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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I recently got a new computer, a NEC i-Select D5410. A few days ago it started to randomly crash, and all inputs and outputs were cut. The monitor displayed "No Signal", the keyboard and mouse stopped working and the speakers cut out, yet the power light remained on, and the fans were still spinning. Opening the DVD and CD drive still worked, so it isn't a power or mobo failure, as far as I am aware.In an attempt to remedy the problem I have moved the computer into a more open area to try and improve air flow, as I belive the problem is overheating or lack of air circulation.I was just wondering if anyone on Xisto has ay other ideas on what is causing the problem or how to fix it.Thank you in advance.
  2. rvalkass

    Style Xp?

    Cain, the only way to get a different style on Windows XP is to change it to the Windows Classic style and then change the colours like you would in Windows 98.These style programs take up far too much memory, especially on older PCs.
  3. OK, just take a few simple steps and answer these questions and we will all be slightly wiser and more able to help.First, when you push the power button does your PC actually power up, e.g. the fans come on, the light on the front etc?If it does power up, do you hear any beeps? If so, how many?If it doesn't power up, check a fuse hasn't blown and simple things like that. You could have also killed the PSU.The last time you used the PC before it failed to work, did you do anything different, install anything or anything like that?Answering Frederick's questions will also be a great help to us all.
  4. Just setting that text string as a variable won't do anything. Put this code after the $sql variable: mysql_query($sql); If you want to count the number of rows then use the mysql_num_rows() function. If its fields you're after then use the mysql_num_fields() function. Hope this helps you.
  5. Wow, a free domain. I wouldn't mind one, I'm still using my Xisto sub-domain thing, and that can be quite hard to remember. I've had a site here for over 2 months.Good luck to everyone.
  6. Nice website but I do have a few pointers. First, change the size of the "All information is given in good faith..." notice to something slightly smaller. It just seems a little overpowering for a small notice. Also, provide a little more description to the photos on your site and the ones in the gallery, for example, the photo of Dungeness on the Reviews page has no description at all. Also, I notice you made the entire site in Microsoft Word. This means that in certain browsers the text all gets turned into images and the links are therefore unclickable. There are lots of free HTML editors out there that work just like Word. If you have the entire Office suite then you should have FrontPage, which is used for designing websites. Why the sudden switch of background image for the Reviews page? Try and keep a uniform theme running throughout the entire site.I am sure I have given you enough to be getting on with, and feel free to ask for any help you need.
  7. Thanks for these tips. I've been wondering whether to build my own PC for a while. Thanks.
  8. Even if you are willing to pay, I would suggest either PHP-Nuke or Xoops. Both of these have loads of themes, templates and extra modules and addons etc. PHP-Nuke: https://www.phpnuke.org/ or check in cPanel Xoops: http://www.xoops.org/ or check in cPanel Hope that helps you.
  9. I'm voting for Avalon, I love that text!Are we keeping score this time? If so...snlildude87: 0Blue0016: 0bluhapp: 0Avalon: 2Samma: 0hulunes: 0Saint_Michael: 0
  10. Frames are a bad idea, as everyone has said. Use divs and spans etc if possible or tables if you really have to. If for some unbeknown reason you must use frames, then I think you have to set the target of the link to _top, e.g: <a target="_top" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that helps.
  11. Make sure you uploaded all of your files into either the WWW folder or the public_html folder. Just putting files in the 'root' of your FTP account will fail to display anything.
  12. Try disabling any antivirus and firewall software you are using. This will mean making sure you are disconnected from the Internet before trying the games. Quite often firewalls can check every single file that you open, resulting in a really slow PC and games failing to load.
  13. I prefer using Dreamweaver. It may be a little more complex, but the code it creates is actually valid! The thing for completing CSS and HTML tags etc is also pretty useful, and works better than the FrontPage version.
  14. This is a great game. It takes playing God to the ultimate level. You have a choice of being a nice God or throwing rocks at people and their houses and setting giant animals on them. Go and buy it, its quite old, so relatively cheap, so you can't lose out on that much.
  15. If Microsoft built cars, the airbag would ask Are You Sure? before going off! Everyone's insurance would also rocket due to all the crashes.
  16. 50"!! Thats huge! My TVs only 32". Is it a flat screen one?
  17. I use download.com but there is also another great site, Google! You can find loads of freeware software, most of it not listed on 'mainstream' download sites. Small personal homepages and blogs are also good sources of free software.
  18. Sorry to put you down, but I wouldn't use a mobile phone to buy stuff. With bluetooth and ways to connect to other phones people would start taking advantage of it. Plus, I don't think many networks encrypt the data they send, so sending credit card information and other such stuff probably isn't the best of ideas.
  19. Port 21 is correct and if you can see some folders you got your login info correct.If you get to the 'root' of your FTP account (keep clicking the Folder Up button until you can't any more) you should see some folders. Among them should be two called 'public_html' and 'www'. You need to upload your web pages to one of those folders (one is a mirror of the other, so it doesn't matter which), and make sure that you have a file called index.htm or .html or .php etc.Tell us if that helps.
  20. Wow, that looks excellent. Those graphics look just as good as those in the Microsoft Flight Simulators. Are all of the planes and scenery available to download for free? Thanks very much for this great find
  21. There is a problem with the MySQL database system at the moment. Just hang on and I'm sure the admins will figure it out eventually. You don't need to do anything to your forum.
  22. I am sure that in most computers there is either a utility or an option on bootup to format your hard drive to 'out of the box' condition. Have a look in the manual, if you still have it, adn see if there are any instructions. If not then phone them and get them to send another disk. They might charge you, but it wont be too much.
  23. Most programs have line numbers running down the left hand side, such as the one I use, PHP Designer 2005. If you don't want to download one of these programs then use Notepad. As snlildude87 said, you can look at the status bar, but a quicker way is to press Ctrl + G and type in the line number you want.
  24. If your CD drive will not power up I would say it was the PSU. Normally when you switch a computer on the CD drive whizzes for a while then stops, so this sounds like a lack of power.
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