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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I have finally got around to finishing my nominations! Lots of other work has been getting in the way at the moment, but here they are: Hidden Trapper of the Year OpaQue BuffaloHELP delivi alex7h3pr0gr4m3r velma Saint_Michael Most Valuable Poster BuffaloHELP alex7h3pr0gr4m3r jlhaslip Moderator of the Year jlhaslip truefusion velma Most Helpful Member velma BuffaloHELP Saint_Michael jlhaslip alex7h3pr0gr4m3r bthaxor Most Improved Member of the Year Archangel_Baw Mermaid711 GFXtrap GFX Elite KansukeKojima Saint_Michael coolcat50 7Gears Gamer of the Year FLaKes 1337 Programmer alex7h3pr0gr4m3r jlhaslip sonesay KansukeKojima Comedian of the Year Saint_Michael Shoutboxer of the Year Saint_Michael coolcat50 Lives at Xisto OpaQue BuffaloHELP velma truefusion alex7h3pr0gr4m3r Most Reported Posts bthaxor Saint_Michael alex7h3pr0gr4m3r Watermonkey Tech Geek truefusion alex7h3pr0gr4m3r Welcome Committee Mich Trap Eye for the Poor Guy Lyon2 varalu Crazy Reviewer Person Saint_Michael Dr. Phil Wannabe gisellebebegirl Thingcubed TikiPrincess Most Creative Trapper KansukeKojima kobra500 YouTube Junkie Saint_Michael jlhaslip Person Most Likely to be Bill Gates' Boss alex7h3pr0gr4m3r Plenoptic varalu Good luck to everyone who gets nominated this year, and thank you to every single member for making this place what it is
  2. Well, the first problem with the code you have put in your last post is line 2. The code is started with an else: statement, yet there is no if statement before it. For an else statement to get called, an if statement directly before it must have returned false. As you have no if statement before the else statement, it makes no sense.Double check the book and make sure you haven't missed a section of code before part 1.
  3. Your problem could be this line: if (isset($_POST['joketext'])): If you look through your code, you have no endif; at all. To finish that if statement you will need endif; placed somewhere. This is why it complains the script ends early. It hits the end of the code and is still waiting for that endif; to appear.
  4. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and is the way you upload files to your website. By the sounds of it you've been using the file manager in cPanel to do this? Obviously that requires cPanel access to use, but FTP doesn't. If all your friend does is upload files then an FTP account is perfect. If you dig out the information you got when you first signed up, you'll see that you have FTP login information to upload files to your account. You can use cPanel to create a second account for your friend to use. Then they can either use some FTP software, or an online FTP client to log in and upload files. I sometimes have trouble getting onto Xisto sites (among others) from school. I think it is something to do with the various proxies and filtering software they use that just doesn't like certain sites.
  5. I think the number you are thinking of that the mobile would come back with is the IMEI number. This is a unique identifier for each phone, which you should note down in case your phone is stolen. On all phones it can be accessed by typing *#06# where you would normally make a call.
  6. There is no way to create two cPanel accounts for the same hosting account. However, you shouldn't really need to be using cPanel in the day-to-day running of your site. Depending on how much you want your friend to be able to do, you might be able to just create them an FTP account. That would allow them to upload and delete files on the site. You can also pick the highest directory they are allowed to access. For example, you could limit them to the /public_html/ directory, so they couldn't delete all the cPanel settings files stored in the root of your account. If you don't want them dealing with files and changing settings, what else would they do in cPanel?
  7. The last line in your code seems to re-start a block of PHP with no real purpose. At that point, on the last line, you are in HTML mode - all PHP blocks have been closed. Unless there is some PHP code after that last line which you have not shown us, remove that last line and you should be OK. You'd never want to connect to MySQL more than once. You should open the connection at the beginning of the file, run your various SQL commands, then close the connection at the end of the file.
