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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. rvalkass


    We remove any referral links that we see, often replacing them with a generic link to the site, or removing the link or even whole post completely. We would greatly appreciate it if you would report any referral links you see to us using the Report button located beneath each post. Just click that and tell us the post contains a referral link. Normal links (something like http://www.example.com/ ) are usually fine, but referral links (something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) are not allowed. (NB: That's not a real referral link )
  2. I think it actually resets to something nearer 2 (I'm not quite sure). But yes, regardless of how many credits you have you will always get reset to that amount. Even with 31 you will get reset to the default amount (somewhere around 2 or 4).
  3. Well it certainly rains enough in the UK to make it viable I suppose it all comes down to cost and space. As the article mentions, solar and photovoltaic cells are currently harvesting more energy per square metre than the raindrop device would. However, combining the two, if possible, would be great. That way a lot of energy could be collected during the (brief) sunny periods, and a steady trickle supplied during rainfall. The water could also obviously be collected in a water butt, as many people already do. It would also effectively reduce the cost of solar panels, as they would be collecting more energy and therefore saving more money on electricity bills every year.However, if it is too expensive or ugly then people will not use it, simple as that.
  4. ike.imbibe.in is currently giving me a permissions error. Check what directory you have set as it's base directory and check what the permissions are on it. Remember, it needs to be readable by everyone and in the public_html directory.As for ramansingla.info, you appear to have both nameservers correctly set up, but in the wrong order. You've got NS2 before NS: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ whois ramansingla.infoDomain ID:D18008538-LRMSDomain Name:RAMANSINGLA.INFOCreated On:24-May-2007 10:07:50 UTCLast Updated On:25-Jan-2008 12:36:28 UTCExpiration Date:24-May-2008 10:07:50 UTCSponsoring Registrar:GoDaddy.com Inc. (R171-LRMS)Status:OK< Lots of contact info... >Name Server:NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COMName Server:NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM
  5. If you log into the account management page, you should see an option to change your domain name. This will remove your subdomain and replace it with whatever domain you tell it to use (as long as you have set the correct DNS on the domain). All your files, cPanel login, CHMODing and databases will stay exactly the same. Your FTP server will change however, from ftp.username.trap17.com to ftp.newdomain.com (or whatever TLD you chose). I believe it will cost 15 credits to change your domain name though, so make sure you've got some saved up.
  6. Linux is miles ahead of Windows when you consider what they have achieved in a fairly short space of time for each of the major distributions. When you also consider that it is free (in both senses of the word) then it is even more appealing! My parents also agree that Linux (Kubuntu is the distro they're using) is a lot easier than Windows, a lot more stable, and a load of other great things. The only possible advantage of Windows over Linux is that game developers are obsessed with Windows for some weird reason, but Wine is making sure you can run Windows software in Linux. I wouldn't even call it that Bring back 3.11 For Workgroups any day!
  7. Ah, OK. I have looked all through cPanel and can find no way to edit the CNAME records or anything like that. All I found was a way to change the MX Records, which I am sure you are aware of anyway. Looking into the documentation it appears that DNS records and things like that can only be edited by the server admins. Fire off a request to support and I'm sure they'll be happy to change it for you. https://support.xisto.com/
  8. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  9. Any problems in particular (i.e. is there any particular part you are stuck with) or do you just want a detailed guide to the whole process? I assume, at the moment, you have a collection of HTML files which you wish to put on the Internet? If so then the next thing you need is some way to transfer those files to your hosting account. You have a variety of choices: FTP Software cPanel's File Manager Net2FTP There is a guide to using FileZilla, and one for using WS_FTP. Mama_soap has written a brilliant guide which covers using cPanel and FTP software. Just click on 3. Getting Started [Trap] on the right hand side.
  10. BuffaloHELP provided a handy guide to getting Google Apps working. It was written a little while ago, so some of the wording may have changed slightly, but the principles should be exactly the same. I don't use Google Apps, so I've no idea if it works, but give it a go Let us know if you're successful in getting it working.
