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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Wow, this sounds great. I still need to get myself a copy of Nightlife, but as soon as I get that I'll try and get Open For Business. Thanks for the info.
  2. There is a version of XAMPP for Mac, but it is still in development and should be used at your own risk. https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
  3. Weebl and Bob are great fun, especially the Pikea series. Have a look through the archive, they're all very good.
  4. I'm going to vote for Rejected's sig. Its different from the 'normal' sig style and just stands out.Good luck to everyone!Bluhapp: 2TrueFusion: 2SarCasM: 0mayank: 0Rejected: 1samma: 2Moody: 0SnXster: 1
  5. My vote goes to snlildude87. The borders good and a like the border going around the text.Saint_Michael: 2snlildude87: 4Avalon: 1
  6. The Google Homepage is at https://www.google.com/ig. You can have weather, quotes, links, emails and all other sorts of stuff displayed.
  7. I was having a look at this earlier today. This is the CSS I ended up using. It probably isn't perfect, but I got it to work. div.line { clear: both; padding-top: 10px;}div.line span.text { float: left; width: 120px; text-align: right;}div.line span.input { float: right; width: 350px; text-align: left;}Then put each line within a <div class="line"></div> Each text label goes inside the div, between span tags, class "text". Each input of the form goes between span tags with a class of "input". e.g. <form> <div class="line"> <span class="text">Username:</span><span class="input"><input type="text" size="25"></span> </div> <div class="line"> <span class="text">Password:</span><span class="input"><input type="password" size="25"></span> </div> </form> Hope this helps you.
  8. Our school teaches how to make websites in Word, and FrontPage for the slightly more experienced. Our teacher had to ask what we were doing when we were editing code in Notepad and then he told us to stop mucking around and go back to FrontPage! So much for everyone doing their best I personally learnt HTML through a combination of W3C, books and loads of other websites and tutorials. I also had a look at loads of websites source code, which many comment pretty well, which lets you pick up some of the tips and tricks.
  9. Digital zoom lowers the quality of the image and is the same as clicking on the zoom in button on the PC, it gets blurry after a while. Optical zoom is like physically getting closer to your subject, and no quality is lost.Personally I think the Kodak LS753 camera is a good cheap camera. Been using it for a while with no problems and great photos, cost just over ?100.
  10. I believe the address is: http://forums.xisto.com/favicon.ico I would still ask the admins if you can use it first though, just to be on the safe side, but I'm sure there'll be no problems.
  11. I played that game ages ago, I think I got just over 800 points. Yes, I was really bored. Its quite an addictive game, but it just gets dull after a while.
  12. I agree that we need some more information, but some basic things to check: Is the port working? Do other things plugged into the same port you use for the camera work OK? Have you installed the drivers? If you've had the camera for a while you might not have thought to install the drivers. Does your operating system pick up the camera? We still need more information to give a proper answer, but try those things and see if they help.
  13. My friend learnt about the advantages of a firewall the hard way, by getting the Sasser virus! The Windows firewall with SP2 seems to work pretty well, but I still use Norton if only for a working pop-up blocker!
  14. I think people will be using normal phones for quite some time. VoIP is just too slow and too bad quality at the moment to get close to normal phones. Then again, technology is advancing very quickly so a few years time could see the death of the landline in countries like the US and the UK.
  15. My favourite search engines are Teoma, AltaVista and Google. I use Teoma for text based searches, AltaVista for images and Google for the other features it provides, like Froogle.And just out of curiosity my favourite browser is Opera.
  16. I presume you are trying to install lots of things to just http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ would create a direcory called 'forums' and install your forums there. It will make the installation easier and make the site easier to manage.
  17. Hello, welcome to the forums!There are loads of people here (including myself) who I am sure will be willing to help you learn HTML, PHP and MySQL.Again, welcome to the forums.
  18. Yes, use this code to change CHMOD values. You must use octal numbers (e.g. always have 4 digits starting with 0). chmod("/adirectory/", 0777); //Will CHMOD a directorychmod("/adirectory/afile.txt",0777); //Will CHMOD a file Hope this helps.
  19. I would strongly advise against you trying to guess the WEP key or 'breaking in'. Technically its against the law, even if you are just surfing the net, and you could get fired, or worse, a criminal record.If you can prove to IT that you are using your laptop for mainly business purposes and agree to be behind their firewall and security settings then most IT teams will let you use the company network. I can't see why you need to use your laptop rather than the PCs provided by your company?Kservice is also right. If your laptop is not listed in the MAC table then you won't be able to get in, no matter what. I would just suggest explaining to them what you are trying to do and ask them nicely to let you use the network. If anyone else in the company has a laptop ask them how they got it to work and use them to persuade the IT team. If they can use the net, why can't you, etc, etc.Good luck in your quest for the net!
  20. If two different people have the same IP there could be a few reasons. If they use the same IP and have dynamic IPs they they may have been assigned the same IP. This is incredibly unlikely.The more logical explanation of two users with the same IP is a network. If two IPs are identical then there could be two people at a school college, office etc, both visiting your site. They would then have the same IP and there is nothing to stop them. At my school for example, a proxy is used to allow the school to prevent access to certain sites. This gives a totally different location to the school when checked.I doubt anyone would go to the lengths of getting a proxy and setting up fake accounts unless they were getting something out of it. If you have noticed weird things happening then I would try and crack down on the problem, but if there is nothing out of the ordinary or any major problems then I don't see a point in tracking them.
  21. rvalkass

    Opera opera

    Yeah, I got one of those codes. The ad really isn't that annoying anyway though, it just takes up a small amount of toolbar space, asking you to buy Opera. I would still advise people to go and try the free version anyway. Its a great browser and it does everything I couold want it to.
  22. I like milk on its own, milk with cream soda or milk with some random flavours I found in the kitchen cupboard. I always get a glass when I get up every morning.
  23. Do you by any chance have a Dell machine? This seems to be a common problem with them, especially with the MegaRAID controller.This also seems to be a common problem where your RAM is corrupted or has become damaged, or where your CPU settings need to be changed in the BIOS.You said that you don't know much about computers. As fixing this error is likely to involve taking your PC to bits, or editing the BIOS (the basic system that makes the hardware work), I would strongly suggest taking your PC to your local repair shop and getting them to have a look at it.
  24. I agree with your idea. Small garages are being forced out of business because they can't afford to lower prices. Getting people to buy from them will result in large corporations thinking seriously about what the public is really willing to pay. Oil companies are making huge amounts of money every second, they can afford to frop a few pence from the price of a litre of petrol. There never was a petrol shortage, and there never was going to be one either. The national press started rumours about a possible shortage, resulting in panic buying and a shortage. Well done to the public of Britain. People are making things worse for themselves. If everyone goes out and buys a load of petrol at the cheapest price they can find, everyone is forced to buy higher priced petrol, with more tax going towards the government! Again, well done, how counter-productive we are. I am sure the government and the oil companies would take notice if every haulage company, delivery service, lorry driver and car user suddenly decided to stop using their fuel... Its simple supply and demand. There is a huge demand and the companies are making people pay for it. If people stopped using their fuel, there would be no demand, and the only way to entice people back is to drop prices. Everyone should get on their bike or walk. Its good for you and will drive fuel prices down. A go-slow? On a British motorway? I thought that was called 'going to work'?
  25. Just to speed things along, a download link for the shop is here. The link is in the second post, and it does say somewhere it is compatible with IPB 1.3.x Feel free to ask if you need any more help.
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