page is not set then display the content. Otherwise (so if it is set) display an error. I think the code is working perfectly, you've just got the condition the wrong way round Take the exclamation mark out from before the isset function and it should work.
  4. As far as I remember, No-IP give you the option of a sub-domain ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ). You can then use that in the same way that you would use your IP address.
  5. The .htaccess file in the Wordpress directory should have the following in it: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /wordpress/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /wordpress/index.php [L]</IfModule> That tells Apache (the web server) how to turn those nice links into real working links behind the scenes. If that isn't in your .htaccess file then Apache will literally look for those folders, which we have established do not (and will never) exist. Wordpress should have created and added that to the .htaccess file itself automatically. If it didn't then create a file called .htaccess and copy that code into it. Save it and it should work. EDIT: I forgot to mention that that code example relies on Wordpress being in a subdirectory of your public_www folder called wordpress. If you have Wordpress installed in another folder then change each reference to /wordpress with the name of the folder (like /blog). With your site it seems you have Wordpress in a folder called blog. So, in the blog folder, create a file called .htaccess. Inside that file, put the following code: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /blog/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</IfModule>
  6. Don't use the video cameras on phones or digital cameras - it won't come out very well at all. Like other people have suggested, eBay and other auction sites are good for looking for a second hand digital camera. Just make sure you get one with a digital output (USB, IEEE 1394, etc.) so you can take it onto the computer at full quality. There is always the possibility of hiring a camera if you want. However, that can get expensive if you are not doing the filming in one block over a few days. As for editing software, there are some free ones out there. Cinelerra is my favourite, and it works very well. If you're a Mac user then iMovie is OK. Just remember that you will need a fairly powerful PC to handle the editing smoothly.
  7. As S_M said, most forums have an option in the administration panel to change the upload limit. It really depends on which forum software you are using as to where that option may be hidden. Most of the time it'll be either in General Settings somewhere or will be defined in permissions and user groups. Take a poke around and you'll find it somewhere.
  8. I think the reason is that you are using the search engine friendly links. If you take a look at the structure of your blog, you will see there is no folder called 'about', yet a link points to blog/about/. This is because you need a .htaccess file to point people in the right direction. You might want to check out Using Permalinks and Pretty Permalinks for more information. If you need to, you can turn off pretty permalinks and go back to the default setting.
  9. Off the top of my head it's in Display Properties (right click the Desktop, Properties). Go into the Advanced dialogue (the one with the preview of a variety of windows at the top, can't remember exactly what it's called). Select Icon from the Item drop down list and set the size in pixels using the spinner. EDIT: Images from Google are so much better at describing what I mean
  10. I can't see a massive difference between security and anti-virus software. To me it would make sense to have them in the same category, unless there is some glaring difference I have missed? Otherwise I think the others would be popular and would help to organise things a bit more. I was just thinking the exact same thing Linux and Mac have started to be discussed more and it would make sense to separate the topics. All too often topics make no mention of what operating system they are talking about so this would certainly help. Again, I can certainly see those sections working out and helping organise the topics we have. Just my thoughts but I'd say they're pretty good suggestions.
  11. And indeed you are All that really matters when it comes to graphical power is the hardware. No matter which operating system you use, that hardware remains the same. Windows and Mac have the commercial software available, but you can get the same power graphics editing wise from The GIMP. There are also various other image, animation and video editors out there you can take a look at.
  12. Flat files are only really good for lists, and not a lot else. Like you say, coding them to act as databases, even in a very primitive way, takes time and effort to get right. Personally I would use a database such as SQLite for anything small scale that requires anything more than a list of single word terms to be stored.Once you learn how to effectively use databases there are all sorts of SQL commands and the like that you can use to simplify a variety of things you would usually have to code manually if you used flat files.
  13. I use wireless on both desktops and laptops and there is obviously no difference. Wireless was an obvious option for the desktop in my house due to the fact it gets moved around a lot, and is always quite a long way from the router. Cabling would have required ripping up carpets, floorboards and ceilings, or going all the way through my house, which would cost a lot more than a wireless card. There is absolutely no problem using wireless. However, with that said, a wired connection is better. The only way anyone will be able to gain unauthorised access to a wireless connection is if the owner hasn't read the manual that came with the router. WPA-PSK2 is very secure and available on all modern hardware. Then you can enable MAC address locking - only devices on a list of approved MAC addresses will be able to connect. Finally, enable wireless isolation. That separates the wireless devices from the wired devices, adding that extra level of security. As for the health issue - no-one knows. However, with all the radio waves flying around from mobile phones, GPS systems and the like, it's not exactly going to make a vast difference adding a wireless router. Remember you can always switch off the wireless when you are not using it. For example, during the day if no-one is at home, or at night if you're all asleep. That adds security and reduces any health risks (if they exist).
  14. As your hosting has been set up to use your domain, you will need to log in to your domain control panel (this is with your domain registrar, which appears to be GoDaddy in your case) and change the name servers to point to Xisto. The nameservers you need are: ns1.trap17.com ns2.trap17.com
  15. I'm using 1280x800 on my laptop, mainly because that is the native resolution for the screen. It's great for watching videos and stuff like that. On some websites though, if they use 100% of the width of the page and a really small font, it can makes the lines ridiculously long.
  16. The domain name you appear to have used, omarali.us is already in use by someone else. So, you won't be able to use that to get to your hosting. BuffaloHELP has provided the correct address to log in to cPanel: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have just checked it and was able to log in to my account, so it works. If you still can't access it using that address then it is possible it is a problem with your browser settings or something similar. The reason your credits dropped from 38 to 1.45 is because your credits are reset when you accept a hosting account. No matter how many credits you had, you will always be given around 2 credits after you become hosted.
