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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. If you want to use PHP with MySQL, you wouldn't be using phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin is basically a user-interface to MySQL, that allows you to manage your databases easier than using the command line, and it happens to be written in PHP. For using PHP with MySQL there are a whole load of possibilities. Personally, I find learning by example incredibly useful, and the PHP site has plenty of documentation and examples for MySQL and for MySQLi (the improved version, allowing for lots of new functions). I also quite like using the Zend Framework, as it has excellent support for databases and makes everything much much easier than if you tried to do everything yourself with straight PHP functions. There is plenty of documentation with examples. The O'Reilly series of books are also an excellent resource if you don't mind shelling out a few quid for a second hand copy. They have loads of titles relating to PHP, MySQL, and specifically to combining the two effectively. Not a massive amount to the average user. If you intend to have thousands and thousands of rows in your tables, you might like to look into performance differences, and there are a few other small differences between the two, but nothing that will really cause you any problems.
  2. The link jlhaslip provided is for XAMPP. If you install that, you will get Apache, MySQL and PHP installed and configured automatically. Many people find it easier than doing it themselves (although I have always found it easier to do it manually ). If you just want to install the latest version of Apache, use one of the following links: Unix Source Code: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Windows MSI: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Of course, on Linux, you can also use whatever package manager you like and go for a one-click installation and setup.
  3. On the subject of the drawing, you might want to try Inkscape. It's free and will allow you to use your scanned hand drawings as a sort of template. You could draw the comics by hand, scan them in, and then go over them in Inkscape with circles, curves, etc. It would give the comic cleaner look, and would allow you to muck around with text positioning so that it is all easy to read.
  4. This technique does remove an advantage of clicking an activation link, however. One purpose of verifying an email address, when signing up to something or creating a new account somewhere, is to confirm that the person who owns that email address actually wanted the account. Having an image automatically cause the verification to pass means that you lose the ability to ignore it.Say, for example, someone types your email address into a newsletter registration form. You don't want that newsletter, and you didn't sign up for it, but your email address is on their list. They send out a verification email, with the subject "New Account". You open it, to find out what this new account is for, as you don't remember signing up for it. As soon as you've opened that email, despite the fact you never asked for the account, will never use it, and do not want the newsletter, you have an account and will start receiving the newsletter. With a traditional "Click here to verify. If you didn't ask for the account, ignore this message." you would never get that problem.
  5. That is, I believe, the font used for one series of the excellent TV show Blackadder, and the font goes by the same name. http://www.fonthaus.com/products/fonts/view.cfm/sku/MI204105 It appears to be a commercial font, and I haven't been able to find a free alternative.
  6. Just because other sites do it does not make it right or legal. Do your own investigative work and make sure that you have the right to put that content on your site. Many people release their work under a Creative Commons licence, or something similar, which allows you to use the content for pretty much whatever you like, according to a few guidelines. In that case you are often able to redistribute the content. However, a large number of people don't release their content for free to redistribute. This is where you can get into trouble. If others see you are redistributing their content, and you have no right to, then they are likely to get quite annoyed. With regards to sites being deleted, I refer you to the following sections from the terms of service: There is also this very straight forward, "cover every option" clause: You will find that most hosts say something similar. The problem is that they cannot be seen to be allowing illegal material to be hosted on their servers. If they are contacted regarding illegal material on one of their member's sites then they must be able to remove it as quickly as possible, and these sorts of clauses allow them to do that. They also allow for accounts being used to send spam to get deleted and other such situations. To directly answer your question: yes, it is possible for your site to be deleted without warning, but incredibly unlikely.