  8. What you want to look for is a Windows alternative to the cron system. I don't use Windows, and I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but I am sure that someone will have created some sort of Windows application that will behave like cron. Just run a search and see what comes up:search:cron windows
  9. It's not cPanel, but the Linux operating system running on the server. Files created by a script wouldn't have you as the owner, so you don't really get rights to them. Anyway, you've fixed that problem. This will again be a permissions problem. To upload files, and to delete them, you need 0777 permissions on the relevant directories and files. The file upload directory will need to be CHMOD'd to 777 permanently, as you cannot tell when a file will be uploaded. You will also need to CHMOD all the relevant files to 777 when you try to upload and delete things using a script. For example, the folder where the themes are installed would need to be set to 777 to let you upload a theme using a script. At the moment, this looks like the only reason why it wouldn't work.
  10. To remove your warning make good quality posts over a period of time to show that you understand and can obey the rules. A staff member will then likely remove the warning when you have shown this. Your hosting will be unsuspended when your credits go above +4. You may have to wait for a couple of hours for the script to run and unsuspend your account once you have 4 credits. Online translators are usually pretty useless and tend to create garbled rubbish when you use them. Actual dictionaries are much more useful, and many of the members here would be willing to help you improve your English if you would like help. The topic you posted was a list you had copied and pasted. As it was not original content it was moved to the Spam section of the forums. Please remember that anything you copy must be placed in Quote BBCodes. You may want to check out the following links for all sorts of useful information: Readme ~ Rules ~ AUP ~ BBCode
  11. Personally I prefer a random salt rather than a fixed one. A fixed salt requires one edited dictionary file. Whereas a system with a different hash for each person requires an entirely separate dictionary, and corresponding hashes, for each user.
  12. SHA1 is a good way to encrypt passwords at the moment. You would also be wise to 'salt' the passwords. This is a way to prevent against dictionary attacks. Many people are still stupid enough to pick a single dictionary word as a password. That is incredibly insecure, even if the password is hashed. A good idea is to 'salt' the password. That simply means adding some random values to the end of the password, before hashing it and saving it in the database. To do this, when the password is created, also create some random data using the rand() function, or something similar. Put this random value on the end of the user's password, then hash it, then put it in the database. You also need to store the random data in the database!!! Then, to check the password entered by a user, take their username, and pull the relevant piece of random data, along with the hash for their password from the database. Tag the stored random data onto the end of the password they entered, and hash that whole string. If that matches the one in the database then the password they entered is correct. It can seem a little complicated at first, but it is much more secure than just hashing a user-entered password.
  13. I assume you got an error message appear on the screen? It would be helpful if you could post the error messages, as that will lead us to the source of the error.
  14. I've found that sometimes it makes a difference. If I remember correctly, the difference is something similar to single quotes and double quotes in PHP. If you use a single quote in SQL, then whatever is between the single quotes will be parsed. If you use backticks (that's the ` character) then it is not parsed. This allows you to use words like INT in column names, which would otherwise be parsed by MySQL, throwing up an error as it would make no sense.
  15. If the ads are showing up on your site, and your friend's site then you may well have a virus that is randomly injecting advertising code into all your Internet traffic. Get hold of some decent anti-virus software (there are topics on here detailing the best ones) and run it while in safe mode. That should find the virus, if there is one, and that will stop the ads.You can also try visiting loads of other sites and seeing if the ads appear there too. If they appear to be on all websites, then it is going to be a virus on your computer. If they only ever appear on your website and your friend's site then you need to look into the possibility that your site has a vulnerability that has been taken advantage of to insert advertising.I have also just visited your site, and there were no ads of that sort showing.
  16. There are two ways to get credits. The first is to make good quality posts. This is the method used by pretty much everyone. The other method is to buy credits, by using this link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ If you end up buying credits, you might be better off using Xisto - Web Hosting (a sister site to Xisto) and getting paid hosting: https://xisto.com/
  17. rvalkass

    G'day Folks

    Welcome to the world of Xisto, MadDog! The hosting is better than anything I've found elsewhere, which is why I've been here the last couple of years I suppose I should still point you in the direction of the readme and the rules. Give them a quick read through - you'll also get all the info you need to use the hosting (such as FTP information, SMTP servers and the like). Take a glance at my avatar and you'll see I'm also a Linux guy It is always good to have more Linux users on the forums.