  17. I looked into this a while ago and found that there are some Linux games out there that are worth playing! OpenArena is one of my favourites at the moment, Warzone 2100 is also quite good. If you look hard enough you will find a few good games out there. Now, for running Windows games (I assume thats what you mean by "popular") you can use WINE. It certainly doesn't work for all games and applications, but quite a few will work well. I was quite surprised by the number of new games that worked when I first looked through their database.
  18. No real tricks are needed - clicking a menu item at login lets you switch between window managers. Windows gives me a choice of 9x style or XP style, or to buy an extra piece of random software to get my PC to look how I want it to. Why should I pay extra? To run a command as root I type sudo command or su command. My parents, who are not exactly tech-savvy, can do that. With Windows I have to stop what I'm doing, save, quit, log out, turn the PC off, reboot while holding F2, select "Safe Mode with Networking" from a text menu, and wait to be logged in. And even after all that I still don't have full true control! Installing a driver on Linux is 4 clicks of a mouse button (sometimes even less now). Installing a driver on Windows requires CDs, manuals and all sorts of stuff.For the record, across 4 PCs I have installed Linux on (that I use) I have never had a problem with sound or graphics. The most I had to do was install a package to get widescreen resolutions on my laptop - but that is well documented and supported. Windows requires a myriad of CDs for both sound and graphics. I found this, along with the usual Sourceforge stuff and free design apps. I am the only person that uses my laptop. However there is a desktop in my house running Linux that is used by the entire family. They all say it is easier to use than Windows, looks better and is faster, along with a load of other positive comments.
  19. Personally I would boost the RAM up to 4GB. Its dropped alarmingly recently down to around Ł30 for 2GB. Especially if you are gaming and running Vista, the more RAM you have the better. I think that motherboard supports at least 4GB (check though) so go for it if you can afford it. Go for the NEC Optiarc rather than the Lightscribe. Lightscribe always seemed like a waste of money to me and the NEC drive is the best you will find. By the looks of it you could generate quite a bit of heat in there. See if you can find a review for that case and check what the airflow is like. Also, if it gets to be an issue, you could always pick up a fan or two (120mm are only a couple of quid each) and fit them to your case. Finally, check out Novatech, Scan and OCUK for your components. It might be cheaper to get them from multiple places, but remember to check if you are going to get charged for delivery. Good luck building your PC and feel free to ask for help/guidance.
  20. Unlike on Windows, Linux allows you to totally change the GUI. Gnome, KDE and XFCE are all popular window managers that control what everything looks like, You can then completely customise those further, to make everything look exactly as you want it. Surely all this control is better than Windows' choice of blue, silver or green? There is nothing stopping you granting yourself root privileges. However, if you give yourself root access then you have full power to screw everything up. Every file that controls the fundamentals of the operating system is suddenly open to you. Believe me, you will at some point do something wrong, and having root access at the time will make that cataclysmic. The other main reason you don't get root access from the start is to protect you from yourself. It sets boundaries (all your stuff goes in home - don't litter the rest of the drive with it ) and makes you think about what you are doing when you have to switch to root to run a command. Like everything in Linux - if you don't like it, download a different one. There are loads of different file managers out there, usually tied to a certain window manager. I have KDE and currently have two file explorers installed - Konqueror and Dolphin. Of what - applications or the whole system? The system boot is certainly much faster with Linux than Windows. My laptop takes 30 seconds from me pushing the power button to me seeing my desktop, and 10 seconds of that is GRUB giving me the option of booting to a different OS. If I boot into Windows, I can be sat here for 5 minutes. Applications load just as fast, if not faster, with Linux in my experience. Even running applications under WINE I don't notice a performance drop. Hardware or software? Software is easy - pretty much every Linux app lets you import and export proprietary formats like Microsoft Office. Problem solved. Hardware is a little more tricky. However, it is really down to the hardware manufacturers to come up with the drivers. They provide them for Windows, occasionally for Mac and pretty much never for Linux. There are community drivers out there and most things now are plug and play (my mouse, camera and scanner all requested drivers in Windows, but in Linux they are plug and play). If people keep pressurising the hardware vendors then maybe they will see sense and write Linux and Mac drivers. Specific software is always a problem for people. There are free alternatives though, that will usually read and write the same formats. Run a search and take a look - someone else will have had the same problem and come up with the software to solve it. The GIMP, I must admit, is rubbish, but it is improving. I also heard they are doing a complete UI overhaul. Finally! Last time I checked there was one of those on Windows - but very few people ever use it. I use the command line on Linux quite a bit, but only because it is usually faster for repetitive tasks than clicking around a GUI. Everything you want to do with the command line is well documented and is easy after a while.
  21. Inside the present? Its a new server for you Well, I couldn't afford a fancy new one
  22. Happy Birthday OpaQue! All the best, and enjoy the day Serverph may have got a team of water-skiers but I have found a mouse holding a small sign Surely that beats water-skiers? Oh, and of course you need a present: Enjoy!
  23. If it can't find a case to match the value in the variable, it will display everything in the default section. So, with the example above, if $variable is not equal to forum then the default case is displayed.Personally I would put the default case last. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but it seems to be pretty much standard, unless you are using the fall-through method.
  24. If you want to sign up for Qupis, use the link below: http://forums.xisto.com/qupis/free-web-hosting-sign-up.htm
  25. As far as I know that forum cannot be seen by guests, search spiders or anything like that. It is only visible to members who are logged in. As Saint_Michael has said, you can remove your email address afterwards if you are that concerned, but I don't think its an issue. My hosting application has been there for ages and I haven't received any spam because of it.
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