  7. At the moment, the name servers for your domain are not those needed for Xisto. You need to go to the registrar's site (where you bought the domain) and log in to their control panel or account management area, or whatever they choose to call it. Get into the settings for your domain and find the section relating to nameservers. Replace their name servers with the ones for Xisto: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM Wait a few hours and then try parking the domain again. It should work
  8. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  9. If your hosting credits drop below 0 then your account will be suspended. Visitors to your site will be redirected to a page informing them that your site is unavailable as your account is suspended, however, all your files, databases and all that stay on the server. You will continue to lose one credit per day, taking you into negative credits. Once you hit -30 credits, your account is permanently removed. To get out of suspension, simply post until you have over +4 credits. After 30 days of being suspended (i.e. when you hit -30 credits) then your account is deleted. If you decide you don't want to keep your hosting, you can terminate it from the account management page, or you can leave it until it gets automatically deleted. As sonesay has mentioned, you can get Free Hosting with Ads that doesn't need you to post to keep your account. Your site will have a small text ad displayed on every page though. Of course, you can also pay for hosting if you don't want to post and still don't want ads.
  10. You can cancel your account by accessing the following page: https://support.xisto.com/ Just login and click the option to terminate your account. Sorry to see you go.
  11. e is a constant, called the elementary charge, which describes the charge on a proton. It is equal to 1.602x10-19 Coulombs. Obviously, +1e is much easier to write down and work with. An electron has an equal charge, but negative, so has a charge of -1.602x10-19 Coulombs, or -1e. You are correct with the mass, however. A proton's rest mass is 1.672x10-27 kg, and an electron's rest mass is 9.109x10-31 kg. Charge and mass are not related though. This is why they have the same magnitude of charge, but vary greatly in size and mass.
  12. As far as I know, Qupis and Xisto do not allow connections to the MySQL databases from external hosts. To get that functionality you need to purchase hosting from Xisto - Web Hosting. However, to make sure, contact Xisto - Support, select the Qupis option and fire off your question. They'll get back to you pretty quickly with whether it is possible or not, and what details you need.
  13. Well, the first error is causing the second one, so you only have one error to fix, and it is a fairly simple one at that. The file cookie.txt needs to be opened by the script, but it can't do it. Find that file and change its permissions so that everyone can read, write and execute it (i.e. CHMOD 777). That will then also solve the second PHP error.
  14. I have also voted for Kansuke's sig, for similar reasons to truefusion. The use of a fairly black and white sig is something you don't see often and it fits very well with the render you picked. The only part I thought could do with improvement was the text. To me it looks a little out of place with the rest of the sig.Coolcat's entry is also very good, and it was difficult to choose. The positioning of the text is good, and more interesting that what most people do. The main point where Kansuke has the edge is with the use of colour. The orange in coolcat's sig just doesn't fit the render quite as well as Kansuke's colours.
  15. Protons have a charge of +1e, and neutrons have a charge of 0 (i.e. no charge). If neutrons were negative then all atoms would have a negative charge overall and repel each other, making pretty much everything a gas. There have been a variety of theories for what the atom is over hundreds of years. The actual word "atom" comes from the Greek ?tomos, meaning indivisible. Back then it was believed the atom was the smallest thing and it was impossible to break it down any smaller (although the atom had not been discovered, they believed in philosophical smallest particles). In the 1660s Boyle came up with the idea that everything was composed of atoms rather than the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In the late 1700s the idea of elements was introduced, to mean a substance that couldn't be broken down using standard chemistry. In the early 1800 John Dalton suggested how molecules could form, by linking these atoms of elements to one another. Only in 1897 did we finally discover that the atom was not the smallest thing. Thomson discovered the electron and proposed that the atom was made from a blob of positive charge, with these negative electrons in it. This was known as the 'plum pudding' model. Then, in 1909 the famous gold foil experiment from Marsden, Rutherford and Geiger proved the plum pudding model wrong. They proposed a dense blob of positive charge (the nucleus) being orbited by negative electrons. We pretty much use this model today, with a few modifications to include electron energy levels and other things required by quantum mechanics, such as things like quarks and leptons. So, we've been wrong a fair few times in the past and it has not made a massive difference. At the time, each theory made sense until there was a better experiment or a better explanation. This may well happen with our current ideas about what the atom contains. It would certainly require a rethink of the basics of physics, chemistry and even parts of biology if it turns out to be wrong, but at the moment it is the best idea available.
