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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. triplebtalk, did forget that you can't make the style in xhtml? Anywayz, the code is much easier to write and analyze when the markup and the style are in different document. Also it makes the file size much smaller for example when you have several div elements and all the pages have the same template. for example:<style type="css/text">#divelement { float: left;}</style> When you have that piece of code (usually more) in like every 100 pages on your website then it will take a lot extra space. When you put that on a css file then you can link it to all your pages taking much less space. Now css can be used with regular html too but xhtml kinda "makes" you learn css and useit, that's my point. Now to the topic title; "What's the point of xhtml?" Well the idea is, if your code is crap, then it will look crap. That's what makes xhtml so awesome, you can't make much mistakes without the whole page getting that screwed-up look. That means it is most likely that the same page in FF will look the same in IE and Opera. Portable, small devices don't have the resources to solve the code that a computer can in it's own "top-level" browser. It's like a ubdated version of html and you should use it, I still can't get it why some people make it so big deal of learning something new, well listen you didn't learn html in 1 hr either did you?
  2. Well, as far as I know, Xisto gets the income from advertising, and the more members the forum has, the more advertising income. So it's easy to pay to us for posting and such. Also a lot of google traffic so it's not just members viewing ads. Maybe opaque or some other admin could answer to this more precisely.Hope I answered your question.
  3. Good news, I installed ubuntu succesfully with some help of the ubuntu finnish language irc chatroom (yippee!) and I think it's very cool... The only thing bad about linux is that I can't use some of my programs on it. I will try out Wine (the program) I heard it makes some windows programs to be able to use on ubuntu.
  4. Baniboy


    Hello pecky, we would like to know you a little better, also view Xisto readme and read the rules and stuff...I hope you like it here, to start hosting; go to Xisto - Support.com/billing and register with the same email address you registered here.After you have made 5 posts you start earning mycents which you will afterwards use to buy domains and hosting plans.Keep your posts clean.Warm regards,BaniBoy
  5. One thing, when you shrink the volume its not actually a partition right? so how can I make it a partition? Do I make it into one when I install ubuntu or do I have to use some program?
  6. Well they take your email id and then sell it to advertising companies (if the sender of the pm isn't already working for one) who then send spam to you.
  7. I have had my share of taekwondo for 2 years, I got to the red belt and I quit.First it was all fun, you fighted against the pair in the practices and stuff... then it started to get complicated and was no more fun for me (although I like beating the crap out of people , I'm not violent normally tho) so I quit because I didn't enjoy it anymore.I'm proud of 2 silver medals tho.I'm not too familiar with kung fu. I believe they use a lot of weapons in it, like swords and staffs and stuff unlike in karate or taekwondo. I'm not sure.Someone here could describe it more.
  8. Thanks for the info echo, this was my first spam pm on Xisto. Does this happen all the time or just sometimes?
  9. This is the pm I got yestarday on Xisto. This is really weird, and if she/he had looked at my profile, she could see that I'm only 14. So this is spam so that I send a email and then they'll collect my address to send me spam? Or something else? Have anyone else here at Xisto got a similar message? Also I looked at "latest visitors" on my own profile page, no person with such account name had observed my profile. haha! Not really suprised tho
  10. Well that problem is solved by making the stream to open in a new window so you don't have to worry about refreshing. But i don't really think it should be, you can listen to any internet radio everywhere, so you can listen to the music you want. But it would be possible to make a CD for opaque to make more money: "Xisto: GREATEST HITS" And if you could buy that with mycents it would be great too *shhh, OpaQue, you'll pay me right? my idea!* :PEDIT: typos
  11. Every day I come to Xisto I see some new topics about "how to earn money online" and similar ones. And you can see the member has done only 1 post and it's mosty likely that you won't ever see him/her/bot again.Why do these topics get approved by moderators/admins? They are obviously spam. I think Xisto shouldn't let anyone that has done under 5 posts to make a new topic in any other section than introductions. So before they can start making spam topics, they have to post a little and that will mess bots up. Or will it? I don't know I'm not a bot :PAlso S_M should drop that spamming it's really sickening people here! I'M SERIOUS!!!
