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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. After the comments from my first sig I have made a second one that is hopefully a little bit better. I tried to make the background slightly more interesting and do something with the text. I also tried to blend the render in with the background a bit more than the last one, but it isn't much of an improvement. Again, comments and criticism please.
  2. If its still in warranty, which all products under 1 year old are, then just phone Nintendo and get them to replace it. They have a phone number and email address here.
  3. Webcams are really useful. There are loads of free programs that use webcams for video conversations, security and even some games!
  4. It is useful being able to dip in and out of HTML and PHP, but its a generally accepted standard to put all the HTML in echo() commands. It just makes it all look neater.PHP is very easy once you know the basics. Most of it can be read just like plain English.
  5. Thanks for the comments, I'm gonna have a go at another one.
  6. After seeing loads of people making them I've decided to go ahead and try making a sig myself. Its not a patch on anything you lot are making but I generally work well from criticism, so go ahead. The render is one I found on GameRenders.com and the background is made from a few brushes I downloaded and a fractal. Comments and criticism please. Thanks.
  7. These links may be useful: http://convert.french-property.co.uk/ http://www.convert-me.com/en/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ None of them are particularly pretty, but they contain all of the information.
  8. It looks like you haven't set a default language or theme, hence language/lang-.php rather than language/lang-en.php being loaded. Make sure you actually have some languages and themes installed by logging into your FTP account, finding where you installed PHP-Nuke and looking around in the themes folder and in the languages folder.
  9. Nice game, could play it for ages! Very good for only a second attempt at Flash. If anyone is that bothered, I got the link to the game full-screen, if MaticooL doesn't mind? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. This is my kind of topic! I'm full of random facts and weird bits of information. For example: The plastic thing on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet. Pigs are physically incapable of looking up into the sky. The most productive workday is Tuesday. Just over 7.5% of all office documents are lost. Microsoft made only $16,000 in its first year. All of those were just stored in my mind...I'm interested to see just how many weird and wonderful facts we can collect on Trap 17, surely most users know some random facts? I'm slowly trying to add all my random facts to my blog.
  11. There are also security issues to think about. Running a web server can cause your home network to become open to hackers and other intruders who can use your server to get to other computers connected to the network. Just make sure you follow all security advice. As mayank has said, to run a server you will need to get a separate computer connected to your home network and install Linux on it. Then set up Apache to handle requests from people trying to look at the files on your server. Then, install PHP and MySQL if you want them. There are many help guides on the internet to help with setting up a home server, but there are too many factors to discuss here. Linux: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Apache: http://www.apache.org/ PHP: http://php.net/ MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/
  12. When you created a new database, you are aware that whatever name you gave it, it has your cpanel username put at the front? People often miss that bit of information and it causes problems.For example, you typed in "forum" as the name of the database.When the setup asks for the name of the database you have to put in "username_forum"It might help, it might not.
  13. Just a few ideas:500 = Settled In1000 = Trap Addict2000 = Trap Obsessed3000 = Selling My House4000= Moving My Stuff To The Trap5000= Living At The Trap!The others are all good, and I'm sure loads of people have got ideas!
  14. I currently use Norton AntiVirus and Personal Firewall. Both work together and are very easy to set up and work with. They are kept up-to-date using a similar system to Windows Update, where they download information about new viruses once a week. I've found Norton to be very user friendly, everything is set out logically and is simple to understand.There is a yearly cost to keep the updates going, which does turn some people away, but generally the updates are released quicker than free progams, therefore offering more protection.I would recommend this pair of programs to anyone who needs to secure their PC.
  15. It sounds excellent, but it must cost a fortune! I'm sure eventually they will be able to develop a hand held PC with enough processing power and graphics power to run games, just like a desktop or laptop.
  16. As far as I am aware there is a very simple way to set a minimum width, but this doesn't work with IE and I can't find a work around to get it to work. If you're still interested then the code is: div{min-width:400px;} As I said, this wont work with Internet Explorer and can play havok with site layouts and designs, so use at your own risk.
  17. Is it just me, or is a source code of a page that looks like this: %12%34%56%78%90quite obvious? Surely any vaguely determined person can work out what you've done and easily decrypt it? I speak from experinece, I've tried both methods and neither are effective in stopping people nicking your source code.
  18. Frontpage has a habit of changing file paths and other random stuff when you save a page. Try saving it, then opening it in Notepad and checking the path remains the same. If it does then just copy all the code, stick it in a new Notepad doc and save it over the original. Also, as jlhaslip suggested, try renaming the file to some other name.
  19. My vote goes to Reaver, the background looks great with the render, and I like the 'yoda-style' text Current Scores: S_M: 1 Samma: 0 Psychiccyberfreak: 0 Avalon: 1 Reaver: 5
  20. A render is normally a very high quality image of a person or object that is placed over the background of a sig. Quite often characters from computer games are used, although some people like vehicles and other objects. If you look at Game Renders you will see loads of examples in the gallery and forums. To make a render you need a screenshot or another high quality image of the object you want, then you need to cut around it using a lasso tool to remove the background. You can also use layers to remove the background, and there are tutorials about this on Game Renders and Pixel2Life under the Adobe Photoshop section. The GIMP is perfectly capable of both making renders and using them in sigs, although most people prefer to use Adobe Photoshop. Most Photoshop tutorials can be transferred to make sense in the GIMP, although some features are in different places, under different names or not available.
  21. By RM do you mean the useless computer company that provides cheap computers to schools, colleges, universities and government offices? If so then I don't think there is a way round it, short of yanking out the network cable to stop the privelages being applied, but I won't go any further with this as it is a bad idea and can land you in a lot of trouble. You can always use BabelFish and convert the site from Portuguese to English, it normally works.
  22. I've just got the new Sims 2 expansion pack, Nightlife, and I strongly recommend it. It adds some great new features and you can literally spend hours designing the perfect home for your Sims, and the perfect Sims!I also recommend the new Rollercoaster Tycoon game. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to play it yet, but I have only heard good things about it, and the videos of the game show great graphics.Both are simulation/building games but I like them as you can spend hours in a different world.
  23. I did an IQ test a few months ago and scored 140, from http://www.intelligencetest.com/ Just to let you all know, the average across the world is about 100.
  24. Even images won't help entirely, Opera has a zoom feature to enlarge everything on a page. If the text must be that small for layout then thats fine, the zoom won't affect it, but otherwise, you will still have problems.
  25. Seems like a useful tool, saves time checking for errors and fixing up code. Pity its only a free 30 day trial.
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