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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. For me okay in moderation means that:You know what you are eating and how is it gonna affect your body.You are in control of yourself, you can decide what to eat and how much to eat it.Or that somebody else is watching after you Really useful information topic, truefusion. But I'm afraid you forgot to mention alchohol, that is very bad for your liver too. I remember the case when some "E-coded" stuff was made illegal in Finland because it didn't get out of your body for years. It was some red dye for sweets.After Finalnd joined EU it had to be made legal again, since all EU countries have to have the same food laws or whatever they are...I visited USA once, I went to this little shop to buy something and what I found was very shocking, sweets in there are so damn colourful, lol I think if you'd make a big ball of them it would be like a second sun.
  2. I used gimp, I like that program a lot, if you have enough extensions, you can do practically anything with it, even 3D stuff. Thanks a lot Misanthrope, but I have to admit I made this pretty much accidently, I just started playing with gradients and relighting them with nice blue colors. I don't know of redesigning your website but you can ask me to do a banner or a button or something like that, I'll be more than happy to do that. But I have to warn you, I'm no expert in these things. I want to train my designing skills to make some really cool stuff.
  3. Okay I use the scaled one then, I will convert it into jpg also to make it smaller and faster for you dial-up guys to view it. It looks kinda cool when it's not so tall. Thanks for the information.
  4. Really? I have a 1440 x 900 monitor, so that's why I didn't notice they are so big. I'll scale 'em. *a moment please* I scaled it and it came out like this: I need some opinion that is this better than the previous? Are you sure it can't be like 468 x 94? or is the rule so strict?
  5. I made this new sig with gimp and I'm no artist. I want to know your opinions on this and don't be harsh on me, I did not spend much time doing this.I will post some alternative ones with less or more color or something like that...I'm also open to suggestions, so if you have an idea, be brave and tell it.
  6. I know people in the USA can't be this stupid, just ran into this funny video and just had to share it with you all.After all, the man that holds/holded the highest IQ was american, he had an IQ of 228. That doesn't change the fact that americans have 15 points less average IQ than europeans ( ).People in this video were faking or they were the dumbest of the dumbest. I apologize if I gave the impression that I think I'm somehow smarter than you. The End
  7. Hello americans, I found a video that will piss you off (don't beat me up, I didn't make it) I know most of you are from USA so I posted this link here, the question is included in the topic. The website is in Finnish but just wait for the video to load and watch it. http://www.riemurasia.net/jylppy/media.phpmp;c=11&o=s I find it very funny "how many sides does a triangle have?" "one" this is hilarious!
  8. yea HD camcorders are way to go, but the cheap ones, even tho they have high resolution, have still that bad quality feel.It'll look fuzzy since most of the cheap ones don't have the stabilizator thingies (I don't know the exact name of them, but they soften the shaking of your hands so it doesn't affect the movie so much). For the sound I'm afraid you'll have to buy a mic, I know you don't want to go around filming with a damn mic in your hand but the quality won't go any higher than that. Or you could buy one of those expensive ones that have all the freaky gadgets in them.
  9. The first one I ever used was F-secure, which is probably even worse than norton if it is to believe what I've heard.I use Avast now and I haven't yet used AVG. I don't think I want to, I use Avast and comodo firewall together and they've served me pretty well.I run a scan every week or two to find out that I have no infection ( the boring part). I also use linux and I don't even need any protection for that since it comes built-in.I think I'm just not one of those people who get infected all the time, I'm not saying avast is superpowerful against them but I don't visit sites that might have harmful content in them, like Xisto (OpaQue is gonna kill me for that one )I'm no expert in this but since avast has worked pretty well and it's free (heehee) I recommend it. I don't see any reasons to not use AVG tho.
