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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. KompoZer is quite good, although doesn't have any image editing capabilities. It is also completely free and runs on pretty much any operating system. The GIMP is a brilliant image editing and authoring application, but doesn't really do any web editing. It has a large amount of the power of Photoshop but with absolutely none of the cost. Combine the two and you've got a pretty good package. I never really liked Photoshop's web output anyway - tables for layout, and if you told it to use divs and CSS it just went over the top and produced code that only worked in IE.
  2. There are quite a few distributions that are suitable for people who are just starting out in Linux and want something that "just works". I'll give you a quick summary of each of the ones I'd suggest below. openSuse - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Based on the commercial Suse distribution, used by quite a few businesses and servers. You get quite a bit of choice over what to install when you come to set it up (such as the desktop environment and what software you want to install) so it will do exactly what you want. You also get a large repository of software you can download and install in a couple of clicks. There is a large amount of support from the community, and it is very stable due to its links with the Enterprise version of Suse. If you want to try it out first, you can download a Live CD, which lets you see what the OS is like before you download the install CD or DVD and install it. Ubuntu - https://www.ubuntu.com/ Developed by the community and supported by Canonical, Ubuntu is one of the most popular distributions out there. You get a large range of software installed by default, and loads more available through the repositories, where you can download and install new software with a few clicks. The community is very strong and helpful, but documented support and guides are a little patchy. You only get the Gnome window manager with Ubuntu - no choice, unlike openSuse. However, one CD acts as both the Live CD and the install CD, which saves on your download time. Kubuntu - http://www.kubuntu.org/ Kubuntu is the same as Ubuntu but with a KDE interface rather than Gnome. It has always been claimed that Ubuntu and Kubuntu are treated as equals, unlike the popular opinion that Ubuntu is the "main" version, and everything else is below it. However, recent developments have lead me to believe otherwise, as Ubuntu has steamed ahead of Kubuntu and left it behind. Also, the next version of Kubuntu is not being supported for anything near as long as the next version of Ubuntu. On the other hand, these issues may not matter to you at all. Fedora - https://getfedora.org/ Fedora is regarded as a very stable, very reliable distribution with good hardware support and excellent documentation. However, it is not necessarily the most user friendly to start with. Sometimes I think this is better - you get to know more of the Linux-y words and ways of doing things rather than being mollycoddled throughout the whole experience with something like Ubuntu. Fedora provides separate KDE and Gnome Live CDs to try it out first, then a general install DVD where you can pick exactly what software you want installed (including the window manager) so you have exactly what you need right from the off. You can also take a short quiz which will come up with distributions that meet your needs. I've found it to be quite reliable and it is very quick to do. If you've got any other questions then I'll do my best to help you.
  3. You are correct. The new nameservers are: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM
  4. A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together so that, overall, there is a neutral charge on the group. Examples of molecules include H2O, HCN, H2SO4 or C2H5OH. Each of those examples is made from atoms that are bonded together to form a molecule. You will also find that each of those molecules has a particular shape, a certain size and particular angles between each of the bonds. In a liquid or gas these molecules can move pretty much where they want. However, in a solid, these molecules are fixed in position. You will often find that a substance's molecules will fall into a fixed regular pattern when solidified. This is the lattice. For example, table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) forms an ionic lattice when in solid form. The Na+ and Cl- ions fit into a regular shape and pattern. A good example of the importance of whether a substance forms a lattice, and what sort it forms, is carbon. Diamond - very expensive and quite pretty, and graphite - dull and ugly, are both exactly the same substance: pure carbon. What differs is the way the carbon atoms are arranged. In diamond they form a lattice structure, which is very strong and durable. In graphite, they form layers which flake off easily (hence why its used in pencils).
  5. It's quite a popular idea in children's books and TV shows, and I think a lot of people quite like the idea. Mirrors seem quite magical and mystical until you understand how they work. There are many scientific theories about dimensions we cannot see. For example, there are theories about cylindrical dimensions (as opposed to our linear dimensions, including time) which could hold extra particles we don't know exist. However, as far as I know, none of those theories have anything to do with mirrors. Like OpaQue said, you are most likely thinking of parallel universes rather than alternate dimensions. There are theories that state that, at every single point in time there are many universes covering every single particle in every possible location and state. That is a colossal number of universes for each single moment in time. It just so happens that we go through the apparently logical route, It would be entirely possible, yet rather improbable, that, as you crossed the road in New York, for example, you could turn into a pomegranate and end up in the River Thames. As every possible option would exist simultaneously, that would include a universe where everything was exactly mirrored - where every particle was apparently swapped into a mirrored position.