  16. I was just about to make the same point. The GIMP and Inkscape are just as much "the real thing" as any of the Adobe stuff. The fact that you don't have to pay for them doesn't make them lesser pieces of software. As I'm on Linux, all of my graphics work is now done with GIMP and Inkscape. I've stopped posting signatures and other things on a regular basis as I simply don't have time at the moment, but all of my actual graphics work that I need to do can be done with those applications. Even with a student discount, the Adobe suite is ridiculously expensive for what it does compared to the GIMP and Inkscape. The very few extra features you get aren't worth the cost. Also, Google have just invested a considerable sum in getting Photoshop to run on Linux, so the rest of the Adobe suite may follow if that is successful. Then you can use Linux and still spend thousands on closed-source software At the moment I'm mainly using Inkscape to make diagrams and such like (similar to what Illustrator is used for), so I present to you a basic diagram showing how a cheap colorimeter works Well, I'm doing my chemistry coursework and that was all I had lying around.
  17. Bah, I do that often enough. I can calculate circular motion, do loads of weird calculus but I can't add up I thought it was four...
  18. \n is the control character that represents a linefeed. On Linux and UNIX systems (and a wide array of others), the linefeed character is used to represent a new line. \r is the carriage return character, and is used by Windows in conjunction with the linefeed character to create a new line. The sequence to cause a new line on Windows is in fact \r\n in that order! The reason \n works on Windows is because it gets translated 'behind the scenes' into the \r\n sequence.
  19. Well, using four one-digit numbers I went straight for 9^9^9^9. That is big. So big, in fact, that not only did it crash Abakus trying to calculate it, but Google also failed. But trust me, that is pretty big. Then of course you could go for 9^(9^^^^^^^^^9) (9 arrows). That uses four 9s (including the one to specify the number of times I iterate the power) and is also fairly large. Feel free to try to calculate that one. I make the answer to your integral 107,374,182.4The integral of x^9 is (x^10)/10. Putting numeric values in, you get (8^10)/10 - (0^10)/10, which is 107,374,182.4
  20. I spent a few years studying electronics at school, and it's good to see someone else on here who knows about electronics! A watch made with a 555 would be a little bulky
  21. Yes. Most forums will have an area in the admin panel to allow you to export the database and save it locally to your computer. Then they should also have an option to restore from a backup. You set the forum up on your new host and then import the database backup. All your settings, posts and everything else should then work. If not, you can use something like phpMyAdmin to export the database data, then use phpMyAdmin running at your new host to import it again. To forward people from one place to another, you'd use a 301 Permanently Moved status message. You would set that up for the old domain to forward everyone to the new domain name. There are guides to doing this using a .htaccess file, which is the easiest way. Just run a search for a tutorial.
  22. I got that once when a file upload got stopped part way through as my connection disappeared. None of my FTP clients would let me do anything to the file, but the File Manager in cPanel let me get rid of the part file and upload it again. The same might have happened with your folder, so give it a try and see what happens.It might also be possible that a rogue script has gone and created the folder with the wrong permissions. Then you would have no rights to the folder to move it or delete it. That is often the problem with cache folders or folders used for file uploads. You may have to contact whoever made the script (if it isn't your own) and find out why it would happen, and see if they know of a way to fix it.
  23. It seems that every day the papers have a new 'superfood' and something else that will kill you by the end of the week. Personally I take no notice of them. I always use the DHMO controversy as a great example of not to believe everything you read Newspapers, magazines and websites all go for headlines that will grab your attention and make you read more. What is more attention grabbing than telling you they have found something that could lengthen your life, or is potentially taking years off it? Everything in moderation is probably the simplest and the best advice when it comes to food.
  24. I've used CSS as soon as I knew it existed. At the time I thought there must have been an easier way to do fonts than copy and pasting the same font tags over and over. Making a change to one style across an entire site was also a chore: find and replace in dozens of separate files, just to slightly change the colour of a font CSS makes life so much easier. Even for the smallest sites I design, I'll still use a separate CSS file. If you're still using the font element, you'd better get out of that habit pretty quickly. When HTML5 comes into play, the font element is going to disappear, along with things like the center element and u for underline. Check the changes to see what will happen with HTML5: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
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