  10. I really don't undrestand such ISPs.Here in Finland I have never seen any limited internet ISPs, in our house we have 1mb/s connection and it is unlimited, even when we had a 10mb/s it wasn't limited, I've never even seen limiting your internet BW. That's why it's so strange. I've also heard that many ISPs in US limit P2P speeds. I guess the whole country is just against the illegal downloading idea, so they just try to make it as difficult as possible. I guess hollywood and music industries have a lot of power in there. Anyway, limiting BW is the stupidest thing I've ever heard just after the swedes winning the world cup. Ridiculous
  11. I suggest you eat good ol' home-made stuff. Not some weird proteine shake or anything, nice home-made meal is ideal. No stupid fast foods, they usually have only carbs, fat and proteines. (pretty much what you need but the procents aren't quite right)Oh and don't forget to have half of your plate full of salad. And a nice drink like water, milk or juice.
  12. So logic CAN prove what is false eh?So logic proves that god doesn't exists ( and a bunch of other things). You're talking about "he has always existed" which is even more illogical than something created him. When you look back in the history, you see all the people trying to explain the world, all failing. It's time to move on, now we can prove evolution, we can explain a lot of things. You can't discover new things when you think it's impossible, when you think that a "holy" book has already explained it. Same thing with the Big Bang, scientist say that it just happened, I don't think so. The theory is of self-creation, like the big bang just popped out of nowhere like christian god or any other gods in any other "one god centered" religions. When i ask you to explain how this "god has always existed" is possible you'll just probably answer that it is beyond human undrestanding or some other mysterious sentence. Logic thinking also shows that you must not believe in something that you have no prove of. Show me your evidence, not the bible, the evidence that anyone can't just write what he wants. Bible isn't even written by Jesus himself. Christianity is no more right than Islam or the Jews or any other religions. Like I said, it's time to move on, not make stuff up anymore but collect the evidence and analyze them and THEN make the conclusion.
  13. In my laptop, I have ubuntu and vista, and the usage of other partitions work well, but I can't use that on liveCD. It says: "unable to mount partition". That's why I'm considering installing ubuntu so I can access the files. Anyone here knows a linux distribution that needs only about 4 gigs of space? That's the size of my recovery partition, I think. I'm currently considering of installing ubuntu over my recovery partition, I would lose the partition but after I have every photo secured I could just reinstall xp. Another problem about reinstalling... Is there anyway that microsoft gives you a xp product key if you already have the product? Like, you have the installation cd but it asks for product key? Since my dekstop came xp preinstalled I didn't get any cd, but my friend has one. Or I could download one... I also tried every mode of booting, safe mode, safe mode and the command thingy etc. Even normal mode. I agree with you echo, this must be some kind of virus. It's just that I can't scan for them when I can even log in...
  14. Nope, my other computer is a laptop.I really wouldn't like to pay for that dock, it wouldn't work anyway since I can't turn junkbox on without it rebooting...Is there any bootable CD that can be used to back up the files?I'm currently considering of installing linux on the recovery partition. but then I would lose the recovery!The only option now seems to be what I said. Install linux on the recovery, move the windows partition photos into the dvd and install linux on everything... I'm soo helpless... I'm open to more suggestions!
  15. The other dekstop computer in our house has gone MAD.When I turn it on, it starts normally, but just when I get to the part to sign in (just before the blue screen coming up) it restarts.It has happened probably a million times now, I can't switch it on. I don't want to reinstall 'cause of all the family photos in that peace of junk...Is there any way of booting it from a disk and then I could move the files on the hdd to a memory stick or a cd/dvd?Any other solutions?WARNING: If I see anyone here saying "you'll have to just reinstall" I'll RIP YOUR HEAD OF! That is out of the question. I tried booting from a ubuntu live-cd to just try to access the HDD to move the files from there, but apparently the stupid disc can't access the HDD!Umm... sorry I'm not in a good mood, some help would be appreciated.
  16. I would ban you if I were you, you're insulting me You can't eat the REAL FSM 'cause HE is in another dimension, the dimension of beer. As for the self-creation being illogical, well tell me, how your christian god is logical? "he" just popped out of nowhere? Who created your god or how the hell did he get the title of "god"?
  17. Welcome to Xisto unveiled, I suggest you read the Xisto readme (the link is above the shoutbox).I see already have registered at xisto properly.A?ll I have to say is that keep your posts clean and follow the rules and you'll soon start hosting!See ya around.