  6. That is what I was getting at - import the data into a database with a bigger limit, so you don't lose any data but still get an increase in space. Large websites have their own separate, dedicated web servers and database servers. This means you are effectively limited by the size of the hard drive you put in the machine.
  7. No, you can't "overflow" from one database into another. However, you can export the existing database and then import that data into a new database. This allows you to keep your data and expand the size of your database. Use something like PHPMyAdmin to export the .SQL file, then go to your new database and import that file. Usually it's one of two reasons: Firstly, most hosts do not limit the size of the database, except to the size of your hosting account. For example, if you have 500MB of space, that may include both files and database data. The other option is that the database space limit is so low it would put people off, so they just don't mention it Unfortunately I can't help you here. I'm not exactly sure how much space a forum of that size would take up. It varies massively between companies, and it is often best to check with their sales department if they do not specifically mention the database size on their website or in their literature.
  8. I can't see exactly why the error is occurring, but it is unlikely to be down to your hosting account. I'd suggest reinstalling Wordpress completely from scratch (as long as you haven't actually done too much to it) to see if that helps. If not, I'd go over to the Wordpress website and ask the developers for help - perhaps you have found a bug they need to know about. Tell them the version of PHP and MySQL being used (check in cPanel) and explain what's happening. They will most likely be able to provide more specific information.
  9. The variable $string is created outside of the function conToStr(). This means that conToStr() cannot actually access that variable. I assume this is where you are getting some errors. You'd need to either make that variable global, define it within the function, or pass it to the function as an argument. Secondly, the for loop inside conToStr() will run endlessly, hence the fatal error. You want it to stop when $a reaches 10, yet you are increasing the variable $i. Not only does $i not exist (so you can't increment it), but $a is never actually increasing, so the loop never ends. PHP aborts it after 30 seconds of going in an infinite loop. This section... //Create rand number loop for array sections and insert rand num into array.for ($i=0; $i<=9; $i++) { //Start rand function $string[$i] = rand(0,35);} ...is pointless. You never use the variable $string, so putting 10 random numbers in it is a waste of time - they never actually get used as they are not passed to the function. The key point is that the function can only use variables that are... Globals Defined within the function itself Passed to the function as arguments
  10. Well I can't see anything negative in the new standards. Everything seems far more logical and fitting to how the web is used today, such as the introduction of the various media control elements. The new selection of elements for defining which parts of your page are actual content, which are navigation and things like that is also a great move. The bad news for users of FrontPage and other poorly-designed HTML creation software, I suppose, is the removal of tags like font (although they say it will still be allowed ), center and things like that. Everything that should be done with CSS. Frames making a well deserved disappearance is also a relief. Now that CSS can easily lay things out in the way most people used frames, and SSI can be used for repeated menus in static pages, there is really no need for frames. Good riddance to bad rubbish Dream on...
  11. If I remember correctly, #10061 is a connection refused error. However, the title is slightly misleading. The most common cause is the connection never actually being made, most likely due to a firewall or router stopping connections. If you have a firewall or router, make sure they allow traffic to travel freely between your computer and the Internet on ports 25 (SMTP), 110 (POP3) and 143 (IMAP).
  12. That depends on what you've deleted, but it is very likely you'll need to terminate your hosting and reapply. I would wait and see if the admins have any solutions, but unfortunately I think terminating and reapplying is the only solution.
  13. Go into the KDE Control Centre, go into the Desktop part and finally select Window Behaviour. In the drop down at the top, labelled Policy: change it to Click to Focus. I tried Beryl ages ago, and decided to scrap it due to a major bug. My laptop has an integrated Intel graphics chip, and Beryl doesn't play nice with it. After I booted up, Beryl would convert every window to a white square and take away all control. I had to manually switch to the default KDE desktop to log in, which defeated the point of Beryl I do have Beryl installed on here (been through a few OS upgrades since) and it does seem to work, but until I can be sure that my graphics are supported, I won't use it. Compiz Fusion, however, (the merging of Compiz and Beryl once again) looks like it will have much better stability and hardware support, while keeping the cooler effects of Beryl - the best of both worlds!
  14. If you've got an idea about an existing product then most companies will be very happy to hear from you. They all want to make the best products and feedback from a real user is a great way for them to make sure their products are doing the best they can. If you have a feature request, an idea, or a little annoyance you want fixed, no matter how small your suggestion, they will be very grateful for it.If you have an idea for a new product, they will also most likely be very interested, but be aware. If you give them an idea for a new product, they will attempt to patent it and claim rights over it. Then they are free to produce it and do what they like without paying you a penny. If you really have a good idea for a product then you are likely better off contacting a lawyer to sort out a patent, before licensing the idea to the company.