  12. It's spam, like the ones Saint_Michael writes.
  13. Okay, ubuntu it shall be. Can I install the skin later? I don't care much about the visual effects. Which program should I use to burn the installing CD? I don't have nero and I'm not gonna buy that either.One more question, how I boot from disk? is like at start up I just press esc and select the cd drive?
  14. Well, I don't want to make anybody mad but, this is my idea and some really hard questions (if anybody is gonna say that I take this too far just stop, cuz I'll ignore your post):God created world and mankind?Well was he bored? Or perhaps this all is a great videogame of god?So why he created mankind to worship him? If god is so perfect why did he need someone to worship him?And then "sent" Jesus down to earth " son, I'm sending you to earth for a suicide mission and you'll die but you won't actually die because you're actually me"?Now, if you ask me, every single religion is made to explain the things that people couldn't explain in that time when that particular religion was created.After it is created, someone has toke it over and turned it into a way to manipulate massive amount of people. Jesus, Muhammed and others might have ment good by telling "white lies" to people to make them good. But you can't create a real moral only based on religion, if the only thing between "nice version of you" and you murdering people, is god, then at least I would stay the hell out of your way! That doesn't sound like free will at all, it's about your acts and the concequences. If there would be a real "free will" people would think from the other perspective before they do harm to others, like real ethics! not "if you're a naughty boy you'll get your punishment"!Other thing, if god created earth then where god came from? I know all the religious people here will answer "he just was here and always will be" so save that for some other time. And how can god be a "he" when it's not any kind of creature we know?What god gets of prizing people that have lived a good religious life by putting them into paradise? Or what does he get of putting people in hell, when the everlasting fire will burn them. What do people learn from this thing? "If you're good you go to paradise, if you're bad you'll go to hell" So people won't do harm to others if they fear the "mighty God". That means if you don't believe in god you'll go to hell anyway so make all the harm you can while you're alive?If god just created humankind like it is now, how the evolution then came up? I truly believe in evolution theory, I think everyone will after they take a trip to the galapagos islands. If you're against it and you haven't been there then you really stop speaking. You can see by your own eyes how evolution is happening.I heard there has just been created a new specie by sea-iguana and land-iguana mating.
  15. The reason why guys didn't make the first move is because they feel insecure when a girl is very shy. They think you don't want them around, so they don't dare to make the first move in fear of being rejected.
  16. I guess it doesn't matter... It depends on the people.But in the end sexy is what turns you on. If you ask me it's a combination of fine... bottom, good breast(not gigantic... ) and pretty face.But the eyes I think are sexy too. Like I said it depends on people.
  17. Thanks a lot tramposch! Now I will just have to choose what distro I will use.Any suggestions? I suck at deciding
  18. Came here and didn't know what to order... Well chicken sandwich without mayonnaise and some beer.And that.. on S_M's tab.
  19. This is what I want to do:I have my D drive and I want to make 40 GB partition on it for linux.Now when I make the partition I should have 40 GB and then 210GB (actually 180GB).I want to keep that 210 gb partition for windows use, and the rest for linux.
  20. No I don't know what distro I'm gonna use, I don't even know any other than ubuntu. I need suggestions on what to use. Do I need boot-loader? like when I start up the computer there comes this screen where it says "press esc to enter boot menu" and then when I do, there I can use from where I want to boot. So are boot-loaders necessary? And when I make a partition in my second drive, does the cd format the drive so that windows can't use it anymore? if yes how can I still have a part of it for windows use and a part of it for linux OS?
  21. I wonder if the net has drinking laws...Oh what the heck, scotch please! And put that on SMs tab
  22. Welcome to trap17!

  23. Hello Elizabeth, you're welcome to join our forum community. Remember to register at Xisto - Support.com/billing to start earning mycents (register with the same email address you registered here). You have to make at least 5 posts first to start earning. View Xisto readme so you know the rules and how stuff works. Keep your posts clean. The quality of the posts determine how much myCENTs you earn. See you around.
  24. Hi kagerioushu, welcome to trap. I hope you enjoy your time here.Just have fun posting and soon you'll be hosting. See you around!
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