  18. SEE! FSM can feed people, christian god can't do that. He made the mini FSMs to feed people with his noodly appendage. But we also need a flying salad monster to get that healthy diet, you have to have half of the plate full of veggies you know. So, you like to play on both sides truefusion? YOU eat his creations without even worshiping Him... Shame on you! How dare you?! Mini-FSMs are for poor people that don't have money to buy pasta from shops or make them theirselves! And you catch them and throw a gigantic party?!!! I'll pray for you to His Noodly Appendage. I hope you find your salvation and come to heaven to enjoy our nice beer volcano and stripclubs!
  19. Okay... yestarday I was browsing the net and I found something really interesting. The website of pastafarians. Pastafarians worship a god that forms from noodles/spaghetti and two meatballs. They also believe that in heaven, there's a lot of pubs and strip clubs, how fun! The whole idea started like this: Somewhere in Kansas, some idiot wanted to teach people about the theory that explains why we are here. The theory explains it this way (squeezed in one sentence): That we were made by aliens(the intelligent design theory by it's real name..). Now that was so BS so a guy named "bobby" created the flying spaghetti monster. After a while bobby sent this letter to the Kansas school board (shortened a little to be easier to read) : Funny, ha? But I think this bobby did the right thing, I don't even believe in god because of the lack of evidence, now iI have to believe in some stupid aliens with even less evidence? haha HELL NO! anyway, that was how things got started... Now this has become the protest of the 10 MILLION noodlelovers against other religions. Their website is here. A part of their evidence is that the global warming is exactly linked to the amount of pirates on earth, the less pirates, the more hot it's gonna get. They've made image proving this. Their website also has a hate mail section where they display all the hatemail they get, I recommend going there, you'll have a great laugh!
  20. I would like to have the ability to manipulate gravity.I could do anything with that, move objects and stuff... That would be soooooooo cool!I could fly and go to space if I wanted, or some other cool stuff like travel with the speed of light... I not very sure if I want that though... My skin would fall of if I do that.
  21. I didn't exactly underestand what you ment but I have an idea.All the modified/opened files are marked down in the opened/modified files log, shouldn't be that hard to find. I believe it's a .dat or .txt file. Someone here should add a little more light on where to find it.
  22. If you have a php script you want to work on all or on a part of pages, then linking(is that the right word?) the script in the metadata is the way to go. I didn't start with learning in w3schools, I started on some other tutorials where things were explained in the theme of "php for dummies" but then I found them useless after a little while. They don't provide all the information you need. The php manual is handy when you need to look up something quickly.
  23. Hello Kmedia. Remember to register at Xisto - Support.com/billing with the same email address you registered here. After you've made 5 posts, you'll start earning mycents which will allow you to buy hosting. Write quality posts and you'll do just fine. View the Xisto readme and follow the rules See you around.
  24. You should definitely go to w3schools to learn some php, it's very easy to undrestand there, at least for me.I've used some tutorials that have been "home-made" and they didn't work for me, as they didn't explain everything about php (not exactly everything, just the basics). w3schools are upto date and have pretty much everything you need to know about php. Good luck.
  25. One thing, the bible doesn't say that. Second... NOOOOO!!!!! WHYYY!!!??? WHY WINTER????!! I always wanted to drink a cup of coffee on my balcony when the world ends.. But december is just too damn cold, my coffee will freeze in there! Oh maybe the whole earth catches on fire, then I wouldn't have to worry about the weather. Echo of Thunder, you should definately forecast the weather in Finland that day haha. "Here in finland the weather is freezing, oh no wait... due to the information from the weather station telling the world ends and catches on fire and all the volcanos will erupt it will be a nice warm day. Happy life everybody!" Now to the topic, what a load of *BLEEP*! If I remember correctly people have predicted the "doomsday" earlier too. I laughed when i saw the document on a local TV channel here. So ridiculous. And the people there were so serious about it too. I never get bored to laughing to dumb people. PS. To the IGuests: Stop being so "I know everything about everything".
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