  18. As has been said, you do not need spaces. It will work whether they are there or not. However, they are generally added to make it easier to read.
  19. You can use either of them and they will both work perfectly well. It depends entirely on your coding style as to which one you want to use. It is generally advised to add whitespace wherever it will make the code easier to read. So, if you look at a line, and you think it looks a little bit squashed, add some spaces in to make it easier to read. Tabs are also a good idea to represent subsections of code. For example, in an if statement, the code that is executed is usually tabbed in, to separate it from the 'main' code: if ($var == $var2){ echo 'They are the same';}else{ echo 'They are not the same';}
  20. Just a pointer, you don't need to finish a comment with //. There are two sorts of comments in PHP - single line and multi-line. The single line comment is started with a // and applies from that point until the end of the line. This means you can place it after a line of code, like this: $username = 'alex1985'; // This is the username you log in with A multi-line comment applies over multiple lines, and does require you to finish it. It is started with /* and ends with */The advantage, of course, is that you can have much longer comments without really long lines: /* This function does something really cool. You can pass it all sorts of variables. Actually, it is quite pointless.*/function pointless(){ return true;} It doesn't make any difference, but generally people put spaces in to make their code easier to read. For example, the second example here is much easier to read than the first example: $dbh=mysql_connect($host,$username,$password)://Connect$dbh = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); // Connect It is up to you to code how you want, but generally spaces are put after commas (i.e. in a list of parameters or variables) and around binary operators (=, +, -, *). The single quote character takes its contents literally. Nothing placed in single quotes is parsed. This makes it faster, and more secure, but limits the uses. The double quote character parses its contents. That makes it slower, but a bit more useful. For example: $number = 7;echo 'The \n number \n was... \n $number';echo "The \n number \n was... \n $number"; Would output:
  21. Well, I just ran that code on my own MySQL installation and it worked perfectly. I have found in the past that it can be a little picky about what it lets through and what it doesn't. If that code still doesn't work, use phpMyAdmin to create the table, and copy the MySQL query it actually runs (it will be displayed to you after the table is created). Then you can be certain that code will work.
  22. OK, try the following: CREATE TABLE `1_users` (`id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,`username` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,`password` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL) ENGINE = MYISAM If that doesn't work, add the database name before the table name, so the first line would become: CREATE TABLE `databasename`.`1_users` (
  23. Take a look at the links in my last post - they all deal with using PHP and MySQL together to create database-driven websites. The links to the PHP website focus on the various functions available to you to connect to a MySQL database, and to run SQL code on that database. The Zend Framework link does exactly the same, but using the popular Zend Framework, which makes life a lot easier (for example, it has functions to build SQL queries for you). W3Schools have a comprehensive reference and tutorials for dealing with PHP and MySQL, and make a good introduction to combining the two. Lots of people start with W3Schools for HTML and CSS, and we can assume their PHP help is also fairly similar to what people are used to learning from. Pixel2Life has a PHP section, and if you pick a tutorial dealing with databases too, you will be introduced to the basics of connecting to MySQL and using it in your own development. However, as all the tutorials are independent, I cannot vouch for their quality or usefulness. Personally, I don't think a website can compensate for a good book. Take a look at the following, which deal with using PHP and MySQL together to create database-driven websites and web-based applications: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. This is a simple case of the wrong quotes. You need to use ` rather than '. The following should work: CREATE TABLE `1_users` (`id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE MYISAM;
  25. This Captcha script just works with an image designed to confuse the edge detection software used by spammers. The system of typing an answer to a math problem is also a good idea, but requires a slightly different approach. However, if you are interested, I might write a tutorial for that, and a few other ideas for Captchas.
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