  11. .maintitle { vertical-align: middle;font-weight: bold;padding: 8px 0px 8px 5px;color: #EEEEEE;background-color: #868B96;background-image: url(style_images/Dark Zone Standard Buttons/tile_back.gif); } I believe you need single quotes around the URL, otherwise the spaces break the URL: .maintitle { vertical-align: middle;font-weight: bold;padding: 8px 0px 8px 5px;color: #EEEEEE;background-color: #868B96;background-image: url('style_images/Dark Zone Standard Buttons/tile_back.gif'); } If that doesn't work then try replacing the spaces with their code equivalent: .maintitle { vertical-align: middle;font-weight: bold;padding: 8px 0px 8px 5px;color: #EEEEEE;background-color: #868B96;background-image: url(style_images/Dark%20Zone%20Standard%20Buttons/tile_back.gif); }
  12. Firefox, if you're just talking or writing about it, is usually abbreviated to FF. Of course, that is no good if you want to detect it using PHP or another scripting language. For me, the user agent appears as: If you specifically want Firefox, then the word "Firefox" is a pretty big clue As jlhaslip has said, "Mozilla" can be used to detect any sort of Mozilla-based browser.
  13. I'm sure there were a few tutorials/guides written, but I can't find them at the moment. I'll point you in the right direction if I find them. In the mean time, this should get you up and running designing your site. You'll need some software to make your website. If you're new to all this then you are probably best starting with a WYSIWYG editor. There are plenty of these around, many available for free. Some you may want to look into: Dreamweaver - Very expensive KompoZer - Free Nvu - Free You can also use a plain text editor (like Notepad or Kate) to type the raw HTML code. This, of course, requires that you learn HTML. W3Schools is a great place to do that and is highly recommended. After a while you will want more control than your editor offers, and the only way to get that is to type the code yourself. Once you have made your website, you'll need to transfer it to the world wide web. To do this you will need some sort of FTP software. The FileZilla Client is fairly popular and free. When you signed up for your hosting account you were given all the FTP data and told to save it. Find that and you will get all the information to connect to your account. Put that into FileZilla and wait for your account to load. Open the public_html folder and copy all of your files into there. There you go - your pages are available on the Internet. That was not a particularly complete or easy-to-follow guide to creating your website, more a rough overview. Feel free to ask for any more information or advice, and I'll keep looking for the detailed guides that I'm sure exist around here somewhere
  14. I firmly believe that very few members come to this forum with the intent of spelling words incorrectly. Indeed I feel their lexicographical style has been picked up from other forums around the Internet. Xisto is special in that it demands a slightly higher level of quality than most websites and forums. When members are new to Xisto they assume that it is just the same as everywhere else. It is often clear to see by looking at a member's posts over time that they change their style to match that of the other members. If a member consistently posts poor quality posts then they will most likely be referred to the rules and told to post with better quality, although this is up to the staff member. I shall draw your gaze in the direction of the following text, located at the bottom of the rules: At no point is it stated that the various punishments are set in stone. When I was a member, and during my time as a moderator, I have always taken that to mean that staff members are permitted a degree of discretion over what to do when a rule is broken. There are cases where it is obvious what should be done, but in many cases it is not clear-cut and moderators need to make tough decisions about what to do. You must, however, admit that it is not a particularly warm welcome to receive a warning from a staff member concerning your posts. Someone who has been here as long as yourself will be aware of the rules, but it takes time for a new member to learn the customs of the forum. I agree that a certain level of lingual quality should be maintained, and we endeavour to uphold this level of quality. The majority of forums on the Internet accept a much lower standard of spelling and grammar than Xisto. People take offense at being told what to do when all they are doing is exactly what they have done on every other forum. At a risk of repeating myself - Xisto is different to most forums and it takes time for new members to adapt to the rules and customs of this particular forum, just like any other. I quite agree. I feel that it is required to bring the standard of English used in the forums up to an "acceptable" standard, but to take all posts up to the standard of grammar and effort people put into a CV or graduate thesis, for example, would take far too long and be of very little benefit. If a post is readable and generally correct, I see no reason why it should be touched, or the member warned. Ah, we only blame you Americans for dropping the letter U and getting the E and R the wrong way around