  15. Your hosting account, by default, has the following folders in it: The only one you really use is public_html. All your files should go in there. If you have deleted any of the folders on that list then I am afraid you may have caused some serious damage to your hosting account. All of the hidden folders (ones starting with a .) are hidden for a reason - most of them contain configuration data and setup information that you need to keep your account running. There are also a few files in your root directory: Deleting any of those is also a bad idea. Again, they contain information used by the server and configuration data. If you have deleted any of those folders or files then list here what you've deleted (by comparing against the lists above) to see if it is recoverable. If not then you will most likely have to terminate your hosting and reapply - that has been the only option in the past.
  16. No way. They have nothing to do with the headers, and Wordpress would output its own error if it couldn't connect to the database. Could you also post wp-login.php up here please?
  17. As it is complaining that the headers have already been sent, that means that some HTML output is given by the script before the attempt to modify the headers. You can't change the headers once you've already started sending content. I assume that you have modified this copy of Wordpress in some way (themes, plugins, anything) and one of those is causing the problem.If you could post the content of wp-config.php (minus any sensitive info like passwords) and wp-login.php then we might be able to see what is going wrong.
  18. It shouldn't actually make a difference. As Microsoft say themselves: The system works by allowing applications to request up to 20% of your bandwidth to be used solely for them. That application then gets priority only across that 20%. If nothing is using that bandwidth then it is available to all other applications. Even if an application has reserved its 20%, if it isn't using it at that time then any other application is free to use it - the original application just gets priority when it needs it.
  19. You'll need to buy the domain from a registrar. Once you've done that you'll have to set the nameservers to point to Xisto. This means you need to log in to the control panel for your domain and change the nameservers to: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM Once you've left that to propagate (a few hours) log in to your cPanel at Xisto and go into the Parked Domains section. Add the domain you bought. Simple as that. By the way: Ignore it - it's wrong. I think it is enabled by default.
  20. In this era of tabbed browsing, different browsers take different understandings to being asked to open a link in a new window. Some take this literally, and so open an entire new browser window, while others take the logical route of opening a new tab. Then there is the possibility that the person viewing your site has ad-blocking or popup-blocking software running. They may well automatically prevent your link from opening a new window. As you can't necessarily be sure what will happen, it is best to go with something that will work instead. Let the browser and user decide what to do. Leave your link with no target, then the user can decide to open a new tab or window if they want, or to open the link in the existing tab/window.
  21. It can take a few days for the admins to look through your application. They are very busy keeping the rest of Xisto and, of course, Xisto, up and running smoothly. For example, at the moment the nameservers are being improved.Please just be patient and wait for an admin to get to your application.
  22. My one desktop computer that runs Windows, and is around 2 years old, was taking over 20 minutes from me pushing the button to the Welcome Screen appearing! I decided this morning to have a thorough clear-out of useless applications. I also loaded up MSCONFIG and disabled a few processes running at bootup. Many had, in their paths, an option similar to something like -osboot or -systemboot. These run at system startup, before login. Disabling those was often safe (they were there purely to optimise the loading of applications (oh, the irony!)). Still, my 7 year old desktop running Kubuntu boots up in around 25 seconds, from power button to working desktop
  23. If you mean supported file types then I believe Xisto will let you upload anything within reason (i.e. nothing illegal). I don't entirely understand what you mean. Do you mean a file with the extension .INFO? Most CMSs use PHP and HTML files, which are fully supported by Xisto. You are also likely to upload images, which are again fully supported.
  24. I think there are quite a few members over in the USA. When I come on Xisto first thing in the morning, at look at the posts made since my last login, there are often around 4 pages worth. However, when I return in the evening, very few in comparison have been made during the day. That matches with people in the US making posts in the evening.
  25. To put an image on the page you use the IMG tag: <img src="path/to/image.png" width="200" height="150" alt="Alternative text if image cannot be displayed" /> src defines the path to the image. Width and height are fairly obvious, measured in pixels. Alt is text which gets displayed if the user has a text-based browser, the image can't be downloaded or anything like that. It is also shown when the user mouses over the image. The image will appear wherever you put that tag. W3Schools have a good guide to using the IMG tag which I advise you read through. To literally position it "anywhere in the page" you'd need to use some CSS to position it where you wanted, most likely using absolute positioning. This page has a quick guide to using CSS, and that link specifically goes to an example of absolutely positioning an image.
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