  15. I assume you want a review of this site? If so... There are too many adverts. End of story. If I encountered a website with that many adverts I would immediately leave. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but I'm trying to give you an honest opinion The Google ads blend in too much with the text, so it is not instantly clear which parts are adverts and which are content. This leads to confusion among your visitors. Separate the ads from the main text and make them appear slightly different. Yes, it is nice to have the ads match your site, but here they match too well, and it looks like you are trying to trick users into clicking them. Whether this was your intention or not, it's the wrong thing to do. The second thing I noticed was the mouseover effect on links. There appears to be a small bug with it. When I mouse over a link, the entire text of the page jumps down a few pixels, and some whitespace is added to the bottom of the page. I don't see a reason for using that script rather than the default mouseover provided by the browser. Unless you can fix the bug, I'd remove the script. When I click the Free Flash Clocks link at the top of the page, I expected to see a page filled with clocks, but instead I am presented with a page of text, and have to click another link to see one clock at a time. I would make that item on the navigation bring up a page containing 5-10 clocks, and let me go through pages of them. When I find one I like I should then be able to get the code needed. On the Newsletter page, I see no reason for the form to be a Flash applet. It was initially blocked by Firefox, and there appears to be a bug with the drop-down menu (see attached image). The same goes for the Contact form. There is no need for Flash, and it just slows down page loading. When I click the Advertise link in the navigation, it does nothing apart from make the Navigation disappear. I then have to refresh the entire site to get the navigation back. Again, possibly a bug you need to look into. Like Saint_Michael said, your site fails validation. That means it won't look the same in all browsers, and will not be understood correctly by scripts such as search engines. Fix the errors listed there.
  16. Two of the four computers in my house run Linux. The first was my laptop, which I put Kubuntu on. I switched mainly because I wanted to see what Linux was all about, and I liked the idea of everything being free, in both senses of the word. I pretty much stuck with Kubuntu until 7.10 came out, which failed miserably to upgrade, so I replaced it with the KDE version of Linux Mint. It's based on Ubuntu, but has some different packages available and a few bugfixes.The second computer is an ancient desktop (around 8 years old now) that recently had the hard disc die. As I didn't have a Windows CD to hand, and didn't feel like buying one, I put Kubuntu on there. That computer is used mainly by my parents, and they say that it is much easier to use than XP, runs much faster, looks much better, and the software is a lot more stable. They are not computer-literate at all. Things they wouldn't have had a hope of doing in XP (ripping audio CDs, downloading updates, even installing new software) they can now do with ease.
  17. If you spot a post that is badly written then please Report it using the Report button below the post. This alerts all of the staff members so it will be dealt with quicker than waiting for one of us to find it. Like you say, it is in the rules, and enforcing that rule makes sure that the forums contain high quality, readable posts.Personally I correct posts I find that are written "in txt spk - lk dis" or use unnecessary abbreviations, such as "u" or "r" instead of "you" or "are". I've also corrected a few posts that contained hundreds of exclamation marks and smilies.
  18. The design is good, but there are quite a few little bugs that need to be ironed out. First, the member login box is slightly wider than anything else for some reason. It's only a few pixels out, but it makes the background repeat and looks a little odd. The shoutbox does a similar sort of thing - the scrollable box sticks out past the width of the column down the left hand side. The background image also repeats, putting a random border through the middle of the shoutbox every so often (see the picture for an example). The slight horizontal scrolling of the entire page is also slightly annoying, especially when it isn't actually scrolling anywhere. Last, but by no means least - my scrollbars! Not only have you decided you want to change how my browser looks, but you've made them black buttons with black symbols against a black background - you can't see them! Personally I would take out the code that is setting the scrollbar colours completely. It serves only to annoy people - they don't expect the GUI of their operating system to match the design of your website.
  19. I think scp would do the job. It uses SSH to transfer the data, so is pretty secure.
  20. Finally Apple appears to have grown out of the idea of calling everything an iProduct! The name still makes very little sense, but at least it doesn't begin with 'i' and have capitalisation in the middle. I watched Apple's video introduction to the Air this morning. To me, there are some design and usability decisions they have made that just seem ludicrous. For example, just having one USB port. That's fine if you are always on the move, but I have lots of USB devices that I have plugged in pretty much permanently, and it would be annoying having to switch between my printer, scanner, mouse, etc. On the iBook, the slot-loading optical drive was a great move, but removing it altogether just seems stupid. Yes, there may come a point when optical drives go the way of the floppy drive, but that point is not now! The lack of an ethernet port is also a startlingly weird move. It's not as if ethernet is no longer used, or that wireless connections have caught up in terms of speed, reliability, security and ease of use. I dread to think what went on in the meetings to result in these major defects. Also, they are doing nothing to brush off the "ridiculously expensive" label that Apple have always had over any other product. The base prices are Ł1,200 or just over Ł2,000! With hardware prices spiraling downwards, the last thing Apple needs to do is throw a Ł2,000 base price laptop into the market. Don't you mean the biggest advantage is that it doesn't have Windows? I have never been a great fan of the Apple OS, and the hardware/design choices they made here are just frightfully bad.
  21. Check the power lead to the monitor and make sure it is actually getting power. Check the lead connecting the monitor to the PC and make sure that it is firmly connected at both ends. If there is still nothing then try swapping parts around. Take the monitor to a different PC and see if it works. If it doesn't then the monitor is broken. Try a different monitor with your PC and see if that works.The problem may also be the graphics card. Take it out and swap it if you can, just to see if it's causing the problem. If you've got onboard graphics too then take the graphics card out and see if the onboard graphics work.If you're on a laptop, there is often a key combination to blank the screen, and another to switch outputs (often Fn+F6 and Fn+F5 respectively). Try those and see if it works.
  22. FrontPage generates possibly the worst code ever seen. It never validates and has so much proprietary Microsoft stuff in it that you instantly lose the visitors using your site with Firefox, Safari, Konqueror, Opera or any browser that isn't Internet Explorer. Photoshop and Dreamweaver aren't quite so bad, so long as you set them up correctly, but the code they come out with still isn't too great (tables for layout, for example ). At the moment, I use Kate and Eclipse for all my web designing. Kate is great for quickly editing something or making one or two pages. Eclipse has brilliant syntax highlighting, indentation, source code management and a whole host of other features that make it great for anything bigger than a couple of pages.
  23. You want to read the RSS feed from another website and put it on yours, yes? You'll need some way to parse the XML file that makes up the RSS feed. One of the easiest ways I've found to do this is to use the Zend Framework, and more specifically the Feed Component. Of course, downloading and then uploading the Zend Framework can take a bit of time (although it is incredibly useful for loads of different things), so there is another method you can use. PHP has a collection of XML-parsing functions available. Of course, this means more manual work than using the Zend Framework. There is also a section called XMLReader which may be useful. You will need to know the format of the feed, and manually work your way through all the meta-data before moving on to the actual news items, then working through those. I don't have any code to hand, but it should be pretty easy to work out while looking at an example RSS 2.0 file to get the structure right. You'll need to get the title, link, description, etc. so people know where this feed is coming from. Then you will need to loop through each item and pull out the title, link, description and main content.
  24. That's not the official Microsoft site. They've copied the theme, but they've got a Paypal donations button! What you are looking for is access to the API. This use to be freely available to anyone, but I believe Microsoft then tightened it up so only a few sources could use it. The simplest way to get the data that I have found, is to use the following link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Obviously, replace Gamertag+Here with the gamertag of the person you want information about. A + is used instead of a space, by the way. That will return an XML file that contains all sorts of useful information about that gamertag. It is then up to you to sort through it, decide what you want to keep, and work out a way of displaying it. To make life easier, I suggest using something like PHP and the Zend Framework to manage all the XML stuff.
  25. As has been explained, a Doc Type Declaration is vital for your site to appear correctly in browsers.Pretty much all search engines now ignore keyword and description meta tags. People started to fill them up with useless keywords, they wouldn't get updated and they were generally unreliable. Letting the owner of a site decide which search terms would bring their page up (regardless of relevance) was a bad idea once Internet advertising was introduced.Now, most search engines work by looking at the content and context of your page (for example, the word Java could be coffee, programming or geography related) along with which sites link to yours, and with what link text.Search engines never stopped looking for meta tags completely. However, between 1998 and 2002, search engines dropped support for the keyword meta tag, relying only on content and links from then on. They do, however, have to take notice of some meta tags. The robots attribute especially needs attention from search engines, along with http-equiv headers, often used for redirects.
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